Is Freddy's rework good or bad in your opinion?

What do you think about Freddy krueger now?
Its not what we asked for in terms of a rework but I wouldn't say its bad. Its hard to say this early in its testing.
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His strength has definitely gone up, but his faithfulness to the source material remains poor (and that's the most important part of adapting a licensed character IMO).
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Pretty bad
He was designed way too safe
They want survivors to like him but survivors dont like any killer atm so it's failed effort
They need to buff his dream pallets a ######### ton
and probably a 15% hinder on his snares
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Snares are alright, it's an upgrade to what he had before.
Pallets have been somehow made even worse.
Projection needs to be cancelable again.
And Waking Up by failing skill checks or being put into the dying state shouldn't be a thing.
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behavior kinda did a good job i think but it to early to say.
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Pallets could use some love. I heard they can stun Freddy when used for some reason?
As for rework itself, clearly this is better than what last Freddy was. When it comes to killer reworks, they usually are introduced when killer is properly placed in F tier, so anything new feels like a massive buff. I'm sure the same will be with Skull Merchant, her new ( how many times she was changed? ) rework will make her feel massively buffed when in reality she will get her spot at B or B+ tier at best.
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intentionally bad so survivors dont get too butthurt, once the whole finally freddy buffs memes wear themselves out people will realize hes still trash and forget he exists again
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Never liked the new freddy, I was hoping for complete rework not these adjustments.
I also always hated the visuals. Snares look like ketchup, fake pallets look ugly, dream world looks ugly. His power is boring to me as well. I play him sometimes but never actually liked it much. Among the weaker killers he is the most unfun to me. I just don't like his power at all.
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The snare has a distinct strength and weakness depending on the map, but if you have good aim, you can take advantage of it. In other words, it feels like an artist.
I don't understand at all what the palette was thinking in making this spec. There is no reason to get close to it since it is clearly distinguishable from the survivor's point of view, and even if you had to get close to it, there is no reason to use it on Freddy's side since you can do a killer stun if you take him down properly. Providing a pseudo palette to the survivor on your own is just an act of defeat.
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He is obviously better, but he still feels awful.
Snares are an imrpovement, but placing a Dream Pallet is unnecessarily complicated now. To place one, you have to:
- Switch to Pallet mode.
- Look at the spot for a fake pallet.
- Hold the pallet placement button.
- Press the confirmation button.
Why is something as simple as placing a Dream Pallet so convoluted?
If you've played Freddy before, you'll remember how smooth and quick it used to be. Placing Dream Pallets took just one button press, meaning you could do it seamlessly, even while chasing someone. After these changes, it’s no longer a single, fluid motion. Instead, you're stuck doing clunky button presses that make it impossible to use effectively in a chase.
I don’t understand why BHVR keeps designing powers in this clunky way, where you have to cycle through options, instead of simply assigning them to different keybinds. The fact that you have to keep switching between pallet and snare mode means you can't use both of your powers in a loop to increase their effectiveness, it's either one or the other.
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Very good, but needs some tweaks.
- Better controls. Just remove pallet "mode" completely and make it so tapping CTRL sets or detonates a dream pallet, holding CTRL teleports, and M2+M1 uses dream snares. Simple and straightforward.
- Make dream pallets appear completely real to dreaming survivors, keep them bloody for awake survivors
- Add some feedback when you hit an awake survivor with a dream pallet or snare to indicate that your attacks actually do something, like a small animation where the survivor looks down and "nods off" for a split second
- Make him a little weaker at slugging, for example by making it so healing a downed survivor won't trigger killer instinct at all, lingering for 1s after they are picked up
Way, way more fun and better than pre rework though, exciting stuff. Though I fear he may be one of the best sluggers in the whole game which could be a problem. Imagine something like Sloppy+Knockout+2 slowdown perks, maybe Jolt or something, and you just keep teleporting around and slugging. Could be nasty, especially paired with the right addons.
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Changes are good, but not what I hoped for. I hoped for something which is more like his original design.
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Obviously very strong but the whole pallet part of his kit is pointless due to survs being able to always know if it's fake or not when awake.
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Is he stronger and better? Yes. Is he fun? Probably, as console player I got no access to the ptb. Did he become more like Freddy and what I’ve wanted? Nope. I wanted them to get back his first version, while somehow keeping the teleport and his old dream pallets.
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Seems like he'll be a ridiculous slugging machine, so probably not a great choice.
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I'm done with Freddy.
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The controls/key-assignments are terrible, the rest is fine.
Seriously, why not use Vecna's spell wheel for other killers?
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I like the rework overall. I never thought Freddy was weak to be honest, but the buffs are definitely welcome.
My only complaint is about the pallets. Survivors can see the difference between them and real pallets, they take a long time to explode, making them very easy to react. Also when putting them down, the blood explosion doesn't injure you, or puts you to sleep, which wouldn't have been a problem if they didn't stun you, which also makes Enduring mandatory on him. Finally, survivors can still put the pallet down when they are about to explode, which I am pretty sure it's a bug.
I am not saying that he is bad overall, it is just that it makes no sense using this part of the power, kinda like wolf form for Dracula.
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As someone who plays both sides, I think he’s awesome! I think that making any clock work makes it completely fair to teleport to healing sleeping survivors. His snare being a skill shot looks cool and actually has something for you to do instead of hoping someone steps on the old snare. The exploding pallet is dope. I love it, hope they keep it where it’s going just with appropriate tweaks after testing
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It's largely due to controllers. DBD on consoles doesn't support keyboard/mouse and controllers are more limited in the number of buttons available for use.
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Gameplay wise he's actually pretty fun, but I still dont feel like Im playing Freddy Krueger.
Id keep the current kit, but with a few changes:
-Survivors cannot see Freddy and cannot be harmed while awake.
-A Survivor hit by a Dream Snare while awake will have their sleep timer increased by 30 seconds.
-Sending a Dream Snare at a window will block it for 8 seconds.
-Dream Pallets cannot be seen while awake and look exactly like normal pallets, but can still stun him.
-Freddy gets Killer Instinct on an asleep Survivor whenever they do an action.
-Freddy can Project to any Survivor revealed by Killer Instinct
-Invert Lullaby and TR (for better synergy with TR perks)
"Welcome to my world... b-word..." -Freddy Krueger
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Not terrible, but still just kinda boring. Would've been cool to find a way to make him invisible and untouchable to awake survivors without breaking him in the dream world. As of now the dream transition still feels secondary to his power.
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First of all this is not a rework, a rework would entail that his entire power/kit would change completely. It still encorporates all of his previous powers: (fake pallets/snears/projection) with tweaks added to improve quality of life. So its a major update kind of like they did to singularity but on a larger scale. Its not a rework and the reason they call it a rework is because they probably do not plan on reworking freddy because they lack imagination or creativity to do so.
You could call it a reworked snear tho due to it opperating completely differently but its still basically the same thing as it was other than it being a projectile. So for those reasons we didnt even recieve a rework, its an update with quality of life improvements.
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The only good thing is his new snares, they look and feel good to use, not too strong or weak.
The rest of his kit is laughable - you can't cancel teleport anymore, survivors can now clearly see and distinguish dream pallets, and dream pallets can now stun you. They are easily avoided in chase and can be pre-dropped around the map. I don't know what they were thinking with these choices, it's hilarious that survivors are whining about him being too strong now.
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I give up, my friend. I'm done.
Freddy will never again be the same I killer I loved.
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Its "okay", but it needs improvements for Live-Servers for sure.
I made a XXL-Feedback. I think my adjustments would make him far better:
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I really like it. The Devs definitly put a lot of great effort into it and it shows, really well done.
I was a bit scpetical when they said it's a Killer Update, but to be honest, it's more of a Rework and not just an simple Update. The Gameplay is well thought out. Only the Dream Pallets confuse me a bit, that you can get stunned by it and that Survivors can see that they are not real. But otherwise he's perfect.
One thing i can't really criticize is that he doesn't have a unique chase music or voicelines, since this is not up to the Devs or even BHVR.
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Oh General no! I knew you had some issues with it but I didn't think you disliked it that much. I am really sorry friend.
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I don't get how he remains unfaithful to the source material?
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Its alright, friend.
But I am tired of spending time and effort on a character that clearly will never be the same killer that I loved. And these changes just make him even more unfun to play, imho.
I didn't even write the feedback post I was planning to, simply because I just don't have the motivation to continue playing that PTB. I am done with Freddy in DBD. I am done.
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The bad thing about him is he shouldn’t be able to be stunned by the pallets he create it should go back to how it was before with the addition of the detonate pallets. And the hindered could use a 1 second longer duration. His teleporting speed needs to be increased a bit.
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Damn. It is a shame they reworked him the way they did in the first place back then. Could have just do something about dream world instead so he doesn't get denied hits.
I am kinda glad they never reworked Myers. These new buffs made him pretty solid. I take it and my beloved tp over some crappy rework that would make him gf v.2.
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very good summary of freddy changes.
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He's perfect. Great job BHVR! He's perfect now. lmao
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The new Freddy is still weak, the traps are okay but nothing spectacular, the fake paddles are useless and teleporting to a healing survivor is also useless because the survis have the option to wake up while one of the healers is awake and there are 3 ways out of sleep and then the clocks are very strong, 30 seconds of immunity is a lot.
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This 💯
The pallets should not be distinguishable to Survivors who are asleep.
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It's not good enough.
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who the new main? knight
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Yes, I think so.
I doubt Knight will ever get a full rework. It should be safe to main him.
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Freddy is stronger but still feels about the same on how engaging they are. BHVR was too cautious with Dream Pallets but at least you don't need an addon for them now.
That being said I feel like Freddy isn't ever going to satisfy most of us who want change for him. There hasn't been a single version of Freddy I've personally been happy with. I admit I want Robert Englund which I know won't happen but at the same time I feel like there should be some some of Dream Realm as a separate map sleeping survivors go to in order to wake up but probably too oppressive or a burden to balance.
I'm happy with the Snares and admittedly it's pretty much how I wanted that part of his power to function because I actually suggested it years ago. Just visually it's underwhelming and seems like a skeleton crew handled added it and changing Freddy.
I'm indifferent about teleport.
Dream Pallets there's a wide range of complaints I could give but I just feel if they're not going to fully commit to reworking this part of his power they should just scrap it. It's just bad. It was never worth it to take as a power with addons prior outside of gimmick troll builds so it having no addon requirement is great but it could not be there and Freddy would be about the same.
If it stayed I'd personally just make it so Snares colliding with dream pallets explode them instead of dedicating a different function just to explode them. The entire power just seems over complicated for what it does. Which is barely anything.
Freddy is definitely stronger but he's still boring. But that's not necessarily a bad thing.