A slight number buff to monstrous shrine should happen
Monstrous shrine ( 60 second hook states )
60.0/1.2 —→ 10 seconds shaved off for 1 stage being 50 seconds
Monstrous shrine ( 70 second hook states )
70.0/1.2——> 11.66 seconds shaved off for 1 stage being 58.33 seconds
Overall the perk got shadow nerfed by 8.33 seconds so running this perk today compared to a couple patches ago you only get 1.66 seconds below what was standard when this perk was designed . This is not ideal so I think a buff to the percentage to scale with the changes should be warranted
Monstrous shrine Buff
20%—> 40%
70.0/1.4 → 20 seconds shaved off for 1 stage being 50 seconds
I personally disagree. The buff to the hook timer was for good reason, a perk shouldn't counteract this buff completely.
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The buff to the hook timer was to lessen the effects of camping. Monstrous Shrine can't activate while camping.
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The buff was for camping. No one had an issue with monstrous shrine for 2 years with 50 second states because this perk is hard to pull off. It requires basically an entire build surrounded on it, RNG hook spawns, you can’t camp with it and it tells survivors they are on a scourge hook by putting a debuff icon on the bottom.
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which is why best buff to this perk would be to remove 24 meter restriction for this perk to activate…
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That's the opposite conclusion to what I was going for.
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since very start of the perk, the perk was always designed for camping. it is where the insidious leatherface monstrous meme was born. the numbers of the perk were abysmal bad on top of having strict basement condition. now the perk is never good. it is like good job nerfing a meme perk.
for this perk to be even remotely relevant as non-anti camp perk, you could put number at 100% when the killer is in the chase away from 24 meters and i think you'd still be able to get to the hook with 100% speed increase value.
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I would agree with you, if it actually helped.
Plus, the effect is limited by range.
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They buffed it to combat camping. Monstrous Shrine already disincentivises that, so I really don't see any issue with buffing it back to the old time. It wasn't particularly strong even then.
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Was literally just wondering a little earlier if they actually adjusted Monstorous for the 10 second timer increase.