Unsafe pallet unsafe pallet unsafe

getting really tired of pallets that can't be looped, by the time you throw the pallet down the killers already walked around it
Burn a meat plant offering, then you’ll have nothing but god pallets from end to end.
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Why you throwing pallets if the killer is about to walk around it… Sounds like a skill issue. Should read the killer behaviour better.
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ah yes very killer sided maps like Garden of Joy or Badham Preschool or Eyrie of Crows.
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at what patch was Badham nerfed?
Post edited by BoxGhost on5 -
^ Do players not want to improve at the game? Watch some good survivor player streams to know how to run tiles on a map.
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yeah I just go to the next loop and don’t bother with those tiny areas with a pallet, it just guarantees a down if you stay at it. I feel your pain tho!
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Don't drop it instantly then. Try to actually learn to play for stuns and chain pallets instead of running to your yellow aura'd Windows of Opportunity pallets and throw them with no counterplay
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There are 2 kinds of pallets: the ones in loops and the filler ones. The filler pallets are only meant for stunning the killer and give you distance once that happened. The pallets you are defining here are those meant to stun, not be used for loops.
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Some tiles are not “playable” and boil completely down to luck. I.e. edge map pallets on new Haddonfield. It’s not a skill issue, it’s a design problem.
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I’ve never bought into the “DbD is dying” train but honestly I think this game is gonna kick the bucket in a year or two if they don’t reverse course a little. It’s wild how many people on these forums don’t see how bad the survivor experience has become.
They somehow see survivors giving up en masse and think it’s a problem of “survivor entitlement” or a conspiracy to “inflate kill rates”. In reality, the majority of survivors are not bad or entitled people, nor are they part of some ridiculous anti-killer conspiracy. They just aren’t having fun and have independently came to the same conclusion that games aren’t worth playing out anymore. And if that isn’t a sign that the survivor experience needs looking into, I don’t know what is.
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The problem I think is they have brought in wayyyy too many antiloop Killers. They have to finish their Killer adjustments, get everyone to a decent spot, and then they'll have to reverse course a bit.
Some maps are much too small, some still have too many pallets and vaults while others have hardly any. Some Killers have too much in their kit and some still do not have enough. There's maybe two M1 chase style Killers up in A tier, the rest, notice, are all multikit or M2.
The game is still much too competitively minded and the way emblems and MMR is, reflect that - everyone has adapted too much to being used to hardcore sweat tactics and playing super seriously, and there's no recourse there. And yes, some of it is in fact people not wanting to learn the concepts of the game as much, and some of it IS in fact entitlement, both sides.
The pursuit of trying to fix problems for both sides, especially Survivor side, has created more issues. Instead of just buffing Killers that really do need it up to the level of others while also buffing some perks for Survivor, there's been a lot of nerfs for both sides that don't feel adequate. These changes SHOULD have been done so much sooner, but now that they're making up for lost time doing it all en masse it feels to some Survivors like they are being unfairly targeted and Killers get everything (untrue) while it ALSO feels to Killers like Survivors have become bigger and bigger and bigger babies about everything (also not true).
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The issue at the core is SWF and over tuning Killers to compete with SWF. It's a circular issue that will never be fixed unless BHVR puts the effort into nerfing SWF by changing mechanics and then balancing out Killers/Maps/Loops once that is taken care of. The typical Surv experience, SoloQ, is unplayable and the worst it's ever been; the Killer experience is nothing but either sweaty or too easy (SWF vs SoloQ), both unsatisfying and built on toxicity.
Soon the game is just going to be filled with SWF groups and then Killer will drop off since most Killers just don't enjoy facing SWF as they currently are, doesn't matter how much BHVR nerfs maps for Survs and Buffs Killers.
It is beyond atrocious that currently in DBD, every match of SoloQ has someone immediately in a chase from the start because of mobility Killers and/or Lethal. To which then every match is just an unfun camp/tunnel/slug fest filled with "going next" or DCing because Killers are so tilted from playing against SWF.
BHVR should be embarrassed as Devs that they've let SWF ruin the entirety of the game over the years, without any effort into actually trying to improve the game for everybody.
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They keep reducing the tiles and pallets.
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For example, BHVR destroyed Haddonfield for the survivors.
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I feel like people often use SWF as a crutch in arguments. When they nerfed healing, they aimed to structure the gameplay towards teamwork. Do you want other examples? You either have teamwork perks or solo perks. The idea that behavior could detect and nerf SWF is absurd. Imagine people sitting in the same room? How would you detect that? Not everyone uses Discord. And if they found ways to nerf Discord users, people would just switch to a different platform.
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None of that matters when SoloQ can't see the perk loadouts of every Surv in the lobby so that perks can be coordinated or lobbies can be dodged if a Surv is running bunk perks. Though if they were to add that, I suspect Killers would then complain and then Survs as a whole would be nerfed.
The reason SWF is so unfair is because of the immense teamwork that the game was never designed to have, that is literally why Killers don't want to play with SWF. That's common sense for anyone who has played this game for more than 5 hours.
What's absurd is people like you, unable to admit that there are three sides to this game where any buffs to Surv go right to the benefit of SWF and any Buffs to Killers go right to the detriment of SoloQ.
No one brought up discord. Gen times should be lengthened depending on SWF amount, they shouldn't be allowed to bring in tools and they shouldn't be allowed to repeat perks. Simple. Any rebuttal to that is just because you want to bully Killers and have easy games with your friends, which is costing the entire community.
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"It’s wild how many people on these forums don’t see how bad the survivor experience has become."
Or it's just a case we have different experiences. I do think there are some changes in order for the survivor side to make it a little more of a pleasant experience but I just don't experience the constant miserable experiences some people are claiming. Maybe I have a higher tolerance, maybe I'm lucky, maybe it's because I don't play to burn out like some around her. I don't know. It's just not my experience.
I don't think it's entitlement (for the most part) or some conspiracy either but I think there are a number of players that want an extremely casual experience. They just want to play on autopilot and turn their brain off. Not that I'm advocating for comp levels of sweat but I do worry that the devs seem to be leaning into this "Autopilot style" of gameplay and and that would make a boring game.
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WIth nonstop nerf to any survivor perk even if they are niche and rare in a build. Conspicuous actions making the niche ds and otr waste of value, the niche and worthless ub/ exp for slugging.
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I'm not sure you know what niche means.
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I swear this is the
I tell you this is the only game full of delusional people who always use swf as pathetic excuse. The audicity to wanna play with friends and family how dare bvhr do not let game be non swf so that killers only wanna bully solo q then cry omg solo q keep dcing and giving me bots. At least with vs a swf I dont get dcs. If any of my swf would do that, we can't be friends no more.
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Are truly safe pallets even healthy for the game? I would rather have a majority of unsafe so you actually have to critically think of when to throw the pallet rather than "haha lmao you have to walk 20 light years around the loop so no matter what im safe".
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I do but apparrently you cant even bring up a valid scenario to begin a discussion about it so umm??
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Or you should just be better and stop throwing away every pallet you see
not all pallets need to be brain dead god pallets2 -
if they made safe pallets on these new maps with the ammount on them they'd just be the game reskined
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"generators are taking forever to finish."
In what universe? Lmfao
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agree. at the same time, i think it varies for how big loop is. some of the loops they have are far too short especially in the corner of the map. in my opinion, the corner map pallets should be safest because the killer can zone pallet breaks while middle of the map pallets should be unsafe because they can be chained into many different resources.
it would be interesting if they made like a map where you have Z-walls in middle connected to like weak pallets with like a long-wall facing the weak pallet and Z-wall.
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could you show some examples so we know which ones you mean
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Conspicuous actions made DS and OTR useless? DS has worked like that for 4 years and it was fine. The perk isn't meant to be a "get out of jail for free" card but an anti tunneling perk, which is much healthier for the game overall. The same goes for OTR and that perk was buffed about 2 1/2 years ago and never touched again.
If the killer is screwed for simply doing their objective then what's even the point? These perks deactivate whenever you do a conspicuous action because that means you aren't tunneled and don't need that extra protection. If they worked either way, then the killer would simply have one more reason to tunnel because otherwise you'd sit on gens with nothing the killer could do to stop you, just like it was before they added conspicuous actions.
Unbreakable used to be a meta perk and it wasn't nerfed since. Calling it worthless really just makes me afraid to ask what you would consider a good survivor perk.
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Lots of survivors perks became trash so about 90% of them and what is sad is that killers has a perk variant to counter survivor version example hate boil over? Agitation or iron grasp is there.
Hate healing or boons? Nurses and shatter hope, I can go on but ill just use those examples and killers get mad and say I should not run x this to counter x this or that or its too weak.
Ub is ONE time use that is what makes it useless and aint no unbreakable one time use is gonna save you from some killers like twins the slug siblings. I dont even know what's is the point on talking about it has not been nerf, why would it need a nerf for its one time use and slow 35% recovery speed?
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Frankly I agree, why don't they put weaker pallets in stronger loops, and stronger pallets in like, weak junk tiles? Make the time-buy stuff stronger, but make the actual tiles themselves a bit weaker? It seems they are trying to do just that.
And honestly @Xernoton I would not bother with the person you're talking to. They seem to just want to argue that Survivor gets nothing but Killer gets everything, which is demonstrably not true looking at the past year for this game - plenty was nerfed for Killer side too, and arguably for some Killers could still use some nerfing. Other things could be buffed. Same for Survivor side, some things badly need looking at because they are too strong, but most of the perks need buffs.0 -
Count all survivor perks and then actually take the time and think about whether or not they are bad. Both sides have more bad perks than good perks but overall it's not like only 10% of survivor perks are good. Just from the top of my head: SB, Lithe, Wicked, Alert, Bond, Deliverance, WoO, Resilience, Deja Vu, Open Handed (incredibly underrated), Iron Will, Adrenaline, Unbreakable, Babysitter, Kindred, Shadow Step (though this one can be better or worse depending on the map), DS, OTR, We'll Make It, Hope, Quick and Quiet, Lightweight, Distortion and Vigil.
I have no idea what you're even trying to say with perk counters here. Most perks can be countered and that's perfectly fine. Boil Over also hasn't been a very good perk in a long time. It was nerfed, which was 100% necessary and then it was left untouched. Not to mention that it was never a healthy perk to begin with. The best use you could get out of it was by abusing hook dead zones, which made you virtually unhookable and left the killer with no option other than bleed you out. What great design. Almost as great as Knockout.
Bringing Nurse into this argument is the most picture perfect example of a strawman. Because Nurse, the strongest killer in the game by a long shot, exists and can theoretically counter some perks, they are weak. That's like saying that all killer perks are bad because comp SWFs can easily deal with them. And about Shattered Hope… This perk wasn't even used back when boons were still at their peak. Because there is no way for you to know whether or not the survivors will use a boon and even then, you don't counter it. You just lessen the blow. The boon can be set up and used, you need to find and kick the totem, which means that you have to waste time that you should spend in chase and then it can still be used on another totem, so you have to repeat the whole process again.
Again, Unbreakable wasn't nerfed at all since its time in the meta. Are you going to tell me that survivors had worse perks back then? That doesn't really work with your argument that survivor perks all get nerfed. It doesn't need a nerf but it's still just as strong as back when you used to see it pretty much every match on at least 1 or 2 survivors. Also, maybe you should read up on what Unbreakable actually does. You don't recover at 35% speed but at 135% speed. That is a massive difference.
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I keep seeing that "SWF is a problem" but guys, SWF doesn't mean comp players.
Most of the time swfs just are there for talks and laughs and the best info they can give is "im main" and "im shack".
If I am playing with my 12 y.o nephew who has 60 hours in a game does that mean we are on adventage? Definitely no
All it gives him is terrible experience going against my high MMR in EU.
SWF is not a problem, game trying to be competitive is.
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Also, without my swf I wouldn't spend much of my time on DBD, probably. Because solo que is just terrible experience.
I am playing swf and we still escape maybe 40% of the time.
We all have more than 3k hours each, one guy has 10k, I have 9k. But here is the thing, we all work full-time jobs and we just want to have decent, chill experience in a game.
BUT lately I am playing more solo que, because I have maybe 1-2 hours daily for gaming, but that's when my friends are sleeping. I am telling you, it's terrible experience and 40-50% of my games are against blights, nurses and billys. Losing everything because it's too hard if other people can't give decent chases. Also I am being ignored if I give one decent chase or killer checks out my hours.
Also survivior waiting queue when I am playing are like 3-5 minutes. Waiting so much for miserable match doesn't make me happy.
Within last months I literally went from 60 hours weekly gaming to like 20-40
Game is unbearable without friends.
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I believe I know what I was talking about.
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God pallets suck because you can't even loop them.
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Unbreakable is a strong perk #########? It literally gives you a second chance to get back into the game. There are a good chunk of good survivor perks but many of them aren't even used lol. Alert is the prime example for that.
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You should ask a question to clarify things before you jump at someone xenorton says ub is 135% recovery speed when I said its only 35% and tells me I should look it up in which I was correct on my previous statement. It nothing about the perk being strong or weak
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Ok that was a mistake on my part. I was only looking at the first section of the comment you were quoting. So sorry for that. I still believe there are plenty of underrated survivor perks no one is using because they don't want to leave their comfort zone. Same goes for killers.
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Umm it says increased by 35%... meaning 135% recovery speed right?
why would it need a nerf for its one time use and slow 35% recovery speed?
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Idk why this even is a discussion, this topic is about unsafe pallets not unbreakable whatever yall try to justify the way its easy to slug means this one time use perk is worthless unless they change it to unlimited with about a 2min cool down which imo is fair its too niche and if your are not slugged its a wasted perk slot.
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You don't. I mean, come on. This is 5th grade math. You recover at 100% speed normally. With Unbreakable, your recovery speed is INCREASED by 35%. That means you recover at 100% + 35% = 135% the normal speed. That's not slow, that's fast. It translates to 26% less time spent recovering.
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Oh well to be honest I never watched recovery speed much compare to healing speeds and being in a swf makes a difference to prevent this. Thats my error sorry about that lol.
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We're just pointing out basic things about unbreakable which later admit to being in error of.
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No problem lol I realized the error myself too my apologizes, I do admit to my mistakes.