What are your thoughts on playing AGAINST Legion in 2v8?

I'm finding them very oppressive, there isn't much you can do while they keep frenzying, gens can't get done, the match gets prolonged, especially as they get faster towards the 8th hit, they are making me really dislike playing 2v8 currently ESPECIALLY with how trash the servers hit validation/desync is.
I've played as them a few times also and I just think the information and pressure they bring is just too much for this mode in the sense of a support esque killer class and needs toned down.
shouldn't be in 2v8 in its current state.
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Yeah I'm honestly for them being killswitched.
I'm still baffled that survivors got no new classes when killers keep getting new toys, and they expect us to keep coming back to play?
The bots issue has been answered but, this is just suffering right now and it should have been tested, because whoever did the tests did not think about it at all it feels like.13 -
Please don’t shoot, but honestly it’s not the worst imo. I know it’s not a popular opinion, and I empathize and understand why others don’t like Legion being in. This is a personal opinion it’s not that bad to me. To me there is worse combos.
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No it's fine, your opinion is fine. I'm asking coz I feel it needs to be discussed, what can be made better for them etc
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With medic class he is honestly pretty easy to counter, but without it he is insane.
Honestly haven't seen people struggle to heal against em so I think they're fine
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I haven't found it that bad. I think that's partly because of the skill range — like, it's very possible in 2v8 to get a Legion who can't loop, in which case you just hit them with a pallet when they start their nonsense.
But, even in cases where they can loop, they immediately have a ton of other targets to go for, so they usually just stab you and run to the other side of the map, which means you can mend and go back to whatever you were doing. From my POV, that's the minimally disruptive version of Legion.
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Looping doesn't matter when the servers are toasters, you get hit from so far away, so trading at a pallet is impossible to stop their power, especially when they have the higher movement speed.
Thats assuming everyone has picked medic, and will let you heal them, that and bots.
I do feel like they are a huge reason people dont want to play 2v8 rn ontop of the bots.3 -
So far it hasn't been too bad, but this is mostly because the SBMM seems to be non-existent in this mode and I get matched against turbo noobs all the time. Still, even bad Legions are annoying, but I'm counting my blessings.
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If hiding in lockers actually DID something then this wouldn't be a problem. Lockers should hide Killer Instinct…. I mean they do nothing else…
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well its just that isnt it, the other killer can see their killer instinct too, that's whats so powerful about it, you cannot hide anywhere against them
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The constant mending is very tedious
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I expected that part tbh and don't mind it. Both Killers getting notified won't change.
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We don't really mind them personally. Its pretty much the same as normal except we have to watch out for their partner and less counting (it aint likely having them get a down via frenzy).
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I think it's the increased terror radius allowing more Killer instincts to proc, maybe keep it base TR? IDK if KI is still tied to TR
Yeah, when they play normally and go for downs after pressures I dont mind, but when they are constantly using power only and constantly forcing mending its abysmal.
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Legion is the ultimate slowdown in a modifier with minimal slow down. Yes, it is very oppressive and clearly not thought about before implementation (as if thats new for these devs). Easiest counter is not clumping up which how do you tell (usually) 6 survivors and two tea-bagging-please-heal-me bots to keep distance. Then you have the other killer come behind Legion and just clean up the mess. It's gross and extremely boring. I want to play 2v8, not Mending Simulator
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Well they are helping they're mate via tracking and injuring and you can technically try and for them via pallet to face. Considering the mend time is so short, we really don't feel anything about it. Adding on they can go for 7 other survivors after a hit, if your number 1 its the same as if legion stabbed you first in a normal match. shrug we just don't get the hate
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You mend, you allow them to continue chaining their power and they go REALLY fast in 2v8 with herbs/classes/more than 4 chained, you will be mending before long and 7 other survivors to keep track of its not easy to keep away from others.
I'm thinking all of you don't play survivor much in current 2v8, especially not with the bots to have these opinions.6 -
Believe us, we've been playing a lot of survivor since the wait is painful to us (additonaly, we can invite more friends to the chaos with 8 slots when they're on). So we're confused here:
You mend, you allow them to continue chaining their power and they go REALLY fast in 2v8 with herbs/classes/more than 4 chained, you will be mending before long and 7 other survivors to keep track of its not easy to keep away from others.
Its literally like playing legion in normals, why mend immediately? Also its counting up to 8 at best (we've yet to see a legion pull off that chain without survivors practically letting them) or keeping a eye on the hud till you can guess when they're actually chasing. Its not rocket science. If they're using their power on injured then thats less threat from the duo as well. We again just don't get the hate.
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Okay, I just can't see how someone would think all of it is okay? Maybe you havn't played against a good duo using it yet.
If you dont mend immediatley you aren't doing gens is what I'm saying, I can't control others who allow the chain to keep going, I only have so much time on a generator if that makes sense before i have to run around in circles and stall. they kick the gen and keep going its a vicious cycle, and the other killer stops you from doing the gen, if you are too aggressive.3 -
To me, although the brought up problems with Legion in 2v8 do exist, they are absolutely exaggerated on how bad and prominent they actually are and in the event they're not being exaggerated, then I'm guessing those not exaggerating probably also struggle against Legion in 1v4.
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We have. Its just like HeroLives above, its just our own opinion but unlike them we don't really get why the almost skullmerchant eques hate they're getting. To us they're as annoying as they are in 1v4 or possibly less for the reasons we stated.
You can do gens while deep wounded, you just have to eventually fix yourself but thats beside the point. From what we're understanding (which could be wrong) you dislike that they keep coming back after they stab a teammate after you mend?
I can't control others who allow the chain to keep going, I only have so much time on a generator if that makes sense before i have to run around in circles and stall.
The chain continuing is basically an extreme version of normal 1v4 legion. In solos you have no control whether or not your team gets hit. The second half to us thats basically just any killer coming back to us/happening upon us. Legion, Billy, Blight, Wraith, its like them hitting you, going off and smacking others then coming back/to the gen you happened at. They kick the gen your teammates may or may not be there to stop the regression, same as normals except that its more likely you do have a teammate there. The part we'd understand that would frustrate people is if the second killer came with them to 2v1 you…but thats an inherent part of 2v8 not anything special with legion. Im sorry but none of us really get what the special hate is.
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If you don't get the hate, then you aren't listening at all and thats okay, you've voiced your opinion I tried to make you listen and your just ignoring how people feel, that's not on me at this point. I hope you get legion every game on RPD for the remainder since you enjoy it so much <3
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hits me in frenzy.
hits me in frenzy.
I think this gameplay loop makes me sleepy
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Welp, we we're being nice about it but we see your going to go down that road. We are reading what you typed and you've been pretty much been explaining a typical match with legion. NarkoTri1er above is pretty much explaining typical legion matches to us. Whats different here other than more people and another killer? What is legion specifically adding that new to them making them become more hated? There 2 things that we can think of, the first being that this is the same hate as 1v4 and everyones just being more whiny and the second is the ChurchofPig above is correct in their guess.
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The difference in 1v4 is you do not have a second killer to come behind and kill all of the injured survivors. Legion gets injuries faster than people can heal so then you have a blight or decent huntress behind them, there is not a whole lot you can do. Imagine going against any of the other killers with no mither, its similar (not the same) to that. You either stay injured to work gens and give the second killer an easy down or you waste a ton of time healing.
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their strength isn't in them themselves but what they bring to a duo, and I'm just over listening to someone who doesn't care or listen to what's annoying about it. So just stop. Enjoy RPD Legion/S tier killer as I said. I hope you get it enough that you FINALLY understand why the casual playerbase hate it so much.
When I play Legion I'm never out of my power in 2v8, that's not normal, I'm getting so much value from it its insane, its very easy to use with little punishment, it feels AWFUL to go against. Like you're not even respecting my opinion, so why should I respect someone who comes across as mocking me RPing their opinion while shooting mine down in flames when it's how I feel. lol3 -
Legion's power would have needed severe balance adjustments for 2v8. I hope they do something about mending simulator in the next iteration.
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Legion are fine imho. Facing them in 2V8 doesn't feel any different to facing them in 1V4 to me, except this time they might be paired with a Killer with an oppressive chase power able to pick off injured Survivors. Wraith can do much the same thing as a support Killer (although he also has the power to finish off chases as well).
I find it weird that people are complaining about Legion when you could be facing off against any combination of Blight / Nurse / Spirit / Wesker or Billy. I had a Blight and Nurse combo yesterday. I'm sure you can imagine how that went (yes, we all died very quickly).
Spirit is probably my least favourite in 2V8 (and 1V4), since she has absolutely no counter play at all if you play without headphones (you can pick the Scout class, I guess that helps a little). She goes invisible, you throw the pallet and hope you're on the right side of it or else you die. Fun.
The good thing about Legion is that they're less likely to adopt the double teaming strategy that I find so frustrating to go against. Sure, they'll sometimes team up with the other Killer because their power alerts their partner to where the action is, but they'll usually be zooming about the map applying pressure to gens and won't want to stick around for too long.
As a Legion main, I will admit to being a little biased here. After all, I know how much fun it is to have so many Survivors to chase after. 2V8 is Legion main heaven and it's such an adrenaline rush to pull off a down with your final Frenzy hit (I've only done this once so far). Why would I begrudge other Legion enjoyers of that kind of fun?
I think playing as a Killer can sometimes make you less likely to hate facing them as a Survivor. I don't enjoy facing The Blight, but after trying him out I can at least say I now understand his appeal. It's fun to be a human pinball. I'll never buy him because I felt pretty sick after only 2 games, but I know why people play him and it's changed my perspective a little.
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Thanks for taking the time to share your opinion, its cool to see people enjoy their addition, I just wish it was as fun to play against them as it is to play them. tying KI immunity to deep wounds is probably the main offender even in 1v4.
I feel on their own as you say if you aren't co-ordinating, but I do still feel the annoying double team opinion can still happen much more often with Legion, their power is always beneficial to the other killer you get Killer instinct on Nurse for example for really annoying combos, or Wraith for a more casual version etc, or spirit.
And since KI can apply to injured non deep wounded survivors too it's really easy to capitalise on legions power, Spirit one of the main ones who can as matter of fact.
So I understand, but one persons fun over 8 people, I just don't think it's worth it, legions combo hit rework made me quit maining them, I prefer'd their old addons for punishing SWF's etc, and to see them what feels rushed into 2v8 with this same system encouraging slowing the entire game down, it's awful.
I think them losing their terror radius increase for more KI and maybe even a longer cd, or punishing hitting repeat people/giving said people immunity to KI within a short period of time, just tweaks to their power is what we need in some regard.
As it stands rn, they are very unhealthy for 2v8.4 -
And then thats the problem with legion? Their teammate? Not legion themselves? We got another question then. Lets say a good blight injured you and left you to go murder someone else. What would you do? Would you go looking for someone to heal you? Would you use a medkit you had on hand to self care? Would you do a gen while injured? Depends on the situation right? Same thing. Sometimes your gonna need to work injured against a good bleet, huntress, crow, whatever and need to be more cautious (in 2v8s that usually means lockers or booking it at first sign of trouble). If the partner was super good then you were going down anyways and legion just speed it up by smacking you and running off just like if a wraith smacked you and ran off.
Lets move the scene. Say that in this 2v8 theres a good (skill wise) huntress and spirit. This spirit has been going for hit and runs rapidly, bouncing all over the map just hurting people with an occasional down. Huntress meanwhile cleans up the injured via hatchet applied to face. Switch out spirit for legion and theres little practical difference from our point of view (atleast if the huntress in this scenario is part of the duo or is paying enough attention).
[Apologies if we sound snappy. Having our civility being spited irked some of us]
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Played a lot in the last few hours. My initial problem with this mode was the bots. After playing more I think Legion is by far the worst part about it. The constant mending just makes the game so boring after awhile. The type of boring that makes you want to shut the entire game off for several days. It also leaves you as an easy target for stronger killers. The advice of "just don't heal" does not work in this mode because you can't not heal against strong chase killers like Nurse, Blight, Spirit, etc. You either heal and don't ever get anything done or you don't heal and go down instantly if the other killer isn't completely incompetent. Legion's power just doesn't work in this game mode. I will do the tome and then I will happily not touch the mode again regardless of how high the incentives go. It's not worth playing if I have to go against Legion nearly every match.
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They are difficult to play against.
The general rule should be to not heal and waste time, yet in every match, people heal so much that I’m the only one doing gens.
I feel like they should make it so mending times are really fast, or just remove Deep Wound from their kit (but still make it so they have to go to other survivors for chain hits), and buff them a bit more (a bit longer Frenzy duration, smaller cooldown, etc.)
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We weren't disrespecting it either. We made a statement saying we don't get it and have explained why we don't. The rudest thing we did was calling saying counting to 8 isn't rocket science. If we came across as overtly rude before we're sorry for that but they are literally just bringing themselves [we're distinctly less civil now so we're less sorry for this]. Wraith can do much the same as legion can as a support.
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Oni and Legion would be an insane duo—I do not think they should coexist.
I would like to see Oni in 2v8.
Therefore, lets remove Legion from 2v8.
End of discussion. :)4 -
I would never have guessed that Ermac played DBD during their downtime when they're not competing in Mortal Kombat. That's awesome.
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Honestly I feel like Legion fits in pretty well with the semi-controlled chaos of 2v8, especially with Medics in play
Run fast, injure fast, but also recover from Deep Wound fast and heal back up fast
I will say though, the Killer Instinct detection range could be smaller, being seen across the map by a Killer moving at like 160% speed is pretty ridiculous3 -
I haven’t had any personal issues playing against Legion. I usually just camp pallets and even if they get the hit, I still get the stun and knock them out of their power. It usually conditions them to ignore me the rest of the match. Sorry teammates!
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...wut? 🫥?
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Incredibly annoying, being injured is more of a problem in this mode and killers should earn it, whereas Legion by their design gets free injures and this is fine in a normal 1v4 as Legion has nothing else going for them after that free frenzy hit.
But in this mode I think it is bordering on unfair and these are by far the most obnoxious matches that I really don't even want to play. PLEASE devs take Legion out
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Well then people should pick medic. That class and the one with Sprint Burst/Windows base, and maybe 1-2 Scouts for rebuilding pallets, are the only classes people should be playing if they want to win.
Without medic, just stay injured, because the time sink won't be worth it if you heal.
People "struggle" against Legion because they're used to getting a free second chance in the form of being healthy. They take that for granted, and then accuse any killer it's smarter to stay injured against of being OP. But if Legion is doing his job correctly in this mode, he's barely ever chasing you to down you, unless you stun him out of his power, which is equally in your favor. So you're just playing injured as 8 survivors against 1.5 of a killer when it's supposed to be 2v8. That's why I think the crying about him is unnecessary.
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It's that simple. People apparently say he's impossible to stun "if the player's good enough at Legion."
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Legion is just as annoying as any other killer in this mode.
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It mostly depends on how serious the killer players take the match, I find. - I haven't played much, but during the matches I have played, only few were try-harding, so it was alright-ish. Though, the matches where the killers were try-harding were absolutely miserable.
Given the ping and general latency/lag issues in 2v8, the whole stun-Legion-thing doesn't really work - but well, like I said; most of them aren't taking it serious and if they and their partner are taking it seriously, an inability to stun Leg is kinda the least of your problems 😂2 -
You can play like a bot and run away before they get close.
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Exactly. Run early, camp pallets, make them whiff in Frenzy, spam vault those god pallets and body block for your teammates if you're in deep wound. If you can get Legion out of their power, they're the worst Killer in the game for the next 20 seconds.
When there's a 10 hatchet Huntress and 3 bound Wesker in the mode and people are complaining about a nerfed version of Legion, it makes me think some players just hate going against Legion. It's less about Legion being in 2v8 and more about Legion being Legion.
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I thought he is very good until I faced a team that knew how to bodyblock on RPD and my power went out of the window :D
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Ah yes let me tell the bots and random to switch to my liking, thats JUST how it works haha
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it doesn’t even take long 😂
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He is too common I had him 5 matches a row with blight.
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so I need to do about 10 mends before I can finish a gen, that's not long? if I'm not being downed/chased/hooked