2v8 is tragically unfair to survivors

I'm a killer main, and I don't see how the adjustments in 2v8 make anything fair at all.
1. Survivors are incredibly gimped in their ability to interact with killers (no good perks/no items at start)
2. Killers move way too fast, long chases can only happen with incompetent killers
3. Killers don't need to hook survivors (its incredibly difficult to get flashlight saves)
All these things that make for more balanced play in 1v4 are just not present in 2v8. A survivor's main means of surviving is through their item/perk build, but they don't have access to that in this game mode. Survivors are just helpless children before the killers. The ONLY thing survivors have on their side is that they don't have 10 gens to complete. You can't say they have numbers advantage because the ratio is the same. I feel too much is taken away from the survivors in this mode.
I feel that doing away with the 4 survivor and killer classes would be the move. I think that giving all survivors their respective 3 assigned perks with one open slot for whatever they want would help balance the game type. The killers should also get their 3 perks with one open slot. There should be 10 gens. The math should math.
I think you may have just encountered players who aren’t very skilled at the game. When I play with my seven friends, we communicate through Discord, and it’s rare for all eight of us to die in one game. Likewise, when I play as the Killer with my friends, we win some, we lose some. In some games, I don’t manage to kill a single survivor because they communicate well and help each other efficiently.
Based on the points you listed:
- The Killer doesn’t really have the ability to slow down generator repairs either. In some games, by the time I get the first survivor hooked, three generators are already finished. For me, the Guide class shouldn’t even exist in the game.
- Do you think the Killer moves too fast? Only Nurse, Blight, Hillbilly, and Spirit have high mobility, and that’s their main skill. The maps are massive, and pallets are placed very close to each other. In some areas, you can find two pallets right next to each other or within 10 meters of each other. Plus, survivors have a class that allows them to repair pallets. So, it’s no surprise that players choose fast or strong killers since survivors also use the same meta approach (meta perks). Just picturing Trapper walking with Wraith already gives me a headache. They almost can’t catch anyone before the generators are fully repaired, so it’s natural for players to pick killers with higher mobility.
- Flashlight blinding isn’t difficult at all. You or other survivors might just be used to running perks like Background Player or Sprint Burst to rush in and use the flashlight. The fact that there are two killers simply makes them more cautious. In the end, it’s really a matter of personal skill, both for killers and survivors.
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Surv skills are stronger than the majority of perks. Flashlight/pallet saves should be exactly the same as base game & locker saves work again.
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Wow, what arrogance. “I have 7 other people I’m communicating with through third party software. The game is fine and those other people are just bad.”
Your sample size does not reflect real life.6 -
1 - Survivors are incredibly gimped in their ability to interact with killers (no good perks/no items at start)
This is not true. The survivors has several meta level bulds provided by their classes, or activatable abilities that are very strong in power.
- Sprint Burst with a 20s cooldown for you and everyone around you, WoO, an activatable Q&Q + Cut loose, and then Self Care and Botany once hooked one time.
- Deja Vu and Visionary plus Better Together, with a activatable 8s repair speed boost with no pre-condition, and 3% extra progress on great skillchecks for all players with you.
- Empathy, permanent We'll Make It applied in an AoE with activatable 50% instant heal, that also then gives you Babysitter whenever injured
- Permanent Blood Amber for your entire team, with Urban Evasion and Iron Will, with Any Means Necessary and the ability to rebuild any God pallet your wish.
Every single build here is stronger than anything you could ever take in 1vs4.
2 - Killers move way too fast, long chases can only happen with incompetent killers
This is false, and has as much substance as saying "short chases can only happen with incompetent survivors". Killers move the same speed they normally do, and only have additional boosts on top of what their power would usually provide them only buffed yo be slightly better than what their add-ons normally provide them.
3 - Killers don't need to hook survivors (its incredibly difficult to get flashlight saves)
False, the killers cannot win without hooking because survivors all have the ability to pick themselves up using their power if slugged.
Flashlight saves and pallet saves are the same difficulty as they are in ten normal.game mode, nothing specific about 2vs8.
A survivor's main means of surviving is through their item/perk build, but they don't have access to that in this game mode.
This is even more true of killer, since the killer only gets 4 perks vs. Survivors 16, the killer perks are more important to the killers success than the survivors. However it's still a moot point because the classes provided yonairvibor are stringer than any build you could make in 1vs4.
I feel too much is taken away from the survivors in this mode.
I feel that doing away with the 4 survivor and killer classes would be the move. I think that giving all survivors their respective 3 assigned perks with one open slot for whatever they want would help balance the game type. The killers should also get their 3 perks with one open slot. There should be 10 gens. The math should math.
I feel like this is even worse for limiting your choices as Survivor. You have even less control over the playstyle you want, tied to whatever survibor perks you can muster, and are forced to play a specific character if you want a certain part combo, with 2 other perks that probably don't compliment what you're trying to do.
Anyone with any basic understanding of DBD can do perfectly fine with Survivor in 2vs8, and tbh, is far easier to win as survivor in 2vs8 than it is in 1vs4.
You're entitled to your opinion, bur your experience is certainly not shared by everyone.
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2024, 2 vs 8 is the most survivor sided mode ever created.
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Are you sure you're talking about the same 2v8 everyone else is playing?
Because unless you get paired with 7 chest/totem goblins that go down in 5 seconds against M1 only killer, you should be good.
Your chances of escape are much higher than in 1v4.
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Cant tell if this is satire or not lol. This is the easiest mode for survivors there has ever been. The gens go ridiculously fast, heals are basically instant, there are an absolutely disgraceful amount of pallets (which they can rebuild) not to mention the countless additional buffs from the 2v8 survivor kit.
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You literally heal the whole team instantly, pop gens in record time, have team wide sprint bursts, and get unhooked nearly instantly…
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Based on the responses, it seems that I've only gone up against potatoes as killer and have only been paired up with potatoes as a survivor. I'm constantly in 7-8K survivor games and the survivors I kill just aren't that good, I guess?
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I think survivors are better than killers, they just have to do generators, but the only thing I’ll say in favor of killers that I’ve seen is if both killers were using movement killers and check constantly all generators. Like having an experienced Hillbilly and Blight covering half gens and half gens and constantly breaking them makes it feel like there is no way to complete a gen, but its very rare to see this, only happened to me once.
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7 people huh? So, solo survivors can just suck it huh? I thought id try again today and see if anything has improved. 4 games, 4 losses. Only one escape from each game (1 survivor total that is). So your take is that i have to get at least 7 people together to have a chance of winning against the killers? Since when did dbd become about communication? There is a reason why there is no way to talk to other survivors during the game, aside for the fast pace. The best part about your comment is that the 7 people needed should be skilled as well, i cant just grab some random people out of a group but i need to have 7 friends who have played the game and are good at surviving. Right now, the killers just steamroll over the survivors if most of them are solo which pretty much means that if you go in solo, you forfeit any type of fun you expect from the match and just go in for the killers amusement. Another funny thing i have noticed is that when i go with my friend and decide to go as killer, then 6 out of 8 games we get those super coordinated survivors. So even on that side, not as often though, but still, can be an easy loss just because of that. Now usually if i keep losing, id start looking at myself more thoroughly, and granted, i have about 250 hours and im not that good at survivor, but if 9 out of 10 games as survivor only 1 escapes… something is up. Because i cant be that bad that i cause the death of 6 others as well. And yes, ive played around 20 games as survivor and i managed to escape only once in this iteration of 2v8.
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Awesome, pro dbd players here saying how killers are weak in this mode and survivors i get teamed up do chests and totems, not to mention their inability to use their abilities.
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- You might need to understand that Dead by Daylight has now fully evolved into a PvP game. It incorporates elements like Meta, skill play, and teamwork. You asked, “Since when did DBD become about communication?” For me, it has always been like that.
- Your question: “Solo survivors can just suck it, huh?” My answer would be “yes.” I’ve even posted a discussion on the forums titled “Bring back the old Rank and MMR system.” I face the same problem as you. I’ve been playing since 2016 and have over 5,000 hours in the game. While I do have a fair number of friends to play with, I’m also primarily a solo player I play solo about 80% of the time. Currently, I’m extremely frustrated by being matched with teammates who have significantly fewer hours than I do.
- In the discussion I posted, the Devs actually replied. They explained that the current MMR system which is based solely on win/loss outcomes and doesn’t consider playtime—helps matches form faster. While this is true, the major downside is that players with vastly different skill levels can end up in the same match.For example:I once played as a solo survivor in the 4v1 mode (with 5,000 hours of playtime), and I was matched against a killer with 1,900 hours which was acceptable. However, what wasn’t acceptable was that my three teammates combined had less than 100 hours of playtime. That match was an absolutely terrible experience for me because the skill gap was far too large.
- If you want a real solution to this issue, what you should advocate for isn’t about buffs or nerfs. In my opinion, the real fix lies in a reasonable MMR and rank system. Players with similar skill levels should be matched together. It shouldn’t be possible for players with wildly differing levels of skill to end up in the same game. Unfortunately, the Devs don’t seem to prioritize this issue at all right now.
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This mode was Survivor Sided but fair in the first iteration. It's currently even more Survivor sided in this iteration. Killers got nerfed basekit info, must pick up, and now have to worry about classes. Many of the buffs got reduced from the last version too. If you hook you power up Survivors and reward them with an extra skill AND faster gens if you do it too much, so hooking is punished.
Meanwhile the catch-up mechanic can be negated for Killers by just running Guide no matter how hard they pressure gens.
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This mode was hilariously killersided in the first iteration. And it didnt changed much at all, otherwise killer queues wouldnt be 30 minutes.
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If you struggled that hard in 2v8 last time, IDK what to tell you, because my games were pretty even both sides last time if a bit harder and quicker because Survs had more tools. And now, it's hilariously Survivor-sided if you have even remotely some teammates with you and some coordination.
The mode is 30 minutes for Killer because you can play with a friend. No other mode has that. That doesn't mean the experience is any better.
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I definitely don't think the mode is worse for Survivors in a meta or macro aspect, but it's definitely a lot less enjoyable if you're not already playing in a large group, because in the mode's current state Survivors just have less things to do. Not sure how they can fix that besides just giving Killers more things they can make Survivors do, but that's a whole different discussion lol
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Except survivor classes are better than anything we have in normal game…
If survivors have an issue escaping in 2v8, it's kinda sad.5 -
Its common sense, that last time it was totally killersided. Its still killersided by now cause there is no coordination with 7 other players. You cant pretend that its survivorsided just when you have a full communication team. The mode is just extremely annoying for survivors cause its just a big clusterfuck and you often get tagteamed, which both is entirely impossible to solve.
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That's not how balance works. "Last time it was sided to one side, so this time we will make it sided to another side."
If you hate it that much, then don't play it. I find it terminally a bore and much too easy as Survivor if I SWF, and an extended and enhanced version of being stuck with a bunch of non-hook-save potatoes who won't do gens as SoloQ. I also find it boring as Killer because of 30 minute queues, not having ANY of my Mains in the mode, and games lasting 8 minutes because all me and my friend ever get are good Survs that do gens before we can ever get a single Kill (we prefer to be nice and spread hooks, which powers Survivors up and means we lose, we just frankly lose every round).
It's not fun, I am not having fun, so I am not playing it. I suggest if you're also not having fun, instead of complaining the Survivor easy mode is too hard for you, you simply don't play.2 -
I didnt say a single word about balance. And yeah, I am not playing that gamemode more than necessary for obvious reasons. But if you think its that easy as survivor, youre just dead wrong.
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It's survivor sided. They get crazy gen speed, you just suck.
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For me, it is that easy: Just get some friends in comms, and there's not much Killers can do in my experience. But your experience is valid too. It's just not the experience MOST people are having. Most people agree, it's Survivor-sided. Pretty heavily so. Maybe you just get really good Killers?
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If you think this is so easy, why isnt it happening so often? Right, because its not that easy.
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Facts 100%
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I'm playing with 8 friends on Comms.
Yes, it is that easy. It happens for me. OFTEN. I fully respect your opinion and experience, now please respect mine as valid, too.
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It is that easy. One friend is all you need to coordinate team wide insta heals, do double Guide or rebuild the same god pallet 10x in the same match.
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I've played both survivor and killer during this iteration of 2v8 and it's definitely not killer sided, you must just be getting potato survivors.