Evil Incarnate needs a change.

With how long it takes now to get tier 3 with the iridescents and the fact survivors can still hide in lockers to prevent the mori (and now prevent you getting stalk after they realize you're taking too damn long to tier up from 2), this achievement needs to be updated.
Just getting tier 3 now is a challenge in and of itself so why not just let us use perks to mori survivors SO LONG AS WE ARE IN TIER 3 WITH THE ADDONS. It legit would not change anything aside from preventing survivors from completely negating your chances by just hopping in a locker and going afk. It still adds the challenge because of the addons, killer gets more points, and survivors can still play. I don't see how this could negatively impact anything in the slightest.
It's not challenging if it's not even possible 99.9% of the time since everyone and their mother in this game has a "us vs them" menality (Example: you mori'd 3 survivors and closed hatch, now the last survivor is just sitting in a locker waiting the the collapse to kill them out of spite, completely preventing you from getting the achievement after you did EVERYTHING right).
It takes so long, I can't even get to tier 3 before all gens are done.
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Unfortunately, BHVR is not allowed to modify the achievement for Xbox/PS as long as it is technically possible, according to Sony and Microsoft's rules around achievements. This makes it extremely unlikely they'd make changes to it for any other platform as well.
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But if they changed the add-ons, then it wouldn't be technically possible, right?
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I think they should keep Judith's Tombstone, but completely rework the Piece.
Maybe it can extend Tier 3's duration by 20 seconds for each successful attack
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If they got rid of both Judith's Tombstone AND Tombstone Piece, then it wouldn't be technically possible and then they could change it.
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If they cannot fix it, they need to remove it and add a new achievement. It's impossible to get for 95% of people now; it was already a struggle to get it before the changes for most people.