Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

The Houndmaster is miserable to play with...

Member Posts: 53
edited December 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions

Her power is almost useless, very easy to dodge, bugged, slow to use within the chase, the dog hitbox is terribly small and so on…
The search hability have a tiny radius, almost all times it reaches the gen the survs already left the place and it shows nobody…
The search habolity is very hard to aim, i lose precious seconds just trying to use an hability to gain time…
Fred's teleport is much faster than hers and i think his M2 is more usefull than the dog…
Como on, devs havent played with her before the release?
Thats unbeliveable how an unfinished killer like her is going live…

Post edited by Rizzo on

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  • Member Posts: 6,492

    I have been having a decent time with her so far. Her chase is hard to use, but not that bad in my opinion. It has some zoning potential and it's not that crazy rare that I get hits with her dog.

    With that said, she definitely needs her bugs sorted out, of which she has way too many. And I agree that aiming her search ability can also be a pain in the ass. And maybe some small number buffs, like inreasing the hitbox of her dog ever so slightly, could also happen. But I just want her to stay fun to go against as well.

  • Member Posts: 9,700

    Twins still holds the number 1 spot, because her chapter broke the entire game. From what I can tell the main issue with this chapter is the killer itself not working. Which is easy enough to not deal with.

  • Member Posts: 894

    Not every Killer has to be A tier to be good.

  • Member Posts: 531

    Im honestly having such a hard time with her and nothing I do is helping…After 3 nights of nothing but 4 escapes is killing my enjoyment of this killer and the game…I never had this long of a losing streak on any killer before… Even killers I suck at or hate like billy I can at least get one kill every couple of games… I honestly dont know what to do to get better with her.

  • Member Posts: 3,308
    edited December 2024

    What builds are you running on her? If you're not good with her power, try Bam. I like bam, compass, pop and pain res.

    There is no hiding the fact that she needs buffs/qol and bug fixes.

  • Member Posts: 531

    For the first two nights I was running just her perks to try to get her adept then I gave up on that and just used my normal build with her new perks so Pain, pop, corrupt, and compass. Honestly so bad at making builds that I usually use builds suggested by Otz or some builds I find online, I just havent seen any in the days I played her. Still doing chase I have so many issues using her dog… I honestly have no clue what Im suppose to be doing and how to use him in loops.

  • Member Posts: 5,498

    I agree the Killer has some issues to fix, but the package bHVR has delivered is pretty extensive once you can get into it.
    but 100% the way selecting search area or game object is made should be one of the first things bHVR needs to fix.

    Once bHVR can fix up her unfortunate control scheme, then they have a good slate to balance from.
    Even tho I personally think shes just right atm.

  • Member Posts: 531

    I may take you up on that bc I really want to like this killer. I was kinda hunting for some kinda guide to her on the internet as well. If I do decide I like your help I'll msg you!

  • Member Posts: 2,251

    She's not bad, snug is just abit janky is all. She has mobility and a…snare? thats usable in many areas. Our main complains is that search doesn't snap very well to where we want to go and snug sometimes rushing into a wall despite aiming down a hall. Fun facts: apparently search focuses more where Portia is pointing (like, the character model) for some bloody reason and snug can damage survivors mid vault. Its mostly QoL thats needed.

  • Member Posts: 673

    But the hound is snuggly to play with!

  • Member Posts: 3,308

    Snug needs to be able to pull harder too

  • Member Posts: 894

    That's extremely objective, I find Wesker miserable to control on a controller but plenty of people love him and find his controls great. I find Huntress intolerably sluggish but lots of people love Huntress. I find Pinhead isn't that hard on controller but many people find him intolerable on controller.

    I'm sure plenty of people are fine with Houndmaster, despite her bugs. You're just not one of them, and that's okay. Nobody's making you play her. I do hope her bugs get fixed though.

  • Member Posts: 80

    The dog is too buggy. It's so annoying.

  • Member Posts: 528

    I'm sure plenty of people are fine with Houndmaster

    are those people in room with us?

    There are killers that are definetly not console friendly, or hard to control. But she is simply buggy and her power unreliable.

  • Member Posts: 3,308

    I agree - yes. Hopefully over time the killer roster will be more and more controller friendly.

  • Member Posts: 894
    edited December 2024

    Rulebreaker above us appears to be one of said "people in the room with us". :)

    Your opinion is she's bad because bugs, your opinion is also objective because it's clear people play her DESPITE the bugs, people like her DESPITE the bugs. I'm more than certain that most of the type of people fine with Houndmaster are not on forums like these debating how good or bad she is, or worrying at ALL where she lies on a random tierlist some Youtuber made. And the ones that are, don't care about tierlists and strength anyway - they still are playing her. Like Rulebreaker, apparently.

    Instead of worrying what others may or may not think and why they're OBVIOUSLY wrong (in your opinion), just don't play her if she's bad for you. After all people play Ghostface and he's also buggy. And HIS strength level is just s debatable, some people call him low B and others call him D. Houndmaster is in the same boat. I've heard everything from B to C to D and even someone calling her an A tier (which I think we both know is ludicrous).

    Outside of the bugs? I think she's about a low B high C. Fix the bugs and that's where she's at IMHO. She's seeing play, so obviously not EVERYONE finds her "miserable to play as".

    You are welcome to disagree with me, but please do not act dismissive with the whole "is this in the room right now" comment again, it's rude and not necessary to this discussion.

  • Member Posts: 528
    edited December 2024

    Rulebreaker above us appears to be one of said "people in the room with us"

    Seems there are some extreme masochists here…

    Your opinion is she's bad because bugs, your opinion is also objective because it's clear people play her DESPITE the bugs, people like her DESPITE the bugs

    Majority doesn't. They play her, because she is new killer and she has a dog.

    Without changes, she will end same as Singularity and Twins.

    You are welcome to disagree with me, but please do not act dismissive with the whole "is this in the room right now" comment again, it's rude and not necessary to this discussion.

    That was a reference to meme… Sadly seems like didn't land.

    just don't play her if she's bad for you

    Well, I am not going to, but I can still say my suggestions about what's wrong and how I would fix it.

    I wouldn't buff chase until bugs are fixed, it's simply impossible to tell right now how good it is.
    Search needs buffs imo, it's not really buggy, it's just bad.

  • Member Posts: 2,251

    Sadists thank you.

    We do like her, and while we'd like some qol for them, they're perfectly playable and often fun as is. For an example, in a similar vein to what deathslinger can do, we had snug pull some injured smuck out the exit. Satisfying to land, extremely entertaining to experience. Search works well as a map mobility tool and a way to guard either a gen or gate (we we're correct, the snap is where the model is pointing too for some reason).

  • Member Posts: 528
    edited December 2024

    I am pretty sure enjoying buggy mess and getting screwed by questionable AI is masochist.

    Search is not that good for mobility, because of Snug's pathing. He is not running shortest path most of the times. I would definetly want some lingering effect there, which should be fine when it doesn't work in chase anyway.
    I would personally want him to run few meters behind the target I chose (gen/totem). As a survivor, I can dodge detection on reaction, basically when I hear dog, I run away from gen and he won't detect me, because he stops there, which seems flawed to me.

    Chase is hard to tell until they fix bugs. But situation where there is another survivor nearby (so long range chase is useless) and surivvor is dragged by Snug to a pallet were very annoying to me.

  • Member Posts: 4,618

    I read none of this, but I wondered if the Hound Mistress would of been better? asking for a friend or two? lol

  • Member Posts: 2,251

    Considering we're getting the questionable ai to work for us, we stand by our statement (mostly cause its true instead of the insult).

    Bar when on an elevation (still trying to figure out snug logic with that), snug does more often than not go the "shortest" path (for us anyway). It may not always be the path we want due to our play style, but he'll go thata way. Though in defense of the times Snug does go off on his own path, it has caught out sneaky survivors about half the time, since they weren't expecting a random doggo to come from that way and get revealed.

    We like him guarding the target (a larger radius wouldn't be bad mind) as that either keeps survivors off the gen or gives hound sense should they keep working, and either way since Portia has good mobility we get to the target quick and can search around ourselves. Hound sense is more like a bonus than the main attraction when used like this instead of the above where the role flips and hound sense is the star.

    As we stated before, we want some qol, one is when chase doesn't have Snug trying to bite a wall. But that said, as long as theres not 2 survivors being chased together (which is its own benefit) landing a chase will practically always reward a killer with either a hit or forcing a pallet drop, so we personally don't mind.

  • Member Posts: 894

    Doggo, if I as a Ghostface Main can make his jank-aah reveal system work for me enough to consistently winstreak with him, even against half decent teams, I am certain people can make Houndmaster's jank work.

    Your opinion is an opinion. It's valid but just opinion.

  • Member Posts: 53

    Its not your fault, shes weak, u depends on survivor errors…
    She almost have no power at all.

  • Member Posts: 894

    Vuk, literally all Killer gameplay, the bread and butter of chase, depends on Survivor errors… some Killers just capitalize on those better than others, and some can force them to happen better than others.

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