Survivor is no longer fun



  • hermitkermit
    hermitkermit Member Posts: 593

    Sorry this is a bit off topic, but I just wanted to say this was very eloquently written. I clearly understood the point you were trying to make and I think it was done very respectfully as well. Thank you for posting this discussion, looking forward to your list at the top when it’s finished.

  • thrkeybs
    thrkeybs Member Posts: 24

    I agree with you! There could be a much more interesting and dynamic 2-survivor-remaining gameplay design.

    Maybe the entity drops flamethrowers and other weapons from the sky, and the remaining survivors battle it out to the death — with the killer as the judge of who gets to escape?!

    But the reality of the current game design is that you likely aren't escaping, and by the MMR rules (DBD has opaque and unclear "win" cons so you can't really blame players for trying to find some win con), a hatch is considered a draw, not a win.

  • thrkeybs
    thrkeybs Member Posts: 24

    Its hard to make the game fun most of the time for both sides in an A-symm. 

    Hard, not impossible. It can be done — and our goal in giving feedback isn't to solve the problem. Let the pros at BHVR handle that. We're just looking to give them feedback that makes their job a little less challenging.

    Also is unsafe really that bad? Doesn't it imply you need to make more correct reads to be able to play the tile. Also before anyone says anything I am not including the death pallet that is the midwich hallway pallet. Basically every pallet can be played to some effectiveness when ran right.

    Fair point.

    I'll expand on what I was saying, and what I've heard others say in this thread:

    It's not that unsafe pallets shouldn't exist, nor that every tile should be infinitely loop-able. Like a nice, delicious salad, you have a healthy dose of each ingredient. Some pallets should be unsafe, some loops should be 50/50, others should allow the killer and the survivors to get into interesting mind game situations.

    The draw of this game, at least for me, is the human element. Because killers are people, their behaviors can be read and understood — and they can, likewise, predict survivor behavior. Being on a tile that you both are trying little mind games with each other, doubling-back and using the walls to your advantage..

    That's really freaking fun. When a killer catches me after a good mind game situation, I find myself saying out loud "damn, good job."

    The sentiment I have, and I see other survivors in this thread share, is that this type of gameplay has been slowly patched away, favoring map design that encourages more "hide-and-seek" situations — if the killer finds you (esp. near a dead zone), you really don't have a lot of outplay resources. That's not nearly as exciting, to me anyways.

  • jajay119
    jajay119 Member Posts: 1,175

    Whilst your post was choc full of satire, you actually hit the nail on the head - the game should be more dynamic in how is plays as there are less survivors in the game.

  • Berienn
    Berienn Member Posts: 91

    boohoo….. slugger for 4 minutes is so bad but stalling game for 20 minutes by hiding with other surv is interactive and so fun?? XD you basically created that problem with this attitude

  • BorisDDAA
    BorisDDAA Member Posts: 160

    Acting like slugging and getting picked up over and over doesn't drag out the game.

  • BorisDDAA
    BorisDDAA Member Posts: 160

    It depends on what years we're talking about. 2016-2018? True. When I started playing in 2019 queues were massive on both sides depending on the time of the day (killer morning-afternoon, survivor evening-night).

  • Berienn
    Berienn Member Posts: 91
  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,163

    The kill rate is purposely chosen to be 60%. If maps are redesigned to have more survivor-sided loops, then BHVR would need to do something else killer-sided to move the kill rate back to 60%. If more anti-slugging is added to the game, then BHVR would need to do something else killer-sided to move the kill rate back to 60%.

    In every single scenario, where survivors get a buff that would lower the kill rate, there would need to be a killer-sided change to move the kill rate back to 60%. And survivors would complain about this killer-sided change, regardless of what it is.

    Because for reals, let's pretend BHVR does make a very survivor-sided change to make games less frustrating for survivors. What killer-sided change do you think is fair compensation, that is powerful enough to move the kill rates back to 60%?

  • Orvarihusklumpen
    Orvarihusklumpen Member Posts: 162

    Not in my experience, I've been playing a lot of survivor lately due to the frustration as a killer going against team after team, all meta perks and map offerings after map offerings. All that crap gets to you after a while. I think solo survivor is way less stressful because you only have to rely on your teammates. Like Killer at high MMR is very stressful and not fun. I am saying this as a Freddy main btw.

  • Orvarihusklumpen
    Orvarihusklumpen Member Posts: 162

    Yeah see this is what i mean, it's all subjective but the thing is when you play these low tier killers, you can make like 3 mistakes at most to have an actual chance of winning but if you play like these S-tier killers you can more mistakes but you can also correct those mistakes due to how strong they are. I just don't find playing in solo queue stressful because i go in with the mentality that my teammates that i get are going to suck. It just feels less stressful to me but that is not to say that solo queue is fine, solo queue right now is in a terrible spot imo but that's because of all the excessive slugging and the thrill of the hunt meta being used but that's because all of the gen regression got gutted or nerfed to the point they are not even worth using, perks like Shoulder The Burden and Babysitter that exclusively helps SWF, basekit yellow mori promoting slugging making slugging for the 4k more prevalent than ever.

  • NarkoTri1er
    NarkoTri1er Member Posts: 903

    so your suggestion is to...change the target winrate to 45%, which is below an actual perfect number?

  • BurnedTerrormisu
    BurnedTerrormisu Member Posts: 299

    so a soloQ survivor should win / escape 50% ot the time?

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,617

    It is true that something would have to be done to move the kill rate back to 60% if changes lowered the kill rate below 60%. The issue that you're ignoring is that survivor is not fun due to strategies such as slugging for the 4K and tunnelling which nobody who is not being deliberately obtuse can argue that solo queue has the tools to effectively counter.

    Many of the people arguing for changes, including myself, have stated that they're fine with a 60% kill rate; they just want to have fun as this is a video game and a form of entertainment. Other than comp prizes and streamers who have a sufficient sized enough audience to earn money it means nothing in real life. It is as impactful as watching a web series or other show.

    Having one side have basekit access to a tactic (tunnelling) that is even more overpowered than the pre- 6.1 DH for distance was when applied against solos is not fun. Having to wait for 4 minutes sitting on the ground because somebody wants to circumvent intended game mechanics for what's an ego thing and they would rather waste two other player's time instead of a scenario that's balanced in the Killer's favour is not fun. One of the reasons why changing pre 6.1 DH, release CoH, etc was changed is that they were not fun to face and anyone who is familiar with my posting history knows I supported those changes especially getting rid of the PTSD inducing DH for distance.

    Those exact same arguments apply against tunnelling and slugging for the 4K. Some people like going all in on the tribalism approach but the reality is everyone is just a DbD player. What's best for the game and community is if everyone can enjoy the game as that's what everyone is here for. Then if the kill rate is below 60% on any Killer then BHVR can tweak things so it goes back up to 60%.

    Side note: It also doesn't matter if somebody complains about a change. Realistically this is the Internet. You can't even say the Earth is round or humanity went to the Moon without somebody eventually arguing about it on the Internet. Someone will always complain about everything so the possibility of a complaint can't be used as a metric about whether or not something should be done.

  • SidneysBane1996
    SidneysBane1996 Member Posts: 894

    I think the issue is that Survivor was never really a fun role to begin with, only ARTIFICIALLY fun because you could previously curbstomp some Killers into the ground with stuff that frankly, needed adjusting.

    The role isn't fun because we and BHVR emphasized the idea that the only way to have fun as Survivor is to do your objective, harass the Killer into an impossible chase that takes five gens, and leave instead of the hide and seek game it was meant to be. In return Killers learned to optimize, so Survivors learned to optimize, and not a single soul at BHVR sees an issue with this because we all said on the surveys that CHASE was the most important. Not hiding, not other objectives, chase. And both sides consistently have said this.

    Nobody has stated anything so much as "give Survs more meaningful things to do and give Killers REASONS to show mercy and not just gogogogo all the time." Not one. The reason Survivor isn't fun, is because Killers aren't encouraged to show mercy or make the game fun for Survivors. They're encouraged to win at all costs, so Survs are encouraged to win as fast as possible, so everyone goes around in a big circle and just hates the game, and then they post threads like this one that state what everyone already knows.

    Survivor isn't fun because we made it that way, and BHVR doesn't listen or add ways to change up the gameplay that are meaningful. The best we get are totems, Invocations, nerfed tools to counter Killer tactics, and changes in the modes and events that don't really do much. The fundamental issue is the gameplay loop is stale for Survivor in a way it's not for Killer, because Killer has the option of choosing 30+ different playstyles but Survivor only has one.

    How can they fix this? IDK… bring Survivor classes to 1v4?

  • RedGreenBlue
    RedGreenBlue Member Posts: 23

    Chain looping occurs so often especially since windows of opportunity is constantly in play. I guess making the maps smaller wasn't such a bright idea either.

  • SidneysBane1996
    SidneysBane1996 Member Posts: 894

    This is a good point, most people do not mind losing if they feel the loss was fair.

    The problem comes when people lose based on a totally bad matchup they had no hope in, mechanics that tilt the game so far out of their favor they can't do anything concrete, they only get a few hooks before everyone's out the door or a single half-chase before they're dead at 5 gens, and they then feel forced to run sweatier and sweater perks to not have that experience again. The worst part is, like you said, that win then doesn't have to do with skill but because you hammered your opponent with overpowered stuff to the point they cried "uncle".

    It comes down to what you said here, for Survivors and Killers alike: the game feels like it actively punishes you for losing, both sides, despite you trying your hardest and using skill and not messing up and you STILL get slapped on the wrist and told "No, bad player, git gud and try harder". And that's bad game design, because failure is a game state, not something you should punish for or reward.

  • SidneysBane1996
    SidneysBane1996 Member Posts: 894

    If it helps Matt, I'm trying my hardest not to be that Killer OR that Survivor. I hate overusing meta, but even I've had to use meta. Mostly, because I feel I have to, because I can't trust my opponent not to do the same.

  • RedGreenBlue
    RedGreenBlue Member Posts: 23
    edited December 2024

    I think winning is convoluted. Totem spawns are still wank. Not all maps are equally balanced. RNG or preset spawns.

    A year ago I played dbd, there was a tree that stood right next to the killer shack which made it impossible to loop.

  • SidneysBane1996
    SidneysBane1996 Member Posts: 894
    edited December 2024

    This. This is why I play M1s, because you have to mindgame with them.

    You can't mindgame half of these tiles, and it's unfun. I want more mindgameable tiles and LESS junk fillers. I want LESS random pallets and vaults, and MORE tiles that are fun to play around. I want that for both sides. More of stuff like MacMillan's, Ormond Lake, Lery's, Toba, Nostromo Main, and Forgotten Ruins with interesting structures to play around in. LESS of Eyrie, reworked Haddonfield, Nostromo outside, Rotten Fields, Gideon, Swamp, and Garden of Joy where everything is a pallet, a vault, or a strong chainable loop into the Main you have to blindly chase through. I want INTERESTING stuff.

    That's not what has happened here. Killers and Survivors want interesting counterplay areas, not more dead zones.

    Post edited by SidneysBane1996 on
  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,617

    Changes to numbers, cooldowns, base gen defense, etc depending on the Killer in question. A general approach could be tying gen repair speeds to number of Survivors left alive so gens are slower at the beginning but speed up as Survivors get sacrificed instead of being the tunnel target or in an almost completely unwinnable situation if at least 3 gens aren't completed before the tunnel target gets taken out. A game whose mechanics favour spreading hooks would be a much better game overall.

    For specific Killers it would depend based on the Killer. Perhaps Blight is completely fine but Clown needs more buffs.

    There are multiple solutions that can yield the desired results. They just require more coding and time than trying to use perks as bandaids. Also, please refer to my side note in the previous post as to why saying 'but someone will complain' is not a viable metric nor reason to not make any changes especially when the majority of players find a video game isn't fun due to X (in this case, tunnelling and slugging for a 4K).

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,163

    Lowering the snowball potential in this game, would make it much more likely that killers would get at least 1 or 2 kills. Can you imagine how many people would be unhappy with that, and would say it's "free kills that the killer didn't earn"?

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,617

    I'm assuming you're referring to my list from the phrasing but I wasn't pinged. Apologies if I'm not the person you're responding to.

    Yes, on a larger scale I would agree SBMM is an issue. The matches are a lot fairer under SBMM but the question is are they more fun overall? Balance is a tool to achieve fun but not the end goal. It's completely possible to balance all the fun out of a game; VHS is a fairly recent example.

    Also, as @Akumakaji has mentioned several times earlier and quite correctly in my opinion, SBMM contributes to optimizing the fun out of a game. An MMR system, by definition, means players should face harder and harder opponents and have to become more efficient with their tactics or they will lose more and more until their MMR drops. The stricter the match making is, the more often that will take place.

    That's why I quite often offer feedback that suggests more base kit gen defense at the beginning (to slow down Survivors while they're at their strongest) to repair buffs when Survivors die (to make it harder for the Killer when they're at their strongest).

    That would encourage spreading hooks more which was encouraged more under the Emblems system and part of the reason why the games were more fun. Right now, MMR just forces sweatier and sweatier tactics the more somebody wins and seems like it's lost the forest for the trees by focusing on balance as an end goal and not on whether the players are enjoying themselves and balance was used as a tool to achieve fun.

    So, yes, I do think SBMMR contributes a lot to the issues at hand although it's not the only cause.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,617

    And more people would enjoy the matches if the game was less snowbally. What's more important; more people enjoying the game or hypothetical forum salt that would be no different and probably less common than the salt that's accumulated now?

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,163

    MMR was purposely made less strict, because people don't want everything to be balanced and equal. They want for some of the games to be lopsided, which means a decent amount of 0k or 4k games.

    When MMR was at its most strict, the games were way more balanced, and the giant killer win streaks were pretty much non existent. And so many people complained that they weren't having fun, that MMR was heavily nerfed, so there would be more lopsided games.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,617

    Yes, the stricter MMR is the less people enjoy DbD overall. That has only a tenuous connection to how people dislike being tunnelled or slugged for the 4K. It does help illustrate how using balance as an end goal and not a tool to achieve fun can make a game worse though.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,163

    People wanting lopsided games means that people want the game to be snowbally, and therefore wouldn't want a lot of the snowball potential to be taken away.

    Some of the most people DBD videos involve survivors being extremely better than their killer opponents. "Survivor hardcore challenges", when survivors purposely manipulate their MMR so they are matched against low MMR survivors, can have an extremely high viewer count. And some of the most popular DBD videos involve survivors completely outplaying their killer opponents. People want drama and excitement. They don't want games to be rigged so that tied games are much more frequent.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,163

    Many people like seeing lopsided matches when it's survivor sided. Some of the popular content creators gets millions of views when they post a video of them stomping all over killers.

    How many views to do think content creators get when they post fair and balanced gameplay footage? Do you really think that is what gets the most viewers?

  • Equinox_One
    Equinox_One Member Posts: 290

    What do you mean 'source?'.

    Do a quick forum search. People would complain about survivor queue times constantly.