Thoughts on Chem Trap

I feel like chemical trap is underused as a perk and not as valued as it should be even as a killer main which I'm usually against all survivor perks but holy this is broken and looks fun to use it gives the killer 2 options which guarantee distance for the survivor walk around the pallet until the survivor messes up or the survivors runs and gains distance or break the pallet causing yourself to be slowed and the survivor gets a good amount of distance which is like insane and I cant even be mad about it because it's kind of clever and means they are actually doing the objective and not just bullying me and it's kind of funny seeing the survivor just whip a almost C4 like contraption out of nowhere and skedaddle off
in conclusion, Chem Trap is broken use it more I love you guys
It's just another SWF bully perk. Unorganized solos who don't even do gens will never use this perk. It's just a "win more" perk. Something as simple as breaking a pallet, which every killer bar Nurse has to do, you get punished for doing with this perk. Ironically, it's the perfect tool against catch-up killers like Hillbilly, Blight, and Wesker (breaking the pallet and still having a chance to get you before you reach the next loop). But people never mention the perk, and just complain about the killer's speed.
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Ive used it before, its comical to see the killer covered in that white dust 😅
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i've tried using it in some of my own rare occasion survivor matches I've been able to use it very efficiently as a solo survivor but I think that's because I actually do gens lmfao but yeah good take man
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I love using it but it’s sometimes very ping reliant if you don’t get the pallet stun at first. I can’t count how many times I go for a stun on the killer but barely miss their hitbox and then spam the chem trap button only for the killer’s kick to take priority over me placing the chem trap. But it is very time efficient against killers that have too large of an ego. They’ll loop around a single pallet for 30+ seconds JUST to avoid being slowed down by chem trap. I’m excited for the anniversary to come back since chem trap was a very good perk to use against killers that loved abusing the remote pallet break.
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It's a very cool perk!
I run Chem Trap in solo a bunch. Just because you're solo doesn't mean you can't do gens.
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I use it from time to time and so far my impression is it's an alright perk.
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It's an okay perk.
I really disliked when they reduced the activation requirement but cut the duration in half from 120 to 60 seconds. I used to love running this perk with Any Means Necessary to essentially pre-trap a pallet outside of chase and lift it back up, but with the much shorter duration it doesn't really work that well anymore.
I wish I had a video of it, but one time I did this against Legion with Iridescent Button (vaulting a pallet breaks it), I dropped the pallet which I had already trapped ahead of time, he vaulted it probably without even realizing it was trapped and got slowed down because he broke it with the addon and ended up losing his frenzy because he couldn't catch up to me with the hindered effect. It was funny.
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meme perk
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I like your name
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I once went against a Blight using Chem Trap and he did not want to mess with me and my little contraption on the pallet.
It's such a beautiful perk, I'm glad I changed the buttons and I usually only put it on very strong loops where the killer and I have to either mind game or they eat the Chem Trap. I'm surprised I don't see it more often. @HeroLives , see, the people love Chem Trap. 😋
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I must say, I do like that they made it easier to get a Chem Trap! Allows the user to actually use it more times in a single trial!
I didn't use Chem Trap before it's perceived "buff", however you look at it. But it was a joy to play with when I went against the Blight on Coldwind. It's a really fun perk to use and really changes the gameplay for you because it makes a killer think twice on breaking the pallet or to continue mindgaming you.
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Chem Trap my beloved
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My love, my love, never leave dear Chem Trap
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I found it really situational. No doubt when it works it works, and it’s absolutely hilarious when it does. I once I finally got value out of it laughed for 5 mins straight, which made all the frustration worth it in the end. Maybe I’ll give it another go. Ngl I straight up had to run to the forums and get help with getting this perk off the ground.
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Just need to find the opportune moment, slap the Chem Trap on a pallet, have the killer look at it with confusion, and you two have a beautiful moment like you're in a romantic comedy and you're golden.
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You really should! I never really had issues using it but I think the best advice I could give is know the map around you have fun man :D
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Its an underused perk compared to Blast Mine and is, I would argue it is equally obnoxious to deal with. If you trap a god pallet with it, you basically get to make it to your next safe loop for free and extend the chase for another 20-30 seconds minimum if you dont screw up.
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Exactly and rewards them for actually doing the objective I love perks like that even though it's sort of a bad thing for being killer
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I’ll give it another go next time I’m on.
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Have fun!
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Chem trap is a funny perk. I like it from both sides. If a survivor is carrying around a Chem Trap and a lute, I start wondering if they have a bag of holding.
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It's underrated for sure. One of many perks people sleep on, for better or worse.
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it’s underused because killers need to break pallets for it to get use which isn’t really happening anymore.
it’s meant to be a perk to discourage killers from breaking the pallet and go around it instead. However, when killers now routinely don’t bother breaking pallets because most of the loops are so unsafe they can be round the other side to clock you one by the time the drop pallet animation/slide across animation is completed, what’s the point? It’s a wasted slot.1 -
I like yours too
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It can lead to some funny and awkward staring across pallets, which is a good thing. My beloved Piggly Wiggly already is fond of meming around if property stimulated.
Cute little survs! Might just increase their chances of surviving! 🤗🤗
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sometimes I like to do an old man bill meme, I’ll just walk around really slow and do everything walking, it usually results in death, but sometimes killers play along and we do a slow motion chase, with slow motion vaults, pallet drops, and what not. He’s old man, he’s got old body and doing his best, all that smoking has really affected his cardio. I imagine sometimes killers are like do they not know how to run? Bill can’t run, he’s old!!!
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I actually use it alot, a lot of killers stop and stare at me for the sheer audacity lmao
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:D Thanks
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The only reason I use it 😏