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The event offering is bugged?

I started this match with 100% bonus and i had the event offering, so i just received the double points from 100% matchmaking incentive. Where is the event offering's bonus? that bonus isnt inside the 32334 points.
It appears so...
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The event offering causes every winter score event to be worth double points - that is, hitting someone with a snowball grants 300 BP instead of 150, hitting a snowman grants 1000 (normal) or 1500 (jumpscare snowman) instead of 500 or 750 respectively. It's applied to the actual score event itself, in game, and is reflected in the score pop up. That's why you don't see the bonus applied in End of Game, it's already applied as part of the gameplay
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The points look like they're being counted ingame, but at the endgame scoreboard, no event points are awarded (unless someone else brought a cake/streamer)
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Hey there! Thanks for flagging this - the team is looking into it. If you're playing on PC, it would be incredibly helpful if you could share your player logs in a bug report so we can pass them on to the folks investigating!