‼️‼️The Arab community really needs help ‼️‼️

Unfortunately, it seems that Dead by Daylight continues to overlook us as an Arab community, despite our deep passion and consistent support for the game. As Arabs, we form a significant part of the player base, actively participating in events, creating content, and contributing to the game’s ongoing success. However, there remains a glaring lack of effort to cater to our needs or even recognize our presence.
The absence of proper localization or even minimal acknowledgment of our culture and language feels like a disregard for our value as players. To add to this, the removal of Indian servers — which many players in the Gulf region relied on for acceptable latency — has only worsened the experience. This technical limitation demonstrates that the resources and infrastructure exist but are not being extended to improve the gaming experience for players in our region.
Is it fair to continue supporting a game that consistently fails to appreciate us? This ongoing neglect has evolved into significant disappointment, making it seem like our contributions and presence are undervalued.
We, as a community, want to be seen, heard, and respected. However, the consistent lack of action sends a clear and disheartening message: we are not a priority.
The Indian server in Dead by Daylight was beneficial to several countries in the region, including:
•Sri Lanka
•Saudi Arabia
These countries benefited from the Indian server, which provided lower ping and smoother gameplay. The removal of this server has negatively affected players in these countries, especially those in the Gulf region and nearby, as connection stability has worsened, and ping values have increased.
It’s important to note that these countries, along with the Gulf region, were relying on the Indian server for a better gaming experience, which makes the need for a closer replacement server even more pressing.
as the title says. I live in Saudi arabia and have an amazing internet connection and get consistent 10-40 ping on most of my games.. however, when I play dbd it’s a consistent 100-130 ping because i assume they’re sending me to other servers, and this has screwed me over so many times as a survivor and especially as a killer (there’s always a slight clunky feeling when using killers powers).
By giving us our own servers, the game will be more enjoyable for us + you will get less complaints about vpn killers (trust me most of the guys you assume are using vpn are just people like me and we’re innocent if using vpn)56 -
Im agree. Also servers for Middle Asia region would be good (Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and etc.) I live in Russia and maybe in european regions ping aroun 70-80, but i live in Siberia where ping is around 100-130
Post edited by Mandy on55 -
I don't have any insight into the inner workings of BHVR or their business decisions, but I would have to guess that they are only going to spend money on servers where there is enough player demand to be worth the investment. Servers cost money to purchase and maintain, and if revenues from players don't cover those costs, then BHVR isn't going to be in business very long.
So this is simply a business decision. Just because BHVR doesn't want to lose money on by investing in servers in a particular region doesn't mean they don't the respect people that live there. To claim that they don't respect or value Arabs is honestly a form of emotional blackmail and kind of gross.
47 -
if it is about business tell me a better region than Middle East Arabs who pay thousands and thousands $$$ individually
The game literally unplayable at 100ms +++ ping and around it56 -
Well, put yourself in his place, with this picture the game is unplayable and imagine this going on for a long time.
Wouldn't you be frustrated, especially since you paid money to play?
46 -
I hear you. A lot of Eastern and African regions have no servers to connect to within a sub-100ms range, and the gameplay changes significantly with that amount of latency present (actions and powers are delayed noticeably or behave inconsistently, survivors get hit in more and more ridiculous ways).
Originally when rolling out dedicated servers, BHVR said that in regions where there aren't any data centers near enough, they would keep employing the old, peer-to-peer-based system. So if paying for more servers or creating their own is not a viable option for them, the least they could do is create peer-to-peer pools where if there's enough people queueing in regions further than ~100ms from the nearest servers, they connect to each other again instead.
Another thing they said they wanted to do but didn't is make the servers the authority on hit reg, which would also go a long way to better the gameplay experience on higher ping (for the majority of players anyway).
There's little to no hope that they will do anything major about it however. They are aware of these issues, they have talked about them multiple times themselves throughout the years, but very little has happened in those years with regards to bettering things. They've implemented event-specific server hit validation for pallet stuns and Dead Hard (although that has gotten to be more unreliable with time as well), and I think there's been some undocumented extrapolation improvements, but that's about it.
Something you can do to help yourself apart from making sure your own connection is as good as it can possibly be (wired connection, real-time prioritization for your device/DbD in the router, contacting your ISP about latency improvements or trying different ISPs) is use software like ExitLag or NoPing, which improve the network routing for your game data, decreasing latency and potentially even packet loss.
40 -
It's fine to be frustrated about not having local servers. It's not fine to accuse BHVR of not respecting Arab people because they don't have local servers
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I obviously don't have the financial details about how much money BHVR makes from players in that region, but if BHVR believed that they would make more profit by investing in local servers, they would probably do it.
Agree the game is unplayable at 100ms+ ping, but I see that even with local servers here in the US eastern time zone. At busy times during the 2v8 event everyone in the match would have >100ms pings and I was getting hit by Huntress hatchets curving around building corners. It seems like BHVR doesn't invest enough to make even the North American servers reliable.
19 -
For real
i play this game for like 7 years
and i play on 120ms everyday
i suffer from it
plz just add a server for us it is not that hard right?
38 -
I agree with that, it doesn't make sense that most people who play the game play on a very low ping, and we play on a high ping, this is not fair and I also like to direct my message to the company that owns the game DBD You pay huge money for the rights of killers and survivors like Ghostface and Michael and Skin Face while you can't set up servers in your game for players in the Middle East?
28 -
I totally agree with you!
I play DBD since 2018 and unfortunately I don’t see anything new about the ping that we’ve been through in Middle East. And i play it by a strong network but still the ping goes around 150-200 ms. I hope we get a server soon, so we could enjoy the game and everyone be happy.
35 -
love my middle eastern gamers! its always fun playing against you guys even with the high ping. hopefully bhvr addresses these concerns and realizes the benefits of being more inclusive regionally.
+1 on expanding eastern servers27 -
I do agree! I am myself invested in this game and I do recommend it to all my friends. However, the ping really disturbs the fun! Sometimes, the server disconnects and I lose all my progress in the match, such as the challenge I was on and the bloodpoints, it’s really unbearable. We are in need, I know people with average of 300+ ping but they love the game and cannot quit even though their experience is ruined. We only wish for a better playing experience, we do support the game financially and marketably.
16 -
for real i have been losing some matches because of the high latency and some survivors thought im a bad player or something because of the latency i against sometimes a player with 44 ms and i hard to chase him lol i leave the low ms the most xD and got misunderstand at the end with game chat
14 -
Im an arab i live in Saudi Arabia where my ping is 120 mostly and gets higher , game I enjoy this game, but I always suffer from headboxes like I get hit from Spaces or or places even though I wasn’t there it’s just the pink. It’s a major problem that us Arabs I wish us a new server for us to play and enjoy.
21 -
Look at us in the Middle East
We are fans of the game DBD for more than 7 years ,
We suffer from many communication servers, especially in ( Iraq )
I wish my voice will reach you and thank you .
27 -
we only asks for what’s ours
17 -
add Saudi Arabia.
I’m a saudi player and know plenty of saudi guys who still love and play dbd.. we still support this game despite the server issues and we this issue hope it would get look into17 -
sorry but this looks like the perfect time to revive this post so that the devs can notice it and make a change
Post edited by Mandy on15 -
I've been playing dbd for 6 years and my ping is 130 and I see people playing on ping 40!
17 -
i get so many hitboxes we arabs suffered a looot!!
Can’t you see the NA east and other servers getting a clean ping? And when they get a single hitbox they get freaking mad not like us we suffered a lot from hitboxes i can’t even loop or being greedy to the pallet i just drop them early so I can’t get hitboxes by the killer and his clean ping
Sometimes when I dodge the huntress’s hatch its still hits me even tho i was left!!! I swear to god i was left the hatch was right beside me!! Also wesker! Deathslinger! Those killers who has aim abilities
So we ask you to atleast lowering our ping, the game is really unplayable if it’s keep going like this
19 -
My favorite game is DBD, but I want to play with a ping of 40 like other people! I've been playing the game for 6 years and the ping is 130!
18 -
Are you guys raiding the forum or something? I've never seen a post about the middle east situation and today there's like 6 or 7 of them near the top, and I'm not even exaggerating.
Post edited by Mandy on17 -
Nah fam. We’re a whole community, not just a one person or two!
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A Canadian server would be great, preferably in Quebec or Ontario, but I know that won't happen because they always use their resources on cosmetics
12 -
We need a Canadian server as well
Post edited by Mandy on11 -
Burner account spam. A typical weekend on the forum
Post edited by Mandy on14 -
I want a server added in Canada as well, I'm tired of having to play on 150ms ping
Post edited by Mandy on11 -
we totally need a server middle east
10 -
we really suffer I literally cant play a regular game without dying from a hit box we need you guys to listen to our voice we arab suffering because the ping
13 -
I agree that more dedicated servers for countries dealing with higher ping is a good idea.
Post edited by Mandy on13 -
Fr i play this game sense 2017 And now its only 1 month to be in 2025 And still playing in 120 - 220 Ms
You can see my team And the killer ms/ping is 60 and lower ! thats so unfair when i play killer they always says i use VPN and my main acc got banned bec they sayd i use VPN for high ms/ping !!! tbh when i play killer the hitbox is insane and no 1 can loop me bec of my high ms/ping every game i get 4k bec of that pls just add us a Middle East servers !!
Post edited by b0uoo on21 -
playing on 120+ ping against 80-28 ping is unfair to us we suffer from high latency and we face players on very low ping dead hard is very hard to use because of the delay between our ping and the killer ping
18 -
What is with the sudden influx of these kind of posts instead of just commenting on an existing one. It's like it's a bunch of bot spam. (Edit: seems the mods have consolidated everything, appreciated).
21 -
Ok I love dead by daylight but it's annoying that I lose because of the high ping it's not fair that the person playing against me has a ping of 20-40 and I 100-150 it's not fair if I did the dead hard perk correctly but because of the ping it doesn't work with me it doesn't work I know a lot of people who left the game because of the ping and I don't want to leave my favorite game because of something like this
13 -
Ok I love dead by daylight but it's annoying that I lose because of the high ping it's not fair that the person playing against me has a ping of 20-40 and I 100-150 it's not fair if I did the dead hard perks correctly but because of the ping it doesn't work with me it doesn't work I know a lot of people who left the game because of the ping and I don't want to leave my favorite game because of something like this
13 -
Ok I love dead by daylight but it's annoying that I lose because of the high ping it's not fair that the person playing against me has a ping of 20-40 and I 100-150 it's not fair if I did the dead hard perks correctly but because of the ping it doesn't work with me it doesn't work I know a lot of people who left the game because of the ping and I don't want to leave my favorite game because of something like this
11 -
I hope you can help me with the ping. I love playing Dead Killer and I love ping a lot. I hope you can help me with the issue.
10 -
I've been playing Dead by daylight since 2021 in playstation 5 and I've been experiencing a hard times with connection and ping issues while I am playing the game, I honestly like your game and I really loved the mechanics of the game and I bought a lot of things in Dead by daylight even my favorite character is Jake Park and since I like him I did main him and reached him prestige 100 it would make a difference if we arabs get server so we get a fair game with fair ping
16 -
I love DBD but lately I don't play DBD. because the ping is too high and that's unfortunate, we want a server for Arabs!
10 -
amazon gamelift location me-south-1 would be in Bahrain. No idea why BHVR don't use this location.
Post edited by Rizzo on14 -
I love DBD but lately I don't play DBD. because the ping is too high and that's unfortunate, we want a server for Arabs!
13 -
This are the amazon gamelift locations:
I see servers in africa, middle east and canada. No idea why BHVR don't use this locations.
18 -
Any update on this post?😕
13 -
need help
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nope 💔