Anti-camping self unhook progress bar

Let teammates see it. Sometimes I'll be across the map working on an objective, and even with Kindred it's hard to tell if the killer is proxy camping within the range that progresses it or not.
This might also reduce the amount that teammates are hovering around just close enough to keep it from progressing. As it is, the mechanic's utility is pretty limited.
Not that I disagree but what exactly does the anti face camp feature have to do with tunneling?
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Well, that's what I get when I post in the middle of the night, lol
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Agreed. Teammates have no idea if it's close to being full and will try to save when all they have to do is leave and the killer will fill the camp meter.
I know some have voiced concerns over it being too abusable if visible to all survivors but I really don't think that's true considering SWFs basically already get this information anyway, this is exclusively a solo queue improvement and that's it. Furthermore, the system is extremely limited, it rarely activates and killers still have a LOT of leeway to remain near hooks without triggering it. I really don't think making it visible would be an issue, nor would it suddenly start punishing killers that it wasn't designed to affect.
You don't even need to make a new HUD element for this either, you can just have hooked survivors have a hook icon as their current action on the activity HUD and have the anti-camp bar shown as the current progress of that action.
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Yeah, this issue is one of the things that keeps the mechanic from being more effective. And as you said, it's not information SWFs don't already have, nor would it make them any stronger. I don't see any potential complications here.