Events always show exactly why separate game modes will never work

Every event we get posts with people complaining that people are c on big into the fun silly event modes with their full META builds, double IRI add ons and items and stomping people in 5 minutes. This is exactly why a casual and comp game mode will never work in this game.
There is literally an option to just play the normal mode if you don’t wanna just mess around and have fun in the event but people still come to the event to sweat. Why? Because they know most of the people in the event just wanna play around so they’re not really gonna try, therefore they can cakewalk to an easy 4K or escape. Because let’s be honest, it’s not to farm BP. The event offering for this is absolute garbage for BP when it works and it’s currently not even working. It’s bugged to crap right now.
Same thing would happen in casual mode. The people who wanna play like a party fun game will be dealing with the comp people because let’s be real…. the competitive players don’t want to play comp mode. It’s too hard. They would actually have a challenge and have to try to get their wins and they don’t want that. They want easy 4Ks every match or escapes for their ego. So many people who play this game don’t actually want to learn to play their killers or counter killers, they don’t want to take the time to become skilled. It’s easy wins because “winning is fun and makes me feel good about myself” so win as easy as possible at all costs is the goal.
So yeah I think we can stop asking for separate game modes now. It won’t work.
I can't speak for everyone but being an experienced player its not fun or enjoyable stomping on weaker players. Very boring imo.
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There are many ways to address stomping a casual mode. The devs would just have to pick one instead of saying "Welp, this player won 1000 games in a row. What can ya do?"
These stompy games happen because the devs and players have convinced themselves they don't want to ever wait in a queue. DbD is a bit unique in its zeal to instantly throw you in 5 terrible one-sided wastes of time for every 1 good match.
Every time someone brings up a theoretical casual mode, they just describe what we currently have: terrible matchmaking and one sided stomps.
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Because as long as you can bring every kind of setup in the casual mode queue to make the other side miserable it will happen. Also your opponent/s will probably be indeed casuals so it's a stomp.
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Oh absolutely. Competitive folk don't like when their opponents energy matches their own. That doesn't feed the ego. When those folk say they want a separate competitive mode, what they mean is they want their competitive opponents to use that mode. They certainly won't.
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These event queues don't work because they make the already iffy match making somehow ever worse, queues for both modes become much longer and to top it off, players are forced to join the event queue even if they don't want to because it's the only way to earn cosmetics and complete the tome. They way they've approached it is a combo of the worst of all worlds.
It's probably fine to keep splitting queues for modifiers, but I think for the big seasonal events they should just go back one single queue for everybody. It was worth a try to keep both kinds of players happy but it's not really worked out.
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outside of the slug the 3rd and look for the 4th thing that is happening ad nauseum.
Having some funny interactions with snowmen and balls i guess. Its funny for awhile, nothing to amazing or anything.2 -
It's not competitive players. Competitive players want to play against other good players and be challenged. Winning effortlessly all the time isn't fun. This is why comp players in this game tend to either play in custom matches with other like-minded people, or they play pubs with self-imposed restrictions like M1 only Trapper or other challenges.
The kind of people who are asking for a casual mode in this game are the toxic casuals. The people who want to win most of the time but don't want to put forth the effort necessary to actually do that. So they want to go up against people who are either worse than them or trying less hard than them. Because anyone who tries harder than them is, of course, a toxic sweaty tryhard.
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Thank you. This should be a pinned post. Couldn't have said it better
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I'll clarify that when I refer to competitive players, I don't specifically mean comp players. Theyre such a small percentage of players i dont really consider them. I do mean those you describe in your second paragraph. Ranked vs unranked mode is also sometimes referred to as casual vs competitive mode in discussions, hence those are the terms I use interchangeably. I guess toxic casuals is another way of describing them.
I've seen a number of comp DBD streamers talk about rank vs unranked mode before and they're against it, so I don't mean to insinuate they're the ones pushing for it.
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I think a casual mode could be possible, if it simply restricted things. Where certain perks, items, killers, and add-ons were just not an option in that mode. To determine what would be considered too strong or not allowed in casual mode could be determined by majority votes by the community itself. If either side wants to sweat they can try, but they can’t bring their favorite crutches.
I think a bigger issue is that players say they want casual, but every time it’s put into practice, (meme survivor perks, killers that aren’t deemed “S” tier by some streamer) the community always reacts very negatively.
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This is why I feel they hate skill based match making; I've heard many cries of "it'll put me against good survivors!" and I'm like… if you're playing good/pub stomping then you need to go against survivors who are within your skill range/bracket, they (for the most part) don't want that.
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We got to a point where playing the normal DbD with MMR working as intended (instead of you waiting in the queue for longer times and being matched with comp players) became the event.
Totally agree and have to add that these same toxic casuals greatly contribute for unjustified killers nerfs because they don't want to learn the counterplay.
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This. I actively feel bad when I get babies in my lobbies and often give them my Kill or let them get gens. I even usually just max 2k. I never want anyone new to ever feel discouraged for not getting a Kill or some amount of a win if they try and they're clearly just learning, or if they're all goofing around not being serious.
It isn't fun for me to kick babies. I want a fair challenge. It's why even on Killers that could benefit from more meta (such as my Main Ghostface), I restrict myself to no more than two gen perks (weaker ones usually like Surge or Thrilling Tremors paired with max one strong one like Pain Res, sometimes not even that) alongside a couple that help the Killer in particular. And the stronger they are, the less gen control I use - for example I might consider Pop-Pain Res on Myers or Trapper, but never on Dracula or Nurse where something like Surge could be enough. I also never ever use glitched or too strong perks like recently overtuned TotH, it's not a fair fight and it makes the game too easy.
I do the same as Survivor. I refused, REFUSED to used Buckle the People when it was overtuned and refused to use MFT at all when it was too strong. I won't use that Taurie Cain perk unless we're really getting slammed by tunnellers, and I don't use a Commodious BNP Spool box or a syringe every single game. I actually usually rock weaker toolboxes with charge addons and rely on my gamesense.
If you want the game to feel fair and encouraging, you need to be the change you want to see. I don't need to win every game, so there's no reason for me to bring the strongest stuff every single round. I know how rotten it feels to be slapped around round after round after round. I wish more people were like that.
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Ironically the closest we have to Casual Mode depending who you ask is either Chaos Shuffle or 2v8, and people still sweat in it.
If you ask me, I think the best choice for Casual should be permanent Chaos Shuffle and no addons or items are allowed. Period. Now you HAVE to rely on skill alone.
I am sick of "quantity over quality" in rounds. It's time to fix how MMR works so that the sweaty ones stick with sweaty players and the rest of us can have some breathing room to have FUN for once.
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Double post error, please delete.
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My favorite version of this is: I won but it was really hard!
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I agree with chaos shuffle being the closest possible causal mode we have experienced, and would be very happy to see it as more of a permanent mode option. I think restricting add ons and items would only benefit the mode, and make it truly random. But I don’t have access to the kind of data behavior has, so they may know something I don’t about how truly popular chaos shuffle was after the initial “honey moon phase.”
I’m all for more accurate matchmaking as well! But I won’t begin to try and explain how that should be conducted as it is well beyond my expertise.
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I personally chose to not play the event mode because there were clearly lots of casual players there, which made for pretty effortless and frankly unfair matches. Now I'm getting obliterated in regular queue but at least I'm playing against players I can learn something from.
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But what's the solution to that? Ban perks? I don't even like this discussion.
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I too wish the matchmaking was more consistent, as I firmly believe that is the root of all the severe over matches and stomps.
There's imo two massive issues in the way of their system working smoothly.
First is lobby dodging and shopping around. The system basically has one maybe two shots at a fair-ish trial, and then as players wait the acceptable range widens until they grab the next available player and throw them in.
The second issue ties right into the first. Whenever this community is asked whether they want faster queues or quality matchmaking the resounding answer has always been for faster queues. So we kinda did it to ourselves.
Something like a year and a half ago they tested out stricter MMR, and the results were longer queues and burnout from consistently harder trials for those who play this game for a living. Loud cries led them to change it back. Apparently the sweats going only up against the sweats back to back to back all day dodnt feel too good.
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I came here to post what OP posted lol.
Not this past anniversary but the one before that when they made it super easy for the killer to get the masks but not survivor they did not separate ques. It was one big anniversary event and people complained about killers going sweaty and hard. Everyone wanted separate ques so they could have fun and collect items. Now that they have done that it just proves the killer base is toxic and all they care about is winning. There are some truly cool . killers out there that still will play the event and may kill you and that's fine. I'm typing about the ones that go in hard at 5 gens. When I play killer on the event it's farming and two hooks each. It's really sad that the survivor base is either DCing or hookiciding for no reason.
This is the result of toxic behavior going unchecked for far to long. Slugging was a problem before the mori but they didn't listen and they kept with it. Now they are all of a sudden asking about in their survey. Survivors aren't innocent either and this game has reached a point where the majority of players are hackers or toxic players because BHVR does not do anything about it.
How can this be changed? So keystroke how many times a player tbags the flag them. Keep track of killers who end up with most of their games in slugs or slugs at 4 or 5 gens. Actually review games to see what is going on other than content creators.
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There are challenges in the tome besides "Throw a snowball at someone" and "Build a snowman". Some require us to actually try to kill the survivors.
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Casual modes can actually have different balance where perks are disabled or do different things in different modes.
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If the casual mode is basically identical to the regular mode, like the event, then 2 modes are pretty pointless. The event stuff really is just optional things on top of the regular game mode - and alot of times someone going in to sweat/stomp on people not wanting to play serious is just going to ignore those optional things. BHVR aren't even consistent with the challenges, mixing in one's that will encourage people to play casual with ones that will encourage people to play more sweaty. Someone with a "kill 2 survivors" challenge isn't going in with the same mindset as the player with the "give another player a high 5 in a snowman" challenge.
Having the regular mode separate from an event mode or casual mode the devs could make some extreme changes to both sides to encourage more casual/laid back game play and prevent the competitive/sweaty gameplay that happens. In 2v8 they've tried things that appeal to the more casual players. In an event mode they can do the same since it's a separate queue - regular mode is untouched while the casual mode is adjusted with things added/removed to keep games casual and not sweaty.