‼️‼️The Arab community really needs help ‼️‼️
dbd we suffered from ping be fair to us a little
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We want an Arabic server!!
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Very annoying
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Hopefully one day DBD In middle east just like other games
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is impossible to play with 140 ping and arab still playing this game and haveing fun with it but we really need the servers for arab is gonna make the gameplay better and smoother
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We Need Middle East server’s because we’re suffering from the ping , Arab gamers ping on dbd is always (160-250) , please behavior we need a server for the Arab community we’ve been waiting for 5 years and there is no response , so please don’t leave us hanging .
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As an Arab gamer, I’ve supported Dead by Daylight for years, but it often feels like my community is invisible to the developers. There’s no Arabic language support or cultural acknowledgment, it makes me less confident that the behaviour team will fix this anytime in the future.
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It’s been a while since I played on a stable ping this made me quit the game
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i agree with you
is impossible to play with with 140 ping most arabs their ping is betwen 120-160 we really need help
is gonna make the gameplay better and smoother2 -
Imagine seeing this icon your whole life
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We need servers for our region to improve connection and reduce lag. We also want the game to be translated into our language (Arabic).These changes would mean a lot to us and help more people enjoy the game.
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please add arab servers
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i play dbd since 2022 and i always lose bcs of the ping
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We Arabs love and spend long hours playing Dead by Daylight and I think we have been wronged because of ping. I hope you look into our problems. Thank you.
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I wholeheartedly support this topic. All awesome people and friends from Arab community of this game needs to be heard, respected and treated the same way as any other.
I appreciate OP for voicing their frustrations, and I hope the developer team will do everything to make your gaming experience as comfortable and pleasant as possible.
Any community managers are aware of this thread? The topics like this are very serious, the team should be aware of players frustrations in regards of having better connection.
From Russia with love and all respect to You, awesome people from Arab community.
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we realy need middle east server pls help
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i never stop loveing dbd even with the high ping and theres so many players like me at least we deserve servers
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I Agree I, as a Saudi person i play , ping 100-140. Arabs are competing with the European server This thing is sad .
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We need a Middle East server
I Agree I, as a Saudi person i play , ping 100-140. Arabs are competing with the European server This thing is sad .
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Creating a bunch of burner accounts and spamming the same topic multiple times is not going to help your case, if anything that just harbours irritation and apathy over the issue and gives a much stronger reason to ignore you.
People have already started supporting this point in the first thread that was made, but that support will dwindle quickly if you keep being a pain doing this.
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Behavior needs to do something about it. It's not fair that the game is unplayable, especially in a game that requires you to pay money to buy the game.
It is very frustrating to pay money only to find that the game is unplayable because there is no server near your area, and I wouldn't blame the player if they feel like they have been scammed.
Such games are online and cross-play, there is no difference between one player and another, everyone is equal because everyone wants to have fun.
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we want servers cuz we like your game ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
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We love this game we deserve to get the ME server.
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Need servers for Arab community
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Almost 9 years since DBD was released, and there’s no server for arab ‼️‼️‼️
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im tried of hitbox and thr very high ping and i quit playing dbd of this thing i hope the developers adds arab servers
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Save us Bhvr, Arabs really love the game and play it a lot, but at 120 ping, this is very unfortunate and frustrating, as we have been demanding a Middle East server for years and no one has responded to us!
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I started playing Dead by Daylight at the beginning of 2018, despite the high bandwidth and interruption, but I continue to play the game and I always drag the game and play it again. The reason for the high bandwidth is that we need an Arabic server, not for injustice.
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We need server please my ping is 180-200
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My favorite game is DBD, but I want to play with a ping of 40 like other people! I've been playing the game for 6 years and the ping is 130!
Post edited by Rizzo on2 -
We need help pls, my ping 180 i cant play
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I play dbd for about 4 years now suffering from high ping around 140 - 180ms, it's unplayable as survivor and unfair to play as killer players always complaining about my high ping when I play killer, I feel so sad that DBD doesn't have server in the middle east unlike other games like Fortnite, I keep supporting this game since 2020 and I hope they will listen to us and make us happy.
thanks for the post
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we definitely need middle east servers
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when we will get respond
at least try it for one month
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we want middles east server please
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all the games now adding servers for middle east so why can't dead by day light add one ?
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We demand a server in Middle East
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High ping issues and distant hits have been increasing lately, and I can no longer tolerate it. I can overlook the distant hits, but I demand servers to be set up in the Middle East. All I want is to play with a ping of 50 at least once in my life since 2018. This is my favorite game, and I urgently demand servers in the Middle East. 🔴🔴🔴🔴
These are illustrative images of what always happens to me :
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I hope we are appreciated better because we feel that we are neglected a lot even though many Arabs love and play the game so I hope servers are added for us
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I hope we are appreciated better because we feel that we are neglected a lot even though many Arabs love and play the game so I hope servers are added for us
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really we need it
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Hello dbd, we Arabs form a large part of the dbd game and you know that
We have tried repeatedly to tell you that we cannot play without servers, and we ask you to put a server for the Middle East, please.
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I live in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Our ping is extremely high, reaching 150-200 ping. We suffer from a lot of hitboxing, and this is very annoying.
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Anytime I want to play DBD I can't because the ping is very high and the hitbox is high, so we need servers please