May I have some help please?

What did I do wrong? Why couldn't I get a stun in or drop the pallet?
Best Answer
Well no, it has nothing to do with you having been crouched, it's how you were lined up with the pallet after you stood up. Like @MaTtRoSiTy said, the prompt can be flaky.
You have the "pull down" prompt only while crouched and shortly after.
I think when you were close to the pallet you also were facing away and lost the option. Then while you were at the opposite corner (when he planted for m2) I think you were just too far away for the drop to be an option.
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So next time I need to crouch then pull down the pallet? Also - Thank you :D
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I feel like sometimes the prompt can be a bit flaky and while I acknowledge someone could say 'git gud', I think after thousands of hours played I know how to drop a pallet lol
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Yeah this one for sure irritated me, I felt like I should have had the option to throw it down.
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Make sure you're not holding down the run button