Revealed Status-Effect from 2v8 for core?

You know, this thing from 2v8 that tells the survivor: "hey, your aura is somehow being read right for x amount time":

It would be a huge help to solo queue players!

What are peoples opinions for or against this?




  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    the killer perk are easily deductible through player experience. it is to the point where if you don't see a killer a perk immediately, it's aura perk and most of the aura perks tend to obvious because of player behaviour changes. perhaps hardest perks to detect on killer side are perks that highlight gens for killer such as Discordance, Surveillance or Gearhead as behaviour shift is not immediately obvious.

  • Triplehoo
    Triplehoo Member Posts: 745

    This would be a huge shadow nerf for Distortion, completely killing the perk into oblivion. No

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436
    edited November 2024

    Not basekit, but it should be something on a generic perk, such as Spine Chill.

    Alternatively, it could be something that's used sparing to balance some of the more effective aura perks. For example:

    Weave Attunement: "Inflicts survivors with Revealed, revealing their aura"

    Meanwhile things like killer powers and add ons can show auras without 'inflicting the Revealed status'.

    Mirror Myers would be pretty dead if survivors always knew he was looking at them.

    Post edited by Seraphor on
  • Toystory3Monkey
    Toystory3Monkey Member Posts: 895

    Only on very limited amount of perks / powers / addons.

    If implemented mindlessly, it will kill the fun in using aura perks to attack survivors that don't expect you to see them. Also another handholding mechanic that removes the "fog of war" effect in matches where player has to play around the possibility of the perk and observe the opponent's behaviour to determine the perks they use. It constitutes a part of the skill curve and trivializing it further is a bad decision.

    It would make more sense to use it as killer instinct indicator when the killer's own power doesn't do a good job at telegraphing it and there's nothing to assume survivor isn't supposed to be aware of being revealed in the first place.

    Singularity's infection spread, Xenomorph's killer instinct upon leaving tunnels, Nemi/Wesker's killer instinct while using a vaccine/spray, Unknown's killer instinct when survivor cancels dispel, Sadako's full condemn. Things that are NOT supposed to be ambiguous and unexpected, but still can be ignored by survivors merely because they require specific knowledge that they are in play in the first place.

    We SHOULD NOT tell survivors if their aura / location is being revealed by perks like Im all ears; Gearhead; BBQ; Floods of rage, Darkness revealed, etc; that their location is revealed by killer instinct through powers like Legion's frenzy (bc of that one addon); Artist's crows (because the detection range is ambiguous enough to make survivor second guess their safety); Dredge's nightfall / addon kill instinct reveal (bc the range is ambiguous to be determined precisely).

    Generally, a lot of things in this game are designed to work because your opponent doesn't know they are in play. Revealed status effect applied mindlessly (aka on just about any aura / kill instinct reveal) will stop a lot of things from working the way they should be and will be another step in trivializing and railroading the game into a chess match.

  • buggybug
    buggybug Member Posts: 855

    ?????? Distortion is nerfed already and is total garbage now its long been killed lol.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,327

    What perks are going to give them that information in that scenario, though?

    When they first get the hook, sure, there's some there, but those perks won't show the killer how to cut off the rescue attempt if it happens more than a couple seconds after the hook.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 7,232

    I don't think so. It's more appropriate in 2v8 because that mode is inherently more chaotic and fast-paced and it has a lot of aura reading to contribute towards that style. Most aura-reading in 2v8 is also basekit and doesn't come from specific abilities so the revealed status effect doesn't really give away anything the killer is using.

    If this were applied to perks/addons in 1v4 it would make several of those perks/addons much weaker when they don't need to be. If an aura-reading perk or addon in 1v4 is so strong that it needs to warn survivors, then it should either have a debuff icon (like Weave does) or that specific perk/addon may be an issue. But there's no reason to give a blanket nerf to all aura reading when 90% of it is fine.

  • buggybug
    buggybug Member Posts: 855

    So what did killers use to do before aura reading exists?

  • jmwjmw27
    jmwjmw27 Member Posts: 603

    Imo this should be applied to both sides. If your aura is being read and you know about it, it is still a massive advantage, people that don't want this likely just want to keep abusing aura for free chases and hits.

    If you are facing a survivor with wallhacks via key or wiretap, now you will know, better for newer players and for experienced ones (a la key) you now have less instances of "was that a subtle cheater?"

    meanwhile on the survivor side if your aura is being read you know about it and can try to play around it, but the killer still has the advantage as it should be. Now you don't have to constantly play around all the aura perks in all possible scenarios as well as add-ons, which is pseudo impossible especially with perks that require perfect knowledge of killer actions like gen kicks and locker searches.

  • jmwjmw27
    jmwjmw27 Member Posts: 603

    Considering the purpose of aura perks is to gain information about the location of survivors, this wouldn't kill any of them.

    What this would kill is survivors giving the killer free hits/downs because they are not aware of their aura being read while stealthing or rotating. If this change happened, you would still know where the survivor is. You would still be able to use these perks to basically have perfect gamesense. All that changes is your opponents are more aware.

  • PetTheDoggo
    PetTheDoggo Member Posts: 666

    I don't think help for soloQ should be simply a nerf to killers.
    This doesn't affect just soloQ, you are trying to use soloQ only as an excuse for this.

    There are several other options to do that wouldn't change killers, or SWF much. This is definetly not one of them.

  • jmwjmw27
    jmwjmw27 Member Posts: 603

    Every buff to solo queue is technically a nerf to killer. Also, if 2v8 is anything to go by, you will still see plenty of survivors oblivious to the fact that their aura is being read despite being told. Killers would be fine.

  • HolyDarky
    HolyDarky Member Posts: 999

    The revealed status-effect is just a little help. The description of 2v8 explains when your aura is revealed - there is nothing more that could reveal your aura. So in theory the status-effect is not necessary because you know when the aura reveal happens but the developers added it because it is helpful in a rather chaotic mode. We don't need this in the main mode because this is less chaotic and with a bit of game sense and skill you can tell when a killer has an aura reading perk or not based on their behave. It is also not a help for SoloQ, so pls stop abusing the status of soloq for your own problems with gameplay elements.

  • PetTheDoggo
    PetTheDoggo Member Posts: 666

    Every buff to solo queue is technically a nerf to killer

    not really, there are things to do that would make gameplay for soloQ better without changing killer's POV much.

    This change would definetly affect killer's gameplay. You dedinetly would notice survivors prerunning whenever you see their aura…

    You can show survivor's perks, implement some sort of chat wheel/ping system etc. Those are things, which are useless to SWF (they already have this information) and gameplay wouldn't change at all for killers.

    This change would help SWF (more than soloQ) and would make killer's gameplay worse. I simply don't think there is need for anything with such an outcome.

  • jmwjmw27
    jmwjmw27 Member Posts: 603

    showing survivor perks, implementing pings, etc all improve the quality of play at solo level. Which is still technically a nerf to killers. A majority of matches are against solos, full SWF is rare as shown by the data, so you would be nerfing killers as survivors across the board get new tools and their play will improve.

    Also, one person on the team running distortion already allows SWF to know what aura reading the killer has and comm it. I don't think it would make killer's gameplay worse in an undeserved way either. If you spawn in with lethal, you won't get survivors running into you cluelessly or hopping into a locker anymore, but you still get full information off their spawn. NTH still full counters stealthing near gens. I'm All Ears still gives you wallhacks in chase, etc etc. I think more than just "this will make gameplay harder for X side" we should consider why before deciding if it should be changed or not.

    If it makes the game harder for killers because survivors won't make the worst possible decisions, imo that is not a reason to not make the change. And the benefits for solo imo outweigh having to worry about taking Ls to situations where you cannot reasonably expect the survivor/killer to see your aura.

  • PetTheDoggo
    PetTheDoggo Member Posts: 666

    Which is still technically a nerf to killers.

    It can be nerf to kill rates, but gameplay is not changing at all. My changes wouldn't create anything worse than it's already possible. Revealing aura info is massive nerf to any aura reveal perk.

    Also, one person on the team running distortion already allows SWF to know what aura reading the killer has and comm it

    but hey have to use the perk… So change is still buff for a SWF.

    Aura reveal is better than screaming because survivors don't know about it. If you tell survivors, value of aura reveal is so much worse for most killers. What's the point of me knowing their location, when they start running as soon they get in my TR?

    Doesn't make sense to nerf Distortion, just to few patches later nerf all aura reveal perks/addons with basekit change…

    By soloQ and killers, I would take my changes any day over this.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,327

    I can sort of see the argument you're making here, but it's not as though BBQ is actually either incentivising or improving your camping there. At best it might cause the killer to make the decision, but after they make the decision, BBQ does nothing but offer a very vague direction they're probably coming from, maybe, depending on the map layout.

    It doesn't tell the killer when the rescuer is coming, it doesn't tell the killer how many are coming, it doesn't allow the killer to ambush someone rounding a corner or crouching behind a loop, it doesn't even tell the killer where everyone is so who knows, maybe the last survivor is the one coming for the save.

    The tunnelling point is irrelevant here, since that's literally unaffected by BBQ or pretty much any other aura read in this scenario.

    Even at most, the worst thing you can say is that aura reads fail to persuade the killer not to camp, if they're inclined to do it anyway they're gonna do it. You could just as easily make the argument that a killer who doesn't have any way of seeing survivors after a hook will just sit there to try and interrupt someone going for the save because they're not secure in their ability to find someone- if a player is inclined to take the cheap cheese strategy, they are equally likely to treat any given situation as incentive to do it. The only worthwhile situation is to weaken that cheese strategy, rather than attack the things those players are incidentally also using while doing it.

    Since aura reading doesn't empower camping and improve its effectiveness in any real way, it's not really a relevant factor when discussing that issue. Same for tunnelling, albeit with a few slightly greyer areas.

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 2,280

    While it would be nice for survivors, we'd say it shouldn't be a basekit thing. Maybe a perk, but not basekit. Survivors need to be on their toes and this seems a bit much like too hand holding to us.

  • SuspiciousBrownie
    SuspiciousBrownie Member Posts: 266
    edited November 2024

    It 100% kills them. They could easily figure out every single perk you have and counter them with lockers. BBQ and Chili would be completely dead and most likely drop to a 0% pick rate. Killer just picked up a survivor? Just hide in a locker for 5 seconds now that we know they have BBQ for free, no skill needed here!

    Post edited by SuspiciousBrownie on
  • SuspiciousBrownie
    SuspiciousBrownie Member Posts: 266

    Nah it definitely completely kills them. Survivors can use the information to actually trick killers by pretending to head one way and then when the aura read ends they double back. No more cross maps as Huntress either those would be entirely gone essentially because people would just sit behind a wall until the aura reveal was over.

    They def do NOT need to join the club.

  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 2,123

    You're correct. I ran distortion for its information, not for its aura reading protection. The information of knowing what the killer is running is that valuable. I'd run distortion even if the aura read blocks where removed entirely but still had the 3 tokens. Knowing when to evade is incredibly strong. With old distortion, you'd immediately know if lethal pursuer was in play, would know if nurses calling is in play and when to run early in a heal, when it's not safe to stay near a gen getting kicked, when mindgaming is impossible after a vault, and so on.

    That being basekit would be incredibly broken.

  • SuspiciousBrownie
    SuspiciousBrownie Member Posts: 266
    edited November 2024

    Aura perks are probably the worst possible perks for camping. It would be much better to use slowdown like corrupt or deadlock or forced hesitation.

    We do NOT need to punish 95% of players because 5% tunnel and camp.

  • AmpersandUnderscore
    AmpersandUnderscore Member Posts: 2,079
    edited November 2024

    the worst thing you can say is that aura reads fail to persuade the killer not to camp

    Yes this is almost exactly what I said in my original post. There's nothing preventing people from using these auras in camping and tunneling situations also.

    I think the only perk I can think of that does would be grim embrace, because the obsession aura only shows after all 4 survivors are hooked. The aura read is gated behind the requirement of spreading hooks. But the aura read is honestly not why people run grim either.

    I may be forgetting one, but none of the other aura perks or add-ons have a similar requirement. And the BBQ incentive to spread hooks was removed.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,327

    Right, but when they're used in camping and tunnelling scenarios, they aren't actually doing anything, so it's not really relevant to bring them up in that context.

    They don't make camping any stronger, which was the original claim, they just don't really affect things either way.

  • Pirscher
    Pirscher Member Posts: 650

    Yes, I was also thinking the same thing. Killer also be notified just as the survivor for it to be fair.

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 2,267

    I do think the amount of aura reading in the game is absurd at this point and it is going to be really difficult for new players to understand when and why a killer can see their aura.

    Hell I am a pretty experienced player and I cant keep track of the perks and addons that reveal me anymore

  • I_Cant_Loop
    I_Cant_Loop Member Posts: 994

    This is a needed change, especially with Distortion and the stealth playstyle being nerfed into the ground. Some aura reading perks like Nowhere to Hide have unlimited use with very little requirement to trigger, while Distortion can only be reused if you manage to escape a chase which is one of the toughest things in the game to do against decent killers. A fair compensation for nuking Distortion would be to notify survivors when they are revealed so that they can react accordingly.

  • SidneysBane1996
    SidneysBane1996 Member Posts: 894

    2v8, while being a boring experience after a while, does bring up some good ideas.

    This icon and effect is one of them.

  • Pirscher
    Pirscher Member Posts: 650

    Agreed. 2v8 once in a while as a special mode for a limited time would be just right.

    Revealed status effect definitely!

  • Vishlumbra
    Vishlumbra Member Posts: 223

    It would be one of the biggest buffs ever to survivors. No thanks.