Houndmasters scamper is too strong, please nerf the speed!

I don’t understand, why the ability was removed on Chucky, then nerfed on Verna, only to bring it even stronger back on houndmaster.
Even chucky’s maual scamper had much more counterplay.
Yeah, except the thing you can literally stay in the pallet and wait for grab, then instantly stun the dog. Somehow every survivor in my matches knows this, but no one on the forums, as always. Sky is falling and no counterplay. Not like every third killer can hit you through the pallet, only Houndmaster can.
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you camp a pallet while houndmaster holds dog out. if they use power, you stun the dog. drop pallets are more baiting the dog whistle and using the m/s reduction from using dog chase to gain distance. if they whistle late to not get slowed, you can slide the pallet because it will take them too long to send dog out to vault.
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It’s not like there are windows or dropped pallets as well, where you can’t stun the dog.
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Secondly. It is more about equality. Chucky got manual scamper removed and vecna got his mage hand nerfed. If houndmaster can have an over tuned scamper, then Chucky should get maunual scamper back as well, but this will probably not happen.
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You know that is why I dont play survivor almost ever. It has become such a ######### sweat fest I gotta think 200 times per second to counter a killer. If I could play with killer bots I would have so much more fun honestly WHEN WILL THE KILLER BOTS COME I preffer them than another slugging tunneling piece of ######### killer
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^^ This killers is not that good when you know this
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You can fake out the dog at windows and vaults. Camp the pallet if you are in that situation. That is all you need. I agree though they shouldnt have taken away chuckies scamper just slow his down. There wasn't much counter to it.
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It would be absolutely pointless, because it will make him almost as useless as it is now. When manual scamper was a thing, you barely make it to survivor, who went around the loop, there was simply no room for making it slower.
I'm glad it's gone, and we focused on skillful part of his chase. Which was gutted as well somehow.3 -
I would agree with that too. This is true.
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Manual scamper with a lower speed (1.6-1.9s; was 1.4s) would still be useful in certain situations like good pallets or …. It would not be as good as it was, but fair for both sides.
I'm glad it's gone, and we focused on skillful part
Old Slice and dice was in no world skillful. Just charge free hit, wait a few seconds and repeat.
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This isnt bad if Survivors do that, it means you destroy a pallet. Win win situation.
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it is more skillful than vault→m1 hit.
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You needed the same amount of skill for both, but both didn’t require much skill.
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chucky is skill-less killer then in your eyes. i am not so concerned about skill required to play x or y killer. i am often more concerned about interplay in playing against the killer for survivor and the ability for the killer to become good at using the power within the counters.
I think it is very difficult to make a killer who has counter-play while being consistency good vs good players. the one I liked the best was original old deathslinger. Houndmaster is more in the Huntress realm of killers. Use power to slow killer down, reap rewards for survivor misplaying tactically.