NOED rework

Sorry if this has been said before. I think I know why people hate NOED so much. Besides the fact that it's a surprise instadown, I hear all the time that NOED is a crutch perk that has no activation requirement. I think that's why people hate it more than other endgame perks. Every other endgame perks require build up to get the most value out of it (no way out/remember me) or it has a specific requirements to fully activate (blood warden). The only way to counter NOED currently is to cleanse every totem.
I think NOED should have to be built up throughout the game. They can remove the hex and make it token based or something. Maybe something like "NOED lasts 30 seconds basekit then adds 30 more seconds and 1% haste for each survivor hooked for the first time". Could also make it permanent if all survivors are hooked or grants the speed boost only if all survivors are hooked.
My other suggestion is that the only survivors exposed in the endgame are the ones you hooked at least once in the game.
I'm fine with NOED as is, I just know most survivors hate it so I was trying to make it more "fair".
I haven't seen it complained about much anymore. It used to be that Survivors wouldn't see its purple aura at all.
I think it's fine the way it is. I was never bothered by it, even before its aura nerf.
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Would you rather….
A: gen rush and get blind sided by NOED
B: still lose the match because 10 minutes were wasted looking for every dull totem
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NOED is fine and I don't think it needs a rework.
That being said, it is definitely a crutch for many killers I encounter, who seem to lack any game sense and make very little effort to preserve gens as they know NOED will reward them with speed and an insta-down. Though I will not look down on someone running it on Bubba or Trapper which are killers I feel it was made for.
But for many it is a crutch that gets them unearned kills for failing to pressure gens and it prevents them from getting better at the game as they will potentially have NOED to compensate later on.
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Survivors have something similar as basekit... It's called hatch lol. Do nothing all match then hatch spawns for a free undeserved escape
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I'm just so grateful they added the aura reading on it, I remember playing before that and listening for that stupid tinkly sound just to get downed halfway through cleansing ;w; I think your suggestion is really cool— Kinda like how no way out works, requiring more work for it to be as efficient as possible! I think it would be too close to DH in that sense tho and I've been running into that one a loooooot more recently. More people are using totem builds (a bit boring, but I get it) and so far DH, Thrill, and Pentimento have been the bane of my existence, and in the rare moments I run into NOED, I go next and cleanse all totems lol. Still a cool idea and maybe if they ever buff/rework it they could include that :0!!
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Noed has rng as it's totem based and can be countered by cleansing totems throughout the match and even after it's activated so noed isn't a guaranteed kill. As for match taking forever that happens with the hatch mechanic due to last 2 survivors hiding until the end of time hoping the other one gets killed so they can get the cheap escape. Even if the hatch is closed, that allows the gates to be opened so that's your finish gens for free perk basekit. Point still stands, a survivor can do nothing all match and still have a chance to get the cheap escape as gens are already auto completed.
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The killer plays most of a match down a perk, and when it activates at the very end of the game it literally tells survivors where its totem is. I’m not sure it needs even more downsides.
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If the Killer was bad, and relied on it as a crutch, Survivors should have had plenty of time to cleans bones during the trial. Even after it procs, all you have to do is look for the pink aura and cleanse it.
If the Killer was good and gave the Survivors no time to cleanse totems, they have then earned it to proc because they applied pressure with only three perks during the majority of the match.
NOED is fine in its current incarnation
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Noed is completely balanced now the totem's aura shows itself. Very rare it lasts more than 1 minute after being activated.
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There are tons of survivor perks that survivors don't have to build up. Things like DS, DH, OTR etc. all just "happen" because they get hooked.
There really isn't any good reason why killers can't also have perks that do this.
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After it's rework, it's fine as is I think. It was very busted before, but at least now you can see the aura if close enough and the aura range spreads out over time. If killer gets a down, and hooks near it, you're losing that teammate unless they leave hook area to check doors, but otherwise you're probably not cleansing it. But that's just partially RNG.
Now I used to say the same thing about having to earn NOED before it got it's rework. Like you'd only get it after getting X amount of hooks or something.2 -
To be fair, you need to do more to completely negate noed than to get the 4th survivor.
End game in itself is a problem that should be tackled, as surviving often feels undeserved and getting the 4th kill leads to very boring scenarios.
I'd prefer a good chase to close the match. If the survivor manages to survive for a certain amount of time, they can go. If they go down, they get sacrificed.
Obviously this would come with its own problems regarding killer powers and structures to play around, but it's a lot more interesting than what we currently have or had (hatch standoff).
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Hatch is not guaranteed. It’s all RNG luck that you have to 1v1 the killer for assuming the killer doesn’t slug for the 4K which the vast majority of them do. Comparing hatch to NOED just makes you look ridiculous
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I don't like NOED, and haven't run it since like 2019. But even with that being the case, I believe the following are true:
- NOED isn't a free kill. This is something people say that I've always thought was silly. Stupid, even. It's not like a surv drops dead as soon as NOED procs. You still have to get found and hit.
- Now that the totem is revealed, getting rid of it isn't a huge deal, provided your teammates don't panic and leave
- Most killers who run NOED are (in my experience) not good. I'm not saying that to be mean, but I have noticed a clear correlation between how bad the killer plays and the likelihood that they're running NOED.
I think a lot of the salt about NOED is from survs who got cocky and caught out in the endgame (and then have to live with having lost to a bad killer due to their own hubris). For me, the worse a killer is playing, the more I prepare for NOED.
And honestly, if you just play as if every killer is running NOED, it's not a big deal.
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If the current NOED isn't good enough then the prior reworks were failures. Just revert the changes and make it permanent, unremovable, and with the old speed boost.
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It's almost 2025 and people are still calling Noed a crutch? huh
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I didn't say it's guaranteed escape lol I'm comparing hatch to noed because noed isn't guaranteed kill. Both no guarantees, both pop at end game and the comment I was referring to mentioned about the scenario where survivor have a perk to auto complete gens... Hatch does exactly that. Counter to hatch is prevent it spawning via slugging. Counter after it's spawned is close it. Now look at noed, counter to it is prevent it from activating via cleansing totems, counter to noed after it activates is cleanse the totem it's associated with. The 2 are very much comparable the difference is killers choose to counter it before it spawns. Survivors don't counter noed before it spawns, they fly through gens and then get caught out. Hatch has rng where it spawns as all totems have rng where they spawn. I see no valid argument to suggest otherwise.
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Rng means random… location of the totems are random and even the 1 it picks as the noed is random lol. You say no matter what it will activate when all gens are done but hatch which is also rng...will spawn when it's last survivor no matter what. How do you not see the similarities between them?
Just like the point out I just had a match right now when my noed was cleansed almost as soon as it was activated. No different to when the hatch spawn right next to the survivors feet.
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PPeople still treating noed as if it teleported survivors into melee range?
Noed activating does not guarantee a hit or that hit actually benefitting from the double damage.
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After learning to loop a bit, I found noed to be like Light Born: I -HOPE- the killer has it. That's a perk slot each that will probably do nothing all game. I feel its 50/50 if the noed totem sticks around. And if you spot a totem that would be easy for the killer to defend during the match, just cleanse it. No need to get every totem.
Then just don't get hit. If someone does get hooked, either cleanse before rescuing or get out.
Is this not common for others?
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This isn't true as like I said I played match recently where my noed totem was cleansed very quickly, probably started cleansing it as soon as it was active therefore it is rng so no it's not guaranteed to have any effect. But survivors do have the choice to cleanse totems throughout the match to prevent it from being activated at all. If survivors rush the gens and then run for the exit gate then yes chances are noed will give value but if survivors play smart, there are ways to counter noed making it a wasted perk slot. Whereas hatch provides a similar free escape no matter what and it doesn't even take up a perk slot
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Yeah, NOED almost guarantees you get at least two free downs if you play your cards right. Since it's endgame, those downs could easily be death hooks.
Very strong in a full endgame build. Couple noed with perks like no way out, blood warden, remember me, and you get way more noed value. You also have lots of time to check your totem to see if anyone is cleansing it.
Another scenario: run iron grasp and agitation. Down a survivor with noed, bring them to the hook nearest to your totem. Now you defend both the hooked survivor AND your totem. No amount of teamwork is saving them.
Anyway, I think it would be interesting if they did something different with NOED. Keep the speed boost. Give a bonus to attack cooldowns like STBFL. A bonus to vault and pallet break speeds. I think even preventing a survivor from leaving the trial for 10 seconds after getting hit would be pretty cool. Would be a much more fun example of JUST LEAVE™.
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On one hand noed is nice against survivors who get cheeky at the end and start rubbing it in your face that they won, on the other hand as a random player that had nothing to do with the tbagger, you get carried to the basement just as the gens pop and the totem spawns in the shack, doesnt matter how well you performed all round thats it ur just done, nothing anyone can do, and the first guy that comes to try a heroic save wont know of nooed and hes going to die with you while the others give up and leave lol. All because 1 totem turns on at the end of the round its an instant lose. So ive never found it "fair" to use myself, id only bring it for expose hit challenges
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Except it's not free value because takes up a perk slot so all match the killer is working with 3 perks. And 2. It the reason it activated at all was due to survivors not cleansing totems. Not much different to saying slugging is a free kill if survivors don't go for the heal... If a noed totem spawned as basekit I would see your point but that's the only real difference between noed and the hatch. The hatch offers a free escape without taking up a perk slot. But both can be dealt with... Survivor needs to find hatch before killer closes it and survivor needs to find the totem before killer downs them (which is easily done as the aura of the totem is shown to survivors. I think if people having that much trouble with noed it's a skill issue by not being stealthy when it's active or not cleansing totems when they have the chance during the match
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Surprise Noed is hilarious against Survivors who think cleansing against Plague at end game makes them safe.
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Ok I'm not sure your getting it and we are going in circles here. Totems are randomly generated and noed randomly selects a totem when it activates. It could light up next to a survivor, it could light up next to a killer just like hatch. therefore it does have rng, it's luck where the totem is like it's luck where the hatch spawns. Much like noed, survivor gets free value from hatch, just lose their team mates and get free escape.
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It's not "free" if you have to spend a perk slot on it. If the criteria is that it's "free value" if you don't have to do anything to activate the perk, like half (or more) of all perks in the game would qualify.
But spending a perk slot is a cost, and typically a cost good players aren't willing to pay (because they are confident that they can win the game before the gens get done). Survs have 16 perk slots, killers have 4, and playing the 90% of the match with only 3 perks isn't insignificant.
Hatch, otoh, is just built into the game, and requires nothing of the player for it to spawn, like anything else that is basekit.
I'm not defending NOED as a perk, but the "it's free kills" narrative is really dumb. And I don't know about other people, but I am not seeing games lost due to NOED on anything but a rare occasion, so I am not sure what the major issue is here. From my perspective, it's a perk that will occasionally allow a bad killer to salvage something from a lost match.
I don't want to sound like that person, but if NOED is consistently a thorn in your side, it might be a skill/experience issue.
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NOED doesn't proc until the killer downs someone for the first, so a solo survivor doesn't stand a chance. Especially if hatch is closed, they have no key and the gates are being patrolled across a small map. Which also proves another point, adept killers abuse NOED just to be toxic to survivors for outplaying them. I just had a match where everyone but me was sacrificed, I retreated to heal up cause I couldn't find the hatch. Head to a gate and waited for a brief moment to prog the switch a little, killer is dredge, they show up use their ability to leave a portal and go check on other gate so I'm stuck, then they snap back on spot find me and down me in one hit cause guess what, they had NOED, which they obviously didn't need since they got 3 survivors already.
NOED is supposed to be a crutch for greenie killers who are outmatched by adept solo survivors or SWF (SWF being the best case to use it since SWF tend to be more cocky and toxic to killers, from my perspective of playing killer mainly.) But adept killers use it why? Just to be as toxic as they are, what goes around comes around, and people that actually play for the sake of playing, getting challenges and achievements done. They suffer for it and get a horrible experience out of it all. NOED, regardless if its been nerfed in the most little way possible, still remains OP and likely to be abused by adept players. I've had several matches where killers simply used it to slug everyone and leave them bleeding out in floor, its petty and spiteful. What good is seeing an aura within 24 meters going to do when everyone is down and bleeding on the floor? Absolutely nothing and you have no way to know NOED is in play till after the first survivor goes down from it.
IMO there should be a failsafe for NOED abusers or simply remove it from killers who have prestiged to a degree, the failsafe being survivors who have been slugged and left should be able to recover from dying state, at a slow rate if need be, this prevents slug abuse and forces killers to hook, therefore giving other survivors time to look for the totem and cleanse it.
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You can cleanse it, and it also shows it's aura.
What more counterplay do we need with it?
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This is a perk for those who just bought the game and don't have any gen regression perks. it will take some time before a person buys all the dls
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NOED is a perk that is used by skilled killers and bad killers at the same time, each for the different purposes and as a result of totally different opponent skill.
Bad killers will rely on NOED as a crutch for 4K because average team lacks skill for playing around unhooking when NOED is in game.
Good killers use NOED as a way to have some endgame pressure due to haste and a way to potentionally secure that one kill. That's why you will see it in tournaments quite some times on weaker killers, because it will matter to final hooks outcome.
Bad killers use NOED for 4k, bad survivors use NOED as an excuse for losing a match.
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I’ve survived plenty of matches against NoEd users a SoloQ player. So you’re wrong when you say SoloQ has no chance.
This is really an issue of Git Gud.
You as a Survivor are expected to pay attention to the Killer, how they play and what perks they might have equipped. It’s not hard to tell if they’ve only been playing with 3 perks for the majority of the match and safely assume they have NoEd.
It’s a total skill issue on the Survivors part if hatch is closed and gates are closed. You failed to finish the gens and open a door and you failed to find hatch before the Killer did. You’re not entitled to deactivate a Killers perk because you weren’t good enough to identify that they had it.
If it’s such a problem bring in perks that counter totems, a map or even Plunderers so you can find a key in order to get that easy escape you desire so much.