Over nerfing, forgetting about characters, and boring powers/killers

letmeworkatbehavier Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 2
edited December 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions

you guys need to learn that when there is a super good meta perk that doesn’t mean that you need to nerf it to the ground to never be used again. Examples, dead hard, made for this, self care, decisive strike, maybe even circle of healing and background player. The one I’m most sad about is dead hard. Dead hard even after the rework was fine but then you guys made it so you can only use it 2 times per game after being hooked, that was so unnecessary. Self care died the same way dead hard did, got nerfed, and then they had to just spit on self cares dead corpse with another nerf. All these nerfs just leave the meta boring while most killer perks are just gen slowdown. Maybe you can make a new interesting meta with balanced perks and bring back some old perks from the dead? Next I want to talk about forgetting about characters. You guys only focus on giving the same characters skins. And as a jake main I feel like scince he is a part of the main four survivors he should have atleast the same amount of skins as Dwight, Claudette, and Meg but I guess they need to focus on giving skinsgfor the sable gooners running that bikini skin all the time and I’m not afraid to say it. There is this one quote that sums up why sable is played so much in case you are wondering, “goth baddie” -Demi.

last I do believe this is getting better but killer powers have been getting a bit boring recently most of them are either w key or you just can’t counter them. Also please rework some of the bad/boring killers like Freddy, ghost face, Michael, trapper, and other killers that are complained about, AND JUST LISTEN TO YOUR COMMUNITY PLEASE


  • DefNotAnOniMain
    DefNotAnOniMain Member Posts: 4

    So. Notice how almost all of the nerfs you mentioned were problematic perks. Dh is still alive, and I see it often as its a decent anti tunnel perk. DS is also totally viable and a decent anti-tunnel. CoH was stupid as Self healing is discouraged, hence why self care and self healing with medkits was nerfed. Background player enabled saves way too often in the killer wasnt smelling a wall or running lightborn. Also most of the killers gen slowdowns were nerfed, aka our strongest perks. Gen regression in general got a net nerf with the 8 regression limit. And a lot of killer perks are pretty medicore. Instead of buffing problematic boring perks, like the ones you mentioned, maybe we can make fun ones interesting AND viable, or would you rather have 100% self heal, DH for distance and i-frames, DS during end game etc etc. As for "Bad/Boring Killers" Freddy and Michael are getting a rework i believe. Trapper is trapper, could use buffs so agree there. Ghostface may be boring to you, but your opinion isnt a reason to rework a character. A lot of people find him fun and/or scary. And about new killers being w key or no counter. Hmm. Vecnas skeletons can be ducked, the claw can be baited, or agree you can hold w, hound master is def not hold w, you can juke, fake vaults, hug corners, camp pallets, loop etc. Dracula is also very counterable at loops, hellfire can be juked or baited, pounce can be juked, and bats, well, thats bats, cant do anything. I think you complaining about holding W just means you dont know the proper counter. Skins, yeah they probably make too many sable skins but that makes them money ig

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 5,498

    I mean they DID listen to the Community, to all the people who were tired to Dead Hard.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,305

    My issue with the criticism that BHVR nerf meta perks into the ground to the point of worthlessness is that everyone's examples are always perks that are, at worst, just "fine".

    Your list does have Self-Care, at least, that perk is pretty bad. The rest of your examples kind of undo your argument, though- Dead Hard and Decisive Strike are still popular, let alone strong, and stuff like Made For This + Circle Of Healing are still good perks in their niches. Hell, CoH is one of the strongest survivor perks in the game, albeit only if there's communication.

    Generally speaking, BHVR are actually pretty good at nerfing things in ways that maintain their usefulness. There are some exceptions, of course, but by and large the trend is that nerfed perks are still pretty worthwhile. Another good example here would be Distortion, a perk that's still very worth bringing after a noticeable nerf.

    I don't disagree about cosmetics, though, some characters are definitely still under-served there. Not so sure Sable's one of the big dogs getting all the love just yet, but Jake's definitely languishing a little. I'd like to see that changed.

  • Falcao
    Falcao Member Posts: 101

    no one listened to anyone. how can you nerf the only perk that can prolong the chases of Nurse and Blight? the other perks never worked against them. DH is destroyed and forces the survivor to use pharmacies as soon as possible, but they are also nerfed

  • PetTheDoggo
    PetTheDoggo Member Posts: 631

    They have listened, just not to you.

    DH is not destroyed, it is still good perk. I really like to use it with Iron Will.
    Most killers don't respect it anymore, so it is not really difficult to get at least one use out of it.

  • KatsuhxP
    KatsuhxP Member Posts: 1,152

    Did you ever play against old dead hard as pig as excampel? It's feels SO BAD because you can't do anything about it when it's actually used with brain.

    There's just no reason to let a perk in the game that is for at least half the killers to strong just to counter 2 killers out of 37 or something xD