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Dedicated Server disconections (not from my Side) and Purely Random

SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: Disconecting from the dedicated Server in a Game
I've been playing Dead by Daylight normally like I usually do, but over the last few days I've been getting more and more random disconnects that have kicked me out of games I'm running. It always says the dedicated server is offline even though the game is actually running, and because of this problem I often lose all my blood points and am marked as disconected by the system every Time.
I don't quit the game myself in these games, but the server itself always kicks me out for some reason. I've repaired Dead by Daylight several times via Steam and also checked my internet connection, and in both cases it says everything is completely fine and working.
VIDEO: Sadly no Video to Show because it is to Randomly to make a Video for it sorry.
- Player logs are required from PC players only.
That happens to me a lot , which totally sucks. I even got a six hours penalty for no reason.
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I am used to the dedicated servers not responding but now that we are getting DC penalties from it is ridiculous and this does not bode well for the go-next prevention
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As youre information by a other Side, i guess that this Post here is enough for the Report, i don't know why you opend one to if you can attach youre information here to, well you Double posted then this Issue because the Ground is the same ^^
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Little Push Up because it happens often
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Simple - I could not link a video here.