Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Freddy Could Really Still Use Some Fine Tweaks

After just facing 3 4 stacks in a row, running the copy pastes usual meta builds with a Shoulder The Burden in the mix, obviously the matches were tough and I lost them. But what I found was it wasn't really to their perks, it was the chase. I was hitting every possible Snare I could and zoning with dream pallets but I just BARELY couldn't get the hit.

This is entirely because the slow is just too low. 12% really is not that rewarding ESPECIALLY to have a now 7 second cooldown.

Most people that have played Clown know that often times his base kit 15% slow isn't enough and hence we run flask of bleach for that extra 4% up to 19% slow.

I have no clue why it was thought that 12% would be enough to help out poor freddy here.

Plus the pallet detonation time is just way to long still…

HUGE CHANGE NEEDED HERE: Asleep survivors should NOT be able to visually tell if a pallet is real or fake. This change that lets people see them while awake is good, I think awake survivors should see the bloody pallet and see it's fake, but asleep survivors shouldn't be able to tell and the pallet should be the same. With how easy it is to wake up now it is no where near necessary to make it visible to sleeping survivors.

Plus it removed the deceptive illusions of them in the first place and instead just turned them into they are never ever ran towards anymore and when they see it is one can just steer to a window instead…


Hinder from Dream Snare 12% → 15%

Pallet Rupture 1.5s → 1s

Decrease Immunity from Clock 30s → 15s

Fake Pallets NEED to look real to sleeping survivors.

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  • Member Posts: 9,513

    i sm pretty sure that freddy snares are about total up time. 7+1 second charge+1 second travel time(9) on 4.5 second hindered is 50% or less up time because in practice, the player doesn't click the ability perfectly on cooldown and fires it perfectly on the charge time.

    I am sure BVHR will revert cooldown change in 2 weeks time. they do that every time on reworks. Hopefully they also make it so that survivor do not wake up when put into dying state. they only wake up when hooked.

  • Member Posts: 3,308

    I do like blowing up pallets. It’s fun.

  • Member Posts: 968

    From my early impressions, the Dream Snares are fine. Unlike Clown, Freddy doesn't have to reload or preaim. He can also hit survivors through walls and other stuff. Clown also has his yellow bottles to speed up while slowdown the survivors with the other ones. Increasing the Hindered status could lean in many free hits, which would feel really awful for the survivors or, in general, unfun situations. The seven seconds cooldown feels also fair. The issue with the five seconds cooldown was an addon that increases the Hindered duration to 5 seconds which meant Freddy was able to always slowdown the survivors which would feel awful on live servers. 7 seconds cooldown with 4.5 duration is good.

    Dream Pallets: the rapture time should be buffed to 1 second or at least 1.2 seconds. The best solution would be when Dream Pallets look like real pallets from a far and when sleepy survivors are nearby they see they are fake ones. We have to keep in mind that SoloQ often does not know which pallet is real and which is not while SWF has this information. So your suggestion would increase the gap between SoloQ and SWF which is not good. Also alongside the buffed rapture time it would become awful since survivors would have no reaction.

    The sleep immunity needs a change because it feels so bad when survivors are immun to your ability and can basically never fall asleep since Alarm Clocks have a 45 seconds cooldown. Maybe remove the sleep immunity completely but when survivors use Clocks, their sleep timer is 80 seconds instead of 60 seconds. This would enable more interaction between killer and survivor.

    I'm love with this ability. It is actually really funny to pull off, especially now with the range buff.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 554

    Can we stop trying to giga buff killers.

    I think Freddy is pretty much fine and perfect how he is.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 554

    that is the single worst idea ever, it would make slugging even worse because you pyscially couldnt even pick up a survivor

  • Member Posts: 279

    Just make it so he can't tp to survivors healing while downed…

    Also we aren't asking a killer to get giga buffed, Freddy in his current state is still at the bottom of the list in C tier, next to piggy and clown (Piggy even better cause she has slow down with traps). While he was in D tier before with Skull Merchant Trapper Myers.

    I firmly believe every killer should AT LEAST be in the B tier category if not even low A, because top tier swfs are always in the high A tier even in S with 4 instas and the right map offerings and copy paste meta builds of Shoulder The Burden.

    Saying you want Freddy to remain in his still relatively weak state, is just saying you want easy mode for free lunch matches. Just admit you don't want to learn how to actually counterplay a killer power, and instead complain to get it nerfed.

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