Keep Thrill of the Hunt, but buff Counterforce and Small Game

My ideas
Cleanse and Bless totems 20% faster
Every time a totem is cleansed by any survivor, you gain 1 token. Each token increases your cleansing and blessing speed by 20%
When you finish cleansing a totem, the aura of the totem farthest from you is revealed to you until you are 16 meters from it
Small Game
Keep the notification
When you cleanse a dull totem, reveal the killer's aura to all survivors for 8 seconds. If it's a hex totem, the aura is revealed for 12 seconds
And some other perks as well
Better Than New
Increases their Action speeds for Blessing, Cleansing, Healing, and Unlocking by 30/40/50 %.
Calm Spirit
Remove the pointless penalty
Inner Strength
Add blessing as well, but can only activate once per totem
No. Stop making survivors use up all their perk slots to fix the game being broken.
35 -
what now?
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..... i don't understand why we keep repeating the same cycle. Old Weave/Frank bring object, Old COH bring shatter hope. If you need to bring one specific perk to counter a build that MAY come up.....than it a problem.
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Making hexes effectively unbreakable unless survivors bring specific counterperks is not the way to go, considering how extremely powerful some hexes can be. The game shouldn't default to being broken, and then get fixed by survivors bringing perks in to stop it.
Counters should be a softer system where you're not colossally screwed if you don't bring them, but you're completely fine if you do. ToTH can't stay at 70% speed reduction and be propped up by survivor perks.
15 -
Nah. Perks should never be so strong that the only reasonable counter is another perk. You have no idea what the other side is using until you get into the game, it's not like you can change your perk selection after you see what you're up against.
Thrill of the Hunt is just overtuned right now, going from 10% to 14% probably didn't look like a huge buff on paper initially but since larger penalties get exponentially stronger it ends up being way too much since 70% maximum penalty means that a totem takes over 3 times as long as normal. Right now Doctor with his static blast cooldown addons can literally make totems impossible since the static blast cooldown is lower than the totem cleansing time, and I don't think that's fair or acceptable.
I do still want it to get compensation for losing its bloodpoint bonus, so I think it would be fine if they just took the middleground and made it 12% per token instead, this would cut it down to 35 seconds at max (instead of 47, the old one was 28 for reference). In the meantime, I recommend using Counterforce as (while not ideal) it's your best option to counter this until it gets changed.
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But if its the other way around, a strong survivor perk?
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Yoooo! I am all in for a Blessing Counterforce buff! That sounds cool!
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so killers are forced to perks for gen defence but survivors not ?
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Like what? Invocations?
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Made for This
Buckle Up
We Gonna Live Forever
(at any moment) Shoulder The Burden
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So basically, what is being said is that you don’t wanna have to work around anything. The fact that a survivor can completely deactivate killer perks is strong enough. Now you’re complaining that it takes longer to do it that you can’t just walk around the map and effortlessly disable the killer. That’s laughable.
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The perks deserve buffs 100%.
But it won't stop complaints (unfortunately).
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How can I forget Distortion??
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I like this idea! Im a long time Hex fan and tweaking some numbers and buffing counter perks is a great idea to introduce variety into the meta. I’d prefer everybody has strong options instead of us all using the same 6-8 perks!
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The only one here that isn't, itself, a counterperk is Made for This.
In this endless game of pingpong, do killer get a perk to counteract Counterforce, then?
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Are we aware you need to even get the first hex? I don't like these ideas anyway, other than the additions of blessing to most & the calm spirit mention. But the issue is also the fact that with Thrill as it is it's stupidly hard to get rid of even one totem so this doesn't work. Everyone seems to be forgetting this that's saying use anti hex perks, what anti hex!? Counterforce is the only one other than a boon blessing over the top which can just be snuffed out. Counterforce doesn't start working until after you get rid of a number of totems. It's hardly a counter to the hex problem.
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Then Thrill should be reverted back to 50%
Understand my point now?
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Counterforce is a great perk to counter it …. in a group that knows that one player has it and plays around that aspect.
I tried using it in soloq for the last couple of hours and it was terrible. Other survivors didnt know i had it and still cleansed the totems, making my perk useless in the process.
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If Thrill counters Counterforce, then Counterforce is not a counter to Thrill.
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Then that means Counterforce doesn't counter Thrill of the Hunt.
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How about no? Forcing perks on people is a no-go.
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This is quite funny if you swap roles and use this argument for generator defence perks.
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All for buffing counterforce and better than new.
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Cleansing time with Thrill of the Hunt is now 46.7 seconds. It was 28 seconds before. That is 18.7 seconds more… That's really not a good idea.
Blessing a hex totem was 14 seconds × 2 × 2 = 56 seconds. Now it's 14 seconds × 2 × (1/0.3) = 93 seconds…
That's. Longer. Than. A. Gen.
This cannot stay. It absolutely can't.
Post edited by Xernoton on7 -
Counterforce doesnt really need a buff. It already can scale infinitely as long as you have totems available to do.
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If you're buffing anti-totem perks, bring back old Undying.
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I don't think you know what infinitely means.
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Thats why I said as long as totems are available. There is no cap to counterforce.
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I mean it does have a defined hard cap. 5 in regular games and 10 in games with Pentimento. (well, 4 and 9 since you can't cleanse another totem once you've done them all).
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It has no hard cap built into the perk itself.
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So, you use three perks that did start out strong, were complained about, and then nerfed.
A fourth perk that is already being complained about with the intention to convince the devs to nerf it.
And this is your counter argument to say that current thrill is fine? You've made an excellent list of your point was to say that, yes, this perk does need an adjustment nerf.
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The math works a bit differently.
Base time is 14 seconds.
ToTH reduces cleansing speed by 10% per stack. So with five totems up, cleansing speed is reduced to 50%. 14/0.5 = 28 seconds.
ToTH now reduces is by 14% per stack, for a maximum of 70% reduction. 14/0.3 = 46.7 seconds.
This is 2/3rds more than what it used to be. This is a huge leap upwards.
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Okay then, Dominance
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Yeah, sorry about that. I edited my post right after. I had this formula in my head where action speed was 1/(1 + negative modifier). I should have checked here before I posted this.
This is really too much. There is no denying that. These numbers are way overblown. 93 seconds to bless a hex totem is so ridiculous. I can't believe this actually happened.
3 -
But what happened to
Dont want to get tunneled? Use DS, OTR etc
Dont want to get camped? Reassurance, Camaradiere, etc
Dont want to get slugged? Unbreakable, Exponential, No Mither, etc4 -
Sorry but when did I say Thrill is fine? Quite the opposite, you can see that I don't agree with the change in other threads
Just because I'm bringing an idea to "solve" the problem doesn't mean I agree with it
My point is: If Thrill stays the same, then buff other survivor perks
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What's the counterperk for Dominance though?
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Touch everything when you can
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You're listing perks where the "fix" was a nerf tho. It's not like literally any of those perks were left as-is and the counter was simply buffed to match. Which is what you're saying you're pushing for.
None of that is in any way a case study for that. It's entirely a case study for nerfing thrill as being overtuned.
Someone else already said it, but DbD isn't a counter pick game. Something like overwatch can have hard and soft counters because you can change mid match. You clearly can't do that in DbD. If someone brings "rock" and you brought "scissors" in DbD, it's literally gg, go next.
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Good ideas, but Counterforce already has the stacking 20% speed increase.
I highly agree that the 30% debuff on Calm Spirit needs to be gone, as it makes no sense whatsoever.3 -
/shrug at killer equipping perks to fix the game + adopting play-styles to balance the game.
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This is textbook whataboutism.
At no point does this person say, or even imply what you're saying here.
Survivors are constantly told to "just bring the counter perks, duh" for camping, slugging, tunneling, chase, aura reads, slowdown, add-ons, and the list continues.
Not only is that already more than 4 things, but most of those are base kit for killers, leaving no room for build expression.
Or, in killer speak for you, this is why all survivors already bring the same builds most of the time.
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I'm sorry what are you on about? What point? And why are you on smoke? I was just responding to the post. If they revert it, cool I guess, and what?
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you have no idea. a lot of stuff that survivors bring often has no counter-play and can bring immense value especially in swf-type level play.
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Exactly. The balance of a trial can't hinge on psychic ability. Preset counterpicks as balance just doesn't work. You'll have a useless perk slot in every trial that you don't successfully guess on a counterpick.
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Are you talking about a specific group of killers that had to devote the majority of their parks to gen-related activities because gen regression parks were weakened across the board and a cap was placed on the number of gen kicks?
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And it could have been avoided if they had left Thrill as it was (with the BP bonus, of course).
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You mean like Killers had to for years to stop Survivor meta perks?
It's called a strategy. Survivors need to not overuse a ton of chase and gen perks the same way Killers need to not rely on the ame gen slowdown forever.
Let Killers have things.
I agree with this if totems are gonna be a new meta. Arguably the chest thing can go, too.
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You mean like Killers had to for years to stop Survivor meta perks?
Literally the only counterperk killers have ever seriously considered using is Lightborn, and it's hardly ubiquitous, or a game-breaker if you don't bring it.
This situation -could- have arisen out of boons, but boons just got gutted instead so killers weren't dependent on Shattered Hope. Same should apply here.