Anon mode

it is abused by trolls and cheaters. It's time to take this out of the game. and check the accounts of those who say that this should not be done, I’m sure there will be a million reports there.
I would prefer for harassment against me to not extend outside of the game itself, if that's okay with you.
That's why I use anon mode, and I'm sure others feel the same.
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I dont like Anon mode. I take great pleasure looking at my profile having people commenting on it. What they dont understand is that their slander is correlated to their rage which FUELS the fire for me. I usually zip on my coffee while i read their angry comments. I mean how hurt must you be in order to actually take your time and go out of your way and write something to someone after a game… When that happens, you know you did the right thing. =P
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stop talking nonsense. you can close your steam profile from comments, you can turn off comments in the game. if you play from other platforms, no one will ever write anything to you. We played for 7 years without an anon mod and suddenly when it appeared (because support was tired of considering complaints, obviously) trolls and cheaters needed it.
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did you know that streamers don’t need anon mode? they literally turn off the overlay before the game. check the account of the one who is being “stalked”, there are probably thousands of reports there.
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it should be unified. whatever option, but unified.
Everyone's profile open or everyone's profile anon. preferably the 2nd option.0 -
Nah I loved not being streamed sniped. If annon mode needs to go then let killers not see who they are going against in lobby just like we cant see them.
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Yet if dbd is the only game where this is a problem it makes more sense to disable profile views from dbd only.
You can still report cheaters who are using anon mode
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1. I don’t understand what killers have to do with it. 2. I still don’t understand what killers have to do with it. I usually encounter trolls and cheaters in survival
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You can still report cheaters who are using anon mode
You have to. To this day there is no automatic protection. It is a completely manual process.
I usually encounter trolls and cheaters in survival
Yes, most cheaters are found on the survivor side, but that's probably because it's easier to hide cheats on the killer side (fewer enemy aura reading perks)
The cheat topic is censored and avoided as best as possible. Bad press about it affects sales in various categories, a bit childish behavior, but also a bit funny.
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Those of us on Xbox cannot even use their Anonymous Mode
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wait seriously? they never fixed that? how the hell does sony allow it but not microsoft?
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When they rolled it out to the consoles we had it on Xbox for maybe two weeks, then it was disabled. Apparently the way it worked violated several Microsoft guidelines. They said it ain't coming back.
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It's the same with cross play.
If you deactivate cross play you are in a completely different player pool and can never be matched with players who have cross play on, even if they share the same platform.
Unfortunately, it's implemented poorly, which unfortunately affects a lot of things in the game.2 -
and yet from what i gather it works in something like fortnite? must be a money thing, or some under the hood nonsense neither party will budge on.
yeah that's just how crossplay works in most games. which is why i really hate it when people say that people have the option to turn crossplay on/off if they don't like it…99% of people don't switch it from whatever the default is unless they have the option signaled to them on boot-up. and then there's the other issue that some games' version of crossplay is just putting console players in PC lobbies. see how well received that was for R6 siege…
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I'd love Console-only matchmaking for DBD, especially since M&K is not supported and framerates being what they are for this game.
But I do not see that ever happening, because they do want one unified playerbase and it also would hurt PC lobby times badly.
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wow, Microsoft gets 100 reputation and karma points for this.
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Anon mode is fine. The same trolls would troll regardless of whether their changeable steam name was shown or not.
I like being able to say gg without being stalked and harassed outside of the game.
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You know you can still file reports against anonymous survivors, right?
Also, I shouldn't have to put my entire account on lockdown for one game. What a ridiculous thing to suggest.
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I'm quite happy to not have to deal with a flood of harassment from butthurt survs, thank you
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for bullying them, right?
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I use anon almost all the time, too many very twisted kids in this game who get personal grudges over nothing and will attempt to ruin your fun intentionally.
I find weirdos are less likely to even bother interacting with me in a negative way, as they get little satisfaction from harassing a random character they cannot associate an actual person with.
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I've been trying to avoid anons in lobby lately. The reason is in the title of the topic.
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Lobby shopping around like that is not too good for their matchmaking system.
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I don't care if you avoid me, I found a lobby so I am fine, you can waste your time lobby shopping if you want, it doesn't affect me at all and it wont make me not run anon
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I have no doubt. if you want to spoil the game for other players under the guise of an anon mod because the developers allow you, do it further, but without me.
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How do I spoil the game playing in anon mode lol?
I am generally the most skilled survivor in my lobby and I don't bother with chat other than to say 'gg' so if you dodge me, you actually would likely lose out more than I would.
Again, I literally do not care if you want to spend more of your time finding a lobby without an anon, I found a lobby so I am fine.
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friend, read the title of the topic and the first post. We are not discussing you, but trolls and cheaters using the anon mod. By the way, a good player will not hide from others. So of course I don’t take your word for it.
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I have nearly 6k hours in this game, if I am not at least reasonably competent at this point I guess I should just stop playing.
Either way, you keep wasting your own time dodging anon players, I can assure you they do not care.
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I spent 9 thousand hours in the game. Did I create a topic about who plays for how long? Why don't you get banned for off-topic posts?