Isn't this game fantastic?

The Good Guy must be upset about the recent changes so he must figuring this is the way to deal with it. Bone Chill lobby too.
Also the person getting hooked managed to 4% to which The Good Guy decided to just slug him. The person ended up disconnecting.
3 -
Is there a reason why perks are blanked out?
2 -
Less things for killer mains on the forums to bring in as an excuse on how the survivors "deserved it."
17 -
See, you know what's up. It's irrelevant to the point.
9 -
Welcome Solo Bone Chill where people are a mixed bag.
3 -
Or this was a huge bully squad that went out of their way to be annoying. Or a griefer squad who wanted to hide and seek all game. Or something in between.
Or it's nothing at all.
The fact that you immediately went to us versus them nonsense, the fact that this seems to be a pretty consistent thing with you to the point where you seem to genuinely hate killer players, combined with this needless bit of obfuscation is…let's just say it's tickling the 'suspicious' part of my brain.
10 -
Nah the fact that's it's all hidden means maybe 90% chance it's a bully squad trying to ruin someone's day and got humbled and 9.9% chance it's a hide and seek squad. 20% chance this is just a griefer. Otherwise they wouldn't have bothered hiding the perks.
It's also got really bad BP rewards as events go, blood hunt or no blood hunt and the mechanics are mostly boring, with how you can just nuke snowmen with snowballs so it's hard to do anything creative for either side.
It's 100%, absolutely relevant. Because the OP tends to have…let's say a bias and there would be no reason to hide the perks if this wasn't a griefing squad of some sort.
I'm going to bet it's an unhookable group, as there's a few spots on DDS that can be unhookable with Boil Over and any sort of body blocking.
2 -
hmm.. since it’s the dead dog salon map, I bet it’s a head-out build. If so, you deserved it.
3 -
Does a bully squad justify slugging everyone for 4 minutes? News flash, just because someone brought a flashbang doesn't mean they're in a 4 man swf. Just because someone brought dead hard doesn't mean they're in a 4 man swf. No matter what perk combination a survivor runs doesn't mean they are in a 4 man swf bully squad, full stop.
Nothing justifies slugging someone out for 4 minutes. Nothing. It is pure pettiness any way you slice it. 4 minute slugging in my opinion should be a reportable offense under unsportsmanlike conduct.
Also I hardly consider an accurate observation of the situation confirmed not only by the OP, but following comments from killer players as an "us vs them" interpretation any fault of mine for knowing what was going to happen next.
4 -
Toxic build is subjective. To one person, a toxic build has prove thyself only, to another it's 4 second-chance perks. Hidden perks means it is irrelevant to the discussion because, either way, no matter what perks a survivor runs, slugging everyone for 4 minutes is never justified, even if they are running meta perks.
2 -
Blight, nurse, spirit, hag, wraith, etc. all say hello.
3 -
Yep. Most killer mains will always find an excuse as to why their bad manners were "justified." Some of the comments here really are case in point.
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9 times out of 10 I side with survivors...but the blank perks... But I agree with most...the fact they blocked out their perks tells me this was a bully ...and I have no issue slugging. This event has been very chill. Again my opinion…don't run sweaty. I've 2 hooked and threw snow balls almost every match. Finally ran into a bully squad as Freddy and they wanted to head on, flashlight and flash bang me.... So I sacrificed them all.... Slugging and hooking at opportune times and moir the end (which I'm totally against but.... They deserved it).
4 -
It's hilarious to see mental gymnastics about the Perks. Like even blocking out the Perks and people focus on the Perks and not the actual behavior and whether it's so called "deserved." Somehow it's always Survivor's fault for this kind of stuff and not just a Killer going into a match to do this.
I play 100% Solo so it's impossible for me to be a "bully" or run perceived bully Perks.
1 -
Aint no way sentient beings are getting 4 man slugged against hag or wraith, the first 3 absolutelly no argument but you need to be throwing on purpose to let those other two get a 4 man slug lmao.
0 -
It depends on the bully squad. If it's an unhookable group or a hide and seek group, absolutely justified and probably shortens the game rather than wasting my time.
I never said 'brought a flashbang' or 'had a dead hard'. I said a bully squad. A group who is out to be jerks and make the killer have a bad game.
It's a Chucky. Post nerf Chucky. And wraith? What?
It's funny how you us versus them while claiming the other side is us versus themming. 'Killer mains'…
Then show us the perks. Very, very easy. If this is just you playing solo and not a griefing group, you don't even need to do anything much to prove it. Because I smell pork pies.
There's a name for this but it escapes me. We're following the standard definition of bully squad. Griefers. If it's an unhookable group, slugging is the only way to deal with them.
Now sure, the killer could just be a jerk. But in that case, the OP would have no reason to hide the perks.
As my grandmother would say: 'this smells funny and I'm not going to eat it'.
1 -
Well, I think it is worth pointing out the only exception, Boil Over, because it can be literally impossible to hook someone with that perk.
But even if there was a Boil Over player, it it would be very difficult for all 4 survivors to have the perk and crawl to unhookable spots.
Other than Boil Over, I agree. There isn't a single perk that a survivor can bring which justifies this level of slugging.
0 -
I'm sorry that I have no choice on whether or not the killer is going to slug me. If you haven't been slugged against a good hag, consider yourself lucky that you are below the MMR bracket that does have slugging hags.
1 -
If it's an unhookable group, it'd be something like BO, Flashbang+BGP, sabos and sometimes MoM in a coordinated group. They'll send you to DDS, Ormond, Asylum and a few others where there are spots you cannot hook from especially if there's bodyblocking and meme on you until you DC.
Or you slug everyone and they post salty threads on the forums with the perks blanked out I guess.
1 -
######### is a toxic perk build?
Sweaty perk builds, annoying perk builds, sure, but how can perks be toxic?
2 -
Considering where the OP is currently slugged, which I guarantee is next to at least 3 hooks within 8 seconds of carrying (one by lower window next to the breakable door of the main building, one behind the building they're looking at, and one in the middle of the street next to the wagon pallet in front of main building) I would say this is unlikely, but I do agree that playing against that can be tedious.
0 -
Laughs in Lightborn. Best perk in the game.
In all seriousness though, we know for a fact this isn't the case in OP's post. The killer is picking someone up, and the specific spot where OP is downed is not an unhookable spot, there are plenty of hooks around.
I agree.
2 -
Sure. Because (insert another hypothetical scenario that's becoming increasingly pointless without seeing the perks).
It's not just tedious. I had a group, granted a while back, that were good enough and coordinated enough players that I simply could not hook anyone. The game lasted around 30 minutes before I just went AFK.
Can you imagine a situation where an unhookable squad made a mistake, one got slugged out of position and it cascaded from there?
0 -
That can happen, yes. I just don't think that is what happened here.
3 -
You did not define what a bully squad is, and to prevent the ambiguity of that phrase, I defined it for you. What's a bully squad in your opinion? A 4 man swf? Someone who brings perks that prevent you from hooking? A gen rush build? 4 medkits? See how this is a useless phrase to define? A bully squad is subjective, but no matter what way you define it, slugging for 4 minutes when you are able to hook someone is unsportsmanlike conduct in my opinion.
Griefers and bully squads are not the same. Griefers throw matches for their own team. Killers would not be complaining to the rooftops about bully squads if they benefit them (assuming that bully squads mean griefers).
OR, here's a funny idea, they hid the perks to try and avoid what you're doing right here: dismissing the fact that the killer COULD have hooked them, but chose to slug them out because killers will find a way to justify their bad manners.
1 -
"We're gonna play a little game with hooks!"
0 -
Load up the map 20 times and tell me how many out of those 20 those 3 hooks don't spawn. I'll wait. I guarantee it will be under 1 time.
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What is a sweaty perk build?
Running high tier perks isn't toxic.
If it's stuff like multiple BOs, Flashbangs, maybe sabo, BGP etc. for a griefer squad who basically just want to meme and hold the game for as long as possible or it's stuff like Distortion, IW, CS etc. to play hide and seek and be as difficult to locate as possible.
Now I'm not saying this is what the OP's squad had. But I am saying that it could be, and by hiding the perks it's impossible to know.
It's like me saying 'oh, Mary hit me'. 'Oh really? Can you prove it?'. 'Yeah of course, I have a video' (shows a 3 second clip from a 2 minute video). 'Can I see the context for that?" 'NO YOU DONT NEED TO SEE THE REST OF THE VIDEO SHUT UP'.
1 -
Distortion, IW
Literally half of my regular, usual build.
0 -
I'm so glad we are basing everything off of a "could be." That would also be like saying "Mary stole 1000 dollars from the store." "Oh really? Can you prove it?" "Yeah of course, I have the video" (shows a 10 second clip from a 24 hour CCTV footage of Mary stealing the money.) "What about the rest of the time from the video?" "It's irrelevant to the case."
0 -
I disagree, slugging people like that can be justified if killer is being prevented from hooking them. If hiding perks means it's irrelevant to the discussion then why not hide the item they are carrying too? That's also irrelevant to the discussion but it's not hidden. Toxic builds can be subjective but as people have previously said, the perks could indicate that the player had anti hooking perks, if the killer can't hook they can and should slug. The fact the killer is picking up a survivor knowing there are no survivors around could also indicate this is the reason for slugging. The perks might not be relevant but they could be and when hiding them it just doesn't look good.
0 -
I agree that slugging may be necessary, but like I said above, where that survivor is downed it is practically impossible for the killer not to have an opportunity to hook them.
0 -
I did. Several times.
But sure, I'll do it again.
A bully squad = a group of griefers. They aren't just looking to win as effectively as possible, they are looking to mess with the killer in a negative way.
Also - note how you're the only one doing us versus them.
0 -
Maybe, but that is irrelevant. If the killer spends 10min trying to hook people but gets sabotaged and blinded each time then the killer is quite likely going to think "ok I won't hook them" regardless of if it's possible to hook or not. Can't go into a match with the intention of preventing a killer from hooking then complain when they slug you.
1 -
There are several parts of the map where you can be unhookable with BO. They might have had someone caught out of position, tried to rescue them and it snowballed.
0 -
Your definition is wrong, sorry.
0 -
Elaborate and show your work.
It's a pretty common sense definition.
Context is for kings.
0 -
4 people on the ground at 5 gens in OP's post.
1 -
Heh, I just thought it was funny. Those are two perks I can't play without.
0 -
Which further proves my point, it's possible that the killer did indeed spend 10min trying to hook people but couldn't. There is no timer on show so impossible to tell how long the match is going on for but if they did try hooking for 10min then why hasn't a gen been done in that time? Answer could be because they were not doing gens, they were actively preventing the killer from hooking instead. My point still stands, could be justified to slug in that situation. Again, not saying it is, just saying it could be but showing the perks would help shine light on the context.
5 -
Which in isolation means…nothing. OP is acting cagey.
1 -
I explained it here for you. You can't really grief an opponent if you are helping your team by slowing the killer down, that's a valid strategy. Slugging out for 4 minutes when hooking is available could be considered griefing because you are wasting everyone else's time out of spite.
1 -
Note: you called my definition 'wrong', without elaboration. You still haven't provided your own definition.
You absolutely can be a griefer by 'helping your team'. It depends, yet again, on intent and context.
People try to justify BMing and being a jerk because 'I was trying to put the killer on tilt so we could win'. It's still being a jerk.
People try to justify abusing the flashbang bugs or unhookable spots 'because it helps us to win'. You're still being a jerk.
And…okay, once again. We don't know anything about what happened there because there's one screenshot and important details were deliberately erased. The killer is carrying a survivor. We don't know if this is a bleedout from spite or a group who were proving very difficult to hook and this was simply counterplay. Maybe in the next few seconds he's hooking the rest of them? Maybe he's the jerk?
We don't know. We can't know. Because the OP won't show us more. And that's suspicious.
1 -
"Being a jerk" could be defined as running 4 slowdown. "Being a jerk" could be defined as running knock out. "Being a jerk" could be defined as running pentimento with 3 other totem perks. See how quickly your argument falls apart?
At this point you're actively ignoring the discussion and are trolling, so any further discussion would be pointless.
1 -
I don't care about the perks but I'd love to see the bleedout timers. Since someone is getting picked up it doesn't seem like this was done to just bleed everyone out. Could have easily been a scenario where the killer downed someone, saw someone else nearby and that happened until everyone was down. I've had that happen to me plenty of times on both survivor and killer.
Anyway, basing anything off the picture is silly. There's very little discussion to have here with so little context.
3 -
That doesn't really help their point. For all we know they could have been in a sabo squad with their 3 friends. I'm not saying that happened but really, hiding your perks makes it seem like you actually do have something to hide that could explain why someone would be a douche towards you. Otherwise, why not simply show your perks? If it's just a normal perk layout that wasn't designed to make their opponent miserable, then all these potential excuses wouldn't really make sense.
Either way, I agree that it's sad that people queue up in the event queue and do stuff like that. No matter which side it is, if you go out of your way to make your opponents miserable at least have the curtesy not to go into the event queue. Or better yet, take a break from the game and actually think about what it takes for you to have fun in DBD. If the answer is: "Making the game horrible for my opponent." then maybe you should play a different game. One that you enjoy more.
4 -
Aint no way sentient beings are getting 4 man slugged against hag or wraith
Wraith, btw.
To be fair, I have zero idea of what actually happened down there.
2 -
It does help the point because sabo hooks don't take 4 minutes to respawn. There are 5 gens remaining in OP's screenshot. If killers are really that upset that the entire lobby is going for a sabo play instead of doing generators, I don't know what to say. Ultimately the killer will win the game because nobody is progressing the game on the survivor's side. And even if that was the case, slugging everyone out for 4 minutes when hooks are available out of spite is poor sportsmanship. That's my point.
Even if OP has flashbang, head on, background player, and saboteur, it would not justify slugging everyone out for 4 minutes. Even if OP had what you would consider a "guilty" build, it would not justify slugging everyone out for 4 minutes.
1 -
Ignore the people asking about censored perks. I recognize at least one person who commonly concern trolls with issues like this (re: if there is some "justification" for killers doing things to waste survivors time).
What I would like to know is if this was a luck offering + slippery/ante match based on the up the ante symbol in the bottom right. If this was 4 self unhook builds I can see why he slugged you all because hooking is a waste.