Nothing but proxy camping, hard tunneling and slugging in Chaos Shuffle

Killer's don't want to play the game to have fun with random perks, you know, trying to get value from them. They want to win no matter what. And because their build has no slowdowns they are playing as sweaty as possible. It also doesn't help when I am getting tunneled but I have Spine Chill, Cut Loose, Invocation and Still Sight
People don't understand the point of Chaos Shuffle I guess. I have more fun in normal queues than this mess, unfortunately.
It#s a common occurence in this mode. When I play survivor I get sweaty killers, when I play killer I see people bringing stacked items and strong map offerings.
People are overrelying on their perks and in this event it shows. Since add-ons, items and offerings aren't random, people are compensating the lack of perk strength with those instead and play as tryhard as possible. BHVR should make everything random, maybe even the survivors and killers. That would be so much more fun8 -
Honestly Ive been avoiding Killer because of the lack of Enduring and/or Spies From The Shadows makes it feel awful to play.
Those are my two comfort perks, they arent meta, but they feel nice to use, and playing without them feels awful.
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Ah cool, another new account trying to bait reactions and adding nothing meaningful to the conversation… yippee.
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I've had nothing but slugging and tunneling in my survivor matches. First day I played was just excessive slugging so I took a break and played killer instead. I go back to try survivor again today and my first match is a hard tunneler who threw the match just to make sure I was taken out. Like you spent 4 whole gens ONLY chasing me. What's even the point of this other than being a nuisance? lol
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Events can get sweaty regardless of role. I've had a bunch of lobbies where people split on gens for the entire match to try and end it as quickly as possible.
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I've been sticking to the normal queue since I finished the event Tome. At least there I pick my perks so I can ensure I have something fun to mess with and not a loadout like No Mither, Alert, Corrective Action, and Blood Rush.
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I do not recommend playing any DBD event as survivor (except 2v8), at least as killer even when you get sweats you can still play the game instead of bleed out on the ground or get tunneled out immediately.
it is not worth playing. Get the reward via killer challenges and save your sanity.
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Its like killers have a choice in how they play, and choose to be [insert expletive of choice].
Chaos shows me people are reliant on their perks, because anti-tunnel/slug is needed. In any format of dbd.
Kind of defeats the point of game modes mixing it up.
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- Chaos Shuffle is meant to be a challenge modifier that makes you rely more on your macro knowledge than actual perks (with items/addons not yet randomized + map offerings still being possible to burn, this is not the case)
- Why are we turning this into yet another us vs. them stuff? This clearly says you play one role 90%+ of the time and completely ignore sweatiness of other side.
Both sides are equally sweaty, once you truly start playing both roles at ~50/50 ratio, you will understand.
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Sounds to be like people aren't running up against "gen rush" toolbox squads all the time. Seems like that would be rampant with all the complaining we usually hear on this forum.
And it should be especially bad, since killers can't choose to bring the "necessary" quad slowdown perks. But no one is having that problem.
Maybe because that isn't happening, and survivors aren't actually playing that sweaty as often as people claim.
Maybe "gen rushing" isn't base kit, no matter what people claim, and requires a full loadout, items, and coordination to even consider trying it.
Maybe killers don't actually need quad slowdown to win.
Maybe survivors do actually need the bare minimum perk answers to these base kit killer "strategies" to even be able to have some fun occasionally while losing the game.
Maybe some of those specifics should be altered in a game mode that doesn't allow people to choose their perks.
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I was under the impression that the modifiers BHVR puts out are a fun way to play the game differently.
Instead, we get even more sweaty types. So, the modifier's are probably going to die off. People are already claiming they aren't as fun anymore since
1: They arent new and shiny anymore
2: The sweat fest sucks the life out of the fun.
3: Nothing new in the modifier's, just less ways to deal with the same.
Again, all the things killers can do that are considered 'bad, unhealthy, toxic', whatever you want to call it, its all done base kit. So any modifier will bring the same behaviour.
Id write something here about survivors to balance the killer bit, but.. if someone could fill in what they do that's as bad as the other side, that'd be great.
Just skip'm.
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The thing is that survivors are overly reliant on their perks because BHVR has pampered that much. In every event mode, you can see that the moment they take WOO away, they start to get lost around the map, which makes chases much easier. Also, whenever they get unhooked, they don't know what to do, since they are used to expecting god mode from OTR and DS, and they forget to use their basekit BT, which is quite strong.
Killer perks on the other side are all thrash nowadays, so on a normal game, you are already kinda used to play with basically no build whatsoever. To be honest, this makes Chaos Shuffle kinda neat, because whenever I get value out of a killer perk, I go like "oh, that's cool". This mode has been feeding me Alien Instinct basically every game and when it works I kinda appreciate it.
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yes, average survivor player is very reliant on perks like WoO because they use it way too often no matter if they play soloQ or SwF and they basically start crutching on it.
As a role, survivors are kinda reliant on anti-tunneling perks since successfully forcing a 3v1 is the strongest aspect of killer gameplay.
On the other hand, killer role is basically reliant on 1-2 slowdowns, with Corrupt Intervention as a basic necessity in order to prevent highly effective early game gen splitting.
So, both sides are technically handicapped here, but their handicaps are masked by lack of macro knowledge of players on both sides.
you don't need to bring quad slowdowns to be able to win often against average teams, yes. You usually need ~2 slowdowns in combo with perks like Corrupt to also cover your early game/first chase, which is the most crucialpart of killer gameplay.
Maybe killers don't actually need quad slowdown to win.
Maybe survivors do actually need the bare minimum perk answers to these base kit killer "strategies" to even be able to have some fun occasionally while losing the game.
Maybe some of those specifics should be altered in a game mode that doesn't allow people to choose their perks.
as i already mentioned, thanks to lack of macro knowledge of average players, you don't need to force yourself to the absolute max in terms of builds to win. However, thanks to current Chaos Shuffle not featuring randomized items/addons and disabled map offerings, people are burning map offerings + bringing strongest items/addons into the game because they wanna make up for randomized perks, and that's actually really cringe on both sides.
I had survivors force me into maps while using 2+ Syringes.
I had killers forcing me into maps while bringing strongest addons of those killers. It's a neverending circle
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You don't really need any slowdown against most of the Chaos Shuffle solo queue teams. The first one caught more than likely kills themselves or DC's in the majority of my games and then the rest tend to follow. Or everyone gets slugged or tunnelled and then DC or kill themselves. Either way it has made Chaos Shuffle a complete waste of time for the most part playing as solo queue survivor.
Have had a bit of fun on killer getting to run random crazy stuff. At least on your own there's no team mates to quit on you and I don't really care what happens, if they all escape or whatever, as its only supposed to be a bit of fun.
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Normal game mode survivor: 150%BP
Chaos Suffle: 50%BP
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Also, whenever they get unhooked, they don't know what to do, since they are used to expecting god mode from OTR and DS, and they forget to use their basekit BT, which is quite strong.
Unless the killer can count to ten, of course. Granted, judging by some of the killer advocates on this forum, that might be a surprisingly limited number of killers.
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Thats what always happens with events or anything else that could be fun. As long as devs ignore that the game is literally a bully-simulator as killer nothing gonna change.
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While I don’t think it’s analogous, I’ve consistently seen killers complain about map offerings in Chaos Shuffle. But I thought BHVR made the offering that dispels those a brown common now so like they could just counter it. One brown add-on invalidates four map offerings.
The other thing are stacked items (I guess toolboxes because the other items blow). Even then though I don’t really think survivors can use them most efficiently since they can’t attach complementary perks to them. The best toolbox in the game shaves maybe 5 seconds off one generator once per match.
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Bout done after this last reset with survivor. Its just not worth the frustration.
Killer you can just load up and chill, make your own rules and be the change you want to see. Which I do and still win nearly every single friggen match.Showing mercy somewhat with some slug races, or red light green light, but I dont wanna tank my MMR. Letting the last go always, which they DC thinking Ill slug mori them sometimes….
Get to have fun interactions as well. Making bunny fengs scream, meme back and forth on a 50/50 looking the wrong direction, loading up with int addons like walking nurse, object only puke plague, crouch only ghostface ..etc..
Most the public that plays killer really just dont have any self awareness of how broken this side is and full send for no reason.
Majority, vast of it, is against soloQ. Should treat it as such rather than make up some silly gen rush excuse.19 -
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That is a needlessly strong accusation and nobody should be engaging with such obvious us vs. them bait as this.
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You actually see this in Lights Out too. Players rely so hard on their perks, that if you take EVERYTHING away like in Lights Out, they flounder. Both sides. I have seen Killers and Survivors both get way lost in the dark to the point it was a one sided stomp in that mode, though usually it's Killer-sided in that sense.
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You're getting 150%? Damn, wish I was. Lucky to see about 25%.
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I refuse to play events now. chaos shuffle is just a bunch if killers playing like a million dollars is on the line. they all slug because they don't have their crutch perks. its annoying as hell.
any other event they just play to be toxic and make it un-fun for everyone,
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tell me you play one side and don't know how the experience for the other side is before telling me so
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To be fair, thats how it is at the moment. But I believe @MamiEmeritus has it backwards. They slug because you dont have anti slug perks. Again, slugging is basekit. No event or game mode will change from what it is currently. This is dbd as a whole until things change.
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Survivor is horrible in any solo queue, event or normal mode, but I do get it. I play a fair bit of killer, more often as time goes on, and SWF's and high level is just P100s making use of their unlimited syringes, brand new parts, borrowed time in a bottle, Commodious and everything else like that. This often carrying Chaos Shuffle survivors way more than the perks.
The game against a decent SWF can be as bad for a normal killer as solo queue is against a full sweat slugging/tunnelling/camping comp wannabe killer for 4 random players.
Killer are then made to feel they have to go into games to deal with a strong team and play as such, but in reality they've come up against a poor solo queue team, in which the survivors aren't necessarily terrible, they just lack communication and any knowledge of each others game and perks so it just becomes a mess of mismatches. Throw in all the other stuff like people playing on tilt often, and getting out the game ASAP and we arrive at what the game has become now.
I don't know how it will ever change now. There's just too many maps and perks and killer powers to make balancing everything completely impossible.
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I had for like, 1 game lmao
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I think not. I think survivors have what they need at base, and those who don't realize or take advantage of that run to special events hoping to make them into to coveted "casual mode." But these modes, while "fun" in nature, are not marketed specifically to casuals. It's just a twist, a rule mix-up. And us who take things more seriously need that as well every once in a while. But all I see are the complaints of casuals, both the level of stuff they usually lose to: "OP Wraith! OP Xenomorph! OP Dracula!" and the exaggeration that usually accompanies it. "Every single match the killer is slugging and hard tunneling! We don't even do 1 gen!" So no, I don't think they need even more special accomodations. Noobs will be noobs.
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“But all I see are the complaints of casuals, both the level of stuff they usually lose to: "OP Wraith! OP Xenomorph! OP Dracula!" and the exaggeration that usually accompanies it. "Every single match the killer is slugging and hard tunneling! We don't even do 1 gen!" So no, I don't think they need even more special accomodations. Noobs will be noobs.”
Buddy you do the same thing saying every killer sucks and that your in extremely high mmr. That’s the same exaggeration your talking about9 -
Buddy, my experience actually lines up with what I say. I never said I'm top MMR. But I'm high MMR, otherwise the survivors wouldn't run full bail out builds, actually do the gens quick, and try as hard as possible to not let the killer get 1 kill. Not every killer sucks, per se, but they're definitely not OP like everyone says. OP would be like stopping the survivors from getting a single gen done, every time. No, the majority of matches I'm seeing are ending after all the gens are done, or 1 gen left. And what the survivors are displaying is not impressive at all to be getting those kinds of results. The amount of times I see people screwing up at loops over and over again, or just standing around doing nothing, but because 1-2 people knew how to play, the whole team gets out, is too many too often. It shows massive imbalance. Because if the killer just didn't know how to chase at any tiles, or just stood still for minute, there's literally nothing he could do to bring that game back. Even playing his best, and making 1 suboptimal play, he's in an unrecoverable game, unless the survivors massively screw up.
This is what I see nearly every time I get on. And when I get easy matches, I know it's not me. It's the weak survivors. Them appearing in matches is the only thing that gives this game the illusion of killer-sidedness. Because it's not killer sided at all. If I wasn't invested in this game, I'd leave it in an instant. It's what I did with Evil Dead, because that game is a legit group bullying power fantasy, where literally nothing the demon does changes the results of the match.
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“Buddy, my experience actually lines up with what I say.”
Your experience is that you struggle a lot as killer but your high mmr. You also said that you tie and lose a lot. That makes 0 sense. And you did say that there were just 2 killers in this game that were good and the rest sucked.
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The base kit BT is only useless if you afk after getting unhooked, as it gives you more than enough time to get to a hook. The purpose of this feature is not to make the game play itself for you, like how DS and OTR does, but to give you a breather after getting unhooked, which means you have to have a brain to get value from it.
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You know killers are faster and can bodyblock you, right?
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Yep, I have been saying this forever: base kit killer is more than enough to get you to high MMR. Proxy camping, running back to hook for a free health state, forcing a 3 gen (still a viable strategy despite the 8 kick limit if you know how to play around it) among other killer "skills" shows that killer players have an entire arsenal at their fingertips no matter what killer they decide to play, regardless of the perks they choose.
Plus, most survivor perks that aren't exhaustion or second chance perks require synergies with other perks or items to fully unlock their potential. Having power struggle without also getting flip flop at the very least means that both of those perks on their own are not as strong as they could be, in fact, they would probably be sitting a C or D tier due to hook spawn numbers. For killer perks however, it's a similar story, but almost every killer perk (minus perks like territorial imperative) are already strong in and of themselves. Sure, running pain res with dead man's switch is a really good combo, but either of those perks by themselves provides magnitudes more influence on a match than flip flop does by itself.
I am not arguing that killer perks should be on the same power level as survivors. I am simply saying that in a mode that provides random loadouts, killers will still come out on top with a decent random build that requires little adjustment to how they normally play because base kit killer skills have gotten to the point where perks are only complementary at lower MMR, or solely exist for gen slowdown at higher MMR to counter survivor gen rush builds.
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Unless you are in basement, this does not really apply. Body blocking works if you are trying to prevent a survivor from running to a specific direction, but since maps are packed with loops in all directions, survivors can go a multitude of ways to find a safe spot.
Survivor bodyblocking a last hook survivor generally works because the killer is focused on one destination, and therefore needs to get from point A to point B. A killer bodyblocking a survivor off the hook works as long as they don't change the destination, so instead of a A to B scenario, it is a A to B, or C, or D, or E.
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Unless you are in basement, this does not really apply. Body blocking works if you are trying to prevent a survivor from running to a specific direction, but since maps are packed with loops in all directions, survivors can go a multitude of ways to find a safe spot.
You have 10 seconds and at least one of the nearby loops is already used up from the last time you went down.
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Ten seconds is a lot of time to get to a loop. There is only really rare instances where it takes more than that to run to safety, and it is usually on specific situations like the corners of the swamp maps. If you don't manage to get to a loop with a pallet or at least a window, it is your fault and you should get punished, and if your teammates created a deadzone, then it is also your teams fault and the survivors should get punish. There is so much the game can do to hold the survivor's hand.
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People are overrelying on their perks
Always have been. I play most of my time without and still beat groups that believe perks are going to save them. Same for both sides. So chaos shuffle does nothing for me. People really should try learning this game without perks at some point.
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Ten seconds is a lot of time to get to a loop.
Not really, especially not with the killer bodyblocking you along the way. There's plenty of dead zones, especially after a chase, as mentioned.
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The main issue is that BHVR is trying to fix things with perks. So people who have issues with a certain aspect are trying to fix them with a perk. Now I do believe they would still run the strongest stuff even if it's not necessary but we also have to partially blame BHVR for the community to play the way they do in those modifiers. They give the community the feeling that hyper optimizing is the only way to have a chance to win. And they have been doing this for years.
Are you constantly getting tunneled out? Just run DS and OtR. Is slugging a regular occurence in your games? Run UB. Did you have bad RNG on the last map you played? Bring x map offering which drastically favors your side. Are survivors efficient on the gens? Just run slowdowns.
Rather than implementing meaningful mechanics to the game that is adressing these things, they just release a perk that deals with it. Or in case of the Nurse an entire killer. Just to combat infinites. The issue is that without the nurse you still had infinites so there was this feeling of necessity to play her. And the same thing applies to perks as well.
And in modes like this you simply cannot rely on perks anymore. Solution? Strong items with strong add-ons and strong maps. Same for killers.1 -
Because of SWF. Even in matches where the Killer is guaranteed to not go up against 4 players with 2nd chance or gen perks, they still tunnel/camp/slug because of SWF.
Those awful gameplay mechanics are not fixed by BHVR because of their viability against SWF since SWF inherently have an unfair advantage. Leads to Killers playing in matches where they are getting swamped by SWF and then they start tunneling/camping/slugging to win while being frustrated and that not only carries over into SoloQ, but Killer do it more in SoloQ to release that pent up rage from those SWF matches, since SoloQ literally can't do anything.
It's a cycle that starts and ends with SWF, yet most of the community can't discuss it and BHVR ignores it like the plague.
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This isn’t true. 4-men SWFs have an escape rate of 41% and are only 2-4% of all lobbies. They’re very rare and aren’t even breaking even with killers
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They don't do it any more than they do in normal matches, but since they do it in at least 50% of normal matches, the event mode is similarly painful.
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Everyone quotes a different escape rate for SWF almost every single time it's brought up. IDC for BHVR's tilted stats anyway.
It's quite clear from a gameplay perspective that SWF is ruining this game for everyone else and has been for years and years. Maybe you guys will start listening when it gets so bad that BHVR puts bots in all the game modes, but by then it'll be too late and rightfully so.
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Same can be said for survs forcing maps and bringing busted med-kits or toolboxes.
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You’re right, the stats are tilted. They don’t count matches with DCs. The kill rates are higher than BHVR says.
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Much much much higher. The community overall lacks critical thinking though so it always get's glossed over. Same as how SWF is the core issue that's ruining the game for everyone else.
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Love it or hate it, but I don’t think this game could survive without SWF.