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I Wish There Was A Way To Bleed Out Faster...

I sure do love being Bleed out for 4-minutes when the Killer can just end the game. It would be nice if there was some level of agency from the Survivor's end to deal with this issue. :)

Also yes, as you can imagine, the Killer did ye ole' W + S on top of me, nodded, and threw hatchets at me while I was on the ground.

(Also since I know someone will look at my perks and complain in some shape or way, Im going for the Left For Dead achievement and Im using Sole Survivor and Wake Up for the increased Gate Opening Speed. Adrenaline and Hope are there in case I get caught opening the Gate I can hopefully make it through without going into the Dying State.)

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  • Member Posts: 25

    I was just having this discussion with some friends the other day. I'm a killer main but it seems like everytime I join them as a survivor, every other killer wants to either slug and bleed out the whole team or the last ones. While I can see some other k-mains pov with survivors with boil over crawling or running to the furthest spot on the map making hooks impossible, I personally do not agree with the act. The only time I've ever done it was by accident when I downed someone on the temple map, their friend was right there so I got them real quick and then could not for the life of me find the first one. I could hear her all day but no sign of her, no trail and even trying to grid the whole area, no pickup option on screen. Felt so bad had to send an apology dm lol. I think that there should be options on both ends. If a survivor is down for over 60 seconds, free mori (let's move things along), refusal to more ends with a short matchmaking penalty or a loss of points. If the survivor is down for 90 seconds, auto unbreakable or hold down a button for a few seconds to begin a sped up bleed out or if you wait it out get a small bonus of BP afterwards just to spite the killer. I mean if there was a benefit to laying there, I'd go grab me a fresh drink and enjoy knowing I get "resilience points" and they get "douchebag penalty" lol. But however it would be implemented, I agree it should be there. Along with some kind of afk penalty for survivors. Just deciding they don't want to play against a particular killer or map. 3 crows = matchmaking penalty. If you don't want to play just disconnect, take your short time-out and give your team a bot to replace you. They tend to play better than most survivors I come across, imo.

  • Member Posts: 702

    I'm not claiming you or your team did anything toxic but based on my own experience of the game as a whole, survivor and killer, survivors tend to be pretty toxic and very mouthy post match. So I can see why a killer might lash out at all survivors if they have bad experiences with majority of other teams. But it's possible he was just a **** because people are ****s....and killers are people too

  • Member Posts: 80

    I would love to see DbD implement a surrender option. Unfortunately, it’s just one of the many basic QoL features this game lacks.

  • Member Posts: 3,372

    Who hurt him? xD

  • Member Posts: 702

    Like I said based on my own experience this is not the case. I was survivor main for 2 years. Majority of my matches went fine as far as toxicity goes from killers. If anything it was my team mates that was trying to annoy the killers quite alot lol. Now I'm a killer main and a huge percentage of my matches has some sort of toxic behaviour from survivors, usually post match ranting. That's just my experience tho, others might have a different experience but if killers get the same experience I get then I can understand why they lash out.

  • Member Posts: 4,868

    I think deliberately trying to upset people and waste their time is bad taste no matter how you put it.

  • Member Posts: 405

    I think being able to hook yourself should be an option when slugged. It be useless to abuse because why would you do that when you can get picked up. It would only be useful when your slugged indefinitely

  • Member Posts: 80

    You already have trolls playing Survivor; this person was slugged after a Survivor sky hatched. Who would be trolled by survivors forfeiting here? Who is trolled by the survivor team or a Killer voting to forfeit?

  • Member Posts: 702

    Lol you maybe right but bottom line is p*** someone off enough and they will lash out... Maybe don't crouch at a pallet? Don't bag at the gates? Don't hide for eternity during 2 v 1 situations? It serves no purpose to crouch at a pallet or gate other than to deliberatly gloat. Can't blame killers for doing the same thing. And most importantly don't vent in post game chat because sooner or later killers will retaliate and as it's impossible to tell who the good and bad people are until it's too late the good people get treated like the bad. Not everyone is like that but some people are.

  • Member Posts: 80

    How do you abuse a surrender vote? Who is trolled by the Survivor or Killer team voting to surrender?

  • Member Posts: 600

    I slug when I can start a new chase immediately after. Otherwise I still prefer to hook.

  • Member Posts: 894

    If endgame collapse is 2 minutes and dying on a hook from 1st to death stage is about 2 minutes, then bleeding out on the ground should be 2 minutes too. Nobody is gonna be upset being slugged for just 2 minutes. Because it benefits everyone to have it:

    1. If you're really just downing for pressure it won't affect you to change this since you intend to pick up anyway.
    2. A faster bleedout timer puts pressure on Survivors to help Survs downed this way more.
    3. You should NOT need to bring perks to counter bad actors.
    4. People who like to slug for a bleedout or for the 4k would be the only people affected by this.
  • Member Posts: 894

    This is actually what most people ACTUALLY experience in the game on a daily basis. They just remember the bad rounds more than the good ones, because you remember negatives more easily than positives.

    You are not getting 4 man slugged by every Killer.

    You are not getting tunnelled every round.

    You aren't dealing with genrushers or flashlight squads every day.

    Someone isn't giving up every single round you play every single time you play.

    And no, your favorite side, dear reader, isn't too weak.

  • Member Posts: 5,918

    I wish there was a way for killers to give up just like survivors can. Especially when toxic SWFs wont just end the game.

  • Member Posts: 3,579

    EGC is intended to put a "end-all-be-all" timer but it can only be opened by the Killer once all Generators are completed. I do think the Killer should be able to open the Exit Gates anytime during the match to prevent situations where the Survivors are clearly not playing for their own objective and want to waste the Killers time.

    Frankly though, I have not come across SWF that do it often, mainly since MMR pushes players like that into lower MMR brackets since they die a lot. But I do think it is an issue that can also be addressed, since multiple things can issues at the same time.

  • Member Posts: 271

    Yup one of the worst things that still haunts this game

  • Member Posts: 2,267

    I have been asking for a 'concede' option for years but nope, BHVR insists that their paying customers must endure frequent 4 minute bleed out sessions where they cannot play a match and they cannot leave a match that is essentially over or they will face a penalty.

    Just had a lovely killer using Knockout to slug everyone and bleed them out (Knockout is another problematic thing in DBD that should not exist) and my only option was to either spend 4 minutes of my time being bled out or take the DC penalty.

    Of course the final mori changes have made the slugging for the 4k thing even worse and if you have a selfish team mate who will simply hide, you're yet again stuck in a match for 4 minutes where you are unable to do anything but crawl - hardly compelling game play.

  • Member Posts: 745

    Ahh, yes. Let's add more mechanics that incentivize players to ragequit without any penaltiess

  • Member Posts: 516

    Yes. A "die faster" button would be a very valuable acquisition. It's better to suffer less than more. True, as a killer player I could benefit from this. I see a purely tactical benefit in this.

    On the other hand, the basic Unbreakable function will be like an extension of your 4 minutes of agony. Constantly getting up and falling because killers are patient in achieving their goals. To wear down one of the qualities of a killer.

    No matter how you look at it, both options are bad. The only question is, what's worse? Survivors who let the team down or even longer slugging? The choice is yours.

    Personally, I would like a perk for the killer that reduces the overall timer from 4 to 3 minutes. It also took away 20-40 seconds with each hit.

  • Member Posts: 80

    you didn’t explain anything bahaha. Like every other game with a vote to surrender option there would be an option to team vote to end the game after a couple minutes in it. Killers can surrender more easily cause they’re a team of one. No, the other side doesn’t vote to keep you in. Ignoring your rudeness, Identity V is similar to DbD and has a fully functioning surrender system so I’m not sure why it would break the game here.

  • Member Posts: 702

    Each to their own but I can say that if it's me then I prefer drop down to their level, fight back and actually do something to make sure it doesn't happen to me. If people want play the "I'm not going to stoop to their level" great but be prepared to be hit with it time and time again. I won't stand on my pedestal thinking "it's ok I'm better than these people" while allowing them to throw **** at me, I'm climbing down to throw **** back

  • Member Posts: 516

    For some reason I remembered this picture that I took from the profile of one killer main.

  • Member Posts: 80

    Identity V is a 1v4 asymmetrical game with the exact same objectives as this one. Hunter is completely playable there and they have a functioning forfeit system for Hunters and Survivors. Your POV is the one who seems limited if you can’t even comprehend a functional forfeit system. I agree it’s best I don’t reply after this, the best you offer is a viewpoint you can’t explain and petty insults. Cheers <3

  • Member Posts: 702

    The thing is for a long while I treated others as I wish to be treated but my wish didn't come true, I was not treated the same way. Each person has individual experiences so I'm just saying if others have had the same experience I have had then I can understand why some people play in a way that others don't like it considered toxic. But I agree with "why be rude at all?" From day 1 I asked myself that very question when I was bombarded with rude toxic gameplay and messages. I have learnt to not bother trying to understand the way as it will happen regardless. I just concentrate on minimising it happening to me. I'm sure others feel the same and others disagree.

  • Member Posts: 820
    edited December 2024

    The game could certainly benefit for a way to speed up bleed outs in my opinion.

    Some people will argue that four minutes isn't that big a deal to wait, but I'd disagree. If survivors had a way to sit in the exit gate and enjoy the safety it provides without the killer being able to chase them out in some way, it would be infuriating and people would complain incessentantly (for good reason).

    It might be rare to get slugged consecutively in back to back matches, but it has naturally happened a ton in a game as long lasting and popular as DBD, and after a certain point, I just wanna go next. I don't care about clout or dc penalty or whether I won or lost, I just wanna get out of an unfun match where two teammates are already dead and Laura and I are just flopping on the ground as the killer bags us for minutes. As killer, there was I can make an unfun match fun, and generally, it's usually possible to try securing at least one kill, even in end game.

    As survivor, the game kinda just tells you to sit there and let a 4 Slowdown Blight throw himself a celebration ceremony for the equivalent of about half of a SpongeBob episode. Trust me, I've had a lot of time to figure that out.

  • Member Posts: 557

    The harsh reality is that people aren't obligated to treat you any specific way just because you are kind to them, but that shouldn't dissuade us from trying to be kind. If they return your kindness with rudeness, it says more about them than anything else. I understand your frustration with feeling like people don't return the kindness, but kindness should come from within and be driven by who you want to be, not simply a means to an end.

    This whole idea of kindness in dbd gets even more complicated when you throw the whole idea that this is a game into the mix, because people will act in different, often negative, ways simply because it's a game. At a certain point, there should be a lengthy discussion on if reports for unsportsmanlike conduct should be taken more seriously, how that could even be detected in game, and/or whether or not people think they should even be actionable at all. As it stands right now, it's my opinion that the unsportsmanlike conduct button is simply a placebo button.

  • Member Posts: 4,650

    You do you.

    But just to let you know, it's a cycle. Your actions keep it going.

  • Member Posts: 702

    Well I would say it keeps it going regardless of my actions, that's the point lol. My actions prevent it happening to me as much at the very least.

  • Member Posts: 4,650

    I'm sorry, if this comes of harsh or rude.

    I dont care anymore.

  • Member Posts: 702

    Lol not harsh or rude, just simply...fair enough in response to that 😊

  • Member Posts: 4,650

    No. It's something else. But this is not the place to share it. I just don't want to anymore.

  • Member Posts: 894

    If it's two minutes to die on hook from first hook, and two minutes to endgame collapse, it should be two minutes to bleed out.

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