DBD confirms Bot fills

Dbd posted on the official twitter revealing Bot Fill has been added to drastically reduce Queue times on PTB.
In lobbies is a default clothing anon mode survivor but when loaded in the match reveals a bot tag on the survivor.
Most likely this will be added to Live and event gamemodes like 2v8 to help reduce the extremely long queue times.
This is probably when I'll stop playing.
40 -
Good - they should do this. Its needed.
7 -
Yeah...bots suck. The deck is already stacked against solo queue, and now they want to add bots? Lol, next
28 -
Most likely they won't added to base live matches but event gamemodes only I know 2v8 needs it desperately since event mode are supposed to be casual in a sense
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I don't know why they even added bots if they are going to be as pathetic as they currently are. They weren't great when they were added then they randomly decided to nerf them for no reason.
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Yeah I definitely play DBD for a PvE experience
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They should give players the option to choose bots to reduce wait time. I think most players want to play against real humans and are willing to wait longer if necessary.
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If I see a bot in a lobby, I'm out. This is such a terrible direction for the game.
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I can see them eventually removing the bot tag so people aren't aware of when they're playing with them. Sometimes I watch some of my team mates and wonder if they already do this..
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i wouldn't necessarily mind this if all bots didn't play the same way. for the most part, they all have the same template behavior which kind of makes them boring to go against when they do happen to take over. i hope they look into at least giving variances in how they play to increase some of the randomness.
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Ive already seen / felt this happen for 2~3 periods of time in live matches, usually following a big release to give new survivors an average experience and helps fill up the pool to balance queues because usually a lot of people try the new killer, and a 10/15 minute wait would lead to a bad experience.
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If its only PTB then I don't care, PTB is only to test out stuff not sweat to win (though some seem to think the PTB = comp match).
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Bots shouldn't be anywhere outside of Custom.
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It looks like the message says they won't go into regular solo lobbies, but may go into events. I bet some killers in 2v8 would appreciate it. I queued up for some killer lobbies in both 2v8 runs, but always dropped out before ever finding a match because I don't want to wait 10-40 minutes for a game.
If this went into regular solo queue, they'd have to give the bots MMR dependent buffs/nerfs or people would start dodging lobbies if they see basic skins. (High MMR would eat normal bots alive, but at quite low MMR the bots might frustrate the killer.)
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if they try pushing this into live lobbies i will never play survivor again without a full premade
18 -
1000%. I will not play with or against bots. I don't even like playing with disconnect bots. Can't stand PvPvE.
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Hopefully this stays in the PTB and never makes it to live servers. If they start having bots fill the lobbies instead of only when someone DCs its going to make the survivor experience worse. The bots really aren't helpful as teammates and killers will just ignore them to go after the real players. At this point I only come back for events, if they end out only using bots for event modes I'm not going to bother with DBD.
8 -
…may need to go apologize to some doom sayers now…
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It really wouldn't be worth it. Would be wildly shortsighted on their end. Not to say they wouldn't do it, but it would be pretty stupid. Someone will eventually figure it out, and then they'll be chasing their tails trying to explain or backtrack when it hits social media.
4 -
Its a pretty good change. I dont wanna spend 30+ minutes on the que for killer plus after the first couple days most people have tested what they wanted and went back to normal game.
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Excellent, and about damn time.
If only they would give us a reward on Live for every match played fully in PTB, they I would be super happy.4 -
Absolutely fine for the PTB, but if that ever comes to event queues, I will no longer queue up for those. Bots are garbage.
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A part of me is fine with this because killer queue times on the PTB are laughably bad, but on the other hand…I think BHVR is confusing quality for quantity here, I'm sure people are more then happy to wait a extra minute if it means getting a actual good match rather then instantly getting a lobby of bots
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I think it's fine for the PTB.
But if they bring this to live or the events, I don't look forward to being in "bot lobby MMR". But on the plus side, at least they will do gens. I don't know how I feel about this. I do play other PVP games that have a lot of bots in them (Fortnite and Star Wars: Hunters) and that doesn't really affect my enjoyment of those games, but for DBD part of the hook is the surprising, funny (and sometimes infuriating) ways that your teammates and opponents might behave. And it would feel very lonely to be the only human in a lobby. At that point, you may as well be playing a single player game.
I wonder if they'll tailor them to the MMR of the lobby, with low MMR getting the potato type bots currently on live and high MMR getting the god loopers that you typically VS in custom games.
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If this comes to the live game, I'm SO out.
Bots are absolutely awful. I don't know what they did to them because they were never this bad when they first came out but now they just act as free perk procs for the killer.
15 -
Oh, God no…
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Then what about events that are implied to be casual like 2v8 where matches are like 40 mins and extremely long is this not okay to do?
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Why are y’all assuming that the bots are coming to the standard games, tho??
We know PTB lobbies get harder to fill the longer a PTB remains open. For reasons that I think are fairly obvious. Moreover, the playerbase on there is already but a fraction of the total playerbase.
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bots will never be coming to live. it is only for ptb to test changes.
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Most likely this will be added to Live and event gamemodes like 2v8 to help reduce the extremely long queue times.
Based on what evidence? To me this looks like they're saying this is a PTB only feature to make sure everyone gets a chance to play the new killer without having to wait 20 minutes
3 -
Because they spent dev time on it and usually wouldn't do that for a feature that won't be used on live servers. Because they previously tried pushing this in feedback survey questions. And because they have a history of implementing "features" no one asked for, and in some cases, were vocally against.
7 -
Yeh it's GGs if they do that. Majority of the survivor playerbase will be done at that point (including myself)
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Honestly, if this hits live servers then it can only be in 2v8 queues.
No matter how weird it would be to play with like 2-4 bots in lobby, no one likes waiting in queue for 20+ minutes. So many people would stay in the mode rather than going "The moment I'm done with the 2v8 tome challenges I ain't touching it again".
Bots in normal queue would just completely skew any kind of stats (even more so than the current wave of people going next on hook which greatly inflate killrates) and would be boring over time.
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That would just make even fewer players want to play survivor in 2v8. 2 killers vs 8 bots how exciting
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what a surprise
Nobody wants to play Survivor lol
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Nothing new for PTB.
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Watch them add bots for 2v8
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Funnily enough, "The moment I'm done with the 2v8 tome challenges I ain't touching it again", would be my exact reaction if they added survivor bots to 2v8 lol
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They probably will, and it will kill the game (at least whatever modes they use bots in). There is a large % of players (including myself) that will just go play something else if they introduce bots into the game outside of the DC backfills.
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Especially not when there's nothing new other than Freddy lol
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At least in my region (US eastern time zone), I have instant killer queues any time after 5:00 PM all through the night, so that's telling me that there is still an excess of survivor players, at least during that time period. During the daytime, killer queue times are usually longer than survivor queue times, but killer queue times are still nowhere near as long as survivor queue times during the peak evening hours. I sure don't see any evidence that "nobody wants to play survivor", and I'd be willing to bet that a majority of the overall player base plays survivor either a majority of the time or 100% of the time.
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You could look at the less ancedotal evidence.
If they're looking at bots for backfill, there's probably a population problem.
I'm in favor of this though, hopefully they'll get rid of DC penalties and hook suicides next.
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Every PTB I've participated on for several years now has been like this even when it's just a reworked killer. I guess your experience has been different.
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You really think getting rid of DC penalties will be good for the game? Haven't you seen what happened when they've done this in the past? The game becomes unplayable for survivors.
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That's really interesting. It's the opposite for me. During the day survivor queues are instant and killer takes bit. Come night and it swaps. East coast US.
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I played when before DC penalties existed. People DC'd or suicided less than they do now, in my experience. Maybe I just didn't play like an ass tho idk
Trapping people inside of miserable matches that they don't want to be a part of isn't the right solution. Not making matches miserable would be a preferable solution, but BHVR won't do that.
Turn off DC penalties, remove the pre-game lobby, don't show usernames in-game, remove hook suicides. Someone wants out? They are allowed to leave and give their team a fighting chance with a bot. Their team won't know the DC'd and neither will the Killer. I'd rather have a bot that tries over a teammate that doesn't.
7 -
I respectfully disagree. Although you are correct that bots are better than someone who doesn't want to try, no DC penalties means that survivors will DC at the slightest inconvenience because there is no punishment. The time bans help keep chronic DC-ers out of game queues, which is the whole point. Removing time bans means that these crybaby quitters are going to stay in the queue population and far more matches are going to have people who don't want to try. The whole point of the DC penalty system is to prevent these people from queueing up for games.
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Sorry, you're not crazy - I just reversed what I meant to say :) Comment edited above
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It's actually not.
It's to force the average player to stay and suicide. It's not harsh enough to punish chronic leavers but it's negatively impacting normal players.
This system would also allow Killers to DC, which is nice since they have no concede option.
There would probwbly be a lot of DC's for the first month, then it would calm down. Novelty factor, since 99% of players probably don't remember the days before the penalty