Boon Rework Suggestion

What if we make boons be a team perk.
This mean that if someone has Boon: Circle of healing.
Any one can bless totems and will apply all boon perks from the team to that totem.
Someone get Peanuts a megaphone. Please.
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YES! 100% I dont see why not! That would be so cool.
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Doesn't change the fact that most Boons, maybe all of them, aren't worth it.
This is a good idea. I'm not sure how they'd implement it, but I like the idea a lot.
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The only real problem I'd see is if a teammate essentially "steals" my boon. If I'm working on a gen with shadowstep next to me, I don't want my teammate across the map to boon a totem and turn off MY totem.
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Honestly I just think they need a range increase, 3/5 booms encourage you to loop the killer in the boon area and I don't want to practically show the killer where it is just to use the perks. Even just increasing it to a 30m radius would be great.
I don't think boons are even that bad, at least not as bad as people suggest just situational. CoH is a great team reset perk, shadowstep can be really annoying if you can set it up in a main building, exponential is fantastic at countering killers that choose to slug which we're seeing and increase of recently, dark theory is basically weaker shadowstep where it can get value in a main building but it's otherwise very mediocre. Illumination is.... okay illumination is trash I can't defend that one lol they really need to give it a map wide bond effect and it'd be excellent.
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Honestly, I throw Illumination on just to get people to go do gens. I haven't use it in solo-queue, but I did use it a lot when playing with people with less hours.
You'd be surprised how nice an illumination is, I usually toss it with Circle of Healing so people reset and know where gens are. ☠️ Especially because many people I find don't run Deja Vu and when I play with my friends (less than 1k hours), I noticed that randoms stealth around a lot.
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So if I understand the idea:
Could each survivor bring 1 boon perk (with one survivor bringing two), and then when a totem is blessed it gets all five boons?
And each survivor could do this to a totem, so there could be four boons up with all the powers for 5 perk slots?
I really think boons should be buffed, but that seems to create a problem.
Now if we're talking 2v8 and they introduce a boon class and that class provides the ability for other players to do boons, I think that could work really well.
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Wait, so each survivor could bring a separate boon perk, or even wors, the same boon perk(s), but all 4 survivors would be able to use them to light a boon and gain access to all 4 perks carried by four different survivors, and this could be done to 4 seperate totems, each with all four boons?
And you don't think this could be problematic in any way, shape or form? Really? 4 shadow steps or four dark theory, all of which would cover a huge section of the map?
SWF would have a field day with this
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Theoretically this wouldnt be the case since it would most likely work like Invocations.
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Well, who knows what the future holds?
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And each survivor could do this to a totem, so there could be four boons up with all the powers for 5 perk slots?
I'd assume it would work like normal boons, and if you set one up, then someone else sets on up, yours disappears. It would require actual team planning to be really effective. Sounds like boon whack a mole in solo'Q lol
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If having a max of one boon deployed was what was meant, that could work better. The survivors trade off the rare potential of having two boons set up for ease in getting boons going.
Though it feels like boons would become an absolute 'must have' where survivors should be using the comms to communicate what boon perks they have in soloq.
Survivors undoing each other boons would be my big worry. If this just leads to 'boon fights' as two survivors just keep reblessing the boons it would be an overall nerf.
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I agree. It would be a boon for SWF, and not so much for solo'Q lol.
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If 4 survivors are booning that means gens are not being done lol my god yall dont ever look at disadvantages to things only what is an advantage?
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That does not, at all, address my fear of multiple shadow steps or multiple Dark Theory at once, covering a large portion of the map. 3-4 shadow steps up at once, potentially near each other? Once line of sight is broken, the chase is essentially over