Genrush nerf when?

Maybe its just cus of the winter break that friends are coming together and all to play, but there has been a massive jump in 4 man SWFs who do nothing but run deja vu, quick gambit, prove thyself, wake up, friendly competition and adrenaline.
These people do nothing but do gens for 4 minutes while one dude just pre drops and gives quick gambit to all 3 of their jockies. This has been super unfun to play against and i think its time BHVR nerfs these perks, maybe allow QG to only provide benefits to one survivor, make deja vu similar to prove thyself where only one 6% is applied to a stacked gen.
Other then nerfs, how is deadlock not basekit yet? Survivors shouldn't be able to completely repair a big ass machine so fast, that just kills immersion lowkey.
Survivor is being made stronger in the wrong ways, instead of focusing on perks, maybe focus on solo queue buffs. Like a In gamd voice chat, even mobile had that before core somehow. These just feel like super easy fixes icl.
You're joking right? Survivors are doing their only objective. If you're finding that pallets are an issue, either run brutal strength or drop chase on that survivor.
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How do you know they are a four man?
Half of those perks are bad.
I don't know that most maps have enough pallets to pre-drop and win. Have you considered not chasing the person who obviously wishes to be chased?
Nerfing perks that are already bad or niche is a bad idea.
Deadlock isn't basekit because Killers already kill enough. Survivors shouldn't be able to get up after being cut down with a chainsaw, yet here we are, so much for immersion.
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As a killer main - I am gonna have to agree with Pulsar on this one.
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and now the real question. How many games have you actually lost (3 escapes or better) out of your last 10 games?
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This isn't a problem with genrush. It's a problem with coordinated 4-man teams breaking the game with unfair advantages of communication and coordination of perks. BHVR has made it pretty clear they're never going to do anything to address this unfair advantage, so you have a few choices. 1) Suck it up and be a survivor punching bag when you get into a match like this; 2) lobby dodge; or 3) stop playing the game altogether. Those are the choices that BHVR have given killer players to deal with an uneven playing field.
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Thats the thing, i do run brutal. You can run any gen perks as well, they're smart enough to stealth out corrupt its really not hard at all to do. No matter who you chase you're gonna give QG to the whole team so whats the point? Its completely unbeatable unless u play a chainsaw killer to garuntee 1k. Best result i remember getting against teams like this is 2 stages as like Houndmaster and nemesis.
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Its so easy to not make dbd like that tho, im so tired of the lazy route being taken to fix simple problems.
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As someone who consistently 4ked with Beast of Prey, Thrill Of The Hunt, Distressing & undying, its safe to say im only outed by hatch standoffs or people doing this insane coordination #########
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I dont think the individual perks should be nerfed, but definitely that a cap should be placed on how much they can stack. No one should be getting gens done in like 40-50 seconds solo...
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Its pr obvious when theres a whole team of duplicate items, 4 people join an empty lobby at once. Also maybe you dk what friendly competition does, its only bad in solo queue, but coordinated to essentially get deja vu again for 70 seconds is actually pretty busted. All other perks i listed are also very strong idk what ur waffling abt half of them sucking. Obviously i know to just leave a chase and defend one of 4 actively progressed gens, not that its gonna do anything since they don't heal until end game and they're all running QG. And no as i said previously in the paragraph, none of these perks are in anyway weak. They all play a part in making the match faster and saving time to bomb rush a hook camp in end game. And wdym killers "kill enough"? Thats every game but these ones, idc abt individual kill rates, thats Irelevant information. lastly cus for some reason u had smth to say abt a personal preference the balance of doing a generator ties in heavily to the immersion. Its not realistic, but its also not fair.
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First off, most people play soloQ, if you are playing against a 4 man you will know.
If you are playing 4 man, just take the L or at least 2-2, or 1-3
SoloQ already has it's disadvantages and most people don't know what perks any other players is bringing, so if the perks synergies then it's luck.
If the soloQ somehow beats you by taking advantage of the perks they didn't know each other will bring then just take the L
Most games I play as survivor I escape 1 out of 10 matches other matches no one escapes unless the killers mercifully let's the last one escape.
So just chill, play survivor for a day or two then come revisit your post again.
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What? Tell me im living in 2022 rn. Did bro just say dbd is killer sided? Surv is not unfun, but the perks killer scan run in unison is. Also you should be SWFing with people on comms, then you'll see how strong survivor really is. Its been and always will be the better faction.
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A percentage cap i feel is an acceptable nerf. But how something as easy as that isn't a thing yet is diabolical.
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Even four man high-mmr SWF's can't manage a 50% escape rate.
The game is Killer-sided. Whether or not that's a good thing is an opinion.
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That means literally nothing. They could've been backfilled into your lobby and you would've accused them of being a SWF. How dare they all join at the same time, ig?
I am well aware of what that perk does. It grants you a measly 5% bonus when you play EXTREMELY inefficiently by grouping up on a gen. You are realistically not getting 70 seconds of value. You are probably looking at 30 seconds. You are saving something like 3 seconds off of a gen. That's not even accounting for the efficiency penalty you incur by teaming up on a gen.
Quick Gambit is another measly 5%, and only when you are healthy. It's EXTREMELY easy to injure Survivors.
Deja Vu is fine, not great but it's okay.
Wake Up is #########. It's a perk that relies on you getting to the EndGame, which is hard enough, but it gives you zero value til then. It is objectively an extremely weak perk.
Prove is absolute garbage. It always has been, always will be. All it does is act as a scapegoat for people. Grouping up on gens is NEVER the more efficient option. You want to see gen rush? Have four people on four different gens.
Adrenaline is okay. It's not nearly as good as it used to be, but it's still fine.
I say this in the kindest way possible. You are managing to lose a game to people who have one health state, who are running bad perks, zero chase perks, no anti-tunnel or anti-slug, who are using resources inefficiently AND you think that's THEY are OP? I can give you tips, but I can't make you see the truth of the matter.
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Well i mean if it is thats a good thing since its kinda the whole premise of the game. And again, kill rates are very very irrelevant
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I imagine we would be having a different discussion if it was revealed that the Kill Rates were 30%
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Im just gonna awnser these aqap since you've been typing this up for half an hour.
Idk what backfilling is but 4 survs joining a lonby at the exact same time typically means; same ms, therefore same server, and very likely a team.
Friendly Competition can be gained from finishing a gen, not the equivalent of one, u can just duo for the last few seconds to proc it easily. Also efficiency penalty? Id have to say anything else to say, that has nothing to do with action boosts, just item effectiveness.
Quick gambit is 5% for 3 other people on 3 different gens, that is around a minute of time being saved. Also injuring a survivor is based on the killer you're playing and the perks in play. Finesse drama being very popular atm being a main cause for such long chases before first hit.
Wake up has a simple effect that is very powerful for saving time and giving hits. In a swf this perk is super useful.
Prove becomes especially prevalent when 2 gens are left like not even 3 minutes into the game. And its impossible to defend the gen and chase one of two doubling survs.
Adrenaline helps for getting a quick free heal and taking hits right away. Also i didn't mention before but ds and adren are a very popular combo in which either wa u can't avoid one. They'll just wait to pop the last gen or if they know you know, pop it instantly when the survivor is under a pallet and you've just lost all your pressure.
Also just for added context since u think im like a beginner or smth, i play comp dbd, i have thousands of hours. I know what is fair and whats not, thats the whole reason i get pissed off when i see this in pubs, its not fun for either sides anyway, so why do it? It'll die down when breaks over, but its still gonna be an annoying rare occurrence.
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If that were a reality, bhvr would give insane buffs to struggling killers rather than learning abt the players and how the killer is underperforming. For example, skull merchant nerf, which is an emergency nerf but is super boring and completely killed the characters kill rate and chances of seeing her in game as well. This is a w for majority of the playerbase, but SM mains are not happy canpers rn, literally.
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This would be the collective kill rates of all killer players yes? More than half of the games playerbase doesn't know how to play already. This the reason most people who do play consistently dc for what stats have to say, cus they're literally useless and don't represent their avg kill rate
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I wouldn't say the game is killer sided nor survivor sided. Especially not "Super" killer sided…
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There has been a massive jump in 4 man SWFs who do nothing but run deja vu, quick gambit, prove thyself, wake up, friendly competition and adrenaline.
Has there? I watch a lot of DBD Twitch and play a lot myself and have not seen this at all. I have seen lobbies with multiple BNPs, but nothing like you describe.
Also, ignoring the fact that prove thyself + friendly competition is slower than doing gens solo, stacking deja and quick gambit saves less than 9 seconds on a full generator lol.
deja + gambit + friendly saves 12.5 seconds.
These perks are not a problem and are outclassed by basic toolboxes. Your problem is likely that you are playing suboptimally and/or facing teams with multiple toolboxes.
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Quick gambit is 5% … that is around a minute of time being saved.
Uhh… it is very much not. I see the problem, you do not understand how gen speed works in this game.
Quick gambit gives 5% increased repair speed, that means you apply charges to a gen at a rate of 1.05 charges/s. A gen has 90 charges. So 90/1.05 = 85.7. You are saving 4.3 seconds on a generator over the course of 85.7 seconds of time, if 3 survivors stick a gen the entire time you are saving the team a whopping 12.9 seconds of time. About a fifth of what you are saying it saves.
If you give everyone quick gambit and assume it is active in all chases at all times, you save 4.3*5 = 21.5 seconds overall. If survivors are saving a minute of time with quick gambit then they are doing Three times the normal amount of gen charges needed to power the exit gates, at which point I seriously wonder why you haven't won the game already.
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Oop, there it is!
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What? Ever since 6.1.0 the killer faction have been getting buffs over and over again. Yeah, we got the HUD and the basekit borrowed time to mitigate facecamping and solo-queue having a semblance of what their other teammates are doing.
Your argument to go play SWF because that's strong than killer as a whole defeats the purpose that there are people who are casual, hop in a queue of solo, and then have a random idea of how the game will play out.
I've said this before and I'll say it again solo-queue is the hardest to play because even with the small changes Behavior has done, solo-queue still needs more things addressed to even be comparable to SWF. At the end of the day, SWF will be the strongest. Yes, killers struggle at higher MMR because most of the time you will vs SWF, but that does not mean solo-queue should be left to rot. Killer has been easier since the basekit buffs and speed nerf that survivors got after a hit in 6.1.0 and making gens even more longer to take to get done will make the game even more of a slog to get through.
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You do know theres 5 gens right? And they don't stack until theres two left. QG is also affecting all 3 other survivors at once, along with deja vu. in combination with all of the other perks being ran help to save time so when the last guy is caught in end game, they're ready to just speed open gates, bomb rush hook and leave/give hits. A whole minute is with all their perks combined, and that actually is a significant amount of time in a match of dbd. Thats less time the 4th is hanging on his 70 second timer per hook stage. This is rly a no brainer tbh. this is why casuals shouldn't be allowed to use this site. None of you seem to see the bigger picture like ever when a problem is obvious.
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Dude those are small QOL buffs to basekit killer, no huge, not game changing. You are kinda right about solo queue, its really a 50/50 no matter your MMR. From getting an insane killer and terrible teammates to insane teammates and terrible killers, this games system is broken.
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as I have posted severl times already, gen repair speed is absurd, and having gen regression speed being a complete joke, then we have an issue that BHVR refuses to aknowledge.
On the other hand, repairing gens is so boring that making it last longer would be a pain in the ###... So, survivors should have a more interactive gameplay, make it fun, maybe search for parts to repair the gens, and different types of generators, and stuff like that... but i'm afraid bhvr wont like the idea of needing to put a little bit of effort coming up with ideas...
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Friendly Competition is a measly 5% bonus for having two Survivors on the same gen. It's a bad perk, even if you don't need to do a whole gen. It is more efficient to have two Survivors on different gens. The efficiency bonus slows down generators when two or more Survivors are working on them, so I'd say it's pretty important.
Your math on QG is completely wrong. QG saves around 4.5 seconds, iirc. At most, that is giving the Survivor team a total of 13.5 seconds, which isn't significant and are FAR cry from this minute you keep raving about. Also, are your Survivors gen rushing by stacking up on gens or by splitting up? You can't seem to decide which is what you want to complain about.
Wake Up lets you open Gates 15% faster. Can't see how that lets you take hits or how it's any more useful to a SWF.
If you are losing three gens in 3 minutes, that's completely on you. Prove does essentially nothing in that scenario, as you are clearly outmatched.
Now you've expanded your complaint list again. Adrenaline is fine, like I said, but it's not something I would personally take. It's not guaranteed value. DS is completely fine, have you considered spreading pressure at all instead of tunnel-visioning on the person who wants to be chased?
I highly doubt that you play comp or have thousands of hours. Pretty much everything you've listed is a standard new-ish player complaint. Basically, seems like you're at the point where you've actually got to learn how to play as Killer and you've started to get opponents better than you.
I think you might've watched comp, but I doubt you've played in it. Thinking those perks are good and the reason for you losing, not knowing what gen efficiency is and the efficiency penalty are all giveaways.
Like I said though, I'm down to give you pointers
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Games with DC's are not counted.
The actual average Kill Rate in matches is likely MUCH higher because of that.
Like I said though, imagine the outrage if Killers only killed 40% of the time.
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Genrush? When it takes a full 4 perks in order to make gens which is a pretty obvious unfun thing to do to progress the match faster? Shouldn´t we looking to address the main problem about how unfun yet neccesary is for the match to move on to do gens?
Killer is way more fun because you have different activities to engage in. Survivors on the other hand? Either be chased by the killer (which I say is 95% of what makes survivor games fun, the other being finding bugs). Ask anyone who plays survivor, even if they don´t main the role. How fun is to tap or hold RB and then ocassionaly LB for literally 4 or 5 mins in the fastest cases?
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I don't think you're paying attention.
A gen is 90 charges. Normal repair speed is 1 charge per second, thus 90 seconds per gen.
QG increases gen speed by 5%, so it's 1.05 charges per second. 90/1.05 = 85.7 seconds. 90-85.7=4.3 second difference. So it's 4.3 seconds saved per gen, assuming QG is online for every single second that survivors are working on a gen.
There's five gens, so the time saved is 4.3 x 5 = 21.5 seconds.
That's not even close to 'a minute'.
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They are small in a vacuum, sure - but when put all together you wonder why people's chase times are not as they used to be. Let's not mention the nerfs they did to loops and jungle gyms in general.
Most of the loops have been nerfed to be a simple 50/50 where the killer can cross around the shorter side and hit you regardless.
The Ormond variants at construction sometimes don't even spawn the pallet to have a sufficient chase, rendering that side useless.
When you have everything coupled with the 6.1.0 buffs, yes — survivors will struggle to continue a chase. I'm not speaking on my behalf, I'm perfectly fine with chase but I'm talking about the casual base -- the ones solo-queuing with either them giving up or their teammates giving up. All of these changes, along with the increase in slugging and tunneling - I'm not surprised with people dcing at the rate that they're doing.
I usually find that if you're consistently getting terrible teammates all around, that usually suggests a lower MMR as a whole. Killers usually excel well in lower MMR and struggle in higher MMR.
Edit: Actually now that I reread what you said — if you're getting insane teammates and a terrible killer, it just means those teammates were able to handle the killer for the MMR that you're at. On the flip side, if you got bad teammates and a good killer, the killer did great and were able to keep pressure throughout the match.
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The 2v8 "comeback" mechanic really should be a thing in 1v4
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There's five gens, so the time saved is 4.3 x 5 = 21.5 seconds.
I'll just add that this is an optimal, best possible case scenario that requires one person to be chased with this perk constantly for the entirety of all the gens on the map. With 3 survivors, that's at least 3-4 minutes of constant chase.
Last time we got stats from BHVR, the average total chase time for one survivor per match was about 67 seconds. So QG is only getting you about 2/3s of one gens time, in a best case scenario that's about 9 seconds of time saved if all 3 survivors are on gens, outside of the QG range, and the survivor is in chase for the entire time. 9 whole seconds.
One kick from the killer, even without any regression time afterward is enough to completely undo this perk on a gen.
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That and people don't recognize that if you're losing three gens in three minutes - more often than not these survivors will be in a three gen situation.
Killer starts out weak because obviously there are four survivors alive. You'll be in one chase, the best scenario for the survivor in chase is to have all three survivors on three separate gens.
Killer starts to progressively get better the longer the game goes on.
However, the likelihood of this happening game after game is very low. You're more than likely having one survivor in chase, maybe one or two on gens. Sometimes a survivor will be in chase and no one is on gens.
Just because in an ideal hypothetical that three gens pop during three minutes of chase time doesn't warrant a nerf because not all games are as coordinated as the above — either those survivors are getting in a massive three gen or the killer is in a massively long chase to cause this to happen.
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To add to this - this while not losing a single health state, because otherwise Quick Gambit goes on a lengthy Cooldown.
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Bestie, I've honestly lost hope that I'm going to escape from trials by other means than doing meme things to killer with likable character.
Literally thank god that BHVR didn't block progress in event tome by challenge like "escape from 1 trial" because from several days I wasn't able to.
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Exactly this, cant tell you that it feels 80% of the time you have solo q people who aint even doing gens when your in chase specially if you felt should be 1 to 2 completed. Then that is when I have all right to wanna next match because the 3 stooges is walking around doing other unnecessary things.
Hence I also too avoid solo qs who had flashlights in their hands, give me tool box and medkit users please as survivor.
As killer now click squads I do not mind them since I then I that the chances to win is high since click squads just love to chase behind you to try wanna be heros to rescue their teamate. Crutchborn and star struck wesky or vecna makes it pie.
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How often that kind of swf killer faces? Answer is very rarely. Most swf are just average maybe cause some more work for killer. But reality is most matches on killer are easy to win and killer has significant advantage over soloQ that you could call unfair.
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Lmao, people don't understand that survivors are humans and are definitely fallible to make mistakes.
I haven't played solo-queue in a while, but people don't recognize how much of a huge difference comms does when versing a killer. That's why I advocate for more solo-queue buffs, such as seeing each other perks that DBD mobile users have. Even going an extra mile that when you pause, you can see and hover over what your teammates have - we have the space to do that in the pause UI menu.
Allowing survivors to see the anti-camp meter would go a long way too.
I try my best to not DC or kill myself unless the game is completely lost to give the fourth a chance for hatch, so I couldn't advocate for dcing just to DC - but I can understand the feeling when you're in a chase for 1-2 minutes and no one touches a generator. That's why making gens even worse to do would just make the casual base leave, the competitive players (such as I) stay, and we have more sweatier games in general.
Post edited by CautionaryMary on4 -
I don’t know what to tell ya. 🤷🏼♂️
I make it out most of the time with my friends. We are a duo or trio.
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So if all four survivors stack all their perks they can save 60 seconds total on gens over the course of the entire game, which is less time than you can save with one perk (grim, pain resonance, dead man’s switch, pop) lol. And if they have these builds, they have no perks for chase or to prevent tunneling.
This is why casuals shouldn’t be allowed to use this site.
I have over 4000 hours in the game and am both almost certainly better than you and not a casual. If you feel like you have something to prove I am open to playing you in a custom match.
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Exactly, they literally were tesing this years ago and dropped it. It would make the game so much more fun and scary
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Wake up is 25%, chasing anyone else doesn't do anything since they can all just take you away or waste a few seconds with QG, also how do i know u are even a credible player when it comes to experience? You don't even know how Wake Up works and how basic diversion and time waste from a gen is massive time lost. You may not be a casual but ur likely no a pub stomper either. Knowing in game math is not gonna help you win tbh, cus like i said, ur not seeing the bigger picture.
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Idc for other peoples lack of kills=skill tho. The stats are super irrelevant.
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Re read the initial paragraphs, im not responding again tbh
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I'm sorry, you have no room to talk about valid experience in game.
Wake up is 25%, chasing anyone else doesn't do anything since they can all just take you away or waste a few seconds with QG
There is no possible way that a player uses wake up while opening a gate and then gives gen repair speed to the rest of the team when they run.
You can't even work on gens while the gates are powered by any means.
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The chase times are always bad usually and the gen speeds are too fast. Like back in the day a survivor could last a good 2 minutes and only 1 gen would pop. Games are just ending too fast and on both sides i agree there are problematic perks and playstyles, like slugularity and especially prevalent with the snowskull exploit