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Wekser Uroboros infection with Iridiscent addon progresses momentaly

- On wesker taking Iridiscent Uroboros Vial as one of the add-ons
- All survivors become fully infected just a few seconds seconds after the start of the game
- Bug is very easy to replicate and gives competetive advantage
PC (Steam)
It happened to me too as survivor, but i cannot replicate it in a bot match.
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Ive had it happen to me both as Killer and Survivor in public matches.
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Was playing in a SWF when we ran into this, not a single one of us (or anyone in chat, as it was a live TTV group) knew what just happened. For sure needs a killswitch, this would be insane combined with Lethal, especially considering Wesker can Bound across open maps.
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The amount of weskers I've gone against exploiting this bug the past couple of days have been miserable. It's going viral on social media and every wesker I've gone against for the past 4 days have all been exploiting this. Pair it up with lethal and you got a guaranteed down within seconds of starting the match. I really hope he gets killswitched or a quick bugfix because it's gotten out of hand
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yup I’ve experienced this several times too. One video I saw the person said it was hacking cuz they didn’t know it was a bug. But people are definitely exploiting it.
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Thanks a ton for sharing clear reproduction steps and video footage of this here! I've passed this along to the team.
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I did a quick bot match to see if this bug was still active, and it appears to only trigger when Iri Vial is used with the green Video Conference Device add on. I tried it both alone and with an unrelated add on and it did not happen.
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No you can use from what I've seen any additional add-on to trigger the bug. I've seen weskers use green, yellow and brown add-on to go with his iri and they've all given instant infection
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Weird!! I was only able to recreate it with the green. Maybe it's different in customs vs live or something then. Not gonna test that to save my poor survivors' sanity tho lol
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Still currently bugged. I managed this with using the red add-on and purple glasses add-on. Please Kill switch this add on. It is way too oppressive.