Regarding the Junji Ito cosmetics...

It's pretty crappy seeing how many people don't have access to the Junji Ito chapter with no warning (some of my friends included). Some people even wasting money either because they pre-bought Auric Cells in anticipation of the release, or actually bought it and didn't receive it (without refunds). You guys really shouldn't mislead people like this if not everyone has access to it—almost everybody thought it was a bug rather than them being locked out of it just because of where they live.

BHVR team, I really do hope you're more transparent with your playerbase down the line. Whether you have control over it or not. Whether it may change down the line or not. Please do better. PLEASE just let people know.


  • VibranToucan
    VibranToucan Member Posts: 238

    Yeah, I thought they put an arbitration clause in the TOS for legal reasons, but now that they showed they are willing to just take your stuff for no fault of your own…

    I never cred much for skins, but I don't think ill be buying any more licensed killers or battle passes.

  • Nocturnum
    Nocturnum Member Posts: 27

    It's pretty absurd this is how they treat the community who quite literally keeps their game alive. I was never the person who bought Auric skins on every new drop, but it makes me never want to give them my money again.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 5,498
    edited January 10

    There is no way BHVR would give you the transparency you really want, it would be bad for licence holder relationships to just be transparent about their deals. It would also be incredibly complicated understanding and explaining laws for every country.

    Just slap a "Not available in some countries." on every advertisement material, problem solved for the future.

    However I hope BHVR will be able to get a refund for the people who for some reason, was able to buy it and then it was region locked. Something major seems to have gone wrong on the technical side, reading the EULA they have no obligation to help you, but I know BHVR wants to be known to provide a good service, so they are probably already working hard to do so.

    You might say, why dont they say that to me, will in the event they cant, they will have to default to the basics and that would be like they promise it to us and they dont make good on it, So give BHVR time to cook on this, they need to do many things now the ball is in their court.

    They need to collect data on this, fix the error that caused the problem, figure out the legal hoops and they probably need to contact the licence holder to get the money back for refunds, or worse pay it out themselves. This will probably take weeks.

    Post edited by Emeal on
  • Nocturnum
    Nocturnum Member Posts: 27

    The transparency they should be giving was to tell players their content would be region locked, I'm not asking for every intricate detail that goes into their collabs/chapters. I'm asking for their PR team to step up their game. This is straight up misleading since they advertised the Junji Ito stuff everywhere with no warning and took down the Chinese trailer for it without so much as a word. It's not about collecting data, there's no guarantee it's even something to "fix" because there's no telling if they have control over the region lock or not.

    They've already said they wouldn't refund (case in point): and are acting like it's the player's fault for something they didn't tell them. The way they're treating the people that keep their game alive is abysmal

    I've tried to "let them cook" but it's clear even with time they can't. Hell, it took them 8 years just to fix Freddy. They don't care when they should. BHVR isn't a little indie company anymore, they've gone far from where they started. They have the money and manpower to give their games the polish they deserve. Especially since what they created has so much potential, but they aren't putting in the effort to make it shine which is a massive shame.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 5,498

    Well, I'm still going to let them cook, cause they still might do a "Hey, sorry about that, previous message was an error."
    Even IF they don't have a clear picture and would like to admit to that in emails right now.

    Sometimes you have to think like a Company to understand BHVR, shifting your perspective to prioritize minimizing risk, maximizing profit, and maintaining control over liabilities.

    This means focusing on strategies like careful wording to avoid promises, strictly following contracts and policies, and viewing decisions through a lens of financial and legal impact rather than personal empathy. It’s about seeing customers as stakeholders to be managed rather than purely as individuals to be pleased. While it can seem cold, it’s a mindset designed for efficiency and self-preservation.

    This is why I prefer to take a balanced approach to this, knowing how a company acts internally will see the reason in the madness.

  • SoGo
    SoGo Member Posts: 1,946

    This whole thing is starting to get out of hand for them.

    People from BHVR, if any of you are reading this, make an official statement about the Junji Ito collection being unavailable soon, if you don't want death messages to be sent to you. People are mad, it's the best time to start doing damage control fast.

  • Nocturnum
    Nocturnum Member Posts: 27

    I would like to give them the benefit of the doubt, I really would. But this whole thing is out of hand. There is no damage control. They aren't doing anything. They're posting up how to get your 2024 stats (which also apparently barely work?) instead of making any form of statement after stealing from their patrons.

    Even if those messages were a mistake, they unfortunately have a history when it comes to their support team and it's hard to to give the benefit of the doubt when multiple people have had bad experiences (prior to this incident). I'm tired of making excuses for them, even when it comes to their business. Feels like they have no strategy at this point.

    I wanted to think they were better than scummy EA but it's slowly looking like they aren't. BHVR isn't showing people that they care, one of the most important things when it comes to a active community and playerbase you're trying to foster.

    I may not have been very vocal, but I've been around since the beginning of DBD. I've seen how they reacted over the years to various concerns, the toxicity in the game/community, the bugs, etc. It's all gone downhill since and showed no signs of stopping (especially after the sudden mass layoffs).

    I don't even know how many people left in BHVR still care about what they're creating. I WANT to care about DBD. I WANT to care about BHVR. But this? It could've been avoided. This is sad. This is shameful.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 5,498

    Doing damage control might also be seen as them admitting to a mistake? Like name any time in the past where BHVR making a public statement, was not just pouring gas on the fire. Its us, we literally train BHVR to not tell us anything because we react so wild.

    Remember when they responded in a calm reasonable manner to the P100 cosmetic question? HELLFIRE ERUPTED!

    Also how fast do you want a public statement? like they are on weekend right now. the big reddit post was on Thursday?

  • Nocturnum
    Nocturnum Member Posts: 27

    What? Why would having damage control be seen as them admitting to it? This is why companies have PR in the first place. Plus, they've already committed the wrong—it's too late. The pandora's box is open and there's no putting it all back and pretending like they didn't do it. They (or someone(s) in BHVR) is choosing not to address this and makes them look bad from every possible angle.

    Well, they had enough time to make a post about stats on the 10th on all their social media sites (plus Steam). Not to mention the fact they had time to warn people about the region lock way before—hell they could've done it after they took down the Chinese trailer days ago.

    They can hand out Auric Cells to Fog Whisperers and people on Reddit like candy, they can quickly take away cosmetics (like Dowsey's Twitch shirt removal), there's no reason why they can't easily resolve this.

    I don't know why you're defending this behavior (no pun intended) with how bad it's gotten. Because as it stands, it's so hard to want to trust in them now and for the foreseeable future. Any, ANY reassurance to try and rebuild that trust is better than this silence.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 5,498

    I'm not defending their actions, I'm trying to explain their behaviour. It isn't an excuse for them either.

  • Nocturnum
    Nocturnum Member Posts: 27

    Even if you try to explain it how you did, it makes little sense with their recent actions. Feels like they have no strategy and are hoping the whole thing just blows over.