Option to bleed out faster when?

hinney Member Posts: 26
edited December 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions

IDK if it's just because there's an event that's supposed to be fun happening right now or what, but holy crap the toxic killers are out in force.

I've been slugged and snowman-humped to death multiple times. I have to just lie on the ground for four minutes while some dork gets their jollies trying to farm salt.

Don't make Unbreakable and trash Boon perks the only option to combat a full team slugging. Let us choose to bleed out like we can choose to let go on the hook.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • sickdeathfiend
    sickdeathfiend Member Posts: 156
    edited December 2024

    Should take it a step further and allow all players who queue up in solo-queue to quit with no penalty or points loss.

  • UltraLight
    UltraLight Member Posts: 8

    First I would say, slugging itself is in-game intendet mechanic that is not an abuse or "toxic" in any way or form (unless you combine with like excessive tbagging, rude end-game chat, etc.). On its own, its like saying pallet looping is toxic because it can be effective. I am not a fan people calling such mechanics toxic.

    Now to the point, I think some kind of give up option would be nice but it would have to be limited so someone don't just go down and leave the match for free in like 1 min.

  • Prometheus1092
    Prometheus1092 Member Posts: 710

    I think the question is how did the whole team get slugged to begin with? Usually it's because whole team tries to play toxic and team blind/body block the killer when they try hook. If they do that then it's fair game. But if people are spread out doing gens then the killer shouldn't really be able to slug the whole team.. unless the team refused to heal the slugs.

  • We need a die button when prone for more than 30 seconds cause yeah… waiting to bleed out because of some toxic sweat bot is really obnoxious.. and it happens more than I care it to… either that or unbreakable needs to be base kit so we can at least prevent 1 slug sesh… both would be nice honestly.

  • hinney
    hinney Member Posts: 26

    Slugging in general isn't my complaint here. It's the humping while I bleed out. I'm not sure how you missed the "humped to death" part of that sentence. Toxic crap. Let me go next without a penalty.

  • Prometheus1092
    Prometheus1092 Member Posts: 710

    To be fair killers have to endure t bagging at the gates forcing the killer to traverse the map to both exit gates to literally force survivors out or wait until egc ends. Why does the killer have to forcibly push people through the gate which when all are healed can take a fair amount of time to hit them all out. Some t bag after every pallet drop knowing the killer can't touch them. Survivors are ok doing it to killers repeatedly throughout the match so I don't see why killers can't do it back. In an ideal world survivors at the gate would just leave and go next and killers would just hook, get the kill and go next.

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 2,267

    I think the no point loss thing is a step too far but I am changing my mind on DC penalties, as we now have bots in the game and honestly sometimes the bots have been better than the person they replaced, I am dead serious.

    The problem now is because people try to avoid the penalty, they just go next on hook so you're left with 3 survivors at 5 gens against a Blight or whatever, so you all may as well just go next at that point.

    I think DC's would increase at first but I don't think most people want to leave matches, like any of us they play DBD because they want to play fun matches and not just leave every match because it doesn't go their way. You cant force people to stay in matches they don't want to and DC penalties are not stopping that at all, it just means they leave by other means so the team doesn't even get a bot to replace them.

    If people want to slug and bleed out players, they should have to do that to 4 bots, not people who actually want to play a normal match too. I would think leaving matches like this is not an unreasonable thing, if it were possible

  • Prometheus1092
    Prometheus1092 Member Posts: 710

    Regardless, the killer gets ****** off with it so they bring their own justice... If survivors don't like it, don't *** off the killers lol

  • Prometheus1092
    Prometheus1092 Member Posts: 710

    It must be a mechanic because it exists in the game, there are perks designed around it and to counter it and it's not reportable. If it wasn't intended then the Devs would make it reportable or try to prevent it not actually encourage it but creating a Mori update and hatch. Both of which encourages slugging. The bleed out part is again intended so the game doesn't get prolonged indefinitely. Like it or not it is a part of the game and very likely will always be a part of the game.

  • jajay119
    jajay119 Member Posts: 1,169

    never, because it’s a terrible idea that would further encourage slugging.

  • jajay119
    jajay119 Member Posts: 1,169

    You’re honestly telling me, with the evidence the finisher mori has now provided us, you don’t see why allowing people to bleed out faster would further enable slugging? If you don’t then I feel you’re being wilfully ignorant. Slugging needs addressing, but providing the killer with yet more power for an easy win is not the way to do it. There are better solutions.

  • buggybug
    buggybug Member Posts: 843
    edited December 2024

    I think your the one being ignorant a surrender button if you do not get what it does, is the same as hitting the quit button except there no penalty for doing so as long as all survivors all hit it.

    IDV has this option if a hunter wants to slug for 4k or everyone is down they all must press it and the game ends.

    Also then if its a bad idea killers need to stop qq for the easy fix to this solution we been asking for, now say it with me, " base kit unbreakable " or make the perk itself has unlimited uses but with a 1 or 2 min cd to make it fair.

  • jajay119
    jajay119 Member Posts: 1,169
    edited December 2024

    At what point did I say I don’t know what a surrender button does? I’m fully aware of what it does, I just completely disagree with the premise that it would be a healthy inclusion taking into account the potential (read: likely) ramifications that could have on already sweaty players. We should be discouraging disconnections and ways to keep players out the game and we should be encouraging a return to normal play. A ‘let me die quicker’ button would not achieve that and would be equal to suiciding on hook which is already a contentious issue.

    I’ll repeat myself; there are better ways.

  • Sandt1985
    Sandt1985 Member Posts: 430

    They tried basekit unbreakable in the PTB, and it went about as well as everyone quessed. It was abused by survivors, heavily, by building entire builds and team strats around it. It was universally panned across the board. And thats why it didnt come to the game. Blame the PTB survivors for that one

  • Prometheus1092
    Prometheus1092 Member Posts: 710

    Not true at all, there is a much bigger bonus for killing all survivors not just 3. Regardless if you hold the hatch accountable or not it still gives incentive for killers like me to slug. You say 3k is a win why go for 4k but the hatch isn't a win, so why have it at all? All it does is give killers a reason to slug the 3rd survivor.

  • Prometheus1092
    Prometheus1092 Member Posts: 710
    edited December 2024

    The scenario you mention where survivors troll for time hoping to make killer DC exists even with the hatch… it exists in 2 v 1. The reason it exists is because both survivors want the hatch they both hide indefinitely. Having the hatch makes no difference in this regard, just gives survivors more incentive to hide without touching gens earlier in the match which is a reportable offence.

    If hatch is considered a win then a killer is faced with a choice, allow a survivor that has done nothing all match, hidden the whole time hoping for a hatch escape to win? Or slug the last 2 and get the 4k not permitting the win for a survivor that clearly shouldn't get a win for doing nothing?

    Also you say it is win for a survivor even tho not for MMR... Well 3k isn't a win for killers in some killers eyes... just further gives reason to go for 4k if the killer doesn't feel like 3k is a win

  • Prometheus1092
    Prometheus1092 Member Posts: 710

    Killers can choose to slug if they wish, it can be an effective method and the image shows the killer is picking a survivor up so likely to pick the rest up (if they can be found). It doesn't seem like that killer in the image is sluggish out of toxicity. My question remains tho, how does a killer manage to slug a whole team in that way? Why has no one healed any team mates? Not much difference to being hooked and no one going for the unhook. If killer was camping them then it gives 4min for others to do gens at least. From my experience if a whole team of 4 gets slugged like that it's skill issues on the survivor side.

  • Prometheus1092
    Prometheus1092 Member Posts: 710

    TBF I hate going against billy lol I don't think your example applies here as insulting people in a chat provides nothing to the goal of the game. Slugging does as it's a method to win. Not a fun method for survivors granted but if it works it works.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,927

    So then every match is just bots? Because thats how you get every match to just be bots.

  • buggybug
    buggybug Member Posts: 843

    Oh ok so if the surrender button is not one of them and base kit ub then what is your better ways?

  • Prometheus1092
    Prometheus1092 Member Posts: 710

    Tactically not justified in that clip but then neither is t bagging at the gate. Some killers are just not nice people like some survivors are not nice people... I personally wouldn't hump like that but I would slug and go round smashing left over pallets and doors for extra bp. Survivors can hide indefinitely in 2 v 1 situations... Why should a killer be forced into that situation? It is what it is, I have been slugged and I have ensured server end timer. Difference being that slugging isn't reportable as it does have a timer. I'm all for give up option. But it will lead to more slugging as killers would be pushing for people to give up instead of getting hooks or wait for bleed out. I know if survivors started to give up when slugged I would slug more lol.

    Also being a survivor main for 2 years I do understand the pains of survivors especially in soloq. But I play killer too so I can see both sides, and more often than not survivors usually bring it on themselves.

  • CLHL
    CLHL Member Posts: 238

    It should have been the solution from the start, instead of that base-kit Unbreakable nonsense. But seeing all those players committing suicide on hook or disconnecting, they are probably afraid that it will turn into another way to avoid DC penalty and go next.

  • Prometheus1092
    Prometheus1092 Member Posts: 710

    I bring up the fact survivors can be toxic too because there isn't anything that can be done to stop it. Can't force survivors to not t bag at the gate, can't force killers to not hump someone on the ground. It's something both sides have to deal with like or not. Survivors hiding for the hatch has a solution, remove the hatch removed the need to hide. Yes people can still hide but the hatch gives them a reason to do it other being toxic. Hooking does have a similar effect which survivors can and do suicide on hook. Happens often when I tunnel someone out right at the start. The goal is to win, if survivors admit defeat then it's time to move on to the next match and try again. Doesn't matter to me if they quit and get replaced by a bot, if they suicide on hook due to being tunneled or suicide by bleed out. But slugging would mean less time hooking someone so more chance they would give up quicker.

  • Prometheus1092
    Prometheus1092 Member Posts: 710

    Moving around isn't playing the game, if it was then survivors would be able to simply move around and still win. It's easy for a survivor to simply crouch and swap lockers to avoid crows. So without aura reading yes survivors can and do wait until server ends which is especially an issue in swf as people communicate where the killer is making it very easy to avoid being caught especially on large maps. As I have previously said why use a perk slot when I can achieve 4k without it? I don't need to find the survivors because when server ends they get sacrificed anyway. If they want to waste time for the sake of it they have that choice but it doesn't accomplish anything

  • jajay119
    jajay119 Member Posts: 1,169
    edited December 2024

    again, I’ve never said that. I do think providing a variation of Basekit UB is a solution, just as basekit deliverance has been for facecamping, but not in the way that was tried in the PTB where basically every one just had it. It should only come into play in a situation where 50% or more of players are slugged for ‘X’ amount of time. Then, the chance to recover from the dying state is given to ONE of those players chosen at random. This would be achieved via a continuous engagement with a mini game like the merciless storm style skill check or the Skull merchant’s multi input style ones.

    this provides a fair balance as the killer can’t cover everyone and has no way of knowing who may get up. So they can’t just wait by the person who was slugged first to down them when they pop back up. The survivor who gets up therefore has a more fair chance of being able to pick up others and continue the normal play. If the killer then chooses to slug everyone again then the situation restarts. If the killer chooses to slug multiple people multiple times rather than hook then it’s a self inflicted ‘waste of time’.

  • hinney
    hinney Member Posts: 26

    Yeah, and that's also a toxicity issue. I don't see how that negates my point at all.

  • Prometheus1092
    Prometheus1092 Member Posts: 710

    It doesn't negate your point, just saying it happens on both sides. It's unfortunate and it's not right to be toxic for the sake of being toxic but both sides have to learn to deal with it

  • hinney
    hinney Member Posts: 26

    Yeah. The internet is undefeated in fostering toxic communities. If there's anything you can bet money on, it's the internet being toxic and optimizing the fun out of everything.

  • Prometheus1092
    Prometheus1092 Member Posts: 710

    Yep I'm fine with that, slugging someone for 60 seconds beats hooking them so as long as this 60 second rule doesn't apply during 2 v 1 situations then it's all good. Because if I'm at risk of losing 4th survivor to a hatch due to 3rd bleeding self out trying to give hatch to their team mate then I would actively keep both alive for as long as possible until I'm confident I can down both.

  • SidneysBane1996
    SidneysBane1996 Member Posts: 894

    Haven't met any Toxic Killers this event but have met a lot of toxic Survs… both sides… kinda funny, that.