What Chucky should've got from this update instead of a nerf

Back in October Chucky was bugged where he could turn his scamper which gave useful gameplay potential
The whole point of this clip is that Chucky was at a decent spot and only needed a couple of tweaks while making his scamper more useful, but what they did in the recent hotfix was undeserved
For more details/discussion about Chucky nerfs
chucky has so much potencial as a killer but he just keep getting nerfed with negative change after negative change.
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The discussions around this killer's strength are usually so casual, it's sad. "His stealth is what makes him broken" and stuff like that. Newsflash, it's his dash attack that's strong, albeit only usable on PC. What this change does not only destroys that power, but sets the stage for future equally bad killer nerfs. Chucky players would rather have less dash distance for more speed, because that makes it harder to react to. If a survivor can simply react the everything the killer does, killer has no agency in chase and has to wait for the survivor to mess up before they can physically do anything. It wouldn't surprise me if they gave this same nerf to Blight's dashes. "But you get the same distance!" But it's slower. The slower a killer is at doing something, the more the survivor can just react to deny the ability. It becomes riskier to use your ability as killer than just being M1 trash, because of the small likelihood of actually getting anything out of it. That resigns killers to basically not being able to use their powers, except against noobs, which is the antithesis to why you would even pick that specific killer over another. They did the same with Wraith, Spirit, and Deathslinger. Made everything that those killers did slower, so that survivors could "react" to what they did, instead of needing to be smart/unpredictable. That nonsensically gives all the power in chase to the survivors, but hey, that's apparently "balance."
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They did the same with Wraith, Spirit, and Deathslinger. Made everything that those killers did slower, so that survivors could "react" to what they did, instead of needing to be smart/unpredictable. That nonsensically gives all the power in chase to the survivors, but hey, that's apparently "balance."
for deathslinger in particular, he got killed with that type of change.
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This is a Freddying™
A.K.A - Taking away unique elements of a killer power in favor of an anti-loop power, and then nerfing said power for... a reason unknown to mankind.
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Poor Chucky. He did not deserve any of this…