I'm tires of waiting survs to leave the match.

This is BEYOND annoying.
There is NOTHING killers can do after the gates are open besides watching teabags at the exit.
Please do something about it, its like being left to die on the floor every single time if u dont kill at least 3 survs.
A few solutions could be ONE of those:
1 - Alucard's shield baseline for all killers. (kinda fun for everyone)
2 - If a surv get hit inside the gate area the exit closes for that surv for 5s. (like the Houndmaster).
3 - Put an option to end the game for the killer to use, just like they can open the gates themselves.
Killers are just as toxic hitting survivors on hook and camping and slugging. Deal with it. Just don't go to exit when you know you lost. Break walls and pallets and get more bp until they leave.
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Go to the gate and hit the survivors. They will escape if they are injured.
Then there will be no need to wait.
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I'm not going to dismiss how you feel; I understand that after a rough game, emotions can run high, you can't always be in the best frame of mind… but this is a problem that COULD be fixed by forcing survivors to leave somehow, but it is actually better for you to learn to handle this frustration yourself in your own mind… it will make you happier playing the game and in life overall.
One of the best tips for your mental game is when anyone is trying to antagonise/upset you "never let them see you sweat". When it comes to teabagging and obnoxious behaviour, ignore it, ignore it completely and don't give any visible hint you even noticed it. Do not let them get under your skin, or at the very least, don't let them know they got under your skin.
If someone won't leave, you don't care, don't react or slow down at all to them teabagging and just go up and hit them. The sooner you hit them, the sooner they have to stop teabagging and leave, they can't keep taunting you if you slap them out of gate. For yourself look at it as free bloodpoints if they run out (that starts a chase, and gives you bloodpoints), and if you hit them, that is even more bloodpoints.
A lot of people look at that as "giving them what they want", but if you stop and watch them teabag you are giving them actually what they want, which is you to acknowledge the fact they beat you. If you run straight up and hit them without even pausing to see their teabag, you haven't acknowledged bugger all, you're still swinging right to the closing moment of the game, and that lack of a reaction is far more annoying to a teabagger/gate camper.
Don't even read/say anything in end game chat. Don't react to a teabagger at all. Say GG to anyone who genuinely offers it, and completely ignore said teabagger.
This mentality breeds confidence in yourself, because when you know you won't allow people to get under your skin, they have literally no power over you.
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I do all of that but this is a game problem devs could fix, they kinda did with the new killer and several endgame perks but this problem could and must be assigned.
Thats why i posted in the feedback section.0 -
Hitting them out is the only suggestion I have that we've got right now, yes BMing survivors are annoying, if we changed the exit gates to force them out blood warden etc wouldnt work as well for people who use it anymore.
Honestly you did your best, don't discredit that0 -
There are some Killers that won't let Survivors leave at the end. Pinhead's chains do this for example. There's also perks for this.
The best policy is simply to not go to the gates, and just run around breaking pallets and doing stuff for points. I never go to the gates or answer to noise spam, if they want to waste their time, let them waste their time. More BP for me.