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Forget 2v8 I’m just gonna play for the rewards

Member Posts: 6,842

I’m tired of this community not being listened to when we clearly said bots were not a good idea to be added into a lobby. The survivor bots are about as bad as your average solo teammate. And honestly I was over 2v8 after the second round. So anyway that being said for an unbalanced mode I think I’ll pass after getting the free rewards because I’m not dealing with all that nonsense.

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  • Member Posts: 629

    I couldn't even bring myself to play for the rewards last time 😮‍💨

  • Member Posts: 470
    edited February 6

    Thats what happens if devs think of a solution but dont think it through.

  • Member Posts: 239
    edited February 6

    If all the real players are dead, the bots can escape for all I care, I'm not wasting a second of my time chasing a bot. So for me at least, the next event is a 2v6. And we'll have to wait and see if it's worth to play it for the rewards, as for now they only announced skins for sale.

  • Member Posts: 3,402
    edited February 6

    To be fair - nobody gave them any direct feedback other than "Make survivor roles more fun" So what did bhvr try to do? Add more classes, more basekit stuff, herbs and resources.

  • Member Posts: 3,402
    edited February 6

    2v8 never dies out lol….and okay..go ahead… complain. I didnt say you couldnt.

    Post edited by MechWarrior3 on
  • Member Posts: 277

    I respect your opinion and I am glad you shared it. Everything in business is calculated risk. In this case, queue times were prioritized over player experience. I hope you keep an open mind and at least play one lobby. Even if there are bots in the lobby you play, a lot of people worked hard to improve the mode to be fun.

    What personally makes me scratch my head is the flow of information here. We are having this conversation because a journalist didn’t realize how sensitive the information they were reporting was. Did someone really sit in a conference room and say “this will be a very unpopular change, let’s hide this information until they ultimately find out”? I’m sure the strategy pivoted when the news went public — but I wonder when things will become proactive instead of re-re-re-re-reactive.

  • Member Posts: 972

    They said bots will only show in if needed, so it's literally on the community

  • Member Posts: 972

    I meant that the community will kinda rule if they're gonna play against 2 bots every match depending on the role they decide to play

  • Member Posts: 2,048

    Ahh, gotcha. Well with the response of this announcement, I'm willing to bet the number of players who will play this time around will be lower than previous, and I'd almost wager that the deficit is sizable. That speaks volumes about the communities general rule.


    And this all due to speeding up game queues for killer. So it'll be an interesting experiment for both BHVR and us, as there's no info on how the bots will even be added. 'As needed' is very ambiguous, but I'm accepting this decision and curious how it ends up playing out.

    Thank you for clarifying. :)

  • Member Posts: 3,968
    edited February 7

    Meh, it seems to me the choices were:

    • Have bots when in extreme imbalanced queues.
    • Do nothing and let us govern ourselves/just deal with it.
    • Enforce a limited number of times per player they can queue for a particular side when queue imbalance reaches a certain threshold and force so many games on the opposing side to clear the slate.
    • Add a queue priority system that operates on a similar "how many games of Killer/Survivor have been played consecutively" logic based on queue times.

    The latter systems would be the most effective and fair methods of limiting queue times and particular players excessively hogging killer queue... but the complaints of being "forced to play survivor" will be more intense that any other complaints...

    Doing nothing will also yield a lot for complaints as well, you can already hear the "BHVR doesn't care about player experience" posts from just the hypothetical.

    Looks to me like people will pitch a fit no matter what BHVR does in this scenario. Bots is probably the most reasonable and non invasive solution, though if it were me, I'd buff the bots significantly with additonal perks geared towards supporting the real survivor players.

    Let's face it, gaming communities tend to be littered with drama llamas, "what have you done for me lately?" and "me me me" types... and DBD is no different, so this problem looks like a poisoned chalice to me.

  • Member Posts: 4,185

    People are misusing the word "listening".

    Listening just means that BHVR read the feedback, and thought about the feedback. That's literally it.

    Listening doesn't require BHVR to actually implement the feedback into their game. Therefore, it's incorrect for someone to say "we aren't being listened to because our feedback wasn't implemented into the game".

  • Member Posts: 6,842

    thank you for addressing this, I’m sorry for all the criticism I’ve just been super frustrated so this helps.

  • Member Posts: 3,750

    We will see.

    Maybe it is not that bad of an idea. Queue times are really long.

    And the bots are always doing gens.

    Question is - will the bots have their normal "Bot" or not? In this case i would rather not know who is a bot because Killers may focus on them first.

  • Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 23,607

    no need to apologise at all, there's no hard feelings taken - we know this is not personal in the slightest. We have this forum so we have this place that people can vent, it's fully expected. But thank you for taking the time to apologise <3

  • Member Posts: 227

    As Mandy has stated neither incentives nor massive buffs and abilities to survivors were not enough to alleviate nor get people to fill the Queue so this is there next option.

    You are a vocal minority and there was plenty of positive feedback to this on twitter reddit and even on the forums you just did not look hard enough

  • Member Posts: 585

    Will there still be BP incentives for survivor this round? I get the bots but I actually was one of the many people who continued to play the mode, even after I got bored with it, just because I wanted the BP. If there’s that incentive back again this time it would be appreciated.

  • Member Posts: 1,596

    Ah yes I too often have to "look harder" to find the majority opinion on social media.

    Haven't seen anyone happy about this other than a few killer mains thrilled about 2 free kills every match.

  • Member Posts: 3,402

    Did you miss everything Mandy - a dev just said above? ☝🏼

    I’m for the bots - and they won’t even be in every lobby. Just if and when it’s needed to assist in queue times for specific lobbies.

  • Member Posts: 3,402

    False. Queue times are bad because killers want to actually be able to play with their friends. Why is that such a bad thing… At least bots actually do gens. That's more than I can say for most teammates in the soloq experience, lets be so for real.

  • Member Posts: 786

    "I'll address this part directly about not listening to players. We really do listen to players, not just the loudly vocal minority"

    Coming from the woman who admitted to the fact they nerfed skull merchant just because she was complained about and that they intentionally did so with the intention to make her as unplayable as possible then laughed in a youtubers live stream about it

  • Member Posts: 1,399

    Well, I'm past the point where I'm invested in DBD in a way where I want things to go in a direction I like. Personally, in 2v8 one surv disconnecting and a bot taking their place very early in the match did not really have a negative impact. - Though, in how far that is different if two bots are there from the beginning… in no small part depends on how the bots work (watching them is painful more often than not… - but at least they do do gens) and in how far people being annoyed is going to be self fulfilling prophecy.

    During the last two iterations I had a blast - I'll try this way as well and if it's not fun I do what I do with the regular mode of dbd: just not play it (safe for the very few occasions where irl friends want to play a few matches and hang out which currently amounts to… ~2hrs/every other week).

  • Member Posts: 786

    Have you opened twitter or Instagram about this topic in any capacity

  • Member Posts: 3,402

    Yeah, I have. I also looked into Tiktok too. So yes…Also to say Mandy is Gaslighting is a bold statement. I sure hope she doesn't read your comment. That'll be interesting if that one catches wind.

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