Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Legion and Bots are ruining 2v8

Member Posts: 48
edited February 11 in Feedback and Suggestions

I thought the devs wanted to make the survivor experience better in 2v8? Because making the game a 2v6 and adding quite literally the most broken killer possible for this mode isn’t really doing that.

I imagine killer queues will be incredibly long in a few days. Absolutely NOBODY will want to queue for survivor after the “newness” of this mode wears off. Absolutely a trainwreck.

Post edited by Rizzo on

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  • Member Posts: 765

    Legion broken!? it's literally an m1 killer if you just drop the pallet

  • Member Posts: 765

    you just wait and drop pallet only after getting hit, it usually works in the worst case, it's a mind game and 50/50

  • Member Posts: 765

    if destroy all legion pressure and turn off his ability for 20 seconds, it's "wasted pallet" for you, then just try to throw off the palette on reactions

  • Member Posts: 45

    I said "most of the time" i'm not saying there isnt that tiny percent chance to stun legion out of their power lol..

  • Member Posts: 113

    my games so far today: 20-min killer queue, get lobby, other killer leaves. Switch to survivor. I was last one alive besides bots. Killers spend 15 minutes slugging bots repeatedly until they get a situation where they can find and mori me. Two more survivor games where I face infinite mending. Switch to another 20-minute killer lobby. Game started and four survivors dc, leaving us with six bots.

    Dbd is my favorite game…

  • Member Posts: 321
    edited February 11

    From my experience, Bots actually prioritize their teammates over their own safety. You shouldn't care abt if they end up getting themselves killed, they do gens, they stealth very well too. Only problem is they sometimes waste herbs on themselves when they don't need them.

    Regarding Legion, he is perfectly healthy. People seem to forget you don't want to feed him hits, I've noticed that with the considerably reduced mend time that people often mend immediately, giving another opportunity for chain hits. Not sure why people forgot this was a thing but the short mend time could be an incentive trick into feeding Legion. Just don't insta mend and wait, people should quickly learn that he plays just like his normal version.

    Also, survivor at the moment and since the 2nd version of 2v8, has been the stronger role, even in solo queue. Gens still fly with bots on the team theres no excuse as to why survivors should be losing imo. Out of 10 survivor games today, i died once, majority of games being 6 outs or double hatch escapes since theres 3 hatches

  • Member Posts: 321

    The herbs become very useful when everyone has stages to lose and injuries to heal. Someone will very likely find it, and make it respawn near teammates to lose their stages, COMPLETELY FOR FREE!!! Survivor is still obviously the better role in the 2nd and 3rd version of 2v8, the herbs make solo queue so much more bearable. If your teammates just do gens and don't 6 gen, you can win any game against any killer combo.

  • Member Posts: 321

    Um, noooo. That is definitely not how Legion works.

  • Member Posts: 321

    Who doesn't like legion? Hes one of the weakest killers in the game rn. Its your teammates who make them seem strong, because for some reason no one knows how to split up which is super obvious counterplay. Hes not even overtuned, its literally that no one knows how to counter his power, they just insta mend since mending isn't long in this gamemode. Then again, im yet to see a single legion I've played against get 9 hits consecutively, its actually hard to do and you need to activate power on one end of the map and travel to the other side over time, gettung chain hits on the way

  • Member Posts: 321

    Reaction stunning is not worth the gamble. You just need to split up and w key if the legion is onto you

  • Member Posts: 321

    All Mending actions currently takes 5 seconds to complete in 2v8, idk where ur getting "all game" from. It may seem like that is the case since everyone just insta mends and gets hit again by the legion. Thats just your solo queue teammates lacking a brain, and that is because 2v8 has no mmr. Its whole queue system is super flawed, having to pick an individual killer and find a lobby where that killer isn't taken already, then having to find 6 survivor players which for some reason takes long even though it takes 10 seconds to find a team of at least 6 instantly. It comes down to whoever was queuing first for a killer match, they will find opponents first, and the killer to survivor ratio is terrible rn cus survivor gets a bad wrap, even though its obviously the stronger role woth people who actually possess a brain

  • Member Posts: 321

    This entire post seems like an anger rant from a single experience. Play with a few friends that understand basic counterplay, and you'll notice a difference in how many "9 hits" a legion can get in a single game.

  • Member Posts: 440

    Legion is only annoying to face because the survivor playerbase is casual and doesn't understand how to play against them. I have people (not bots) non stop teabagging me to get healed only to instantly get hit by Legion again

  • Member Posts: 1,972

    And with 'Favor The Killer' still being a thing, that assumes you even get the stun without getting struck.

  • Member Posts: 1,972

    I was just in a 18 minute queue and we got two bots. The strat is leave the bot(s) alive and injure them, then watch where they go and you will find the other Survivors. They always run to someone to get healed lol It is awful, so I also won't be playing.

  • Member Posts: 1,215

    the success depends on ping, and 2v8 has a lot of problems with ping, compared to the normal ¸1v4.

  • Member Posts: 45

    I never said that was or wasn't the case, but based on my experience yesterday it is mostly the case. But also id like to add that i personally think Legion was a huge mistake for 2v8.

  • Member Posts: 91

    Legion players should be made wait 40 minutes for a game

  • Member Posts: 1,383

    Legion is a breath of fresh air to me compared to Wraith. I enjoy bullying Legion players

  • Member Posts: 1,215

    I just played against a Legion. They frenzy hit a Meg bot, and I was about to pallet stun them out of the frenzy (or at least try), but the bot dropped the pallet and blocked me, and I got hit with frenzy. I had several other bots fail skill checks on gens or while healing me or someone else, prioritize opening chests and taking items that real players would appreciate to have, come to me while I'm on a gen, teabag me a few times and then just leave…

  • Member Posts: 112

    Legion main here.

    It takes only 6 seconds to mend, and his first few hits aren't fast enough to catch split-up survivors.

    If you have problems with Legion in 2v8, it's a personal problem.

    To those of you complaining about his synergy with oneshot/carry killers: Yes, that's how the support role works. Doubly-so in a game where the duo is designed to be extremely powerful.

    Complaining about Legion is 2018 behavior. My only two responses are to get with the times and get better at the game.

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

    80-90% of my games had a legion. Not even fun anymore because he/she is overplayed… probably overplayed for a reason. Bots are killing the games. Had so many now where the bot doesn't commit to something (like finishing a generator), and it cost the game.

  • Member Posts: 321

    Thats what im saying, he really isn't overtuned in any way. Plus, everyone who plays him kinda sucks and doesn't understand you need to hit everyone to make him useful

  • Member Posts: 321

    Thats what im saying, he really isn't overtuned in any way. Plus, everyone who plays him kinda sucks and doesn't understand you need to hit everyone to make him useful

  • Member Posts: 321

    The counterplay is beings split up, he injures quickly, but can't down you unless he ends power and becomes a basic m1 killer. He seems stronger because of your teammates not splitting up

  • Member Posts: 321

    The counterplay is beings split up, he injures quickly, but can't down you unless he ends power and becomes a basic m1 killer. He seems stronger because of your teammates not splitting up

  • Member Posts: 95
    edited February 17

    Lol found you in another post about the dislike for 2v8. Not everyone plays like you bro. We know you are a looping, gen rushing machine. Want a cookie? Though i am happy for you that your trying to advocate for this game mode.

    I can tell you are def a killer main, trying to convince other people to play survivor, so you can go stabby stabby mend simulator as legion in 2v8. If youre a legion main, just say that.

    You can't convince anyone this iteration of 2v8 is better. Killers got 3 whole new killer, and all survivors got are herbs placed in random ahh places that you have to waste time searching for. Where is the new content for survivor in 2v8? This is one of the points Im trying to get across. I hope you can comprehend that much.

    Post edited by JonahofArk on

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