Killers should build immunity to flashlights over time

I, just like many killers have faced the blind bully squad many times.
It is one of the worst feelings in this game to finally get that down that you spent a minute getting then someone shows up and throws a flashbang and you loose it all.
But that is a part of the game and even though I don’t like it, it’s healthy and fun for a survivor to pull off. But it changes when you are blinded half the match by a 4 man with the best addons so you can’t land a hit.
My idea on how to fix that is by giving killers blindness immunity buildup after every stun. The normal survivor team won’t notice it if they blind the killer once in a while during the occasional pallet stun or the lucky pickup. But the survivors who go for it constantly will find their blinds not lasting as long, the blind screen becoming more transparent, and eventually getting free lightborn.
It should build slowly cause we don’t want to give free lightborn because survivors are playing the game the way the devs intended. But it should build fast enough for killers to be able to counter blind squads.
I’m not giving numbers cause I am not a dev nor am I very good at the game (1-2k average when im chilling.)
I mean I wouldnt be against a tenacity of somesort but how do you implement it without becoming problematic. Does it stack with enduring, spirit fury, hubris? meaning not even pallet stuns and flashlight saves aren't safe anymore?
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Having it be more of an aid then anything would be the goal. I’d say having the stun duration be unstackable so if you have it at 20% enduring would still only go 50% due to it being higher then the stun duration.
As for the other it would only work on blinds so pallet duration would stay the same. It’s there to prevent serial blinding but not to be used to nerf the average survivor. It should be like the gen kick rework where it won’t show up unless the thing it’s meant to stop occurs.
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I dont think they should reduce the stun duration but i could support a blindness duration reduction. Something like 10% reduction each time you are blinded to a max of 50% at most but probably something like 30-40% to see how it starts. Though a free lightborne wouldnt be that bad for the game considering you would need to be blinded 10x for it to take effect
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I don't find flashlight squads to be a big problem, you can hear and predict them, but I have loads of experience with it.
You just got to not let it get to you, and see it as a chance to learn to be better at it.
Sure limited vision sucks… but don't forget your other senses.
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Id greatly prefer a repair speed nerf to toolboxes before we touch flashlights. If anything flashlights need a buff, like a secondary effect.
In fact I'll just add this here. I think flashlights should be buffed to like 30 seconds of use. Actively blinding a killer should apply an overwhelming presence type efficiency debuff to make the flashlight work like the current version.
The secondary effect should be something like a combined map and some aura perks. Using the flashlight will light auras of pallets, generators, and teammates a certain distance in front of you including through walls. Something like that for some added utility. Obviously number here can be balanced appropriately
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Flashlights already have limited charges, they will eventually run out.
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yes but if you have 3-4 people they can use duration extenders and blind speed add ons to make it so they can have you locked for a good 20 or so seconds. Flashlights as an item aren’t the problem it’s the fact that survivors can have 4. I’m just proposing a buff to killers can’t be chainblinded for too long.
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Then killer addons/perks should also be nerfed since all of you just run gen perks all the time every match!!
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You killer have tons of anti-loop stuff I don't see any problem with a flashy squad
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If the killer is stunned for 15-20+ seconds without anything to do about it and you respond with “killers have antiloop” it is basically saying survivors don’t need anti slug because they can gen rush.
The game is meant to be fun so giving small buffs that won’t effect the average player to help when the rare person comes up isn’t a problem.
reducing the ability to blind the killer after x amount of blinds in x amount of time is a good idea.And I don’t know if you are going to say something about how slugging is more prevalent then blind squads but I also agree that slugging needs to be addressed I just don’t have a solution.
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I don't see why it's still possible in 2025 to stun the Kille,r then blind them the second they come out of the animation. What purpose does doing that really serve except to annoy the player? It should have some form of cooldown between stuns and blinds as an immunity meter, say about 5 seconds after coming from the animation?
Stun and blind immunity for a limited time after the Killer has been hit by a stun or blind once just to prevent these chain stun-blind or chain blind scenarios would be fair, because there is never a situation you ever, ever need to blind then blind again, or stun into a blind. There simply isn't a good tactical reason this is in the game, I cannot think of one thing you can do with two blinds or stuns that you can't do with just one.
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I will give you one. As survivor uou run killer around pallet and you manage to stun him - so you blind him. The killer does not want to waste the time chasing while blind, so he decides to break the pallet. Now as a survivor the most logical think you can do is get turn back and chain blind the killer to actually get more distance and force the killer to actually address being blind.
Sure, any additional blinds after that are just excessive, but apart from very rare occasions (killer somehow running into next pallet or survivor using headon on killer) - any additional chain blind is direct mistake of a killer (not looking up/down), that is very easy to circumvent.
Overall I think that OP's suggestion makes sense. Creating temporary blind resistance (say 33% stackable blind duration after 2nd blind which lasts say 60s (no refreshing, but each blind case retains it's own cooldown)) should basically cover all the cases of bully squads while basically not changing anything for regular gameplay (except some rare cases).
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I know how to play while blinded and I applaud the survivor for pulling off a good blind. I’m talking about chain blinding like 3-6 times back to back. Playing the game without being able to see the game is surprisingly hard dont’cha know. I’m not calling for flashlight nerfs, just a slow build for immunity so survivors can still blind but not to the point where it becomes a problem
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But please explain why you cannot o that with one, or even two, spaced out blinds? Why should a chase last an eternity to the point a Killer cannot catch you, do you think being blinded when coming out of the stun animation is fun for that player? You already have perks that give a haste boost, perks that blind the Killer to Auras, and other perks that waste time. Do we really need this mechanic still? No.
What if the Killer has sensitivity to these blinds? Why on earth do chain blinds need to exist outside of a chase at all? I have never seen the need. I agree tem blind resistance is probably best for this sort of issue though, and agree with you on that much.
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do you think it's fun to have an item that does nothing? Why take flashlight when you nerf it to the point of total obscurity? Killers already have an edge over survivors (60% average kill rate) so why would you want to make survivor items even that more useless? It's not fun for survivors to have nothing meaningful in a game and being just a toy for killer's fun without any real options.
See? Not very productive discussion. You asked for legitimate case where chain blind just makes sense. Instead of acknowledging it, you started to rant. Both sides can go into rant, but it's just not productive.
My case still stands and "spaced out blinds" requirement would mean, that the flashlight is not a tool that forces killer to chase blinded, but a tool that forces him to kick the pallet (or actually chase by sounds/by memory) and nothing more (because whole blind duration is used for kick time and your suggestion would make killer immune to get another blind) - making flashlights basically fully useless if we don't actually count flashy saves.
Given that the item is already quite bad compared to toolbox or medkit (but it's fun so it's used in contrast to maps/keys), I don't see a reason to artificially make the item even that worse.
But as I said previously - I don't know of any legitimate case where 3x blind in a row is reasonable except bully squads (with headon, decisive strike, etc) or just killer being very new to the game (does not know to look up) or some very obscure random happenings (killer getting flashbanged around the corner, running into pallet while blind and then getting blinded 3rd time during kick animation) - so I am fully OK with killers getting some immunity after 2nd blind in a row.
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Look down or up for chain blinds, problem solved.
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This doesn’t fix it, it just mitigates the effect. You still can’t see where the survivor is, you can’t see what’s ahead of you, and you have to rely entirely on your muscle memory to navigate. The only real difference is that you can choose when to end it and you get to look at your toes
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This actually fixes the problem, because
a, flashes are not instant, so you can check environment for 0.5s and then look away for 0.5s. That's enough to navigate. The only problem is, if you look straight at enemy while blinded (because then you get instablind).
b, in order to use flashlight, survivor can't run (just walk). So he's loosing distance. If he's not getting full blind out of it, then it's totally killer's win and free gap close.
The only part where killer can't defend himself is, when he's in stun lockout. Which can't really happen repeatedly outside of bully squads (and even then if the killer is good, he will come on top even if survivors are also good - but it's 100% true, that this is nuisance and "plays against intended way").
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Actually, I endorse this along with stun reductions. Blinding and stunning should start very strong but as the game progresses the entity keeps making the killer stronger to the point where Survivors have to flee. That being said if your going to do this give Survivors abilties to get out of slugging as well.
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Lightborn or Franklin's
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It does fix it.
You can still hear the footsteps, grunts of pain, breathing. Use that to your adventage.
If you look up or down and survivior try to chain blind you, he loses distance - good for you.
You literally have few ways to counter that, looking up or down, using lightborn, using franklins demise or overwhelming presence - those two will eat through item's charges quickly.
Also, bullysquads are the easiest to go against, they don't create much pressure, mostly having just one gen jockey.
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I get it, you're getting frustrated because someone uses game mechanics that you are not very familiar with, but instead of proposing to nerf those you should be learning how to go against it.
Everything comes with the experience, I can tell you as a 9k hour player. Might be hard at first, but you will get there. Ain't no bully squads scary if you learn to deal with them.
I always hope i get those people, it's easier to win.
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TBF if you are skilled killer, you are very likely to still NOT enjoy bully squads even if you are good. There's a high tendency for them to "go next" once they realize, that they are unable to bully you. Those matches are just boring win IMO.
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I still manage to enjoy them. It mostly ends with 3-4 man slug tho ;p
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A: I don’t think flashlights or flashbangs should be nerfed. They are great tools. I just think that implementing a feature where blinding is less effective when chained would help new players and stop bully squads from being able to get as much pressure on the killer.
B: I know once you do anything to a bully squad they become light work but I’d much rather play a match where my skill is the reason I win and not because I’m sweating.
I will say it is fun to watch them give up when they lose.
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You cannot look anywhere when your camera is locked in the pallet break animation.
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I agree Flashlights need a better use. I just think being able to blind a ton of times in the role shouldn't be what its primary use is.
What if they highlighted things, like gens or totems or people, when you pointed them at someone instead of just being used as a pointless nuisance tactic?
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Simple. It's called LIGHTBORN
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I"m just gonna say this. SURVIVORS, this guys suggestion regarding flashlights is only helping you out. You should all be supporting this.
If they implemented a gradual building towards immunity when it comes to Flashlight blinds, what that would mean is that nobody would run Lightborn anymore. Even on a 4 man beamer Squad, I would just go for it. If I avoid them cool, but if I start getting cooked by beamers and bangers its cool, because I'm building up my resistance.
This means NO MORE games of brining in your Blast Mine, Flash Bang, and best Beamer, just to DC in the first 3 minutes when you realize the killer has Lightborn, lol. This suggestion is helping you guys out. You should be 100% behind this.
Leave pallet stuns alone, they're fine.
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prestiging a killer to get one perk shouldnt be the answer to a problem people face at all levels. Saying “just use lightborn” to someone who only has 1 or 2 prestige’s or someone who doesn’t play Billy isn’t fair. Perks should help but not be the only reliable counter.
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Play with another killer build up the bloodpoints then prestige Billy to 1 then go through the bloodwebs of other killers to level it to tier 3 or build up bloodpoints then prestige him to 3 its not THAT hard also you gotta think survivors have challenges to get blinds it's hard enough as is trying to get a blind at a pallet on a killer without lightborn and killers are too smart for the flashlight save every time I try they always snoop around first and end up finding me.. killer mains can't complain about being blinded when now the killer can slug the last two survivors to get the EGC mori or mori the last survivor who outran them all game hadn't even been hooked if your up against a 4 man team and you know it use lightborn but out of 5 hours of playing survivor on a good day I make it out of maybe 10 matches so soloq is getting ridiculously hard if you do what these comments are suggesting it's going to be almost if not impossible to play
Post edited by shadow_V on0 -
If it's a high enough number I could get behind this; to alleviate the most extreme cases (similar to how the eight kicks limit on gens is really only dealing with the most extreme cases of three genning).
If it's mostly about QoL I'd also say it FL saves would still have to be possible. - And it should be a per-surv basis; just because annoying Surv X is all about perma-blinding the killer Surv Y shouldn't be punished for Surv X's behaviour.
I'd say the charges on the FL would normally put that kinda limit on FLs naturally, but between various looting and recharge perks, I can see how it turns into more or less infinite FL, so an additional mechanic might make sense to ensure some kind of "hard cap" that used to be built in via charges.
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Blind on the pallet is not a problem, even OP is talking about chain blinds. After the pallet breat you look down and flashlight is not a problem anymore.
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You learn counterplay with experience, just give it time to adjust.
I am literally telling you, looking down does the work when it comes to chain blinding.
Also, losing 3-5 seconds because of getting blinded here and there doesn't mean you lose the game. You can still move while blinded and use your hearing to follow the survivior - grunts of pain, steps and breathing is still there.
You lose the game becuase of other bad decisions.
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the hard part about making it a by survivor number is that person X could just be an annoying solo player and Y can be a chill solo player, or x And Y could both be annoying and they just take turns to keep the killer blinded.
I’d say a good middle point would be something like having 2 build ups so after Suvivor X builds the killer blind to 100%, Survivor Y starts his buildup at ~50% so they can still get a pallet blind or a flashy save.
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Oh dear, it seems as though you haven't actually read anything I actually wrote, didn't you? Because the post you responded to was not even directed at you, and it was a suggestion to buff flashlights by giving them another, better feature than the piddling weak option of a pathetic blind that we have now.
I also had a whole well thought out, well written post here explaining why you can't look away from a blind when you're stuck in certain animations, but then I remembered that the best way to deal with trolls is to simply ignore them or keep interactions with them as short as possible.
Shame on you, you are presumably a grown adult. You should know by now at your age that it looks childish to troll others online and criticize how "skilled" a person is while also being confidently incorrect about how animation locks work. Please stop. You are embarrassing yourself.Post edited by LockerLurk on0 -
The answer also should not be, as someone unfortunately decided to state here, "I disagree with you therefore you must be a bad Killer main who doesn't know how to play, and are deserving of everyone's scorn." But here we are. A state where people do not have any empathy for a) new players, b) players who have accessibility issues with blinds, c) players literally locked into a stun animation and thus unable to avoid a blind coming out of it.
There is never a tactical need to sit at a pallet after stunning the Killer, blind them after the stun animation, then blind them again while they go through the break animation when you can waste just as much if not more time and create a less frustrating game for someone by just doing one stun/blind and then continuing the chase to start with. The only people who try to chain stuns and blinds when a Killer literally can't avoid it are griefers who shouldn't even be up for debate as valid, because that's not playing DBD - that's just being a nuisance to annoy people. Nobody, not a soul, has given me a SINGLE good reason yet how this wastes more time than just looping the Killer does besides "You're just bad and don't know how to play the game" assumptions that are some of the most baseless takes alive on this forum and come a dime a dozen, should never be taken with any amount of seriousness, and makes anyone stating such look a right smug jackass.Why is it so hard for people to answer my question: WHY do we need to be able to stun any player multiple times in a row, and does it really save more time than just looping/hitting them does? WHEN does being able to stunlock someone and then stun them coming out of it really find any use besides trying to be a pseudo bully Squad or annoy a baby M1 Killer into a DC?
Post edited by LockerLurk on0 -
Actually I fullheartedly support the idea of the Killer getting stronger and Survivors getting more desperate as the game unfolds! I thought unlockable abilities were a cool feature in Lights Out. :)
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I don't need survivor to become even more of a tryhard role tbh, I'd like to be able to enjoy myself again casually.
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I am curious though, why do you think a "more power both sides as the round intensifies" mechanic would make it more "tryhard"? I think it would be an interesting and frantic change of pace sort of like the random effects in Masquerade 2024, maybe as a mode.
Post edited by JocelynAwakens on0 -
Please keep posts on topic and respectful, please.
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May I introduce the "F- Around and Find Out" Perk build. I been using it for ages! I only use this build when I see more than 2 beamers being used.
Cigar Box:
This add-on allows Clown to see though walls while invigorated (yellow gas) and can detect anyone that is trying to go for a flashbang/flashlight save within 16 meters. Point is that I have little to no issue dealing with bamers as long as I throw a yellow bottle down first, look around to see if anyone is trying to go for a save before picking up someone. And I got 1,444 of them in my arsenal <3.
Garnish Make-up Kit:
This add-on increase the effect of invigoration (Yellow gas) by 2 extra secs, making it a total of 8 secs (Normal Yellow effect is 6 secs). Combine this add-on with Agitation and Clown mobility goes from 10% to a whooping 28%! for 8 seconds. Isn't that fun! :D.
Otherwise, I am down with the flashlight immunity.0