I feel like Bardic Inspiration takes too long to finish

I love my Bard and playing funny tunes but I feel like the 15 seconds that you need to stand still to finish the performance to get the boost of the perk takes a bit too long. 50% of times, I feel like I could be doing generators or helping out during that time, or the killer finds me and I have to cancel the action.
Is that just a me issue or do others feel the same? ._.
Would it be good to cut the song a few seconds short?
The 15s does feel a little excruciating sometimes... 12 might be nice...
Also while we're at it, would be nice if a couple of lute variations were a thing... the same track every time is a little monotonous after a while, whereas if it was a random 1 of 3, that would be fun...
If you get the one you like, might inspire more players yo finish the <10 rolls 😅
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maybe they should just give you the buff for 90 seconds without having to finish full performance. like 3 seconds.
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Bardic Inspiration takes too long to start. I press the button and there's a good pause before the lute actually comes out.
Also, just plain screaming when the game rolls a one is awful. DbD should have an animation for pulling out the lute and a string breaking. The survivor can still scream after, but screaming alone is a garbage way to handle rolling a one.
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Isn't completing the performance kinda the point though? Otherwise why even have a performance? Everyone would just animation cancel 😅
Might be nice if the performance time (and track) scaled with roll... you obviously still want the 3% bonus, because you ideally want to combine this with toolboxes to get hooge value from your rapid skillchecks, but at least if you got a bad roll, you don't have to wait 15s... maybe 9s and 12s or something.
Alternatively, might be nice if the cooldown was reduced if you cancelled due to a bad roll. Even 30s reduction would be nice.
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I feel the bonus of it while the song is playing should be stronger, then when it's not playing its what it is now. It should also grant bps for using it, and those who you play it for, it would lighten the perception of it if someone brought a gimmicky perk like this to have more fun.
There are benefits to a lengthy song duration. I had a survivor try to boop my snoot for the first time in a while earlier, so I crouched to accept the boop and they pulled out a lute!
We were the best duo. Fifteen seconds of Laurie on strings while Pig roared on vocals!
But for functional use, it does seem to take a while.