A potential fix to slugging

TheGopher Member Posts: 32
edited November 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions

Just an idea I'm throwing out, but what if after a long period of time on the ground, a plugged survivor is put on a hook?

It'd punish survivors for crawling to the edge of a map and wasting everyone else's time.


It would also punish killers for slugging excessively.

Behavior would just have to balance it so it doesn't punish killers who are slugging for pressure.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • Rudjohns
    Rudjohns Member Posts: 2,412
    edited November 2024

    So if there is an Exponential boon on the other side of the map and the survivor is crawling to there they are instead punished?

  • Toystory3Monkey
    Toystory3Monkey Member Posts: 895

    Here's a better idea:

    after being slugged for some time, survivor can instantly pick themselves up, but they lose a hook stage.

    it's completely up to them to use that ability or not so killers cant really exploit it and it can become really useful in situations where killers are ignoring hooks too much.

    maybe limit it to only one use per match and only if you werent hooked once, so that it cant be exploited in mid/late game where slugging is a fair game.

  • PetTheDoggo
    PetTheDoggo Member Posts: 666
    edited November 2024

    I would be fine with it, if timer is like 40 seconds (not affected by any perk) and it can be used only if survivor wasn't hooked yet.

  • Toystory3Monkey
    Toystory3Monkey Member Posts: 895

    it's not very fun to have nothing going on for 4 minutes in a game where matches last 10 minutes normally on average. Or even less if you're being slugged to death from the start.

  • Vishlumbra
    Vishlumbra Member Posts: 225

    it's not very fun to have nothing going on for 4 minutes in a game where matches last 10 minutes normally on average. Or even less if you're being slugged to death from the start.

    I really do not understand why everyone reffers to slugging as the best end-all strategy. If you are slugged at the start and NOBODY helps you, you do not have unbreakable and your whole team gets slugged, is a skill / attitude / playstyle issue.

    There are options every step of the way, why everyone is so focused on nerfing a strategy?

    Just as easily I could say that flashlighs, DS, Sabotaging and a long list of etc, are not fun and toxic strategies.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    How after are you realistically slugged for an entire four minutes? Really? I can't remember the last time I've ever had that happen and I play way, way more than the average player.

    Lastly, a four man slug is never happening unless there is a ridiculous mismatch in skill levels or the survivors are playing extremely bad.

    So the likelyhood of first a 4 man slug and a 4 minute bleed out happening, is nearly non existent.

    If this was even remotely common people would bring anti slug perks and get amazing value, but they don't, because they know it almost never happens.

  • Toystory3Monkey
    Toystory3Monkey Member Posts: 895

    listen, buddy, im sure it doesnt happen often, but I can tell you as a matter of fact that this happens enough to cause a lot of frustration and the objective lack of interactivity or prolonged robbery of the player`s agency is enough to warrant a solution one way or the other.

    if a person has to stare at their phone and wait for a third of the match as part of the game's design, it's not a really good design and I don't think it should even be questioned.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
    edited November 2024

    I'm not denying it happens at all. However, if something happens .1% of the time, that is not worth the time and resources that could have been put towards things the majority of the player base actually experiences. This also isn't even getting into how almost all the ideas for "fixing slugging" have a negative consequence on normal game play..for that .1% experience.

    Catering to such a fraction of the population for limited resources and risk of negatively impacting the entire rest of the community does not make sense.

  • Vishlumbra
    Vishlumbra Member Posts: 225

    These complaints come from players that had a bad match where someone playing survivor just gave up, played horribly or was just messing around.

    It’s common sense understanding that there are more chances of having a bad team if your side is actually team based. There is no way a killer is slugging all 4 at the start of the match and no one does nothing and no one has any perk countering it unless survivors are playing to lose.

  • smurf
    smurf Member Posts: 712

    I've definitely been in 4-person slug matches before. In some cases, it's because everyone messed up. But there are people talented enough with certain killers to 4-person slug over and over again, match after match. A survivor doesn't actually have to make mistakes or give up for this to happen.

    Obviously streamers aren't the only players of the game, and shouldn't be taken as examples of the average player base. But I've watched a streamer go on a very long 4k 5gen streak with Billy. He was disappointed when a gen got done before his 4k was secured in one game, breaking his streak. I suspect that if that person can do that, others can too. And that means there's some set of players who are capable of abusing slugging in a way that makes it almost impossible for survivors to escape a match.

    It's likely that this is a minority of matches, and that people are posting about this after it happens to them, but that doesn't mean it's not a problem that this is possible.

  • Rokku_Rorru
    Rokku_Rorru Member Posts: 1,561

    You're giving this doesn't happen to me so it's not a problem vibes and you should listen to others more, a lot of people have a problem with this. lol

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
    edited November 2024

    That's you hearing what you want to hear rather than what's actually being said. In 11k hours I can count the amount of times those scenarios have happened on one hand. That's a pretty big sample size. What's more likely is that people are exaggerating the scenarios from what's actually happening in their games because excuses are easier than accountability for playing bad.

  • Rokku_Rorru
    Rokku_Rorru Member Posts: 1,561

    I'm sorry but if you're mainly playing killer and you're not slugging of course you're not going to see it often? 11k hours only on survivor? No? LMAO

    I'm sorry but people are having issues with it everywhere it's all over the forums as of the mori change highlighting it even more, you literally aren't paying attention.

    The point isn't that YOU personally havn't encountered it, it's that it is so easy to do and is not healthy for the game or fun for the survivor side. You are surely not that ignorant.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
    edited November 2024

    "I'm sorry but if you're mainly playing killer and you're not slugging of course you're not going to see it often? 11k hours only on survivor? No? LMAO"

    You're doing it again. You're hearing what you want to hear, not what's actually said. Where did I ever say I'm mainly playing killer? Stop adding things that weren't said. This is called confirmation bias. You're hearing what you want to hear to make it fit what you already believe rather than looking at it objectively for what is actually being said. I play both sides equally for the record.

    "I'm sorry but people are having issues with it everywhere it's all over the forums as of the mori change highlighting it even more, you literally aren't paying attention."

    So people complaining about it makes it a common issue? Do we think the forum user base is an accurate reflection of the player base? Correlation/Causation differences here. For hypotheticals here what if the forums were 100 people and 80 of them were complaining about something. That's everyone mostly right? That would mean it's a real issue? What if I now told you that the player base was 10 million people and that none of those had an issue with it? Now that 80 looks irrelevant. This example is to get a point across. Also, unhappy people are the most likely people to comment, not the happy ones. This can give a skewed perspective that things are more of an issue than they are, especially in DBD where people generally want to make excuses and blame everything else as the problem other than themselves. Most people also heavily exaggerate what actually happened once you push for details and it paints a very different picture. Lack of accountability is rampant.

    "The point isn't that YOU personally havn't encountered it"

    Normally anecdotal is a poor metric. However, the sample size I'm referencing is very relevant based on what's generally considered an appropriate size for accuracy. So I'm more referencing this as a statistic rather than personal experience since most people's personal experience isn't statistically relevant in dbd standards, normally.

    "it's that it is so easy to do and is not healthy for the game or fun for the survivor side."

    Easy? No, it's very high risk. Fun? Also no. You can objectively do more on the ground than on the hook. You can literally do nothing but remove yourself from the game on hook. Being slugged you can crawl away to make him lose sight, get under a pallet for a save, as well as multiple anti slug perk options. Fun is typically subjective but in this case it's objectively more fun to be slugged because you can do something as opposed to nothing on hook. The real reason people hate it has nothing to do with fun, it's because their egos are hurt and they want to remove themselves from the match and that's being denied. "Fun" is an excuse for the real motive. I would always rather be slugged.

    "You are surely not that ignorant."

    No need to be insulting. We're having a conversation like adults here.

  • buggybug
    buggybug Member Posts: 855

    Are you serious? So killer should get awarded free hooks for their already atricious playstayle no. If you dont want to pick up someone after you down them wasting their time, then they have a right to crawl away and waste your time.

  • buggybug
    buggybug Member Posts: 855

    Yet it still dont fully disable the killer to play the game, it only stop them for a brief second and all those things have counters like lightborn, not tunneling at all if worry on ds or otr,paying attention etch. Heck aurvivors cant even body block s killer in a corner yet a killer can by sinple not hitting them.

  • buggybug
    buggybug Member Posts: 855
    edited November 2024
  • upsideinsanity
    upsideinsanity Member Posts: 102
    edited November 2024

    This post has been completely invalidated as you clearly do mainly play killer per your comment on another thread calling for killer to receive equal treatment.

    Now, go play 100 survivor games and keep count of how many times you are slugged for 30 seconds, a minute, 2 minutes, till bleed out. Now you can also add in slugging for the finisher mori AND I want you to do this in solo q. Come back when you have those results and we can compare notes.

    If you are not willing to do this, then I guess you should stop arguing as you do not have enough experience as a solo q survivor player to speak against slugging.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
    edited November 2024

    "This post has been completely invalidated as you clearly do mainly play killer per your comment on another thread calling for killer to receive equal treatment. "

    So because you think one side needs more improvements that makes you a killer main? What lol? That does not make sense.

    "Now, go play 100 survivor games and keep count of how many times you are slugged for 30 seconds, a minute, 2 minutes, till bleed out. Now you can also add in slugging for the finisher mori AND I want you to do this in solo q. Come back when you have those results and we can compare notes. "

    Outside of end game or just looking around not once in 100 games. Slugging at end game isn't an issue and I expect them to. 100 games is nothing, I've got thousands to look back on. Unless you want to count someone on top of me when I go down so he chases them? I don't really count that as that isn't what were talking about. We're talking about slugging for pressure and just leaving to go look for someone else. Very, very rare.

    "If you are not willing to do this, then I guess you should stop arguing as you do not have enough experience as a solo q survivor player to speak against slugging. "

    Yes please, tell the person with 11k hours they don't have enough experience rofl. You're making the same mistake the other person was and assuming a lot about me that isn't true.

  • upsideinsanity
    upsideinsanity Member Posts: 102

    When that one side that you want to be improved on is already the focus of the game, yes. You cannot say this is not a killer sided game when killers are supposed to get a 60% kill rate. While I understand a difference between a kill rate and a win rate, if they are supposed to kill more than they are to let live, then the game is killer sided.

    I am happy for you that you do not experience the level of slugging so many others do however you cannot sit here and say it does not happen. Congratulations on your 11k hours in the game however that means absolutely nothing. There are plenty of killer mains with thousands of hours that just do not play survivor. And saying you have 11k hours does not mean you know more than anyone else or that you are right while everyone else is wrong.

  • smurf
    smurf Member Posts: 712

    I think both of you are making valid points, but I think in response to Blueberry's comment, it should be noted that a lot of people view endgame slugging as a major problem for at least a couple reasons. I think it shouldn't be expected and is pretty extreme bad manners. If anyone wants, I can explain my thinking about why that is, but no need unless someone cares :D

  • Vishlumbra
    Vishlumbra Member Posts: 225
    edited November 2024

    I think that slugging the third survivor and hunting for the 4th is the best way to secure a 4k, specially if both are on dead hook.

    I understand it might feel bad, but sometimes when you want the best result you have to do it. I think is fair, since there are plenty of outcomes in that situation.

    IDK. I would also consider rude Tbags, Teams with sabotage, flahlights, flashbangs etc, yet… they are in the game and you have to deal with it.

    I think a simple solution would be granting survivors a 4% chance to stop the hemorrhage and stand up or die. Just like hooks. Wouldn’t really change that much the current state of the game.

    Post edited by Vishlumbra on
  • smurf
    smurf Member Posts: 712

    You don't need to slug for 4k though. Sure, doing it makes it almost trivial to get the 4k, but it generates a nearly impossible situation for the last survivor, forces the third survivor to just wait in most cases while the killer hunts the last survivor, and often causes a long, drawn-out hunt. Hatch is meant to prevent those things.

    And hatch race should usually be won by the killer anyway since they have higher move speed and don't need to restrict their movement if the survivor shows up. And the killer can win hatch race by finding the hatch or the remaining survivor, while the survivor only wins hatch race by finding the hatch. Sure, a small fraction of the time the last survivor will be lucky and escape. But slugging for 4k removes that small chance of escape. Without a realistic chance to escape, why should the last survivor even play the game?

    Ultimately, slugging for 4k isn't about winning for the killer since a 3k is already a 'win'. There's really not a reason to slug for 4k except to satisfy a player's desire to get an easy kill. But it's not much of a game when the opponent has almost no chance of winning :/

  • SidneysBane1996
    SidneysBane1996 Member Posts: 894

    This would reward slugging for a long time. Rather, I think we should make the bleedout timer be something like 2 minutes instead. 2 minutes is enough for two gens or a gate, and more than enough time for someone to pick a slug up on either side. It's also about the length it takes the full sacrifice animation to happen on a hook, twice as long as Ghostface and Myers' Exposes work, and the length of endgame collapse. If 1-2 minutes is good enough for these things, it's more than good enough for a bleedout.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    To say the game is killer sided is just objectively wrong. Anyone with even a moderate amount of hours understands this. Generally only newer players think the game is killer sided or people that don’t play killer at any significant level.

    Also, to say 11k hours doesn’t mean I know more than anyone else is an objectively false statement. Any game I go into where someone has that many hours is going to know more than me.