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Wake Up NERF?!



  • Member Posts: 479

    honestly the 50% speed was pretty silly. However this iteration isn't great either, what it should've been was that they kept the 25% speed but allow everyone on your team to see the exit gates. A small, but useful change to the perk.

  • Member Posts: 898

    didn't BHVR staff make it already obvious that they didn't make this change for the rate of perk usage reason

  • Member Posts: 898

    Nurse literally got hard nerfed quite many patches agoz welcome to 2025.

  • Member Posts: 3,322


  • Member Posts: 48
    edited January 28
  • Member Posts: 542

    Just rework them completely.

    I loved Wake Up, but they completely gutted it for the sole purpose of Sole-Survivor existing. Behavior has an odd way of buffing perks, but then completely rendering them useless -- Calm Spirit for example.

  • Member Posts: 1,060

    Wake Up can go back to 50%, Sole Survivor needs the rework as it’s main function is around other people dying, it’s unhealthy and a situational perk at the same time. These changes are so out of touch and it’s honestly embarrassing as no one asked for these changes.

    But it’s BHVR, nothing new here.

  • Member Posts: 542

    Yep, Remember Me's old version is 16 seconds and now with the new proposed buff it'll be 30 seconds if full hooks.

    Yet Wake Up! deserves a nerf? OK. It's wild and completely out of touch as I actually liked running it with Resilience, especially with the state of how the game is where people DC. I duo-que at times and I have randoms killing themselves on hook or dcing, so let's nerf a perk that objectively gets worse due to the go next crowd.

  • Member Posts: 542

    Oh wow, I didn't even know that was a build in all honesty. 😂

    But yeah, it's just a redundant perk change just for the simple fact of opening a gate fast.

    To me, DBD is about synergy and if someone wants to dedicate their entire build to opening a gate then they should be able to do that. Same for your goalie killer build, but even then I would argue that's completely broken. I haven't seen the build myself, however luckily lol.

  • Member Posts: 898

    because the whole basic concept of perk is awful so why not just take care of something that makes selfish use very viable?

  • Member Posts: 50

    It's funny that they are worried about survivors being selfish while the win condition for survivors is only Escapes according to them since they introduced MMR.

  • Member Posts: 1,749

    For real. While opening gates immediately isn't exactly optimal, it's usually a pretty good idea. But why on earth do they just immediately leave afterward?

    Why not just program it so bots will aggressively attempt to unhook or even hooktrade for any player that's hooked during EGC instead of leaving? That would make for a way better experience for the people that stuck around without DCing. And who cares if the bot gets instadowned or it fails trying to save? That would be more fun and exciting for the remaining survivors and the killer.

  • Member Posts: 89

    yeah, it's strange that i've not heard any complaints about this whatsoever until they updated wake suddenly, there's enough people using it to wait for their teammates to die to warrant nerfing the perk? why was this never even a topic of discussion before now? if it's happening often enough to justify the nerf...then why are so many people not running into these supposed rats at all? i play mostly solo queue and experience my fair share of selfish teammates, but have never once run into one of these wake up users. I didn't wanna say it's all bullshit, but it smells like it to me.

  • Member Posts: 898

    This is a really bad change, it would be better if you just left Wake Up alone and didn't make any changes. The current state of Wake Up is a useful but niche perk, it works for both solo and swf players.

    this perk at it's pre-PTB and early PTB version literally has no direct nor indirect benefit for the team because gate opening speed isn't something your team really needs when yall are alive at all. How is it a bad change then?

    This is ultimately a large nerf to the perk because BHVR has worked to balance the game with killers having a 60% kill rate, it's extremely unlikely players will actually get that 50% speed increase unless they are in a coordinated 4SWF. In solo queue the only way you'll see this is if either the killer is letting everyone live or matchmaking did so bad that a underskilled/new killer was matched against veteran players.

    no, this is a nerf to self-centered aspect of the perk. While i can agree that gate opening speed is something of no use to team, that just further proves the point that perk concept is very flawed and has no place in this game.

    In solo queue you can't stop the killer from quickly tunneling out a teammate and if it's a strong/fast killer that speed burst is needed even more when there are less survivors around to help distract when it comes to opening the exit gate. This is not going to increase the use of Wake Up, if anything it's going to decrease this already low use perk.

    tunneling is something you literally can counter individually without your team and it's absolutely something you can deal with in soloQ. Wake Up again has no use there other for acting like "i give up", hopping into a locker and waiting for killer to close the hatch.

    This is not going to increase the use of Wake Up, if anything it's going to decrease this already low use perk.

    the point of this change is to discourage it's only popular use, and even if perk gets picked less, it will be a good thing for game health.

    Using "selfish players" as an excuse falls flat when matchmaking for survivors doesn't take into account whether or not they played selfishly but instead it's just if they escaped or died. If you want to discourage selfish play then do it with matchmaking/game mechanics that actually have an impact on changing people's selfish behavior, not killing niche perks that were useful for those that don't play selfish. Selfish players aren't excuse at all, they are the justified reason for change since, as i already said, gate opening speed as a self-centered aspect has no place in this game. In fact, you are just further proving the point why it's good for Wake Up to be nerfed in it's self-centered aspect.

  • Member Posts: 271
    edited January 28

    I dont think you guys realized why it even could be problematic. It was sole survivor. Also you guys gotta realize how stacks works If you start off at full power and lose 12.5 % you're being punished for other survivors dying, not rewarded for them living. Also the power/impact of the perk is not very strong to begin with and you want to make the worse case scenario when using the perk even worse. Exit gate already spawn on the same side of the map 66% of the time which favors killers inherently

    It takes 20 seconds to open a gate. So if we are doing it 12.5% faster its 20/1.125 = 17.77 seconds | 25% 20/1.25 = 16 seconds | 37.5% 20/1.375 = 14.545 | 50% 20/1.5 = 13.333 seconds. The buff is nice but i also think it should have a bit more impact. Survivors dont even make it to the exit gate a majority of the time and you want to make it so its bad unless you are running a swf group that can keep each other alive easier. It really should be 50% opening speed. And nerf/ remove the effect of sole survivor. If for some reason 50% is too strong which it isnt at a later date I'd like to see it go to 25% + 25% if there is another survivor alive.

    I would also like to see the aura changed from while opening gate to within X meters(24 probably) of the gate/ this gives survivors a constant beacon of hope instead of something they could miss in chase solo que needs this as swf can tell each other where to go.

    Sole survivor needs a rework anyway heres my idea 1 survivor dead = +100% or 150% healing speed, 2 survivors dead = +75% gen repair speed, 3 survivors dead = scratch marks and blood disappear 200% faster and immune to screaming and aura reading. (also nerf/remove exit opening speed) (personally id also like something like more likely to find keys at 3 survivors dead but that could be problematic)

  • Member Posts: 87
    edited January 28

    It’s very bizarre. You could already combine Wake Up + Sole Survivor to open gates 75% faster which was almost a guaranteed escape depending on the gate spawns and yet, I virtually saw nobody talking about it? I know this change won’t matter to a lot of people as nobody really uses Wake Up, but it was truly one of my comfort perks and it along with We’ll Make It never leave my builds. It’s funny how it’s being labelled as a selfish perk, but one of the few people that use it consistently (me) also run it with We’ll Make It and constantly die to get survivors out during end game. I only really got use out of it if my teammates were being chased when I was opening a gate or if I was the last survivor left standing, which isn’t that uncommon in solo queue when people are currently giving up at the slightest inconvenience.

    Their reasoning for the change would somewhat make sense if there wasn’t already more effective ways to play like a ‘rat’ - but as you’ve also mentioned, there are already perks in the game that are much more effective. It’s almost impossible to counter somebody who brings a key with Left Behind. Especially if they choose to hide all game / hide the key in case you bring Franklins.

    Another thing that I find baffling, is the fact they’re trying to make Wake Up more ‘altruistic’ as if lobbies aren’t full of people bringing perks that only benefit their self. I bring We’ll Make It in all of my games and it’s rare for me to see a random teammate with it. Heck, it can be hard enough just getting a teammate to heal you.

  • Member Posts: 259
    • I don't understand, why did Devs nerf Wake up? I haven't been from the forum for a while. Can someone explain it to me? 🤣
  • Member Posts: 542

    Typical Behavior incompetence when it comes to buffing perks, I'm surprised they haven't went back to Calm Spirit - especially with Thrill of the Hunt changes.

  • Member Posts: 542
    edited January 28

    The problem with altruism in solo-queue is that most people aren't going to play altruistically or even bring perks that benefit the team. Hardly anyone uses Leader unless they're playing with restricted perks like comp teams typically do, so pushing altruism onto solo-queue is redundant. Reminds me of the change when they want to make cooperative healing slower when they introduced the Boon: Circle of Healing changes.

    I wouldn't say I was a huge user of Wake Up! but I liked combining it with Resilience and I am never a selfish gamer even with the "selfish" perk. I literally had a game about a year ago where I played Quentin (Sprint Burst, Distortion, Wake Up, and Resilience) and I 99'd both doors for my team to escape with a permanent tier 3 Myers and him chasing Kate near the exit gate. I ended up dying, but my team all lived and people need to stop stereotyping perks or outright strawmanning people that use perks to help their survivability in a game of Dead By Daylight.

  • Member Posts: 843

    Well how about killers stop qq swf swf swf cause they are playing as a team.

  • Member Posts: 419

    Yes and each time it never was even close to be enough. She still is in dire need of nerfs.

  • Member Posts: 898

    only thong that needs to be nerfed is her synergy with aura perks, maybe blindness status effect during blink charges. Other than that, she is completely fine.

  • Member Posts: 542

    Pallet stunning should take away her blinks. It does that for Blight, why not Nurse?

    Even then, you should be rewarded for pallet stunning a Nurse - yet instead what happens is you pallet stun and still get hit regardless as she renders pallets useless.

  • Member Posts: 207

    preface: I didn't read through the thread.

    BHVR the solution is simple, no need to overthink it and apply high level design brained thinking:

    Make the base value 26%. Add a flat 8% for each additional survivor alive in the trial (up to +24%, total +50%). Rat problem eradicated, single use endgame perk worth using again.

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