Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Please do something for hex totems getting cleansed too early in the game.

I can’t even run ruin for god sake’s because it gets cleansed literally when the match starts. Survivors have it so easy to find totem spawns way too easy. They do have survivor totem perks like boons, inner strength, etc. Hex totems get cleansed way too often. The devs need to do a better job changing the positions of where totem spawns. Because they spawn in obvious areas where survivors can easily cleansed it right there and then.

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  • Member Posts: 432

    I think it's super reasonable that they could do a pass of some hexes, and give them new conditions that lights a totem. Ones with stacks I think are the easiest - the totem doesn't light until the perk has a stack.

    Ruin is tough because you want it to work but also not light the moment the match starts, and ruin checking would become the norm if you added "it doesnt light until it shows to survivors". Maybe the totem blocks under certain restrictions (first x gen(s) pop, corrupt rules, something like that?), so survivors can find it and know where it is, but they can't do anything about it in the earlygame?

    I think that'd do a lot for a Hex's usability, just to give killers a guarantee of at least some value before it goes away.

  • Member Posts: 934

    tbh, I've always tjought thatkillers should be able to kindle the totems, and rekindle them if cleansed

  • Member Posts: 649

    I think the Hex perk need an overhaul.

    Hex perk QoL changes:

    -Each Hex Perk have an activate condition.

  • Member Posts: 595

    No, too strong of a change.

    If you were to allow a killer to let's say, rekindle a Devour? Does it keep the tokens that Devour has? How long would it take for the rekindling process?

    I can see the stacking changes, one where the Devour totem stays hidden until a stack is on the perk itself to survivors, sure.

    But rekindling a Hex totem that is arguably much stronger than the average Boon is not necessary.

    I don't even think I agree with Hex placements as Hex placements allow the survivor to memorize totem spawns, making it more RNG based would make Hexes even more stronger on maps like Midwich and Badham for example.

    Sure, it sucks to have a Hex cleansed because it's in a little nook of a hill or in a jungle gym - but it's a high risk, high reward playstyle. You have totem builds that allow you to get more value from them such as Pentimento, Thrill of the Hunt, and Undying as examples for totem defenses.

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 2

    Why not make a perk that allows you to move your hex to another totem since it gets found randomly and boom no more hex.

  • Member Posts: 934

    I think the perk would restart with 0 tokens. It's a buff, but also a nerf, since the killer would start with 0 hexes and would need to "waste" time to kindle them.

    Not to mention that most hexes have a pretty mediocre effect

  • Member Posts: 595

    I see, hm - I still think it would be a strong effect given that you could keep rekindling said perks. You could keep consistently having permanent Ruin, Devo, and any other Hex perk. Hex perks are strong for a reason, which is why survivors go out of their way to cleanse it (unless it's Plaything due to Pentimento existing).

    How long would it take for the killer to relight it? The same amount of time it takes to snuff a boon?

  • Member Posts: 934
    edited March 12

    of course, if the chsnge was done, it'd need a rework of all hex perks. Infinite Ruin would be extremely annoying to play against.

    As for time needed, i'd say 5 seconds.

    Also, clenasing the totem would not destrpy it, but just remove the hex, so the survivor would have to cleans and then destroy the totem

  • Member Posts: 313

    If a killer could move a hex they would move the hexes to the 3gen ideal defenses making their build very hard to counter so no.

  • Member Posts: 595
    edited March 13

    Eh, five seconds is a low amount of time needed to reignite something so strong. Does this apply to a Hex: Undying and Hex: Pentimento as well?

    Sometimes things need to be cleansed to make the game easier, think about a Hex: Huntress Lullaby Doctor that's skill check based.

    If I was to go against one, which I have recently via Lery's I would have one that's reigniting his Undying and Huntress Lullaby (he was guarding his Huntress Lullaby as Undying was gone) - it would be an inherent buff to Undying, which is already a strong perk mind you. I just think if you want totem defense, it's already there.

    You could run Undying, Pentimento, Devour, and Pain Resonance/Surge if you want a versatile build that keeps your totems for a while.

    Edit: I forgot about Thrill of the Hunt, but you could swap Undying for Thrill. I just think with the proposed changes it would make both Undying and Thrill of the Hunt even more buffed from the proposed changes you've mentioned.

    There's a reason why there's a high risk and high reward attached to these playstyles.

  • Member Posts: 95

    Just fix the damn hex spawns already. No more of this bullshit where they can spawn next to generators and literally right in front of survivors at the start of the match.

  • Member Posts: 934

    Remember that each second for the killer means 4 seconds of the survivors

  • Member Posts: 14

    Of course i can feel it since the Hex Totems often Cleansed at feeled minute one the Hexes for Killer are weaker then every other Perk, i guess a new Totem Spawn with lesser visibel Spawns should be nice to see but this game lay to 90% on Survivor side feeled to because Gen Rush and Swf Matchmakings

  • Member Posts: 14
    edited March 13

    The Spawn is like this in many maps it is easy to find them, in that Round the Totem was Cleansed to after 40-60 Seconds

  • Member Posts: 595
    edited March 13

    Can you respond to the rest of the text? Especially regarding strong totems like Undying and Pentimento?

    Edit: do you think Hex Totems are about the same strength as a Boon totem?

    There is no set up timer for a Hex Totem, it has no restrictions, it affects the whole map (while a boon is 24 meters). It takes longer for a survivor to go and find it versus a killer snuffing out a boon.

    You could have a point if the reignited totems do not take as long, but having to recleanse a Thrill of the Hunt and a plethora amount of other hex totems would fundamentally break the game and make SoloQ (the biggest group that plays the game) much worse.

    Post edited by CautionaryMary on
  • Member Posts: 3,968
    edited March 13

    Gonna basically copy pasta my response from elsewhere:

    Tbh, you can't really "fix" totem spawns.

    You might be able to hide "some" of them a little better, but that requires adding additonal clutter to obscure them in the map, but that can make them obvious in of itself... humans are good at recognising patterns, and the tricks you'd employ to hide them will also be figured out passively over time.

    The real issue is after you've been playing for so long you start to learn totem spawn locations passively. I only have about 2000 hrs, and even I have approximately 3 hex totems spawns passively memorised for each map, with a pretty decent general idea of the kinds of locations they spawn as well for most others, and I'm getting better at it all the time.

    The best solution to my mind rrwork all hexes to only light the hex totem when it gains a token or it's effect is revealed. The only exceptions being Haunted Ground and Retribution, which illuminate automatically when another hex is illuminated, or after 60s, whichever comes first. That at least gives the killer a chance to setup/defend their hexes and get some use from at the start of the match.

  • Member Posts: 639

    Hex is a frustration for survivor players, so we are cautious about modifying strength and spawn locations. Frustration on the part of the killer is not taken into account.

  • Member Posts: 934

    as i said before, if the system was implemented, all hexes would need a rework.

    Boons are more powerful because they can be blessed infinitely.

  • Member Posts: 595
    edited March 13

    Boons are not more powerful than Hexes.

    That is genuinely incorrect, as Hexes have more powerful effects.

    Boons can be snuffed within a second and needs to be reblessed, which means a survivor is off a gen.

    Why do you think a survivor goes out of their way to cleanse a Hex totem? Because they're weak? Lol.

    Also, which boons are powerful than let's say, a Devour Hope? Pentimento? Thrill of the Hunt?

    Circle of Healing?

    That's the only one that persistently gives value, along with Shadowstep.

    All of the other ones are situational due to the 24 meter radius.

    Edit: if you want, you can make hexes a 24 meter radius if you genuinely think that boons are stronger than Hexes. 🙃

  • Member Posts: 595

    Precisely, if anything they can change them so they're not loading the survivor in directly on a hex totem.

    Like I said prior, Hexes are high risk and high reward. There are totem defending perks in the game and if your Hex is destroyed - you want to run Thrill of the Hunt (it was buffed recently), Pentimento (it slows down the game), Undying (It replaces your totem with another dull totem). You could run a combination of these, hence why Thrill of the Hunt was nerfed anyways.

  • Member Posts: 15

    At most, create new spawn locations to keep the game more interesting. Since 2017 I have NEVER seen a hex totem spawn in front of me or my friends. Hell we don't even go looking until we realize there's a hex on the map but even then it takes time away from gens, healing etc.

    Do not buff them, Do not give them a delay on spawn. Do not make them ignitable after being cleaned. They are fine the way they are.

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