When will the devs do something about survivors turning off all tvs for sadako with no consequence

theonryo123 Member Posts: 147
edited January 9 in Feedback and Suggestions

I am getting sick and tired of going against survivors who turns off her tvs that doesn’t allow her to teleport and they don’t get anything and on top of that if someone is condemned why is it that they can still interact with the tv that I just teleport out of?? And why do they get a 1 second to insert tape that’s too short and it needs to be longer

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • theonryo123
    theonryo123 Member Posts: 147

    I’m talking about turning off tvs not returning tapes like if the tvs are spawn by the generators all they have to do is turn off the tv and let’s say I have tinkerer and if I try to teleport to the tv by the gen that is close to being done they’ll turn off the tv and I won’t have map wide pressure I feel like it’s unfair

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    its unfair but bvhr won't budge to change anything. we're still waiting for them to fix the flicker bugs.

  • Rudjohns
    Rudjohns Member Posts: 2,412

    Lol thats her only counterplay

  • Langweilg
    Langweilg Member Posts: 1,694
    edited January 9

    Her current version is flawed and you can’t really fix her, because it would remove counterplay. That’s why I suggested a more chase focused version, that worked similar to her first version. Then you would have the best of condemned and for chasing. Sadly they will probably not touch her for a very long time and her problems will remain.

  • CrypticGirl
    CrypticGirl Member Posts: 812

    They gain a condemned stack each time they turn off a TV. That's another consequence.

  • Daniel_Silva04
    Daniel_Silva04 Member Posts: 132

    Yes, but when the survivor hands over the tape, he removes 3 stacks at once,so you can turn off 3 of her TVs along the way and pretty much leave half the map without power for her. It's pretty dumb.

  • Lixadonna
    Lixadonna Member Posts: 420

    Why are you teleporting with Tinkerer? Tinkerer is to sneak attack while Undetectable. They ptobably know you have Tinkerer and turn off the TV if it's something you've done already.

  • buggybug
    buggybug Member Posts: 834

    We are trying to conserve energy to save on the entities electric bill or require the wasted energy in these tvs for our precious gates ya know?

    On a serious note map like the trash wind maps being so small now she actually can quickly gain condoms fast because 2 tvs are so close in that map, I believe the one with hanging dead boars is call rancid arbor?

    But yeah that was atrocious to face when I had match vs her on that map, pretty long 25 min game since trying to shut off a tv while the other turn off tvs was coming up back fast. Idk if its an add on that speeds up tv cool down or what.

  • ObsidianButterfly
    ObsidianButterfly Member Posts: 150

    I disagree.

    We don't need more chase killers. We need more macro-focused killers. The problem is she is terrible at both chase AND macro-level play.

    This is either a lie or a gross misunderstanding of how the power works.

    Even with the reduced map sizes, there is not a single instance of TV's able to cover multiple generators or multiple TV's being in range of a single generator without the use of the range increase add-on. And even then, it's mostly only indoor maps with two floors that can attain this with any form of consistency (Midwich, Gideon, RPD, etc.)

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 2,267


    This was so irritating during the event where hitting snowmen with snowballs was very much worth the effort points wise. However the stupid tapes denied that.

    Besides that, I think Onryo is in a good state now and she doesn't need any buffs as while she may not be comp ready, she is more than adequate for your average solo queue lobby. Not every killer has to be meta

  • Langweilg
    Langweilg Member Posts: 1,694
    edited January 9

    I probably expressed myself poorly. I don’t want her to be a chase killer like wesker, blight…., but I want her current chase ability like the flicker and teleport to be as good and not worse than the one she had in her first version. Currently her teleport is much worse than the one of her first version, because her current design encourages survivors to shut down her whole power at all times, which isn’t fun or helpful for condemned or her teleport. The best way to make her good again would be to use her first version as foundation and keeping the number buffs and Quality of live changes from the reworks. The focus shouldn’t be on only improving condemned since this lead to her needing many compensation nerfs, that are very unfun to deal with. If you are interested, I can send you the link of my rework idea from a while ago?

  • buggybug
    buggybug Member Posts: 834
    edited January 9

    Nah its facts on some maps being so small tvs are real close for her to tv spam, dead saloon being a huge example and as I said rancid harbor tvs are real close to each other.

    She has base kit remote that makes you waste time carrying your tape so it makes up for turning off tvs since you gotta go from north to south on any map whoch makes indoor maps like hawkins hell and also watch one pump willie best onryu main that still get kill win streaks on her. S

  • Langweilg
    Langweilg Member Posts: 1,694

    The downside is nothing in comparison to what she loses and gains.

    One of her key strengths was, that she could pop up everywhere on the map and get instantly into chases, but she can no longer do that, because TVs are constantly turned off.

    Survivors can basically remove her power all day long, without her having any counterplay.

    Taking tapes is also extremely short and no one actually runs across the whole map just for the tape (, if they aren’t close to being fully condemned). She loses a lot more time by survivors turning off TVs than she would gain just by teleporting there.

    The downside is basically no downside to survivors. It is a huge advantage over the Onryo player and has no counterplay for them.

  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 3,369

    Thats the only downside. Its a terrible design. You get to hold her power for free. 1 person takes chase. 2 people work on gens. 1 person tape runs without any punishment for holding a tape.

    Its also not lore accurate. You cant hold a tape without a consequence happening. That's how it should be.

  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 3,369

    One Pump willie isnt a great example to use coming from someone who speaks to him often 1 on 1. He said it himself. There are no downsides to tapes for survivors. Only upsides. Sure you cant use your item, but that isnt enough compared to what she suffers.

  • ObsidianButterfly
    ObsidianButterfly Member Posts: 150

    It's not facts at all and you saying it is isn't going to change that. I just got done playing both of the maps and this was 100% untrue.

    Also, bringing up a random CC is completely irrelevant. The best Trapper player can go on kill streaks also. Same with the best Freddy player or Myers player. That does not mean those killers are good.

  • ObsidianButterfly
    ObsidianButterfly Member Posts: 150

    If it's the post you made back in December, I remember that one. I didn't agree with certain aspects, but it was good overall.

  • Langweilg
    Langweilg Member Posts: 1,694
    edited January 9

    Yes it was that one. If you want, you could post a comment about your opinion there and we discuss it. Maybe I learn new things and it’s always interesting to hear what people think. If you need the link I can send it to you.

  • frictionless
    frictionless Member Posts: 26

    I don't think survivors disabling TVs is quite as much of a downside as people say. If you're paying attention to your TV spawns to watch which ones are turning off and what direction that's happening in, you can often cut off survivors in the early game before they can return the tape and clear their condemned, giving you an easy avenue to lock in 3 stacks on first hook. In the late game, when survivors have several stacks locked in and are less likely to risk turning off every TV they see, seeing a specific TV turn off across the map still gives you an idea of which direction they'll be headed, since the TV assigned to return a tape to is usually pretty static. That whole aspect of her power is free info. If you're getting too caught up in long chases off gens to notice the state of your TVs, it's pretty easy to get put in a rough spot, which definitely makes her more reliant on keeping momentum than other killers, but that's just the tradeoff she gets. When you're winning effective chases and pressuring survivors you're putting them at significantly more risk than most other killers can manage because basically everything you do pressures that side objective.

    It's also worth pointing out that Sadako without any active TVs on the map isn't a hatchetless Huntress. You're still a stealth killer (completely invisible outside of your relatively small lullaby) with the ability to force a lot of early pallet drops through demanifest and mindgame loops that are typically very safe. You're not left with absolutely nothing when a survivor takes a few minutes to run around the map turning every single TV off, even assuming that you choose to ignore them and play the 1v3 for that time.

  • OnryosTapeRentals
    OnryosTapeRentals Member Posts: 1,280
    • They waste time running across the map to disable TVs and insert their Tape.
    • They gain Condemn stacks for disabling additional TVs.
    • They can’t use items while holding a Tape.

    I’ve never understood this complaint. Yeah, you can’t teleport as much but they’re giving you slowdown in return. It’s fair counterplay if you ask me.

  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 3,369

    My only issue is the slowdown isn’t that much. They grab tape with 1 second interaction. Pop it in tv 📺 on the other side ish. Work on the gen there.

    Sadako loses 2 powers. Her best at that. Mobility and condemn. The first tape is free. Free of charge. No condemn at all.

    Often times survivors take tapes at the start quickly. Run nowhere - work on the gen, and then you have to walk to the other side of the map with your poor stealth ability.