Modifiers were cool at first but honestly I don't think they are very good for the game long term

When chaos shuffle, 2v8, and lights out were first done it was cool and i would of loved them to be here more but after them being here more i feel its just wasted time and resources that can be spent on the core game. We got maps that heavily favored to one side, perks that are terrible, Killers that are either to strong or are terrible, people self unhooking immediately etc. The time spent on these modifiers can be spent reworking haddonfield, garden of joy, eyries of crow, and badham. Time spent that could of gone to the swamp rework time spent that could have gone to anything. The crouch "tech" and flashbang not having noise are claimed to be fixed on the patch notes but are not. Doing these modifiers, on top of 4 chapters a year will make working on ignored stuff take longer. Id rather have current maps, killers, and perks updates than modifiers that to me all it does is bring the worst of the community. Every time for me and alot of people feel that the 1v4 gets even sweatier with all the casuals going to the new modifier but when you go to the new modifier its filled with people who are there simply their because its "easier" since no anti tunnel perks and no gen perks. I take a break every time these mods come out because there is no escape on the modifier or the normal queue. What are y'alls thoughs
Also this isn't a feedback or suggestion i want to have a general discussion to other fellow players to see their opinions.
It's not illegal for people to sweat, even in a twist mode. While some killers may pick Chaos Shuffle for a smaller likelihood of DS, Unbreakable, and things like that, they're given random perks as well, which can be equally not good.
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The work of coding Chaos Shuffle and Lights Out was already done, so bringing them back shouldn't be resource-intensive. I don't like Chaos Shuffle, but I did enjoy Lights Out 2.0 with the candelabras and I do hope it returns. 2v8 is so heavily requested that whether or not you or I enjoy it is kind of irrelevant, as a large portion of the community obviously does enjoy it and I can't imagine BHVR chucking it into the waste bin after all the work they already put into it.
Every time for me and alot of people feel that the 1v4 gets even sweatier with all the casuals going to the new modifier but when you go to the new modifier its filled with people who are there simply their because its "easier" since no anti tunnel perks and no gen perks
I've been playing normal mode rather than Chaos Shuffle right now, and it feels like it always does. But that's just my experience.
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It isnt, but going into a mode to sweat where the large majority of people are going into it with a more chill mindset just aint cool
Its like a highschool sports reunion and then all of a sudden the lakers join in for the sole purpose of doing a little trolling. It just isnt fun for anyone other than you.
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I disagree personally.
A live service game is very much a "What have you done for me lately?" type deal. It doesn't matter what good or bad things you've done prior, it's always a question of "what's next?".
For every person that says "I'd rather more time was spent on the base game cause I don't like the events", you'd get an equally loud voice say "God same old bland formula, the devs have no ambition whatsoever and are just letting this stale game run into the ground".
As a player probably somewhere in mid MMR tops, my experience thus far in all events is hardcore tunneling and hardcore slugging is usually not the norm. Majority of the player base doesn't have the skill or knowledge to effectively pull off the nastiest killer strategies. Every instance it has happened in my games has almost always been from it being gifted to the killer by really really bad survivor play, and I'd venture in higher MMR, it's only certain killers who can attempt to do it without that set of bad players setting it up for them.
I don't doubt it happens ofc, it may even be common in high MMR, but in low to mid where most players are, Chaos Shuffle is a fun deviation from the norm, and I dare even if you face a hard slugger or tunneler, it's no more frustrating to go against than your average Dracula game with Pain Res, Grim Embrace, DMS who tunnels the snot out of someone.
The point is the events breathe new life into the formula, and if nothing else, gets people talking about aspects of the game that are otherwise ignored and/or masked by other factors.
Honestly my only gripe is my Magpie brain gets side tracked from its quest to complete all tomes whenever an event tome comes out 😒
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BHVR would have more time to fix the game AND give us new modifiers if they didn't insist on releasing 4-6 chapters per year.
I'd be fine with 3, personally. And all the time it leaves can be used to polish out the many issues there are.
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crouch "tech" is fine and skilled play against already broken killers like Blight/Billy, demo can be op too especially against solos since he was buffed too
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Can we just have the 5v5 already? That's the mode I've been wanting ever since they asked about the different game modes in that survey. I've just been so intrigued with the idea of a team of Survivors teaming up with a Killer.
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Still think that would make most sense for a sanctioned ranked competative mode. If it were me: -
- Identical map and spawns.
- No repeat perks or add-ons, and a limit of 2 of any item per team for survivors.
- No gameplay altering offerings for either side.
- The killer gets a choice of 4 killers.
- Both teams play at the same time (so no map spawn knowledge to share).
I would say choose killer, maybe even operate a ban system... but of course that would mean the same things get banned every time, and if you're queuing with competative games in mind, if you allow free choice, anyone choosing someone not choosing S tiers will be slated/boycotted.
I think would be a pretty cool mode...