Anti-Camp measure deserves a full-on rework because it's done horribly

Anti-Camp measure is something we not always had in the game. It's a nice balance addition, when it works, it can save lives. HOWEVER, it only works when the killer stands right in front of your face for a good time, which is, pretty much never. This allows killers to proxy-camp survivors without getting punished for it in anyway, and instead, rewards them. I had a match vs a Spirit who was objectively bad in chases and was learning her playstyle recently, that was obvious. Whenever they got to down someone, they proxy camped them until they reached 2nd hook, this allowed them to get a 4K then harass & intimidate everyone in the EGC. Not specific to this scenario, but lots of other killers benefit from proxy camping while the anti camp measure doesn't do anything to it either, Huntress can stay a bit far, readying her hatchet to insta hit if there's a save. Billy can ready his chainsaw at the same way, Trickster, Nurse on and on. It needs an urgent rework. Mind you during this screenshot, I chased Spirit for three gens. After I got unhooked they managed to end the game with the same amount of gens remaining, thanks to proxy camping.



  • wisteriacula
    wisteriacula Member Posts: 16

    And they found a way around it to camp while not getting punished, next question?

  • wisteriacula
    wisteriacula Member Posts: 16

    I main nurse and vecna. I think I'd know killer strats by now, I'm not saying it's not a strat I'm saying there's a loop hole to the mechanic thats supposed to be anti camp but still lets you camp someone

  • wisteriacula
    wisteriacula Member Posts: 16

    There is one slight thing you all are missing. Anti face camp mechanic isn't for "facecamping" bhvr never once stated it's to combat facecamp. It just progresses faster when you're being facecamped, that doesn't make it what you guys are calling. It's a measure to combat strict & malicious camping in general. Certain killers benefit even more from this like huntress, spirit, billy etc. with other killers still benefiting greatly from this loophole of ACM. This was never what the mechanic was intended for lol sometimes when you're hooked on basement and the killer is sitting right at the gate of the shack it doesn't even progress by a pinch, it's a flawed system, and it needs to change.

  • wisteriacula
    wisteriacula Member Posts: 16

    One patch note vs multiple times of them adressing it as anti camp measure?

  • wisteriacula
    wisteriacula Member Posts: 16

    Well, I stand corrected, yet that doesn't mean there isn't any room for improvements. The current measure is unhealthy & needs to go. I'm saying this as a killer main that also benefits from proxy camping to turn games where i'm losing around.

  • wisteriacula
    wisteriacula Member Posts: 16

    Oh because a killer, lets say bubba standing right at the shack gate definitely isn't camping and there is room for others to save!!

  • Lixadonna
    Lixadonna Member Posts: 425

    Anti-face Camp doesn't do squat either. Killer save more time triggering the mechanic and downing after Endurance is gone. Most Killer roster don't care about it.

  • wisteriacula
    wisteriacula Member Posts: 16

    Spending the entire match around hooks because you got bodied during chase is a bit unfair, no?

  • wisteriacula
    wisteriacula Member Posts: 16

    Yes, it's a flawed system in all aspects. Could use a change

  • LeFennecFox
    LeFennecFox Member Posts: 1,352
    edited November 2024

    Buffing the anti FACE camp feature isn't the solution and just opens it up for scenarios that unfairly punish the killer. The way hooks/hookstates work needs changed entirely so they aren't ever needed.

  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 3,388

    I wouldn’t waste your time running back with them. It goes right over there head. They don’t see logic.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,497

    Everyone and their grandma knows this by now. That's exactly the problem with the anti-facecamp system, it only does something against facecamping and nothing against proxy camping, which is almost equally as skillless and unfun to go against.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,497

    The devs stating that camping is a strat doesn't make it any more fun to go against. A strategy that unfun to go against for most people shouldn't be as strong as it is now, that is just not good game design if you as a dev care about your playerbase. Not to mention how little skill proxy camping takes compared to it's average effectiveness.

  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 3,388

    That may be true - but it is what it is. That doesn’t mean the anti face camp design should be tweaked how the OG post was mentioning…

  • Orvarihusklumpen
    Orvarihusklumpen Member Posts: 162

    Everybody with a single brain cell knew that killers would learn how to proxy camp effectively once they introduced the anti-camp mechanic

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,497

    I believe OP never said that the anti-facecamp system isn't working as intended, but rather that it just doesn't do anything in most cases because killers just proxy camp.

    That's the problem. The fact that it is only an anti-facecamp system and not a proper anti-camp system is exactly the problem. Being proxy camped is hardly any more fun than being facecamp, and a game like DBD should strive to be fun for both sides as much as possible. Which it isn't considering how strong proxy camping is in this game.

    So you arguing that it's just an anti-facecamp system does nothing, since that's the exact problem with this system.

  • SoGo
    SoGo Member Posts: 1,999

    I believe that it is doing the job it’s supposed to do, a.k.a. preventing facecamping.

    But, the progress of it should be visible on the HUD. That is the only change I would do to it.

    Oh, and also create a perk or two that fiddle with it, for example increasing the range and speed of it.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,497

    Completely false. No one gets upset about killers hooking survivors, that's their objective to win. That comparison of yours doesn't even make the tiniest amount of sense.

    It's the fact that as a survivor it's insanely unfun to just stare at a hook for 140 seconds. That's the problem. It's just not fun. If killers play normally, then matches are generally also fun for survivors, but going against a camping killer is not fun what so ever, at least to most people. Again, in a pvp game like DBD, a strategy that is so unfun to go against shouldn't be as strong as camping currently is.

    Also, no one is acting like a killer should immediately leave the hook and run miles away, searching close to a hooked survivor after hooking them for example is completely fair. It's when the killer decides to just proxy camp the survivor for the entire time where things get incredibly unfun. You trying to misrepresent my argument in order to ridicule it is pretty laughable.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,497

    It's not entitlement. Wanting to have fun in a game like DBD is not entitlement. The simple fact is that camping is incredibly unfun to go against for most people. And strategies as unfun as camping shouldn't be as effective as camping currently is. It's not even necessarily about balance, but about the enjoyment factor of DBD. No idea how one would see entitlement in that.

  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 2,123
    edited November 2024

    I mean, the developers\designers of the game disagree with you - I'd say they have the final say on what's intended or not. They balanced the game around the expectation of killers who protect hooks - otherwise they'd implement something that guarantees killers can't protect them (much like how Pyramid cages work, I'd imagine). If they guarantee survivors get 100% risk-free and safe unhooks as you're demanding, then killers would need a very significant buff to compensate.

    You say the survivors are stuck on a hook - that's not fun. Well, survivors are just hold down a button for 90 seconds on a gen - that's not fun, either. The M1 killer getting looped from jungle gym to jungle gym and that survivor having a multitude of second chance perks when they finally get downed which prevents the killer from hooking after that long chase - that's not fun for the killer. Killers getting flashlight blinded - that's not fun for the killers. There's a lot of "not fun" things in the game.

    How exactly would you make being hooked "fun"? I mean heck, if the penalty for failure is fun, more people would just rush in and getting hooked so they can have that "fun". Someone sitting on hook with the killer miles away and a survivor coming over to unhook them….not even THAT is fun for the survivor. Your solution is that anything "not fun" should be removed from the game. What is your vision for this "everything is fun" game? I'm sure the BHVR team would certainly love to take notes on that.

  • Elan
    Elan Member Posts: 121

    I kinda understand this post but there are more problems with this mechanic. First it is granting so few value when killer is about 12m next to hook that it doesnt give enough juice to self unhook in time. Camping is not really a healthy or fun playstyle for either side and is mostly caused by killer chasing specific survivor for too long without abandoning chase or by tunneling a single survivor and then facecamp at EGC to get second kill. In solo this is still very viable strategy because you can not tell your temmate what is happening unless you have kindred on, even then you can not force them to spend time on gens and not wasting time going for save and trade 1 for 1 without anyone doing gen. This is more of a problem on specific killers - Bubba, Trickster, Billy, Huntress (mainly), because they have tool to not only camp for trades but to guarantee a down on unhooker and down on the unhooked survivor. Personally I do not camp as killer, when I am force to get rid of someone ASAP becase of gens go fast, then i go for 2 players and ignore other two. Proxycamping and tunneling is a main strategy in comp DBD and most of time you will see killers going for basement and other teammates letting him die for doing a few gens meanwhile. I would like to see more incentive for not camping and not tunneling, by far I know that any BP incentive is irrelevant because a competitive player cares about win, not points. And either one or second side can win at a time, otherwise the game would not be balanced.

    Possible solutions:

    1. Make it that when a surivor is hooked all other survivors have 5-10 % repair penalty if killer is further than 24m from the hook.
    2. Make it that if the survivor is unhooked in killer TR the base BT lasts longer or that when killer is within 24m range the survivor on the hook dies 25 % slower.
    3. I would love to see kindred basekit personally and also I would love people to play more strategically around hooks. When the hook stage lasts for 70s you do not have to go save within first 10s when the killer is closeby, but finish gen and then go for the save.
  • AetherBytes
    AetherBytes Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,117

    But they're not FACECAMPING.

    The point of the system was to dissuade the fact that killers could stand right in front of a survivor and always either deny the unhook, or tunnel and beat down the unhooked player in seconds assuming the killer doesnt go for a trade instead. Thus was always a lose for survivors unless the other 3 survivors worked together for the save… which means no one is on gens. Because of this, it was often a problem that someone would get hooked after the first chace and basically be forced to do nothing for 140 seconds.

    The Anticamp mechanic counters this by allowing you to free yourself at any point once it's full, letting you jump the hook and have a chance at running the killer more, not only letting you play the game but also buying more time for the other survivors when used smartly, enough so that it was possible for a facecamped survivor to still escape a match if played well.

    Proxy camping does not suffer this issue. 2 survivors is enough to save, sometimes not even if the 1 survivor sneaks in for it. Gens are being progress still, you aren't left on the hook (unless its your teammates being stupid instead of the killer) and can still play the game. Theres still counterplay to be done, like the saviour taking the hit for you, or even perhaps going down in your place. It is not an issue of what the killer does at that point, but what your team does.


  • ireallyhatecops
    ireallyhatecops Member Posts: 5

    I mostly disagree with this sentiment, because I do have some suggestions on how anti-camp could be improved. The mechanic was added only as a measure to deter FACE camping in the most extreme of cases. Think Bubba standing on top of a hooked survivor reving his chainsaw. These kinds of situations create lose/lose scenarios for the survivors, especially when hook grabs were still possible. Anti-camp’s purpose is to give the hooked survivor a way out when their teammates are unable to rescue them in the rare scenario that the killer has an insta-down ability and is standing directly in front of the hook. Proxy camping may be frustrating at times, but if that’s how the killer needs to apply pressure in that moment then your team needs to play strategically to get the survivor off the hook. Camping is a strategy, and sometimes one that hurts the killer in the long run. If you’re able to unhook your teammate even if that means trading, then that’s what you do.

    I do, however, desperately want to see some UI improvements for the mechanic. If your teammates are near-by, even if they’re not in chase, it slows and or stops the anti-camp meter from filling up. If your teammates had the ability to see your meter progress this would prevent your teammates from pausing their objectives to go for the save which is detrimental to the outcome of the trial, making the feature actually useful.

  • SidneysBane1996
    SidneysBane1996 Member Posts: 894

    We all hate that.

    It really is time, 100%, to learn strategy now. They had 7 years to learn, none of you did, now they want the game to coddle you more.

    BHVR's not gonna coddle people like this anymore. LEARN. Grow.

  • Memesis
    Memesis Member Posts: 299

    It probably wouldnt hurt to slightly increase the rate that the bar fills when the killer is within 16 meters. Abusing the system to achieve the same result as an old facecamp is just a bad time for everyone. But, there should also be some sort of killer buff that rewards getting completely away from the hook. Think haste from devour hope but more restrictive, or something similar.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,497

    Most people complain about camping because of how unfun it is to go against. Of course there are people that also complain about it because they feel it's overpowered or what not, but that's just a small minority, I am pretty sure.

    Trying to make it look like entitlement won't help your argument in any way or form. People play a game for enjoyment, and not getting to play the game because of a camping killer is indeed something most players don't like, and of course that's not entitlement. As a dev you would want a game to be as fun as possible for players, and currently it isn't because strategies like camping and tunneling exist, that are unfun to go against, strong and also take very little skill.

    I'm a killer main myself but can see why people hate camping and tunneling.