Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Thrill before Xmas

Member Posts: 89
edited December 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions

Can you PLEASE killswitch Thrill before the Christmas event!? DbD is rare for wholesome moments these days anyway but over the Christmas period if people have to deal with this horror every game, it's going to be miserable.

Post edited by Rizzo on

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  • Member Posts: 89

    I know the perk is as intended but I reckon killswitch is the quicker option than trying to revert the change with how close we are to the event. Until they can just do that afterwards or whatever they plan to do.

  • Member Posts: 89

    That's not what's being said at all. This also shouldn't be a case of just getting used to it, it's busted. It's genuinely awful, it's not just a strong perk. There's some really strong perks out there they don't need nerfing.

  • Member Posts: 567

    I hope this perk would be reverted tomorrow or mostly this week, because since new update I haven't played dbd and I don't want to if such thing as 46 seconds to break a totem is pemitted

  • Member Posts: 10,286

    First match I played against it, we did the Thrill totem, boon'd, did the Blood Favor totem, and did the Pentimento totems. The killer can't be everywhere at once, and if he's defending totems all game, he's giving up chase and gen pressure. It's not rocket science. "Oh no! The killers are running hex builds again! Let's complain about it til nerf, and then complain about what we had before!" You want variation, even though you're casuals and shouldn't care about balance, and then you complain about it.

  • Member Posts: 338
    edited December 2024

    It needs to be dialled back a bit. I've been taking Counterforce all day but when someone is running this totem build, someone always seems to dc. Then you end up with the bots attempting to do the totem without Counterforce while you are stood there with a big boost and they don't realise that you have the perk to do them! And of course everyone then dies. Has happened 3 times already today.

    A human player with half a brain can see from the new HUD update that I'm getting them done quickly and let you do them, but the bots just end up sabotaging the whole game! It's really annoying.

    It's basically a solo queue stomper. SWF's probably laugh at this perk and build.

  • Member Posts: 894

    I agree it needs to be dialed back a bit, but dear god, NOT nerfed into uselessness… let Hex perks have a chance to not be garbage for once.

  • Member Posts: 6,493
    edited December 2024

    Can someone enlighten me which exact build is the problem here?

    Edit: Nevermind it seems to be Hex builds in general.

    Post edited by ad19970 on
  • Member Posts: 894

    I do think after reflection it needs some dialling back, but I think having strong hexes in the meta and perks that support that is OK as an idea and should stay. Hexes should be able to have value in a match and give Survivors something else to do without them feeling like they're a non-issue and that bringing them is a waste of time. What's wrong with unconventional gen control that gives Survs another objective? Hell I'd like to see a perk that creates skillchecks on the totems while cleansing or something maybe, even.

  • Member Posts: 6,493

    I could see 11% or maybe 12% being fine, but I definitely agree that 14% is too much. 46 seconds for one hex totem is quite crazy, especially since all that progress can simply disappear if you let go or get interrupted.

  • Member Posts: 894

    I'd be fine if when them nerfing it down to 12% in light of other hex protection perks, to be fair. It'd be no worse than Grim Embrace + Thrilling Tremors then.

  • Member Posts: 515

    I havn't seen this effect matchs at all currently and i run counterforce on the regular, even without running counterforce games don't play out much different, If you manage to pop a hex that isn't thrill then thrill stops becoming an issue immediatly. Thrill falls into the Undying category of it doesnt do as much as anyone thinks it does, it's more common for Undying to be cleansed first than an actual hex totem which would replace it. Thrill buys some seconds a few extra isn't terrible.

  • Member Posts: 89

    I agree it needs to just be changed, if not just a happy in-between just an affect that still helps hex builds without them being excruciating to deal with. Again I only ask they killswitch it or whatever before the Christmas event due to how unfun it makes games. I completely agree though the perk wouldn't be killswitched because anythings' wrong with it, I just figured it'd be a quicker fix. Ideally a change for the perk to still be affective but not annoying would be the solution.

  • Member Posts: 10,286

    It's a placebo effect. Survivors think it's stronger than it is, because they believe it is. I've seen entire teams lose matches they had no place losing, or maybe they did, due to respecting this perk way too much, or not strategizing. If the killer's chasing someone across the map, cleanse it. If the killer keeps guarding it, cleanse a different totem so that there's less tokens, and cleanse it faster next time you try. Meanwhile, the killer has half the pressure on gens as usual because he keeps worrying about totems. People are eating out of these killer's hands, killers who aren't even that good, and they're blaming it on a perk rather than their own incompetence.

  • Member Posts: 89

    Wow I'm so glad your first game against it went so well. This isn't just one game we're talking about, this isn't always a 4 or 3 person swf either. It's uncoordinated & long. The totems take forever now & while you say the killer focuses too much on totems it depends on the killers; Doctor, Knight, Houndmaster just to name a few don't even need to be there to stop you. Thrill - if not the first one gone makes for an immensely horrible time trying to get rid of potentially Devour or CC or Blood Favour, perks that can be strong on their own if not taken care of normally anyway. It's game after game of going against it too, so you moan about the variation argument. There is no variation if it's all just hex builds!

    It's one perk that just needs changing given how annoying it's become since only a recent change. That's all. Hex builds don't need nerfing out of existence, just Thrill needs dialling back. Hopefully not enough to ruin it but just not THIS.

  • Member Posts: 2,986

    Yes, I hope it gets reverted and tested in a PTB if they want to buff it. I believe that would be the best approach.

  • Member Posts: 2,070

    Killers burned down the forums and complained about the "extra gen popping when a survivor dies" bug. That was fixed within 6 days. Fixed

    The identical thing happened to survivors where merciless storm was bugged and deleted the entire gen, even if you hit the skill checks, and that went on without being kill switched or fixed for over two months.

    It's now day 7 since the patch, and they haven't even acknowledged that thrill is an issue, let alone anything beyond that.

    You can try to spin that fixes are biased all you want, but if you're going that route you won't like where the facts and patch history take you.

  • Run Hex: thrill of the hunt and Hex: face the darkness and Hex: devour hope.

    Choose any other perk, could be another hex perk, or something else that complements your style.

    Injure one survivor, and profit as you hook every other survivor. When face the darkness is down, protect your totems.

    You cannot lose, unless your power goes out.

  • Member Posts: 267

    true broken perk now, please disable it

  • Member Posts: 894

    And what would be the issue with adjusting it down to 12% instead of nerfing it back to uselessness at 10%? The point was to buff the perk, the issue is they buffed it too much.

    I agree it needs a fix, but damn. Let Killers have things.

  • Member Posts: 869

    How long did it take them to address Dead Hard? More than any you listed.. xD Was it years? They listen to the 4 whining Survivors much more often than the singled out Killer and everyone knows it.

  • Member Posts: 306

    You're not really trying to pull an "us vs them" and "devs are biased" play by comparing a bug and a balance choice, right? Surely you can see the difference between the two? Compare it to how long it took for other powerful perks to get changed, not a bug.

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