Charms should have some advantage

think charms shouldn't only be cosmetic. The devs can add 1 or 0.5 % haste when injured, or not in chase, aura range, 1 second speed boost when not exhausted. Or 1 percent exhaustion recovery speed. 1% boost to healing, vaulting speed etc for survivors.
They can also do similar for killers, 1% hook progression, or breaking/damaging speed. 1 second undetected or haste when carrying a survivor or other slight buffs to perks or add-ons. I can make a whole list of these suggestions that will be easy to implement without breaking the game.
All you have to do is copy the code for the already existing perks/ add-ons and then change the values.
Make the charms mean something other than simply being useless cosmetic add-ons the makes the killers easily find you when you are trying to camouflage into the environment.
Kindly add your inputs here. GGs
There are so many reasons why this is not a good idea.
Such a thing was tried in DBD Mobile and it was pretty universally disliked, even if the effect was relatively minor.
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No. People should use the charms they want to use and not the charms which give them the most benefit.
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They already give an advantage. The shiny ones make you a slightly brighter target for the killer to see, making them more likely to notice and chase you instead of your teammates.
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alternatively: pride charms should allow you to bump your teammates by walking into them, in reference to the "Move, I'm gay" vine. no other charms should do anything
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More like the opposite effect. Killers don't chase survivors who obviously want a chase
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How many charms are in the game? 100? 200?
Good luck with that.
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Ah yes, because people aren't already complaining about add-ons and offerings. 😂
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There! Another advantage~
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Too many killers comments here, I'll like to hear from the survivors too. Thank you.
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I avoid wearing charms because they can give away my position. I don't want to choose between being disadvantaged because my butt glows like the sun vs being disadvantaged because I'm not taking advantage of the charm boost(s). Not to mention, a small boost via a charm when stacked with boosts vis perks can create all new problems that become a balancing headache.
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I will play nice charms that help with BP and XP NOTHING TO DO with changing how the game operates and plays out. That way people can put other offerings without losing BP.
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Biased because your gay or Biased because your gay? It's a horror game there should be no such thing as a meme haven't you ever heard of no favoritism come on these people have a whole month dedicated to them so you want a mechanic be put into the game specifically for them too do you understand how stupid you sound for that? They bleed they scream they make mistakes just like normal people do not give them special treatment
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All gay people should get basekit Fixated since they walk faster. This is a 100% serious balance suggestion and I'm definitely not joking or anything.
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Biased because my gay what?
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No, a killer and survivor should not take note of the bajillion charms in this game and would make the game Pay 2 Win.
What's the point? Then you have people using charms for the simplicity of using charms for a small marginal bonus. I do not feel like any killer (needs to hook and glare at the charms of the survivor's hip) or me as a survivor needing to go up to a killer's hook to investigate what such and such perk a killer has, look it up, and I get stalked by a Ghostface in the downtime.
Not a well thought idea, just no.
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Nope, your idea is just not good. Charms were not designed with the intention of giving an advantage, they are just little accessoires which should add to personalization and customization.
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Charms aren't Survivor speciifc my dude. Unless you're insinuating that only Survivor charms give a bonus?
(But also heck naw. Totally scope creep and power creep.)
(But also I want to use the charms I want instead of being relegated to the meta, so why not lift the charm perks to something more abstract and…. we have 5th perk slot suggestion again)
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Perk balance is already difficult, and you want ANOTHER thing to have a headache about?
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Yes, if anything I as a survivor main disagree with you @Thesevenspirits
Think about a killer or a survivor equipping 3% gen regression on top of the basekit value that a kick provides - on the survivor side you have someone equipping 3% haste charms and you have a basekit Made For This.
Even if you make it specifically set to no duplicate effects, it would cause subtle cheating to be even more of a mistake.
Charms are already a niche (I love them), but we don't need to apply small marginal increases to allow a killer or survivor a charm bonus. Let people decide if they want charms or not. Gonna have people going around with ugly charms like we're in some online RPG game.
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ah yes. p2w on time-limited additions to the game.
hate this, never do it.