Please stop partnering with fandom

The Dead by Daylight fandom wiki is the official one and I hate it.
I have a lot of times found inaccurate information.
But more importantly they recently started running ads that cover your entire screen for multiple seconds. It is so annoying. It makes me not want to look up information.
Exactly what sort of information are you trying to find? I know most of everything in this game and using a wiki doesn't seem like the most reliable way, official or not
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For example the reason I opened fandom before I made this post was: How long exactly is the exit gate blocked after being caught by the Houndmasters dog?
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I occasionally message the wiki's admins for stuff, usually when I notice something is amiss (which is rare). Apparently, they're currently moving the wiki to a new host, partly because of fandom's incessant ads. The fandom one will be abandoned after that (or already is, considering they haven't updated it past the last PTB). The new wiki is still private at the moment, but it should go public soon.
Nevertheless, your question is actually answered on the fandom wiki still. If you go to Houndmaster's page and scroll down to the power trivia, the section "Dog (Chase Command)" lists it at the bottom: "Gate Blocker Linger duration: 5 seconds"
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What? it's almost always super accurate, there's rarely anything wrong with the informations on it.
I think it's one of the best wikis I've ever seen
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The DbD Fandom Wiki is fantastic when it comes to Informations, it's not as good as the Warframe Wiki for example, but still.. There is rarely any wrong Information. It sometimes just takes them a while to update some Informations/Changes.
But for the Host, Wiki Fandom, that's another Story. But i heard that many Wikis migrate to other Hosts. Maybe the DbD Wiki does that too.
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The fandom wiki is objectively ######### because of the billion ads and BHVR should just install their own wiki software and let people manage it in an ad free place. Mediawiki software is free after all.
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They did actually, the new wiki went live last night: