"Go next" prevention cant get here soon enough...

Haven't really been playing much lately with the exception some 2v8 matches over the weekend, but saw a Pig video yesterday and figured I kinda wanna play her since I usually dont. Figured I'd try getting some dash value at loops...
This morning, I log on and hop on Pig... I've played 2 games so far and BOTH have ppl trying to "go next" on the first hook of the match immediately. First guy succeeded... 2nd guy got rescued before he could do more than hit 2nd stage. This is essentially proof that ppl will do this against ANYONE for no reason except they got caught.
going next against a pig is wild.
4 -
Yet surprisingly common. I've seen first hook go nexts again pre-buff, non-tombstone Myers...
I'm sure everyone who doesn't want this thing to come in is permanently against max sweat and cracked Blights, Spirits and Nurses... because I honestly can't see how you can defend this crap otherwise without being a colossal hypocrite...
8 -
Most people reply with "You can't MAKE ppl play a game they don't want to play". I'm not trying to force ppl who want to ragequit to play. I want the rage quitters to NOT play. They shouldn't be queueing up if this is the reaction 60 seconds in.
22 -
The problem is that it is once again the lazy way of dealing with things. Overall it is a positive change - BUT it should not be the only change happening.
OP has brought up 2 games, which is nothing. And while I would agree that people DC/give up over insignificant things, BHVR is not planning to do much against the frustrating things which can lead to people DCing/giving up. E.g. you can most of the time mark a game against a Nurse as a loss, since you basically have to hope that the player is just learning her. And while there are measurements against tunneling, camping and slugging in the works, those are a) months from now (could easily only come in 10 months) and b) we dont even know if they will be effective.
Let alone that forcing players to be stuck in an already lost game is also not really great. If there is a person giving up on their first Hook for whatever reason (despite them getting a penalty), the other 3 Survivors are forced to play out a game which they cannot win. And at this point you are only a BP-Pinata for the Killer.
So while the change is indeed good, it is just too little.
11 -
I'm 3 for 3, lol
3 -
are survivors on strike or something?
1 -
I mean sure, but what do you expect? A complete upheaval of the entire game in a single patch? Just one hail mary huge ass sweep of the entire games balance? How are you meant to assess the impact of anything?
This change addresses one problem, the problem of people instant giving up and ruining any chance a team might have had… once you've fixed that and removed that from the equation you can make a more honest assessment of the genuine state of the game.
Nurse is a unique problem on her own, to complain about "you're not addressing the issues of why people quit" as an argument for saying "this change is bad" is bad faith man. Addressing problems has to be iterative.
I've played against a Nurse who slapped me down in 10s flat and made me look like an absolute putz in the first chase, and every chase I had woth them after... yet I've seen a player absolutely dance with them for a solid minute at a time in the same game. If I just gave up because she owned me at every turn, through something that is clearly an issue with me, that inflates her kill rate and makes it harder to assess her impact on the game.
The same way Skull Merchant had an insanely inflated killrate despite being completely mediocre. You can't make a genuine assessment of a killer if people keep refusing to play the moment things don't go their way.
6 -
The frustrating part... Due to the BP bonus, that last team STILL got more points than me, lol
1 -
to complain about "you're not addressing the issues of why people quit" as a defence for saying "this change is bad" is bad faith man
Which I am not even doing, I said quite the opposite, lol.
And nah, some acknowledgement that there are frustrating things in the game and that there will be work done would be nice. All we currently got was a few killer-sided changes. Heck, even the Anti-Slugging change is killer-sided, despite Survivors suffering from it. (The one in Phase 1, no idea what they are doing in Phase 2)
And while some things will be tackled eventually, it takes far too long. E.g. how long did it take for the Devs to nerf Alchemist Ring? The Add On was a problem from Day 1 and it took them YEARS. And quite a bunch of Survivors will probably have gone next due to a Blight bringing Alchemist Ring. Which could have been prevented if they would pay a bit more attention.
And my last point still stands - why should people be forced to play out games when they are already non-games from the start? I had a game against a Nurse a few days ago, one Hook Suicide and one DC pretty early in the game. Why should I have to stay in that game with the other Survivor, even if it is clear that we will not win and dont even have a chance of winning? Why do I have to play out a game as Killer when Survivors gave up or DCed, despite the game being not a Challenge anymore and therefore not fun at all?
While I think it is fine to punish players who DC or give up first, the other players in the match should at least have the option to leave without Penalty at this point. Just give them their BPs and thats it. This would at least remove the point where players are forced to play out non-games.
6 -
We really have to see how they go about filtering it. If the "go next" measures only target ppl who do this within the first 4 minutes or something... I don't think you'd get caught in that if you want out because 1 person killed themselves and another DCed.
0 -
I don’t dc so idk 100% but I’ve been disconnected before and you get 0 bp so I think if you willing go it’s also 0 bp. I imagine it is frustrating none the less though.
1 -
It's not treated the same as a DC, which is why the last screenshot showed them having more than 0 BPs.
1 -
Which I am not even doing, I said quite the opposite, lol.
Yeah fair enough, I will admit I misrepresented you there, but it doesn't really change my point. You need small iterative changes regarding things like, especially for the nature of the anti-go next system. You probably shouldn't change anything at all about why people go next to ensure the system works as intended.
All we currently got was a few killer-sided changes. Heck, even the Anti-Slugging change is killer-sided
I disagree with you there. The slugging change isn't killer sided at all. You may claim the killer wins faster now on a 4 man slug, so they are more likely to slug, but is that actually true?
No... its not, because the 4 man slug surrender change makes it no more effective than it already was (and its certainly not the easiest and most effective way to win as admitted by many of the lillers who do it). All it does is diminish the survivor side frustration. What does the killer get exactly? Less time to gloat over their win? That seems to be the opposite of a incentive to me.
And while some things will be tackled eventually, it takes far too long. E.g. how long did it take for the Devs to nerf Alchemist Ring? The Add On was a problem from Day 1 and it took them YEARS. And quite a bunch of Survivors will probably have gone next due to a Blight bringing Alchemist Ring.
Yes, but how much have BHVR done in the last year regarding player feedback compared to the previous 7 years? As of their new leaf regarding taking on board community feedback, they've actually done a hell of a lot just this past year alone...
I realise that may not make up for those previous 7 years in your eyes, but you can't keep peddling that forever man.
And my last point still stands - why should people be forced to play out games when they are already non-games from the start? I had a game against a Nurse a few days ago, one Hook Suicide and one DC pretty early in the game. Why should I have to stay in that game with the other Survivor
Isn't this proving the entire point of this thread?
Firstly these 2 players doomed this game for you, how am I as a objective bystander supposed to determine if game was winnable or not in this situation? It may well not have been, but how do you know for sure if this is what happened? This question is entirely what this change is meant to prevent.
Secondly what makes you think you'd be punished after 2 players already SoH and DCd? Why do you assume that isn't taken into account regarding your own decision to leave? Clearly you've been in teh game enough time for 2 other players to die/DC, so what makes you think the system would affect your decision to SoH in any way?
1 -
that’s messed up
0 -
Yeah, I mean, ideally the Survivors get a chance when someone decides to suicide on Hook or DC (a Bot does not count, they are useless). Because most of the time the person giving up is not in a team with the rest. But I think that this is too difficult to implement, because it should not be a disadvantage for the Killer if someone suicides on Hook.
So I think the easier solution would be to allow players who are still in the game to leave without Penalty. They get their BPs they earned until this point and get replaced with Bots. And whoever wants to stay there (e.g. Dailies, Challenges, Achievements could be a reason) can stay there.
But I dont really have fun in a game on either side if there is an early DC or Hook Suicide. It is either unwinnable as Survivor or not really a Challenge as Killer.
2 -
I disagree with you there. The slugging change isn't killer sided at all. You may claim the killer wins faster now on a 4 man slug, so they are more likely to slug, but is that actually true?
No... its not, because the 4 man slug surrender change makes it no more effective than it already was (and its certainly not the easiest and most effective way to win as admitted by many of the lillers who do it). All it does is diminish the survivor side frustration. What does the killer get exactly? Less time to gloat over their win? That seems to be the opposite of a incentive to me.
Thats the thing - the Survivors gain nothing there. The last person being slugged has less time being slugged, sure, but the rest might still be on the ground for up to 4 minutes. And it does nothing to make slugging less strong (and it is REALLY strong currently) and it does not even prevent griefing. If anything, it gives griefers another Kick because Survivors surrender. And you cannot really argue that players who want to grief (and people who go for 4 man slugs usually want to grief) get a great feeling when Survivors surrender.
Heck, they dont even change Knockout in Phase 1, which is the most obvious culprit and a Perk which should not exist like that anymore.
Firstly these 2 players doomed this game for you, how am I as a objective bystander supposed to determine if game was winnable or not in this situation? It may well not have been, but how do you know for sure if this is what happened? This question is entirely what this change is meant to prevent.
Secondly what makes you think you'd be punished after 2 players already SoH and DCd? Why do you assume that isn't taken into account regarding your own decision to leave? Clearly you've been in teh game enough time for 2 other players to die/DC, so what makes you think the system would affect your decision to SoH in any way?
Oh come on. Nurse is an unabalanced design failure, you have little chance with 4 people to survive. Do you really think that 2 people can win against a Nurse? The game is already over when it is a 3v1 since realistically your Gen Progress will go to almost 0 at this point. With 2 it is impossible.
Second point… You dont know that. And neither do I, to be fair. But given their track record, they were not really effective with their measurements. From what we know they could even punish giving up to give another player the Chance to find the Hatch. With how killer-sided BHVR is since a few years, it would not surprise me.
3 -
Oh come on. Nurse is an unabalanced design failure, you have little chance with 4 people to survive. Do you really think that 2 people can win against a Nurse?
Just to clarify, I wasn't talking about having to play out a game where you are 2 left vs. Nurse. Your argument was that Nurse is brokenly strong, herefore games are non games from the start, so why should you have to play out the game?
You then went on to explain how you were in a game that saw a player SoH early and another player DC... that does not prove that Nurse is broken strong and games are a non game from the start. That proves 2 players quit and doomed any chance you might have had of winning.
Now I'm not stupid, I am aware Nurse is the best killer in the game, but my point is, your argument of players being forced to play out lost games is currently an unfounded argument. Most people agree that the point of anti-go next is to stop this immediately quit at the start of the game for no reason epidemic. Simply being downed early and saying "this Nurse is too good" is not a good excuse, as per my original example.
Now in the 2 man left scenario, I would argue you should play out the game, because whats the point of starting the game if you dont intend to try? Yes you probably lose regardless, but maybe you manage to juke the Nurse 3 times? Maybe you hold your own for a whole minute. Thats the fun part of DBD is it not? I would take the gamble on repairing gens and seeing who find finds first, and go for hatch, since that is the point of hatches existence. Chances are she will slug for the 4k, and if you want to give it up at that point, then fair enough, no shame in giving up at that point... but just to inherently give up asks the question why are you even bothering to play at all?
Yes Nurse is extremely strong, I've recommended nerfs for her myself, but if players are quitting as soon as they get downed because "Nurse is OP", they are contributing to this whole problem... how can anyone expect her to get balanced/nerfed when she gets smashed at lower levels and everyone quits at high level?
What it boils down to is you don't get to pick and choose when you apply a principle. You can't have one rule for one player and one rule for another. "Oh you can't instant quit against any killer... except Nurse... Nurse is fine to instant quit". This leaves your argument flawed at the foundation, because your rule is no longer an iron principle, but a rule that bends and morphs whenever you see fit.
0 -
I only answer to this, because you are once again misrepresenting what I wrote. You did that already in this Thread and I know that you did it in the past. This is what I wrote:
And my last point still stands - why should people be forced to play out games when they are already non-games from the start? I had a game against a Nurse a few days ago, one Hook Suicide and one DC pretty early in the game. Why should I have to stay in that game with the other Survivor, even if it is clear that we will not win and dont even have a chance of winning? Why do I have to play out a game as Killer when Survivors gave up or DCed, despite the game being not a Challenge anymore and therefore not fun at all?
I think I made it clear that the issue was not Nurse, but the two people giving up early. The DC happened basically when she blinked (so right at the start) and the Hook Suicide shortly after (probably also triggered by the DC, I cannot blame someone if they dont want to play with a Bot at 5 Gens).
EDIT: And THIS is the issue. Players should not feel like they cannot win and DC right away, leaving the rest of the players in a non-game.I did not even bother reading the rest of your post since you once again start to write something completely different from what I have said. And I think this is really disrespectful. But luckily we dont have to engage here, so I would be fine if we just dont quote each other anymore.
-3 -
People will go next against trapper. There truly is no end to the pettiness.
6 -
I'm sorry what? I'm not trying to misrepresent you at all, what I'm tryimg to do is understand your argument, which you are making painfully unclear...
- Your original point was that the anti go-next mechanic was a lazy way to address the problem and BHVR should do moRe to address the reasons why players go next.
- You then cited that Nurse was basically a sure loss with the implied reasoning that should mean players are allowed to go next.
- I then explained how for a feature such as go next you probably want to do the exact opposite of what you're saying to ensure the feature is done correctly.
- We then got into a debate on how changes are killer sided, specifically the anti slug mechanism is killer side, which I guess we will ultimately have to agree to disagree. We also discussed timeliness of changes, which is not an accurate reflection on modern DBD.
- We then got embroiled in this Nurse argument where you describe a situation you want to go next, that involved 2 other players prior to you going next... this scenario is prevented by the go next system, so how is this evidence that "more is needed to be done to address the reasons people go next"? The solution to this very game you describe IS the go next system...
To be honest, I don't appreciate this characterisation you've given of me; it makes me feel like I'm being misrepresented, and this subsequent dismissal by yourself is well out of line. I have only disagreed and argued the point against you, while trying and struggling to understand your point.
Given your latest response, I have a hard time not concluding your entire chain of comments has been one big "Us vs. Them" bait post. THAT is misrepresenting someone. Do you see the difference?
NOW I will stop quoting you.
11 -
Survivor role simply sucks. But yes, can't wait for BHVR to come with the pro-killer solution of punishing survivors with treating the symptoms rather than dealing with the actual problems.
-1 -
Are there frustrating things in this game? Yeah, I don't think the game would be active without it. But I got to ask, what was frustrating about going against a pig? No boop? No snoot? WTH?
2 -
No clue, but then again... 4 ppl have downvoted my original postwhich is kind of telling.
4 -
Then come up with a good solution, cause I cant even imagne bhvr to find a solution that doesnt make the game more frustrating for anyone that has an actual reason to go next.
-3 -
Flabbergasted. I just… trapper?
4 -
yeah there’s a lot of newer players on the forum. Survivor and killer alike so well don’t take it too personal, they probably think pig is op.
2 -
I'm not entirely sure why it is so surprising that people leave online matches. That exists in every online game. Rage quiting has been around for a couple decades at this point. You needed proof to realize the killer doesn't have to be Nurse for people to not want to be in a particular game?
2 -
Just need to nerf Pig, THEN I'm sure the survivors will be satisfied, lol.
4 -
of course obvious answer.
2 -
It's a regular occurrence for me. The latest one, survivors had azarov offering, I had RPD. Auto haven was the map it selected. I tier up once with Myers and 2 survivors walk up to me, trying to feed me stalk, and clearly want to go next. They even had their map of choice and they still go next.
4 -
Why are we talking about Nurse when the subject is about "going next" against a Pig? Did I miss the part where the Pig blink trapped every survivor or something?
8 -
As I said many times some killers kit frustrates people regardless of how strong, weak or balanced they are. Pig is a walking gen slow down simulator and is the only killer that punishes survivors for their main objective.
Once one person down and gets trapped that is alot of easy pressure worst depending on the map. You now are at risk of killing yourself or teamate cause of rbt and most if not all of them tends to bring the most sweatfest build such as undying, plaything, face the darkness and devour hope with tunneling to boot. I personally prefer pinhead over her anyday.
-2 -
Pig's RBTs have been setup to allow for plenty of time to get it off assuming you arnt wasting it on doing anything else. The survivor can also see that I'm not using Plaything, as well as mark several addons off the list. As for having the mindset "They're probably just gonna tunnel me anyways, let's just go next" as soon as the first hook happens... why even queue up?
7 -
Do you read peoples comment carefully? I see you tend not to as per your convo in another topic with ratcoffee. I am making a general comment, as what I said means that me personally will go next based on what I describe.
You make it sound going to a jigsaw box is an easy task specially on some maps. You still have to watch out and hope the pig does not attempt to tunnel which any stealth killer 95% of time proxy camps hooks anyways. Even if she doesn't, you still have to make sure you do not run into her all the while going for a box on a map like red forest/swamp etc.
Most use both add ons that makes the timer goes very fast along with the perks I mention. I find it totally stupid and believe they unless their injured without and iron will, survivors should not be giving any notifications of searching for a box groaning eeeeeeh aaaaah like a monkey which can then have her easily sneak up and knock you down again and once again some maps makes it harder to try be aware of her.
-8 -
You're trying to paint a "what if" scenario that hasn't happened in this case. The build was pretty damn tame. You have this idea of "Killers COULD do x, y, and z... let's just end it immediately". Why queue up? You didn't answer that part. If you're going to assume the worst on first hook, why queue up?
Sidenote, since your judging me based off my conversation with ratcoffee... Ratcoffee even admitted they misunderstood my argument on that topic because they were talking to someone else and editing the comments. They apologized for that.
8 -
Am not gonna answer the why que up because I do not give up in matches duh. Do you know what general mean? I am not talking about your specific build, am giving an example of builds lol.
No matter what killer or build you do someone will probably will not like it and that is life of a pvp games and just because I said what I said gives you no right to assume that I give up in matches which I do not. Anyways we are finished here.
-9 -
Giving up in a match is the entire point of this thread, lol. As you so elegantly put it, no matter WHAT killer or perks are used, your gonna piss off SOMEONE, which just makes me go back to what I said. Go next prevention can't get here soon enough.
16 -
Agreed. 50/50 on killer and survivor. They ridiculous claims I've seen for giving up. "Don't like this perk, don't like this addon, don't like being found first, don't like this map (they brought the map offering) don't like my teammates". It's a guarantee at this point. So seeing them actually doing something for this is good.
6 -
Not really sure a post needed to be made about this. Its pretty common knowledge already.
But since it is, Until we get some info about what all these prevention systems are, don't hold your breath. If its like the anti-FACE camp, it'll be worthless.
0 -
I’m really cautiously optimistic about it. For me, It definitely depends on how the system will detect it and things like that. It does feel a bit like treating the symptoms and not the cause, similar to gutting skull merchant without tweaking any of the reasons that people found frustrating/difficult. I dont want another SM situation. The fact that she is still in the gutter is really upsetting and unfair for her mains. But yeah, for the most part I’m excited to see what we have in store!
-2 -
The problem with fixing the cause in this case is sometimes... the cause is ridiculous. I get ridding the game of OP stuff, but if your just offing yourself because you got found first and outplayed, there's nothing to fix.
7 -
True. I guess there’s just so many factors that it becomes pretty much impossible to try and “fix” everything cause at the end of the day anyone can find a justification to do anything for any reason. Humans kinda suck like that I guess lol.
Hopefully the stricter penalties will help.
4 -
Were never going to get to the point where everyone universally agrees every perk, addon, killer, and map are perfectly balanced and fun. You kinda have to just do what BHVR is doing and setup both a penalty WHILE tweaking balance things instead of waiting for AFTER perfect balance is achieved.
4 -
Yeah, I agree with that. Everyone has different tastes and strengths and things. One person that can easily deal with a perk or a killer could be really difficult for someone else. The penalty should be helpful, and I’m assuming certain perks like slippery meat or things similar that are in play that it will be balanced differently around it.
In any case, sorry you got DCs! Thats unfortunate.
3 -
I got 3 failed games in a row before I finally came to the conclusion that my fun Pig games wasn't happening and just turned off DBD that day. Pig OP, plz nerf.
5 -
It’s the Snoot— it’s too powerful
2 -
People can downvote your post for any reason they want. I downvoted your post because reading the same complaint over and over again with more speculative "skill issue" commentary is low quality in my opinion.
-5 -
What skill issue commentary? I didn't even discuss the chases or anything, just that it's weird to give up on first hook immediately against a killer who is almost universally considered fair in chase.
5 -
The penalty for giving up on hook is specifically targeted at SoloQ, SWF don't do that so it's something that is only going to make SoloQ even more miserable. Guaranteed, people are going to stop playing SoloQ Surv, literally because of the penalties they'll get and because of the possibility of penalties ontop of no actual improvements to the game balance in any meaningful way.
What's going to be left? Killers facing even more SWF's, which is going to continue to worsen game quality as it's quite clear that BHVR has no interest in actual health improvements for the game, just on preserving their own behinds at the expense of the community. We can check back if these changes are implemented after some time and see how much worse the game has become for Killers and SoloQ.
-4 -
This isn't really a Solo Qvs SWF thing. A SWF not wanting to screw over their friends with bad behavior doesn't mean they have an advantage over a selfish Solo Q teammate who doesn't care about their teammates. This is a behavioral thing. You shouldn't be doing this whether your teammates are on comms with you or not.