Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

So, is this the direction you are taking the game BH?

Member Posts: 222
edited November 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions

If this 2vs8 mode reflects the mentality you are going to be implementing to the game, you will fail.

This mode is the arcade, dumbed, limited version of the game that made you successful.

Really, what where you thinking when you buffed survivors to the point of having an unlimited amount of pallets, heals in 2 seconds, unlimited unbreakable?

If this is an indicator of what you trying to implement because of the incorrect claims that the game is killer sided, you will destroy everything that actually made the game a success.

Make a fun mode where the killer functions as a crippled monkey chasing a bunch of survivors like an npc. My god. Hopefully you learn from this that making survivors OP is not fun for anyone in the long run.

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  • Member Posts: 222

    Killers could team with each other to double tap survivors and insta-down them, but I see it is not fitting into "killers are sooo miserable :((" thing. Also survivors are almost constantly revealed to them, so stop with this whole "boo hoo" 🙄

    The “boo hoo” comes daily from survivors on this forums.

    My post is about the concern of balancing the game based on emotions and complaints from bad players who want a dumbed down version of the game. An utopian game where the killer functions as a chaser but not really a threat. In all honestly, do you really want the game to become this?

  • Member Posts: 222
    edited November 2024

    Really? 5 minute games, unlimited pallets, unlimited unbreakables, no injuries, no hook placement strategies, 3 hatches, 2 gens less, no slowdown, no perk selection, no add on selection, not a big killer selection, etc, etc.

    Have fun with the arcade crap mode while it lasts I guess.

    Btw yeah I play both sides, every month iridescent religiously, I complete every challenge and tome on both ends, the game at 1vs4 has a lot more depth and it’s balanced like it should be, this one, is a mess.

  • Member Posts: 222
    edited November 2024

    Why on earth would you assume that the balancing philosophy of the goofy arcade mode would be carried over to the main game…?

    Because they gave exactly what survivors complaining in these forums wanted. Easier version of chasing (unlimited pallets), easier version of gen rush, no consequences injuries, imposibility to camp a hook, tunnel etc. I dont mind it as a temporal game mode, and I hope you are right, hope it´s just a goofy arcade mode.

    I am just concerned because it could be.

  • Member Posts: 222

    If he won every match, he is either Knightlight or some professional killer, get got very lucky with survivors, those were "placement" matches or all of the above.

    I played the mayority of matches as Trapper, quite possibly the weakest killer for 2vs8, at first yeah, I won a few 8k matches, but once you pass that initial stage, you lose the game in 5-6 mins tops, gens are completed in seconds, decent loopers become impossible to kill and if you have a few on coms, well, you have no chance. I am a decent killer, on my main killers I regulary get matched with p100 survivors and games tend to be very competivive and fun. I think the balance we have is great, the deph of the game with add ons and diversity is incredible, but this is just… idk… like the simplest sonception of DBD ever.

    I have no issue with the Mode if its going to be just giggles and temporary, but if this is a test for some stuff to implement in the future, well, lets just eliminate the competitive aspect of the game and just play like clowns every match.

  • Member Posts: 222
    edited November 2024

    If you mean giving survivors more for the 2vs8 mode you are insane. It’s all ready the most survivor sided event ever created. (And frankly, quite imbalanced)

    If you mean for normal, the stats do not reflect the reality of the game. 40% escape percentage of each survivor on trail translates in a 3k+ of 47% win rate for the killer. Also they mash up every killer and not every killer is the same etc.

    My concern is that you have to balance a game to what’s possible to achieve. What happens when you reach certain amount of skill. When that’s the case, survivors chances of surviving are way way higher. They can dominate the best killers players in the world, proven time and time again. I think we have the right balance at the moment. Winning as killer feels rewarding when you face good squads, it’s not easy. Losing as survivor, sure, is a pain, but really, a lot of times involves someone giving up on first hook, leaving the game, someone just clowning around or doing a challenge. The probability of encountering new or unskilled players is just there, because it’s 4. Killer you depend on yourself and how you taking the match.

    All I am saying is, that if BH is testing out some solutions for the complaints from survivors we get every day, they should evaluate the bigger picture, the reason why some strategies exist and the possible outcomes and numbers that happen when a group of survivors plays to their best capacity. If tunneling is not fun, then make sure that you evaluate why is one of the most effective strategies. Why some killers slug. Why killers camp hook. Etc.

    I am not advocating for not fun strategies, I am saying, sure, make something to avoid them, but also, keep in mind they exist because sometimes they are the most effective ways of winning a match or apply pressure to a good group. Maybe keep an eye in other factors other than feelings. Killers do not “want” to hurt survivors fun, sometimes they have to tho, because sometimes, if not most of the matches, are driven by the “i want to win” mentality. And thats what this game is about no? Aspiring to win or escape is fun.
    Without challenge, eventually, people grow tired. Becomes boring.

  • Member Posts: 854

    First thing BHVR should do is to make survs an actual team with common goal.

    Right now survs not always tries to escape killer but also to play selfish, competitive against other survs.

    For example - If my sacrifice will make all 3 other survs escape I did not won even tho I participated in a win. And if my lack of sacrifices means killer killed those 3 guilys but I lived both me and a killer won. This should not be the case in both: competitive game and cooperative role.

    Survs should not die on hooks, and game rules have to tweaks to accommodate to that. Survs should either loose or won together at the end of a match. Then we can start actual balance

  • Member Posts: 3,372

    I disagree. The medic class and gen class is over buffed. By’s too much. At the very least if they were going to do this it should be 10 gens not 8.

  • Member Posts: 1,694
    edited November 2024

    It wouldn’t be the smartest move for the que’s. 10 gens would make it an almost guaranteed win for the killer.

    Post edited by Langweilg on
  • Member Posts: 27

    I saw an excellent suggestion here that the 7000 escape points should be split into points awarded for not just escaping but also surviving to see all the generators completed and your teammates escaping.

    I also think 10-20% of all survivor bloodpoint earnings should be added to a shared pool that all survivors earn extra for free.

    This would reward working together as a team and punish rat plays where you let your team die for hatch.

  • Member Posts: 854

    People care about bp, but not as much to feel satified being rewarded those bps after being killed. Such change needs more than few extra points, it needs some mechanical changes of trial rules.

  • Member Posts: 3,372

    Not with how fast gens move now. They could make it 9 gens, but there’s definitely an issue with both of those classes.

  • Member Posts: 894

    I don't think most of the forum users here care about pips anymore, let alone enough to hit Iri both sides every month. Why care when you get showered in BP anyway?

  • Member Posts: 374
    edited November 2024

    don't mock him

    Post edited by BoxGhost on
  • Member Posts: 9,513

    to be fair, the mini-modes are not necessary meant to be balanced, they're usually there to have fun playing killer or survivor. despite the game being harder for killer, i don't dislike playing killer in the mode. i feel like most of killers besides deathslinger and maybe to some degree trapper are ok individually but the game is seemingly more fast then original mode. So the killer you play as don't have much time to be fun.

  • Member Posts: 894

    "You don't have much time to be fun."

    And that's ultimately why I don't like this mode. I genuinely hate having to play as if I MUST slug, tunnel, camp, and do every trick in the book JUST to get a single kill of eight. It's not fun, and not engaging, and stresses me out. I don't understand what people SEE in this mode, tbh.

    So I refuse to play 2v8 again as Killer until my Mains are added, or until they fix the turbospeed gens so me and my friend don't have to become the most Sweaty McSweatFaces alive in what is supposed to be the fun, casual arcade mode. And about that, I ask, very sincerely… casual for WHOM? Sure doesn't feel casual to me. At all.

  • Member Posts: 222
    edited November 2024

    My point is not even in the ball park of what you suggest.

    First of all the game is not "massively killer sided" if you have DECENT players, every game is competitive, basically if both sides are playing to win. (Proved by math, professional players, good players, etc.) Maybe you have never played Killer. With enough games, you will see how "killer sided" the game is, with a bunch of good loopers, flashlight, DS unbreakable survivors.

    There is a reason why in competitive, WHERE THE FIRST MATCH IS ABOUT WINNING NO MATTER WHAT, there are a number of handicaps needed to survivors unless you are playing 3 out of the 37 killers in the game. otherwise the killer would lose every game.

    Second, if you can honestly suggest that 2 vs 8 is a good, balanced version of the game, I can´t even talk to you. 2 seconds full heals, no hook strategy, no slowdowns, no real perks, no real items or add ons, 4 mins games, so on and forth.

    MY POINT IS NOT BUFF OR NERF. Hell i am not even advocating for a buff on killers or a nerf on survivors, in 2vs8 sure, Survivors are OP as hell, in the normal game, there are just as toxic strategies for BOTH SIDES.

    My point is that if survivors (which I play 60% of the time) are finding strategies and the meta game annoying, and BH decides to attend that, they SHOULD AT LEAST consider WHY those strategies emerged in the first place.

    2vs8 is an arcade light mode that has no depth, no sense of acomplishment. I am worried that is the setting stage for a massive change that would make the game way lighter and dumber.

    Post edited by Rizzo on

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