Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Priority passes for 2v8

Member Posts: 5
edited November 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions

As everyone knows, 2v8 killer queues have been abysmal since the mode was created. (im sitting a queue while writing this lol) I think BHVR should adopt a system that Overwatch use to have called priority passes. If a survivor ESCAPES anywhere between 1-3 matches in 2v8, they should be given a priority pass when they go to play killer that bumps them to the front of the queue. I think the survivor should have to escape so that people don't just go into a survivor game and throw in order to get passes. This would 100% encourage more people to play survivor and force them to take it seriously. As someone who has probably played anywhere between 75-100 matches, I only think it's fair that a player who refuses to touch survivor has to wait longer than people who are helping address the problem. What are your guys thoughts?

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  • Member Posts: 3,965

    It is something. Maybe instead of just one escape, you need to escape 3 or 4 matches. I would support that. I think allowing killers the option to play against bots with a bloodpoint bonus would also help lower queue times. I think instead of 2v8 they could look at 2v6 as an option and give the survivors 4 health states to offset the lower number of survivors. There are a lot of options to help with queue times if BHVR thinks outside the box.

  • Member Posts: 3,965

    The more I think about it, 4 should be the magic number. You need 4 survivors for each killer. So a priority pass should require winning as a survivor 4 times. I also think you should be able to earn up to 10 priority passes but they shouldn't carry over to future versions of 2v8.

  • Member Posts: 130

    This honestly isn't a bad idea and I hope it doesn't get overlooked by behaviour.

  • Member Posts: 603

    I would support this.

  • Member Posts: 580

    The only thing I don't like is the need to escape. Maybe if it was base bp dependent it would be a little less frustrating. I like the idea of having to do this 4 times to get the pass. And the bp goal could be like 7k or something that is easily obtainable each match if you are actually playing instead of throwing.

  • Member Posts: 478

    Ok there are a lot of things wrong with a priority pass in DBD.
    1. You will have killer mains who never play survivor trying to escape as survivor meaning they will do nothing all game but hide and wait for the exit gates to be powered/hatch. So this means more games where survivors aren't pulling their weight.

    2. You may never get the priority pass even if your trying unless you can put a decent chunk of time into the game each day as there is no guarantee you will escape a trial

    3. You are out right punishing killer only players for their gameplay choice. There should never be any punishments for the side which you choose to play unless it is a completely free to play game which DBD is not.

    4. Killers who choose not to play survivor and want to queue as killer anyway will face even longer que times because all the lobbies are going to be given to those who are happy to waste time getting several escapes first. This will take queue times for non priority pass players from 15 mins average to up to and over 30 min average.

    5. Let's say every killer main does escape 4 times first thing in the morning. Do they have priority all day? if so then hypothetically if all killers are doing it or even like 80% then the queue times won't be any faster because majority is in the same queue.

    Having any sort of priority pass implemented would be really bad for the game as it will punish the killer player base forcing them to do things they don't want to do. And let's face it if your gonna add a priority pass into a game like DBD you just know it will be monetized

    If behaviour want to make survivor more enticing for players then give some decent rewards for playing it. None of this sometimes 50% sometimes 200% BP bonus rubbish. Throw in a tome challenge that is "Play as Survivor 50 times in 2v8" and give like 3k shards or something as a reward. It won't cost behaviour anything as new cosmetics these days are auric cells anyway. Honestly if i saw this I would play 50 games just to get that reward

  • Member Posts: 990

    Fully agree. This would be a good way to help encourage more people to play survivor in 2v8

  • Member Posts: 8,330

    Don't make it a requirement to escape, that encourages survivors to play WAY more selfish which will make your regular survivors not want to play - survivors not playing isn't going to help the killer queue. With escape requirements survivors end out being useless and hiding throughout the match, they'll lead the killer to their teammates more, and at end game won't help anyone that goes down (alot of survivors go down between last gen and doors opening in 2v8).

    Instead of escape make it BP related that way you can't just hide all match and wait for hatch or for everyone else to do gens/open gates. With BP requirement you can't just run directly at the killer and give up, have to work on some gens/do some heals. Require atleast 10k BP - it's low enough that it shouldn't take long if you do some cage rescues/gen repairs but also high enough that you won't get it from just cleansing 5 totems.

    Tokens should only be earned by playing the side that actually needs players, can include it in the BP incentive. If a side has a BP incentive you can earn tokens from playing that side, if there is no BP incentive you can't earn tokens from playing that side. That way it isn't just everyone flocking to survivor causing a queue issue there until they earn tokens and they all head back to killer queue - which if that happens the tokens are pointless.

  • Member Posts: 1,150
    edited November 2024

    I thought of a similar idea but with BP earned instead of escapes. Maybe something like 100K BP earned in 2 Vs 8 Survivor (not including any incentive) will earn you 1 priority offering which is then burned on use. That's probably about 4 - 6 Survivor games for most players. Make it 75K if 100K is too high (BHVR will know what the average Survivor earns in a 2 Vs 8 match and could base it off that).

    Anything that might lessen Killer queue times would be worth trying at this point. I honestly haven't even bothered to queue for Killer this time around. I've already had my fill of Survivor matches, but I'd definitely queue up again if it meant by playing I could jump ahead in the Killer queue.

  • Member Posts: 2,368

    The problem with the 2v6 is everybody will be to busy saving. Most of time the killers are chasing 1-2 people minimum, it always at least one person currently hook minimum, and multiple people running for the hook saves. Gens will not get done fast enough in a 2v6. I do agree with your idea that they should reduce the number of survivors and slightly buff them to compensate. I say go with a 2v7 first

  • Member Posts: 453

    Why should people play a role they obviously dont want to play?

  • Member Posts: 531

    As other said, I think having based on escapes would be a terrible idea. It would encourage killer players to play Survivor and never do anything but hide all matches in hopes of escaping. Even then if the killer player does play Survivor and loop/do gens there is no guarantee they even going to be able to escape. I have had matches both in 2v8 and 1v4 where I do really well as a survivor and still get killed bc my teammate arent pulling their weight or just left me on the hook to die. This happens pretty often to the point where I doubt I would ever get a pass and I don't think that too fair to me or any killer player if they play Survivor correctly. I even give an example of this happening in 2v8. The other night I had a match against a blight and deathslinger. The DS found me first and chased me, I looped him for so long(I think for 3 to 5 mins) but all that time one one or two gens pop bc the rest of my team drop like fries against the one blight. The blight was able to hook 5 survivors by the time I was finally got down by the DS and then I was left in the cage till my 2nd stage. Just say we lost that match pretty badly… Now would it be fair to me to not get a pass bc I wasn't able to escape that match even tho I played pretty good against the DS?

  • Member Posts: 3,965

    Killers wouldn't be any more punished than they are now. You could still choose to queue up and wait 10-25 minutes like normal. The difference is if you would rather actively play the game then you could play some matches as survivor and earn a trip to the front of the killer queue. Maybe a metaphor might help you. Survivors are peanut butter and killers are toast. There is only so much peanut butter to spread over the toast. If a slice of toast can become the peanut butter for other toast then that toast gets to cut in line.

  • Member Posts: 3,965

    It would be an even worse idea to not require escaping. Then the fastest way would be to run up to the killer to get caged and miss every skill check in the cage. This would make playing survivor even more miserable pushing out players who actually want to play as survivor. Then 2v8 would turn into the two killers just massacring all the survivors who run up to them so they could have their turn doing the same thing. That would make playing as both killer and survivor worse.

  • Member Posts: 16,672

    This would not really work. If someone wants to play Killer in 2v8, they want to play Killer and not Survivor. And having to escape 1, 3 or 4 games (what I have read in this Thread) would also not be good. Imagine you have to escape 4 games as Survivor to jump the queue for Killer and you die on the fourth game. Great, now you played the role you did not want to play for 4 games and would have achieved nothing in the goal of actually playing Killer.

    Earning BPs as mentioned by @tjt85 would be a better solution, since it would be more consistent than escapes as Survivor. However, this would leave the problem that someone would have to play a few games of the role they dont want to play, just to play the role they want to play.

    And this is not really good IMO.

  • Member Posts: 735

    Everyone who says "but this would force people to play a role they do not want to" 1. no, you could simply continue to queue as killer and eat the queue just as you do rn 2. yea in a perfect world killer players wouldn't need to wait 20 min to play their preferred role but this is not a perfect world and any system that can patch it up a bit is highly welcome. I'm also certain that the killer players who would rather eat a 20 minute queue each time than touch survivor with a 10 ft pole are a minority. It's not a perfect solution, but it would still be something.

    I do see the point against needing to escape to earn the priority pass though. It's a system that would need a lot of polishing, probably making it BP based would be a better choice, but it could work. And like I said, at least it's something.

  • Member Posts: 531
    edited November 2024

    Did I say that it would good idea to not have a requirement? Ofc there need to be some kinda requirements but having it based on escaping isn't good either. Honestly, the only way to do this is to base it on BP earned but even then it be kinda meh. Overall I just think priority passes just isn't a good way to solve the queue issue. OW tried it and ultimately it didn't work there either, the only way they solved queue times was to drop the 2nd tank and go to a 5v5 format. So I think the only way to solve 2v8 queue issues is to do something similar, drop how many survivors are required for a match. Maybe try 2v6 or something. Either way, I don't think requiring you to escape to earn a pass isn't good bc how dbd is designed as a whole, you have no real control over whether you escape or not. You can play the best you can but if you have selfish teammates or potato ones you are not going to escape unless you hide the whole match and play for the 50/50 hatch spawn.

  • Member Posts: 2,079

    I feel like a lot of people are missing the part where a priority queue lowers the queue times for everyone.

    If half the killers go play a few games of survivor, the other half of killers automatically get faster queue because get people in line. (Obviously half is extreme, but the point is there)

    It still doesn't change that this game mode enabled the one thing people really want, which is playing killer together. When you convert the SWF teams to kwf, there's just not enough reason for people to play survivor to keep the balance.

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